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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #991
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    I only like baldwin's impression because it gets under trump's skin. He can't stop himself from tweeting about it.

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  2. #992
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    I don't care for Alec Baldwin's impersonation of Donald Trump. It feels like he tries too hard, a bit over exaggerated for my taste.
    I'm pretty sure that's deliberate.

  3. #993
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I'm pretty sure that's deliberate.
    I know, that's why I said "a bit over exaggerated for my taste."
    It feels like he tries too hard at trying too hard. It's like a movie that purposely tries to be so bad it's good, but ends up just being meh.

  4. #994
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    I only like baldwin's impression because it gets under trump's skin. He can't stop himself from tweeting about it.

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    getting under trump skin couldn't be easier unless it was somehow mixed with dmso

  5. #995
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    I know, that's why I said "a bit over exaggerated for my taste."
    It feels like he tries too hard at trying too hard.
    I mean that he's exaggerating certain facial expressions, monotone voice, etc. as a form of parody that is deliberate; it's beyond "humor;" it's a political statement and a caricature.

    Like this in art:

    Last edited by allegro; 02-05-2017 at 08:20 PM.

  6. #996
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I mean that he's exaggerating certain facial expressions, monotone voice, etc. as a form of parody that is deliberate; it's beyond "humor;" it's a political statement and a caricature.

    Like this in art:

    I think what @Frozen Beach is saying is that the caricature is overdone to the point where the humor fails... I don't agree, but I get the point. As in, imagine if that picture right up there of Trump was just a frozen yoghurt cone... the joke would fail to resonate. The humor lies somewhere in between.

    Funny stuff is a hard thing to pull off. Anyone who actually watched the comedic travesty that was Trump's appearance as host on SNL knows that. Holy shit, watch that again. That is the most uncomfortable hour of television ever aired. Tremendous, disastrously unfunny.

    The new SNL? Actually hilarious again. This is the one way that Trump has made America better. SNL is actually amusing again. Wow. Tremendous.

  7. #997
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    Trump WAS funny in the Hotline Bling skit. I laughed.

    Alec Baldwin is a known liberal and obviously HATES Trump; his imitation is more parody than simple comedy. We are laughing at the deliberate expense of Trump.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-06-2017 at 02:17 AM.

  8. #998
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    Have we talked about this New York Times article yet:

    Just WOW

    Probably the single most revealing/terrifying part:
    "Mr. Bannon remains the president’s dominant adviser, despite Mr. Trump’s anger that he was not fully briefed on details of the executive order he signed giving his chief strategist a seat on the National Security Council, a greater source of frustration to the president than the fallout from the travel ban."

  9. #999
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Trump WAS funny in the Hotline Bling skit. I laughed.
    I disagree tremendously.

  10. #1000
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    Seattle Judge James Robart: "How many arrests have there been of foreign nationals from those seven countries since 9/11?"
    even executive orders must be rational and fact based

  11. #1001
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    "Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting." -Donald Trump.

    People who have contrary opinions to Donald Trump are fake people. They do not exist.

  12. #1002
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    any negative polls are fake news
    any negative polls are fake news
    any negative polls are fake news

  13. #1003
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    He's SAYING that but the above-linked NY Times article indicates that Trump is OBSESSED with TV reports, etc. that gauge his popularity. He is OBSESSED with "good ratings" and polls. He has a pathological need to win and be adored.

    See also: Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

    When a man, women, adolescent, or child is struggling with narcissistic personality disorder, they will exhibit certain signs and symptoms that will be indicators of this mental health disorder. If you or a loved one is struggling with narcissistic personality disorder, these symptoms may help you become aware of what you are dealing with or lead you to reach out for professional help. Common signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder include but are not limited to:

    * Obsession with self
    * Appearing unemotional
    * Setting unrealistic or unattainable goals
    * Easily rejected or hurt
    * Becoming jealous easily
    * Using others to an advantage to reach own goals
    * Reacting to others with shame, anger, or humiliation
    * Difficulty maintaining relationships
    * Requiring constant positive reinforcement and attention from others
    * Dramatization of own importance, talents, and achievements
    * Desiring the best of everything
    * Fantasizing about success, power, and attractiveness
    * Having a fragile self-esteem
    Last edited by allegro; 02-06-2017 at 10:40 AM.

