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Thread: Star Wars: Kylo Ren's dad, aka Han Solo movie

  1. #151
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    Just skimmed through some Breitbart article blaming leftist political correctness for this movie flopping. According to them, the primary reason audiences are avoiding the movie is because Lando is pansexual or something. I had little to no interest in seeing it, and I didn't know anything about Lando's sexuality

  2. #152
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    I've been thinking"always a dangerous statement from me" still feel that Disney buying star wars was a bad decision, you have basically three movies as your source where as marvel you have over 50 years and thousands of comics spanning the multiple decades of social and political change. remember a "new hope came out in 1977 the whole entertainment landscape was very different i was reflecting on this which people forget even the movie rating system was different if i recall correctly there was only g-R and X. look i'm old there was no internet, no AtMs, so you had to plan your whole weekend on Friday, where at the bank you got the amount of cash you thought you would use whole weekend and that was it. i thing maybe Hans has10 -15 minutes of screen time in the first movie and your going to develop a 90 minute movie from that? not to mention a semi-rabid fan base and you have a recipe for disaster

  3. #153
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    One thing that I disliked, L3-37. The character just wasn't funny, I didn't like the whole "freedom for droids" bit, like they are mocking civil rights/equality, and the whole romance with Lando was just plain weird.

  4. #154
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    Well, due to paranoia I lowered my expectations greatly and I ended up loving this film. Miles above TLJ.

    Was this movie dark for anyone? For example, when you see han first meet chewie on that planet, it looked like Chewie was a walking dark mass. No detail or anything. Hoping it was my theaters fault and wont look like this in 4k.

  5. #155
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    The introduction of Chewie was indeed rather dark I have to agree, but I liked it alot. I feared a Rancor would show up, but was pleasently surprised it's Chewbacca. Meanwhile I saw it again and ended up liking it either way. Yet I have to confess this movie might be better off if it wasn't a Star Wars movie. For the franchise itself it felt off a couple of times, yet I still adore the mixture of heist movie / western and sci-fi.

    Too bad many people want to leave it out, althhough I can understand every fatigue-comment so far. It's indeed a tad too much especially if you have been following the animated series so far. A little Star Wars overload indeed...

  6. #156
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    I'm really not even sure why I had no interest in this one... But now that I know that Breitbart readers are celebrating it flopping and blaming it on a characters sexuality, I'm gonna go see it. I haven't been this amped to see a movie since they made that super-gay hedonistic version of Beauty and the Beast.

  7. #157
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    We just saw it.
    It was a LOT of fucking fun and we got a big ass kick out of it.

    Meanwhile, I'm looking at YouTube because I was interested in the whole boycott thing, and FUCK SAKE.

    It's all "cuck" this and "feminazi" that. It's fucking DISGUSTING.
    There's even one that says "make star wars great again."

    it REALLY fucking disgusts me.

    As for Lando's "shocking sexuality?" My wife and I didn't even think about it during the film. Then we saw these YouTube vids and were, at first, wondering what in the fuck they were talking about.

    all it is:
    There's a bit that suggested that he and a droid had some sort of relationship that was MOSTLY played for laughs. it doesn't have a goddamn thing to do with any sort of "agenda." People are fucking idiots.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-04-2018 at 04:23 AM.

  8. #158
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    Yeah, Lando was flamboyant, but that's all. The only one's riding that train were some articles which were praising Lando's pansexuality, which I guess triggered those other folks. So basically one camp of idiots raised another camp of idiots. Good job.

    I also admire how we use every buzzword now (franchise fatigue) to help Solo not look like a flop. Obviously FF is a real thing, but Star Wars is nowhere near Marvel level, and even Marvel is still making big ass numbers. Guys, this desperation does not help this movie at all. It's a decent work, a decent movie, let's not ruin the immersion with trying to act like 3 Star Wars movies in 3 years before Solo totally exhausted the fanbase, lol.

  9. #159
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    This movie was utterly gorgeous. The pacing was great: it was action packed. It had some really cool callbacks to things we've heard about and seen.
    It's set in a familiar universe but WILDLY different from the episodic films.
    The kid DOESN'T really work as Harrison Ford, but it winds up not mattering.
    Most of all, this movie is FUN. It's fun and exciting and the parts that are familiar or flesh out Han and Chewy really tickled me. It lacks the weight and gravitas of the episodic films, but that's not a bad thing.
    It's a fun popcorn movie and we had a hell of a lot of fun watching it.
    Fun is the word. It ain't citizen kane or whatever, but it isn't supposed to be.

    This thing looks like a stepping stone to the future of star wars. It's something entirely new. This time, it's with familiar characters, but eventually, I could see them doing this with all new characters and just a few Easter eggs here and there.

