Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
I am not 'trolling' So calling someone ''retarded'' is wondering? What would of happened if I said that word? Its a double standard.

My opinion on Transgender people is this. I don't wish them any ill will, I would stand up to people bullying them. My Brother is a gay man. The difference is that gay people are not killing themselves in record numbers. I tend to agree with The shapiro's of the world who say we need to do more research. African american's have never killed themselves this much (just each other) When autism was first discovered, we studied it. This has become a political topic so that any research is met with the pro noun crowd who really don't represent those people anyways. I am just worried humanity is doing the wrong thing. If we are going to accept and indoctrinate transgender people across the board we have to do it right. We have to get it right. Now if that makes me ignorant than so be it. Transgender people have rights and should have rights, the same as anyone. They should not have exclusive rights and the idea that I can be charged with a hate crime for not using their pro noun is absurd. Again, I don't think transgender people want the attention the sjw crowd has brought to them.

So now that I clarified that. I saw there was like three messages quoting me so I had to view them even though pretty much everyone in this thread is on ignore. Including the person I am quoting now. I just wanted to clear that up. SCIENCE BITCH! is my stance.

Not fake but interesting documentary and since I don't post in the other thread I will leave it here.
There are so many logical and literary fallacies in this one post that it's making my head hurt trying to piece together what you are trying to illustrate.
Aristotle would lay down some furious knowledge on your post if he were alive.

You are jumping all over the place without backing up your statements and ideas; just the red hearings alone makes it painful to read.
If you want people to stop calling you a troll then you should try to clarify what you are trying to explain without getting antagonistic and refrain from letting peoples jabs irritate you.
Also, try to cease alienating a good portion of the members on this message board.
It goes a long way to admit that you were wrong, apologize, move on, and don't do it again.