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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post

    You, I like! Someone from the opposition with a reasonable tone and perspective.
    Weren't you talking about not knowing what to think a few days ago and now you're back to calling Bernie supporters "the opposition"? Dude, if you're an alt-right, you're better off just coming out.

  2. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Weren't you talking about not knowing what to think a few days ago and now you're back to calling Bernie supporters "the opposition"? Dude, if you're an alt-right, you're better off just coming out.
    The opposition to Trump, not to me, lol. I still do not have a political stance. For whatever it's worth, years ago I did an online test, which told me I am mostly liberal thinking, but link me one or a few tests which you believe are a reliable indicator about my political feelings and pinky promise I will share the results with everyone, whether it says I am pure fascist or communist.

    But nice of you to facepalm me before you even let me sort out this misunderstanding. What I said was misunderstandable, I give you that, but you just assumed the worst before even asking and went with it. It is a tad bit ironic, if you ask me - which you don't.

  3. #423
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    I just finished's test about the 2016 candidates, answering most, but not all questions.

    I'm 38% Donald Trump, 46% Gary Johnson, 50% Jill Stein and fucking 72% Hillary.

    I did another survey, which gave me this useless piece of crap:

    See, turns out we are technically on the same side, except I have no vigorous need to stamp everyone whom I mark as a threat out of fear and/or insecurity. That kind of behavior only causes disdain and alienation, and it is the exact behavior I've seen through countless media platforms from Hillary supporters which would've eventually made me stay home instead of voting for her. Don't get me wrong, Trump fans were and are extremely ignorant, their shallowness was frowned upon by me, but the amount of viciousness and double-standard the other, supposed rational side showcased put me off big time. Then of course, right after the loss - kudos to the exceptions - you performed some A+ drama theater performance, basically getting on your knees crying like a hyena while fisting Trump's legs, instead of admitting how screwed up the whole Hillary campaign was.
    Even now, some of think the most important thing to discuss is figuring out how in 2020, when Trump will SURELY LOSE (you know, like he surely lost in 2016), how damaged he will make the country out of spite. This is the definition of ignorance. Sure, if I was a Democrat, I'd be devastated as well the following few weeks of the defeat, but instead of fear mongering, I'd look ahead while reassessing the situation. First of all, a goddamn moron got elected, how is that possible? Well, on one hand the country must have a large population of dense and/or gullible people, but that can not be a satisfying answer. If you don't reach to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe you are part of the problem, and things needed to be changed in order to be not defeated by simpletons, then no amount of protesting or marches going to help you out. You can point fingers at the Russians, you can bitch about the popular vote (isn't that system 100s of years old? suddenly it's a problem NOW?) and spread flyers across the country of an utopystic future where Trump will eat your children while laughing like a maniac with dwarf hands OR you can stop being insufferably obnoxious and be part of, or hell, even a frontier of a progressive Democrat movement. Even if it is not genuine, everyone is a sucker for a motto like "we screwed up, but now we are here to help!!" instead of "OH MY GOD, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE, WTF YOU ALT-RIGHT IMBECILE FUCKERS, HOLY SHIT, IM LEAVING THE COUNTRY, WTF".

    For example, look at Jinsai's last post. He reads the news, puts together a conspiracy theory in his head, and post it is facts. Trump is out to get you and arrest your ass if you even dare to be on his inaug... ingau... jesus fuck, so on his you know what. Okay, so that's the Democratic way.
    Meanwhile me, a continent aside, not giving much shit about any of this, browsing le reddit when find this news at the top of All. First top comment literally explains that it is a well-known riot procedure, provides source as well. Second top post says even a pro-Trump journalist was arrested. See, I didn't do anything and others put stuff in front of me to use critical thinking.

    Am I saying @Jinsai is wrong? No, we can only make educated guesses, right? I do think he is wrong, as it just makes no sense to trample journalists before anyone could write anything bad about the ceremony, and given how it was recorded via a million cameras, arresting 4 journalists would hardly stop word getting out that there weren't many people there. But hey, maybe the first two top comments there were paid people, and the wikipedia article about kettling is made up and no such thing exists; it's possible, eerything is possible. All I would expect from the people of the party that suffered an embarassing defeat from a clown is to not repeat the same idiotic approach they had during the campaign. "Trump will not win. He will not. Trump winning impossible. He will not win, chill. Hail the first female president of the USA! Trump is a loser. Trump won." which has earie similiraty with "omg, they are imprisoning our journalists!! free speech = O V E R", and by the time will start doing actual, serious damage (he will at some point, I have no doubt about that), people just won't give a fuck, because some people just bitch about everything ,even if 80% of their story was made up in their head.