    I highly recommend it, probably ESPECIALLY to casual fans. And it looked pretty incredible on IMAX.
    @Volband , I didn't even see him as flamboyant in a sexual sense.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-04-2018 at 04:40 AM.

  10. #160
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    I've got Franchise Fatigue with Marvel shit. I've got it with Star Wars. I also got it with the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games, and I got the same shit with the Assassin's Creed games.

    Just because Marvel has more variation doesn't mean they're not prone to the same sort of exhaustion from people milking the golden goose before they tear it to pieces. I visited Disneyland the other day w/ my fiancé, and was a little bugged by how much Tomorrowland has basically been transformed into Star Wars Land.

    They're not rolling this out right, and it's actually starting to tarnish the real greatness here, which is Empire Strikes Back. Everything else is cute.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-04-2018 at 04:39 AM.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I've got Franchise Fatigue with Marvel shit. I've got it with Star Wars. I also got it with the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games, and I got the same shit with the Assassin's Creed games.

    Just because Marvel has more variation doesn't mean they're not prone to the same sort of exhaustion from people milking the golden goose before they tear it to pieces. I visited Disneyland the other day w/ my fiancé, and was a little bugged by how much Tomorrowland has basically been transformed into Star Wars Land.

    They're not rolling this out right, and it's actually starting to tarnish the real greatness here, which is Empire Strikes Back. Everything else is cute.
    Hell, idk.
    I don't have star wars fatigue.
    For one thing, the movies are good.
    Secondly, R1 and Solo are REALLY different from star wars as we know it.

    There's also the part where we ONLY go to the movies to see Star Wars these past few years because it's 3 hours round trip to the theater, so it's a special treat.

    Solo: it made us happy and we REALLY needed it. It made us forget our problems and smile and I can't ask for much more than that.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Hell, idk.
    I don't have star wars fatigue.
    For one thing, the movies are good.
    Secondly, R1 and Solo are REALLY different from star wars as we know it.

    There's also the part where we ONLY go to the movies to see Star Wars these past few years because it's 3 hours round trip to the theater, so it's a special treat.

    Solo: it made us happy and we REALLY needed it. It made us forget our problems and smile and I can't ask for much more than that.
    Well, it's very fair to call me out on that, I haven't seen Solo yet, and before I call out about fatigue at this point I should just go see it... and not just because it makes Breitbart readers mad.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Well, it's very fair to call me out on that, I haven't seen Solo yet, and before I call out about fatigue at this point I should just go see it... and not just because it makes Breitbart readers mad.
    Oh, I wasn't trying to "call you out" though .
    I was just talking about how it is for ME.

    But yeah, you sure might like it - just don't expect it to be ANYTHING like any other star wars movies.

    I don't think the force is mentioned once.

  14. #164
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    My point is that if it was episode IX with a grand lightsaber showdown between Rey and Kylo (+most likely other lightsaber users, so they could go ham with that) and with an amazing space battles + 1 sad and/or unexpected death from the main cast, it would still reach 1 billion dollars, despite being in the summer and being (kinda) against IW. Trust me, no one would talk about Deadpool 2 then in terms of a reason for SW doing poorly.

    Even if Disney wouldn't have made a new SW movie for 10 years, and the first one were to be Solo, people still wouldn't care. They would be just pissed about the missing spacefights, siths and lightsaber shenanigans. This is almost not a Star Wars movie to begin with! It's like characters from our beloved franchise were put into a space-western. A very decent space western, mind you, but other than the title card and the familiar names, it could have been just a random sci-fi.
    With movies like Ant-Man or Guardians of the Galaxy, you are still getting your superhero movies. Maybe you like Ironman or X-men more, but if you are into people who are basically one man armies, than these movies will still be enjoyable for you. The same can not be said about the relationship between Solo and the SW trilogies.

    Rogue One was a very mediocre, basic sci-fi movie up until the last 1/3 part, when it turned up all the switches, then suddenly Star Destroyers (<3) were being pushed into each-other, Y-wings (<3) were bombing the shield generator, Darth Vader (<3 !!!!!!) was fucking shit up, meanwhile on the ground, it turned into a dark, sad movie, which was a rather unique take in a SW movie. No one asked for R1 the same way no one asked for Solo either, but R1 ended up being a very decent Star Wars movie, while Solo became a very decent space western with names from Star Wars.

    Also, Disney clearly fucked Solo over with the lack of advertisement. If it's not how movies get euthanized, then I don't know what. Pages ago someone linked that article, which explained the director changes during the making of Solo, and it had some lines about Ron Howard not shying away from advertising this movie on his Facebook or Instgram. Wow!! I bet the cashier in my supermarket is an avid follower of Ron Howard's Facebook. Meanwhile you couldn't find a non-cable channel on your TV last December, which weren't discussing TLJ or SW in general in some way or form.