  14. #1004
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    any negative polls are fake news
    any negative polls are fake news
    any negative polls are fake news
    Welcome to the DPRK, enjoy your stay!

  15. #1005
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    ^@allegro, Right, and that's why he has to disregard all negative polls as "fake news." I don't think Trump can stomach the idea of most people hating him. The only way he can confront this is by convincing himself that it can't possibly be true.

    I see the same mentality from all his worshipers at the_Donald. As far as they're concerned, they ARE the country, and almost no one else exists. The 3 million more votes that Hillary got? It MUST be voter fraud. The many millions who have been out in the streets protesting? Those are nothing but "professional protestors" hired by George Soros. Apparently George Soros is so fucking wealthy, he literally has the means to hire millions of people to fill the streets on an ongoing basis.

    One way or another, it all works out that there is no opposition, the while country loves Donald, anyone who claims otherwise is automatically lying, any and all evidence is automatically considered fake.

  16. #1006
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    George Orwell is an example of someone who's done an amazing job, and is getting recognized more and more, I've noticed. Big impact.

  17. #1007
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    The White House press briefing today featured SNL. Spicer called them mean. Hahahaha

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  18. #1008
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    @Jinsai Are you gonna make it through 4 years?

  19. #1009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    @Jinsai Are you gonna make it through 4 years?
    Hanging in there... we'll see if this country can make it through four years of this bullshit.

    On a positive note, while I'm personally not much of a fan of Lady Gaga, her use of "This Land is Your Land" was kind of (potentially) brilliant.

    "There was a big wall that tried to stop me
    the sign was painted, said private property
    but on the back side, it didn't say nothing
    this land was made for you and me...
    one bright sunny morning in the shadow of the steeple
    by the relief office I saw my people
    as they stood hungry
    I stood there wondering if God blessed America for me"

  20. #1010
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  21. #1011
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    call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!
    does that sound like someone crazy no that's the president, wow

  22. #1012
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    Quote Originally Posted by louie_cypher View Post
    call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some fake news media, in order to marginalize, lies!
    Does that sound like someone crazy no that's the president, wow

  23. #1013
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    Ron Rosenbaum, who wrote the book Explaining Hitler, had been asked during last year's election campaign to write about Mango Mussolini. He declined, until now. I strongly recommend reading this:]Against Normalization: The Lesson of the "Munich Post"

    The Munich Post was the only newspaper in Germany that refused to normalize Hitler, the Nazis, and what they were doing. The paper was eventually forced to shut down in March of 1933, not long after Hitler became Chancellor. He often called the Post the "poison kitchen," due to the perceived slander it would cook up about him. Hell, Hitler called any press outlet he didn't like lügenpresse, or "lying press."

    How long until someone in the current regime goes full Hitler and calls CNN or The New York Times "lying press" or a "poison kitchen?"

  24. #1014
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    Quote Originally Posted by leo3375 View Post
    How long until someone in the current regime goes full Hitler and calls CNN or The New York Times "lying press" or a "poison kitchen?"
    You mean like this - where he literally says the words "you are fake news" to a CNN reporter?

  25. #1015
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    oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwd

    When I first saw this headline I thought for sure it was satire. Spicer has doubled down on Trump's gaffe, claiming that they're going to put out a list of terror attacks across Europe that the unfair dishonest media has failed to report on. They're actually insisting that the press is intentionally not running news stories about terrorist attacks... What's their source going to be, InfoWars? Spicer's clarification that they would include instances where attacks were thwarted or "under reported" is bizarre, and it twists a less insane-sounding version out of Trump's statement, completely side-stepping the insinuations he was making. The Bowling Green Massacre wasn't "under reported," it wasn't front page material. It was a story about two Iraqi citizens who tried (and failed) to send money and guns to terrorists. When Kellyanne Conway tried to make a big deal about it, she exaggerated the incident so hyperbolically that it became a joke, and nobody gave a fuck about the actual story... so MAYBE that's why it wasn't all over the news?