    See, this is why I said I really like @Wretchedest's style and approach (and name!!). Collected, calm, planning for the future. But expressing these warm feelings of mine towards this most likely handsome gentleman only resulted with me being called an alt-rightist by someone whose 80% of views probably allign with mine.

    *drops mic*

  4. #424
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    ^ Incoherent nonsense; I had friends who were kettled by RCMP at the Toronto G20 summit and if that is 'standard riot procedure' then God help you poor unsuspecting fucks.

    Last edited by botley; 01-25-2017 at 08:24 AM.

  5. #425
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    gag order on epa climate change data being wiped, call you elected official

  6. #426
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    More news from the WH.

    Two Breitbart staffers will join the West Wing.
    Julia Hahn will be Bannon's aide and Breitbart's national security editor will allegedly be on the National Security Council.

    Also this fun fact.
    Yesterday, Press Secretary awarded the first question to Laura Ingraham's blog LifeZette.
    Lots of journalists were pissed off apparently.
    The blog is considered by many to be a fake news website pushing conspiracy theories and whatnot.

  7. #427
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    I recently watched John Oliver's video about ID and voting, which seems ever so relevant right now. It's interesting to see some people getting furious and saying this will hinder Trump's opposition.

    First of all, how on Earth was it not required already?! In here, if you don't have your ID, then you are nobody, it is required basically everywhere. John Oliver argued that getting an ID is extremely tedious, like an ID office is being open 5 times a YEAR and such nonsense, but to me it just screams that you need to change that then. ID should be required at any voting, everywhere, and bureucracy should not hinder anyone from getting an ID within a week at worst.

    Here, if you lose your ID or something, you go to the officials, they take a photo of you and hand you a temporary ID (in a big paper) untl you don't get your card. It's mind-boggling how such an easy feat can't be done in the USA.
    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    ^ Incoherent nonsense; I had friends who were kettled by RCMP at the Toronto G20 summit and if that is 'standard riot procedure' then God help you poor unsuspecting fucks.

    So what, something happened years ago which had nothing to do with Trump and you link a 40 minutes long video where I assume the police was not nice with the protesters who couldn't have hurt a fly. By the way, have you ever seen a video, where a protester said "yeah, some of the fellas in our group were major dumbasses, that's why the police barricaded us. real stupid from those fellas"?

    Also, I never expected my message to be conveyable by everyone. As I said, some people like to cut the tree under themselves, so if you want to continue with the mentality that ended with an embarassing defeat, no one is stopping you. Ride the high horse to the end.

  8. #428
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    I'm buying stock in every major pharma manufacturer that makes blood pressure and anti-anxiety meds. Gonna be a fucking billionaire soon.

  9. #429
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Threatened to send Feds into Chicago: (you ready @allegro?)
    G and I have been asking when or if this would happen for a long time, actually.

  10. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Nobody will succeed. It's not even an option anymore. We had a Civil War and that got pulled off the table. Even if it were, the consequences are too great even for a state like CA. I'd leave CA so fast if they did do it.

    I don't know what will happen, but if I HAD to bet: it'll be like another 8 years under Bush to the left. The left won't achieve any traction for about 4 years (they are fucked for the upcoming midterms). Then, we start seeing establishment Dems back in power because the left hasn't figured out how to change the Dem party.

    The end.

    It's basically the opposite of what I want to see happen.
    Well shit man. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    There is no way in hell he will be reelected. It is not going to happen. In two years, the democrats will take back the house and senate. If he isn't impeached and removed from office, in four years he will safely lose to the most extreme version of far-left you've ever hypothetically considered.

    In the mean time, we need to pressure the ACLU to act, donate actual money to their cause, and start actually signing petitions instead of lazily sharing them on social media. We need to insist that Trump deliver his tax returns, and it's at least somewhat less maddening to hear that Wikileaks is on board with that (fucking finally).
    Four months ago he was 'safely' going to be defeated in a massive landslide. So I'd say it's a little early to be tooting any kind of horn, let alone a fucking kazoo.

  11. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I recently watched John Oliver's video about ID and voting, which seems ever so relevant right now. It's interesting to see some people getting furious and saying this will hinder Trump's opposition.