    Now, I am not sure why Disney did this, when we all know now that the final result is not catastrophic at all.
    Last edited by Volband; 06-04-2018 at 04:59 AM.

  15. #165
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    I hear you @Volband .
    But I'm actually kind of excited about the change and look forward to more spin offs like this.

    I think this sort of thing will be a big part of the future of the franchise and I actually like it. As much as I love the trappings of the Skywalker saga, I love the idea of new kinds of stories taking place in a somewhat familiar universe. As long as the movies are good, I'm down.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-04-2018 at 05:05 AM.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I hear you @Volband .
    But I'm actually kind of excited about the change and look forward to more spin offs like this.

    I think this sort of thing will be a big part of the future of the franchise and I actually like it. As much as I love the trappings of the Skywalker saga, I love the idea of new kinds of stories taking place in a somewhat familiar universe. As long as the movies are good, I'm down.
    I have no problem with spinoffs, I just can't be arsed to be excited about Solo or Boba Fett. Disney could pull off a daylight robbery if they were to accept Revan as canon and made a movie or movies about him. But no, let's make a spinoff about a cool looking assassin, because he looks cool. Well, at least Boba Fett will be believable due to the costume. Han Solo was not Han Solo to me at all here.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Han Solo was not Han Solo to me at all here.
    I agree, but for some reason I didn't mind too much. I don't know how to explain.

    I'm worried about Boba Fett though. We love him because he's mysterious, you know?

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Well, due to paranoia I lowered my expectations greatly and I ended up loving this film. Miles above TLJ.

    Was this movie dark for anyone? For example, when you see han first meet chewie on that planet, it looked like Chewie was a walking dark mass. No detail or anything. Hoping it was my theaters fault and wont look like this in 4k.
    The What The Flick crew of movie critics shit all over the cinematography of the movie as did Red Letter Media. They agree with you that the movie is way too dark.

  19. #169
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    Honestly, it does not look like a movie that cost $250 million. Camera work wise the first half of the movie really doens't have any compelling shots I thought looked impressive, has that dark look, which made sense for these worm aliens that hated the sun. However, the look continued even afterwards to other parts of the movie. It also just looked aesthetically bad and just looks cheap in comparison to the last Star Wars film released. Toward the 2nd half visual wise it seemed to improve like another director took over (Which obviously he did. I just don't know how much of this movie was salvaged and what is new).

    Actually, everything improves after the train heist. Like everyone seems to improve their acting performance, visuals get better, the story kicks into gear and has somewhat some sort of direction or reason for existing. This was a really confusing film as far as what to think about it. I almost left the theater and then the film got more entertaining toward the 2nd half. I also can't really recommend people to see it because of all its problems. I've been telling people to wait until it's on Netflix.

  20. #170
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    Meh. R1 was awesome. Solo was pretty good, not great.

  21. #171
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    This movie cost $250 million cuz they had to film it twice?

    Also, from what I heard, it seems like Disney is trying to go all Marvel with the Star Wars universe. The cameo in this movie definitely leads me to believe that it is pointing in the direction of a certain beloved Star Wars character's own solo movie.

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    This movie cost $250 million cuz they had to film it twice?

    Also, from what I heard, it seems like Disney is trying to go all Marvel with the Star Wars universe. The cameo in this movie definitely leads me to believe that it is pointing in the direction of a certain beloved Star Wars character's own solo movie.
    IDK. The relative failure of Solo might make Disney slow down the number of films churned out and give them pause before they give minor characters like Maul their own movie.

    On another note, when Solo is released on Blu-ray/4k/DVD, I hope they include at least some of the footage that was scrapped. I'd like to know where the film was headed before Howard stepped in.

  23. #173
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    i hope they learned from solo i think they need a hard reset getting rid of Kathleen will be a good start. possibly to quit shitting on the fans. pull back from making everything about social politics. is never a good thing. look there's mothing wrong with strong female leads, and there are plenty of them as long as it's a good story and organic. good ideas should be treated as the exception not the rule. were as marvel was successful not everything needs to be a cinematic universe, my train of thought is drifting and i have company so i might continue this later

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    IDK. The relative failure of Solo might make Disney slow down the number of films churned out and give them pause before they give minor characters like Maul their own movie.

    On another note, when Solo is released on Blu-ray/4k/DVD, I hope they include at least some of the footage that was scrapped. I'd like to know where the film was headed before Howard stepped in.
    Disney doesn't need to slow down anything, because successful movies still reap in $$$. Why fucking up everything in terms of PR (and the idea of this movie itself, ofc) would result in Disney needing to reconsider vomiting out movies? Seriously....