    The Washington Post additionally points out that Trump personally made no mention of the recent terrorist attack in Canada, but did Twitter-out about the Louvre attack that claimed no lives. I wonder if that has something to do with the attacks in Canada having no foundation in Islam, and that the attacker 'liked' him on Facebook and had a rabid anti-Islam agenda...

    Or maybe it has something to do with not wanting to address the fact that there's actually two borders to the mainland of this country, and he has no plans for a wall on the northern one?

    Quote Originally Posted by leo3375
    How long until someone in the current regime goes full Hitler and calls CNN or The New York Times "lying press" or a "poison kitchen?"
    Well, now Spicer is saying the New York Times should apologize to Trump for running this story, and on Twitter, the president (AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGG) called them fake news... Also, both Bannon and Trump have labeled the press "the opposition party"
    Last edited by Jinsai; 02-06-2017 at 07:50 PM.

  26. #1016
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwd

    When I first saw this headline I thought for sure it was satire. Spicer has doubled down on Trump's gaffe, claiming that they're going to put out a list of terror attacks across Europe that the unfair dishonest media has failed to report on. They're actually insisting that the press is intentionally not running news stories about terrorist attacks... What's their source going to be, InfoWars? Spicer's clarification that they would include instances where attacks were thwarted or "under reported" is bizarre, and it twists a less insane-sounding version out of Trump's statement, completely side-stepping the insinuations he was making. The Bowling Green Massacre wasn't "under reported," it wasn't front page material. It was a story about two Iraqi citizens who tried (and failed) to send money and guns to terrorists. When Kellyanne Conway tried to make a big deal about it, she exaggerated the incident so hyperbolically that it became a joke, and nobody gave a fuck about the actual story... so MAYBE that's why it wasn't all over the news?

    The Washington Post additionally points out that Trump personally made no mention of the recent terrorist attack in Canada, but did Twitter-out about the Louvre attack that claimed no lives. I wonder if that has something to do with the deaths in Canada having no foundation in Islam, and that the attacker 'liked' him on Facebook and had a rabid anti-Islam agenda...

    Or maybe it has something to do with not wanting to address the fact that there's actually two borders to the mainland of this country, and he has no plans for a wall on the northern one?
    Here is the list.

    No spell check I guess. Attaker?

  27. #1017
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  28. #1018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Here is the list.

    No spell check I guess. Attaker?
    Some of this is completely unverifiable, and this wouldn't line up with the insinuation where this was centralized, given that incidents on this list happened in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Libya, Pakistan, Bosnia, Egypt, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Russia, Turkey...

    And some of these were extensively covered by the press... in the Twitter comments there, you even have a Tweet from someone who wrote a front-page article on one of these incidents for the Wall Street Journal. I mean, the 2016 Brussels attack is on here! The tactic here is pretty transparent... put together a long list and hope that people won't look into it, and will just say "I saw a long list, so I'm convinced and newly terrified! Save me Trump!"

    And actually... this concept very well might have been put into his head via InfoWars

    Also, I haven't looked into every name on this list, but just because someone with a middle-eastern sounding name commits a violent crime, that doesn't de-facto make it an act of terrorism.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 02-06-2017 at 08:43 PM.

  29. #1019
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    The list is pretty ridiculous indeed.
    They listed some stabbing where the attacker is listed as unidentified. How can this be labeled as a terrorist attack?

  30. #1020
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    Even John Yoo, author of the Torture Memos during the George W. Bush administration, has issues with the ban.

    According to this article on Politico about the SNL skit on Spicer, "... it was Spicer’s portrayal by a woman that was most problematic in the president’s eyes...." WTF? I wonder how long Spicer will last. That first ill-fitting suit was his fault, but pretty much everything after that seems to be Spicer following his boss's instructions. Spicer is also doing two jobs, press secretary and communications directory. Either post is a full time job in any administration.

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