    First of all, how on Earth was it not required already?! In here, if you don't have your ID, then you are nobody
    You are required to sign a document when you register to vote, and you must present three forms of ID when you register, including photo ID. When you vote, you must sign a document and the Juror at the polling location compares your signature to the one they have on file. One time, I signed a little too fast and it didn't exactly match and three other Jurors had to deliberate as to whether or not that was my signature and they had me re-sign, and I passed. If I didn't, I would THEN have to show ID.

    The reason why we frown on I.D.s is due to a history of discrimination against black people, where voting Jurors rejected those IDs or requested too many forms of IDs and ultimately rejected the voter. Before the Voters Rights Act, polls in the south would require TESTS before black people could be able to vote. Also, old people who do not drive cars generally no longer maintain a current driver's license and have no need for a photo ID, and are now being rejected at the polls in states requiring photo IDs, even though they had an ID when they registered and their signature is on record.

    Also, when you vote, your vote is tallied and nobody else can then come in and show your signature; in that district, there is one sheet with your information on it and when you vote, that sheet is removed from the log and is placed in a container of information of voters who already voted.

    It all works, really.

    We currently have 146.3 million registered voters.

    Your entire POPULATION is 9.987. million.

    The states can't afford to give everybody a picture voter's ID; people move too much, photo IDs are too expensive, etc. When you register, you get a paper Voter ID, but I've never been asked to produce it, ever. Probably because they're way too easy to duplicate/forge.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-25-2017 at 10:24 AM.

  12. #432
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    Wait...there's a freeze for federal workers but he's hiring people from Breitbart? Sonofabitch.

    Also that totally killed my promotion plans. Thanks Obama. Wait...

  13. #433
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Wait...there's a freeze for federal workers
    I guess it doesn't include national security jobs, so Air Traffic Controllers and Military and Homeland Security etc. aren't affected.

  14. #434
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    See the voter ID thing in Canada is a non-issue since we all have health insurance ID cards issued by the Government.
    If you are going to have a mandatory voter ID law, I think it would be the State's responsibility to make sure that, every citizen who is eligible to vote, is being provided with such ID.

    But from what I've read, Republicans have made it super difficult to get IDs in some rural areas.
    So I get why people are against voter ID despite the fact that it's makes so much sense to have an ID when you vote.

  15. #435
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I'm sick of people whining about how it hurts poor people from exercising their rights. You know what else is a codified right? Gun ownership. You know how much time and money you have to spend in some of these states to get a gun? Yeah, that hurts poor people who want to exercise that right too but the Dem states don't give a shit about that. It's only when their potential voters might be impacted. Fuck them.
    So wow, much edgy.

  16. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Make the voters pay for it. Either directly or via taxes.
    Don't be a moron. You can't compare fucking GUN OWNERSHIP to the right to VOTE. What the fuck is WRONG with you? A gun can kill. A vote is a fucking VOTE. You have to take two tests and pay for a driver's license, too, because a car can kill people. Jesus Christ, learn the meaning of the laws.

    The 2nd Amendment clearly states "well regulated." Requiring people to take tests or apply for a permit is the very definition of "regulated."

    If the Government provides free photo voter IDs and they to go to everybody and it has to be FEDERALLY run, not state run, fine. If the State is involved, you're gonna have that "no Negroes" shit that happens down south.

    These are the states with non-ID voter requirements.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-25-2017 at 12:10 PM.

  17. #437
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    Thanks to Trump, Scientists Are Planning to Run For Office
    For American science, the next four years look to be challenging. The newly inaugurated President Trump, and many of his Cabinet picks, have repeatedly cast doubt upon the reality of human-made climate change, questioned the repeatedly proven safety of vaccines. Since the inauguration, the administration has already frozen grants and contracts by the Environmental Protection Agency and gagged researchers at the US Department of Agriculture. Many scientists are asking themselves: What can I do?
    And the answer from a newly formed group called 314 Action is: Get elected.

    The organization, named after the first three digits of pi, is a political action committee that was created to support scientists in running for office. It’s the science version of Emily’s List, which focuses on pro-choice female candidates, or VoteVets, which backs war veterans. “A lot of scientists traditionally feel that science is above politics but we’re seeing that politics is not above getting involved in science,” says founder Shaughnessy Naughton. “We’re losing, and the only way to stop that is to get more people with scientific backgrounds at the table.”