    No, Disney needs to understand their target audience for SW movies, that's all. Moving forward with the Boba Fett movie sounds alarming though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    i hope they learned from solo i think they need a hard reset getting rid of Kathleen will be a good start. possibly to quit shitting on the fans. pull back from making everything about social politics. is never a good thing. look there's mothing wrong with strong female leads, and there are plenty of them as long as it's a good story and organic. good ideas should be treated as the exception not the rule. were as marvel was successful not everything needs to be a cinematic universe, my train of thought is drifting and i have company so i might continue this later
    I wouldn't mind the social politics if it was done good. Not great, just good. When you have so much ammunition to use, yet you end up writing the character and dialogues of Rose, it's not the fault of social politics, it is pure incompetence. I honestly don't know what the fuck is so hard in creating a female character that feels human instead of some abomination created by tumblr quotes.

    To be fair, I didn't see anything bad in this area in R1 and Solo.

  25. #175
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    It's franchise fatigue, plain and simple. That's it. Solo didn't flop because of certain fans perceived flaws with TLJ, it flopped because it's the fourth movie in 2.5 years and TLJ just left theatres.

    Why doesn't EON make a James Bond movie every year, as they are a guaranteed blockbuster? Because a movie every year, no matter how good, would result in franchise fatigue (as it did by the end of the 80's, when there was a film a year for practicality three decades). Now, there is a new 007 every 3-4 years, so there is anticipation, excitement.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 06-17-2018 at 07:50 AM.

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    It's franchise fatigue, plain and simple. That's it. Solo didn't flop because of certain fans perceived flaws with TLJ, it flopped because it's the fourth movie in 2.5 years and TLJ just left theatres.

    Why doesn't EON make a James Bond movie every year, as they are a guaranteed blockbuster? Because a movie every year, no matter how good, would result in franchise fatigue (as it did by the end of the 80's, when there was a film a year for practicality three decades). Now, there is a new 007 every 3-4 years, so there is anticipation, excitement.

    From Wikipedia:

    TFA: 2.068 BILLION
    R1: 1.056 BILLION
    TLJ: 1.333 BILLION
    (s u d d e n f r a n c h i s e f a t i g u e)
    Solo: 322 million

    Seriously now? Is it that hard to admit that no one wanted or cared about a Han Solo movie? I wish episode IX was this December, because I'd love to read what people would come up with, when it's bound to surpass 1 BILLION.

    I'm not saying that on the long run franchise fatigue is not a valid fear, but right now it has nothing to do with the failure of Solo, and I don't see the problem in admitting that when a movie which did not interest anyone to begin with was not even advertised by its mother company, is bound to flop.

    bonus edit: Ant-Man: 519 million.

  27. #177
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    Look at it this way, AOTC made a shitload of money, even though it was awful. But it was released there years after TPM.

  28. #178
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    i don't think franchise fatigue is a valid argument look black panther was still in theaters when infinity wars came out. again solo is not a very deep character especially to do an origin story. you have what a passing conversation in "a new hope" i think rumors to do a boba fett story are even dumber. i think they need to look to successful source material what's wrong with taking story lines from Rebels? Disney is such a media powerhouse at this point even more if the time Warner brothers merger goes through to me kind of sad to see how this franchise is being handled. just my opinion

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    just wanted to say that I still think this movie was garbage. after thinking about it for the past few weeks.

    I think im done with the Star Wars universe for now. too much noise. they need to go away and write an actual plot. and develop some actual characters. instead of pumping these things out every 6 months.

  30. #180
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    Yeah, it ain't franchise fatigue I don't think. It's that casual fans DAMN sure don't give a fuck about a Han Solo movie with no Harrison Solo, and hardcore fans were split: half of us didn't go because we thought it was stupid while the more hardcore fans (aka NEEEEERRRDS, like myself) would go see any star wars movie, even if it featured chimpanzees instead of people.

    Add to that the production problems which made us EXPECT a shitty movie, and yeah, OF COURSE it flopped.

    Oh, and then there's the xenophobic Make Star Wars Great Again people who are furious that there's a fucking goddamn main character ( finn) who's a "fuckin porch monkey" and also that "fat gook bitch" in TLJ and worst of all, WOMEN!( nevermind the fact that Star Wars has had leftist leanings for a long, long time; I've been playing through KOTOR from fucking fifteen years ago and it's one of the most progressive, pro immigrant things I've ever seen.)

    So yeah, it flopped. I saw it not TOO long after it came out and they had the thing where you had to pick your seats like a rock show, like they were expecting it to be sold out, but there was NO SHIT, ONE other person in this massive theater.

    That being said, I fucking LOVED the movie.

    But I wasn't very excited about it, and I can tell you right now that I'm not excited for Boba Fett or Kenobi and I'm DAMN sure not excited about a Rian Johnson trilogy. I mean, I will go see them and I look forward to them, but I'm not like, idk, AMPED UP about them.

    So I expect those movies to flop too.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-19-2018 at 10:34 AM.

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