  18. #438
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Sooo. Paid for by taxes just like I said.
    Duh, yes, if the Federal Government provides it, then magic ID fairies certainly aren't going to pay for it. But that covers poor people and senior citizens on fixed incomes.

    You're need to be right is a lot like that orange-haired dude in the Oval Office right now. And I mean "right" in more than one way. *snort*

    Wisconsin gives out free voter ID cards (the state pays for them, duh).

    But, that's WISCONSIN. Many counties in North Carolina were found to have been deliberately ("with surgical precision") denying voting rights to black people.

    The bottom of the WI form is interesting:

    If you don’t have the required documents to prove U.S. Citizenship, name and date of
    birth, and/or legal name change, you can still get a free ID, but you must:
    Be a U.S. Citizen, indicate that the ID card is required free of charge for the purposes of
    voting; and fill out a short form claiming that documents required to prove U.S. Citizenship,
    name and date of birth and/or legal name change are unavailable and require a fee to a
    government agency to obtain.
    That's good, because for really old people, it's sometimes damned near impossible to get a certified birth certificate because some were born in counties where their records were destroyed that far back or the records are just a fucking mess.

    I deal with this sometimes in law, it's a joke.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-25-2017 at 12:52 PM.

  19. #439
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    If it's the rapid deployment, ok i can get that. I'm just not sure it is rapid in context. Trump has a LOT of media scrutiny on him making every little thing well known. Some of it is bullshit (like him "removing" LGBT issues and climate change from the whitehouse website). I don't know how it compares to prior administrations, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Trump is following a similar pace as prior presidents.
    I've actually been wondering about this a lot. I've always had the impression of U.S. politics moving at a really slow pace, which I've often found a bit frustrating. I remember Obama using some metaphor that running the country wasn't like driving a speed boat, but more like trying to steer a big barge (or something like that). This was one of the few things giving me a tiny amount of comfort. "Well, maybe the slow bureaucracy will make things harder for him." But it seems like he's just blazing through all these massive changes. Is he just disregarding a bunch of stuff that previous president's did not? That wouldn't surprise me. Or is it, like you said, that it just feels this way cause we get a news update every time he blinks? I don't know, but I keep thinking "Hey! how come Obama couldn't just ram all this stuff through???!?!?!"

  20. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I've actually been wondering about this a lot. I've always had the impression of U.S. politics moving at a really slow pace, which I've often found a bit frustrating. I remember Obama using some metaphor that running the country wasn't like driving a speed boat, but more like trying to steer a big barge (or something like that). This was one of the few things giving me a tiny amount of comfort. "Well, maybe the slow bureaucracy will make things harder for him." But it seems like he's just blazing through all these massive changes. Is he just disregarding a bunch of stuff that previous president's did not? That wouldn't surprise me. Or is it, like you said, that it just feels this way cause we get a news update every time he blinks? I don't know, but I keep thinking "Hey! how come Obama couldn't just ram all this stuff through???!?!?!"
    Ocean Liner.

    The ban on foreign aid to groups that provide abortion counseling (known as the "Mexico City Policy") is something that every President does pretty quickly, undoing the prior EO; Obama undid GW Bush's EO; GW Bush undid Clinton's EO; Clinton undid Reagan's EO.

    From Wikipedia:

    One of the first acts by the Obama administration after assuming control was an order signed by Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that suspended all pending federal regulations proposed by outgoing President George W. Bush so that they could be reviewed. This was comparable to prior moves by the Bush Administration upon assuming control from Bill Clinton, who in his final 20 days in office issued 12 executive orders.

    Due to the economic crisis, the President enacted a pay freeze for senior White House staff making more than $100,000 per year. The action affected approximately 120 staffers and added up to about a $443,000 savings for the United States government.

    Obama also announced stricter guidelines regarding lobbyists in an effort to raise the ethical standards of the White House. The new policy bans aides from attempting to influence the administration for at least two years if they leave his staff. It also bans aides on staff from working on matters they have previously lobbied on, or to approach agencies that they targeted while on staff. Their ban also included a gift-giving ban. However, one day later he nominated William J. Lynn III, a lobbyist for defence contractor Raytheon, for the position of Deputy Secretary of Defense. Obama later nominated William Corr, an anti-tobacco lobbyist, for Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services.

    In his first week in office, President Obama signed an executive order suspending all the ongoing proceedings of Guantanamo military commission and ordering that the detention facility would be shut down within the year. He also signed an order requiring the Army Field Manual to be used as guide for terror interrogations, banning torture and other illegal coercive techniques, such as waterboarding. Obama also issued an executive order entitled "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel," setting stricter limitations on incoming executive branch employees and placing tighter restrictions on lobbying in the White House. Obama signed two Presidential Memoranda concerning energy independence, ordering the Department of Transportation to establish higher fuel efficiency standards before 2011 models are released and allowing states to raise their emissions standards above the national standard. He also ended the Mexico City Policy, which banned funds to international groups that provide abortion services or counselling.

    In his first week he also established a policy of producing a weekly Saturday morning video address available on and YouTube, much like those released during his transition period. The first address had been viewed by 600,000 YouTube viewers by the next afternoon. The policy is likened to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's fireside chats and George W. Bush's weekly radio addresses.

    The first piece of legislation signed by Obama was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on January 29, which promoted fair pay regardless of gender, race, or age. Lilly Ledbetter joined Obama and his wife, Michelle, as he signed the bill, fulfilling his campaign pledge to nullify Ledbetter v. Goodyear.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-25-2017 at 01:37 PM.

  21. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    So what, something happened years ago which had nothing to do with Trump and you link a 40 minutes long video where I assume the police was not nice with the protesters who couldn't have hurt a fly. By the way, have you ever seen a video, where a protester said "yeah, some of the fellas in our group were major dumbasses, that's why the police barricaded us. real stupid from those fellas"?

    Also, I never expected my message to be conveyable by everyone. As I said, some people like to cut the tree under themselves, so if you want to continue with the mentality that ended with an embarassing defeat, no one is stopping you. Ride the high horse to the end.
    You are babbling utter nonsense and profess to have gleaned your understanding of how militarized police detain crowds in protests from a fucking Reddit comment. Please by all means continue telling me how to respond to that.

  22. #442
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    Anyone watching the press conference? He's actually doing it. He's actually building the wall.

  23. #443
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    I don't think many Americans realize that he's using the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (approved by then-Senator Obama) to do it.

  24. #444
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    Mark this one down on your calendar. "Trump Wall" day #1 - January 25, 2017.

    When will they start building it? Trump said: "I would say in months".
    Or to be more precise. “As soon as we can. As soon as we can physically do it,” he said when asked when construction will begin.
    (Taking cue from Trent, Mr. Trump?)

    When will Mexico reimburse the US? Trump said the US will be “reimbursed at a later date.” and "I'm just telling you there will be a payment".

    Now, let's have some fun imaginary bets on when that wall will be completed and when will Mexico completely reimburse the costs incurred by the US gov.
    I say ... never and ... well you guessed it .. never.

  25. #445
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    It's refreshing to see a politician to make good on their promises. No matter what I think about these ideas, he's doing what he said he would be doing. Can't really blame him for that

  26. #446
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    She called you a moron for bringing the gun fetish into a discussion about voting.

  27. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    It's refreshing to see a politician to make good on their promises. No matter what I think about these ideas, he's doing what he said he would be doing. Can't really blame him for that
    my thoughts exactly. and in such a short period of time.

  28. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think many Americans realize that he's using the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (approved by then-Senator Obama) to do it.
    Signed into law by Dubya. $1.2B allocated and already used. The act did not include forcing another country into paying for it.
    Last edited by Baphomette; 01-25-2017 at 03:57 PM.

  29. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Signed into law by Dubya. $1.2B allocated and already used. The act did not include forcing another country into paying for it.
    He ain't gonna get Mexico to pay for it, that's total bullshit. We CAN'T get Mexico to pay for it. Impossible.

    The Repugs are gonna push through a measure in Congress for more funding for the Fence Act. Which they've been trying to do since they ran out of money.

    But Mexico has already told Trump to fuck off.

    Trump is probably thinking "trade tariffs" to offset the cost of the wall, that's what I'm thinking.

  30. #450
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I prefer to refer to both as constitutionally codified rights. So it's pretty moronic to compare either to "driving a car"
    No it isn't.

    We require people to get a license, even if they are poor, because a car is a heavy and dangerous vehicle.

    And a gun is regulated per the 2nd Amendment, because a gun is dangerous and because the military wants to have more guns than civilians.

    But our founding fathers never foresaw the need for Photo IDs when voting. That ain't in the Constitution.

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