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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #391
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    He won't be impeached, regardless. If Congress remains in Republican hands for all 4 years, he's untouchable. If the Democrats regain enough seats at the midterm to stymie him, it'll lead to 2 years of gridlock and then the 2020 elections. If somehow the Democrats gain a huge majority in the midterms, they'll keep him in the chair for the remaining two years just to flex their muscles and make their future candidate for 2020 appear to be the only obvious alternative. Either way, Trump gets 4 years minimum and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. Best case scenario is getting a surge of fresh bodies in Congress during the midterms and hope they have some small sliver of integrity.

  2. #392
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    Wtf on this:

    USDA Scientists Have Been Put On Lockdown Under Trump
    “Starting immediately and until further notice” the department’s main research division “will not release any public-facing documents,” according to an internal memo. "This includes, but is not limited to, news releases, photos, fact sheets, news feeds, and social media content."
    Now Trump has issued a total media blackout for both the EPA and the USDA.

    Welcome to North Korea. We'll have to start calling him Kim Jong Trump.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 07:01 PM.

  3. #393
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    He won't be impeached, regardless. If Congress remains in Republican hands for all 4 years, he's untouchable.
    Ah, but I'm old enough to remember Nixon, Watergate, and the Abuse of Power allegations, which garnered 10 Republican votes from the House Judiciary Committee, just enough to push Nixon into fearing criminal charges and forcing him to resign.

    If anybody is likely to cross the Abuse of Power line, it's Trump.

    See this. Nixon and Trump are equally vindictive, and that is what brought down Nixon.

    These new transcripts make abundantly clear that Watergate indeed sprang from the bitter soil of Nixon's vindictiveness, the longstanding grudges and festering slights and wounds going back decades. Arguably the scandal began in 1971 with the publication of the Pentagon Papers, a classified 7,000-page Defense Department document on the origins and conduct of the Vietnam War that had been obtained by The New York Times. Nixon saw the publication as evidence of a great liberal Democratic Establishment plot against him. And his inability to do anything about it triggered a towering rage.

    ''We're up against an enemy, a conspiracy,'' he thunders to Haldeman and Henry Kissinger on July 1, 1971, in a newly published transcript. ''They're using any means. We are going to use any means. Is that clear?'' This included dispatching a secret White House team, ''the Plumbers,'' to dig up dirt on Daniel Ellsberg, the former Kissinger aide who said he was the one who had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press. A few months later the Plumbers broke into the Los Angeles office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist to photograph Ellsberg's records, but found nothing, and left behind a messy crime scene. Since some of the Plumbers were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel a year later, Nixon was understandably frightened that the Watergate investigation would reveal other illegalities, so a cover-up was vital, even if it meant paying the burglars hush money or trying to get the C.I.A. to obstruct the F.B.I.'s investigation using the pretext of national security.

    If there were ever serious doubts that Nixon was directly involved in raising the hush money, these new tapes should put them to rest once and for all. There are several conversations here in which Nixon thanks a wealthy contributor, Thomas Pappas, for ''what you're doing to help out on some of these things. . . . I won't say anything further.'' (Nixon's lawyer and Judas, John Dean, called Pappas ''the Greek bearing gifts.'') Later, Nixon asks his longtime secretary, Rose Mary Woods, to reach Pappas and make sure he keeps his mouth shut -- ''I don't want to have anything indicating that I was thanking him for raising money for the Watergate defendants'' -- and cautions her not to talk on the phone.


    His vindictiveness is, at times, comic. ''I'm going to get that Council on Foreign Relations,'' the President sputters. ''I'm going to chop those bastards off right at the neck.'' Furious at The Washington Post, he demands revenge: ''They don't really realize how rough I can play. I've been such a nice guy around here. . . . But when I start, I will kill them.'' He's going to revoke the F.C.C. license of one of the Post-owned television stations and, what's more, ''They're off the guest list, they don't come to the Christmas party.''

    And there are his squirmingly embarrassing attempts at expressing affection: ''You're a strong man, goddamn it, and I love you,'' he blurts out over the phone to Haldeman shortly after announcing Haldeman and Ehrlichman's forced resignations. ''I love you, as you know. . . . Like my brother.'' (Haldeman's response: ''O.K.'')
    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 06:53 PM.

  4. #394
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    Okay... Jesus christ I hope this is not true.

    I'm just running out of words at this point. This is all starting out so much worse than what I was anticipating. So, so much worse.

  5. #395
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    Cory Booker took precious time away from grilling Linda McMahon to mark out a little today.

  6. #396
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    I was a fool to think Trump could run America well. He won't last. I'm pretty sure. He doesn't truly want to be President for 4 years. Whenever he mentions the work ahead of him, he grimaces.

  7. #397
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Shit isn't anywhere near as bad as its probably going to get.
    @elevenism has been telling me that he has had this really bad feeling that things are gonna get scary, but I thought it was just his anxiety talking; now I think it was his intuition talking. It IS gonna get scary, because Trump is fucking STUPID and DEMENTED which is a dangerous combo.

    This one will be historic. Luckily, we still have checks and balances but not before Trump creates lots of constitutional carnage.

    The GOOD thing is that most of us can say, "don't look at ME! I VOTED FOR HILLARY!" And we can point and laugh at the idiots who were so pro-Trump.

    Fucking Romney, it's too bad he sold his soul by meeting with Trump at the end. Because he was right all along and tried to warn everyone.

    At least Lindsey Graham's soul is still intact, as is John McCain's and Rand Paul's. So they can work toward stabbing a wooden stake into Trumpula's heart.

    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 07:12 PM.

  8. #398
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    I don't understand your question.

    But yes. I didn't think that all of this wild shit would be happening in week one. I thought there would be a slow to moderate build up to all of these wild things happening... Not just being slammed with back to back to back shit in a row.

  9. #399
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    I think you are confusing me with someone else.

  10. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I don't know that it WILL, but there is certainly the potential. Societal and cultural collapse is continually balancing on the edge. There is catastrophic consequences when it breaks. I'm taking comfort in my decision to acquire/build weaponry and decent "earthquake" supplies. I'll just say that. It's way to emotionally reactionary to be afraid currently, IMO. But it never hurts to be ready.
    I have that, plus water and gas and cash. Because Trump is gonna cut off our debit cards and eat them.

  11. #401
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post

    Okay... Jesus christ I hope this is not true.

    I'm just running out of words at this point. This is all starting out so much worse than what I was anticipating. So, so much worse.
    I can't recall the specific date but I figured it was going to be real awful real fast once the story broke about Paul Ryan telling the House to basically "buckle up" because they planned to hit the ground running.
    These evil fucks...

  12. #402
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    Stupid human mankind makes me so fucking angry. With everything going on right now, I more and more realize that some day I want to live alone, in peace, on an island, and not have to worry about any of this shit. As someone from Europe it's really hard to watch American politics right now; every fucking day another stupid fucking thing. I'm not saying that it's any better over here, or anywhere else for that matter, but to see a nation being divided like this ... it's just crazy. I genuinely believe that people are just fucked up. They pick sides and fight each other and hate each other and there is just so much bullshit floating around I can't even comprehend it. Everything feels so fucking pointless because there will NEVER be agreement.

    Ugh. Sorry for the rant. It's probably my own fault, I read way too much comments on YouTube. Makes you honestly lose your faith in humanity.

  13. #403
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    I wish there was some kind of serious and legitimate opposition. the Democratic party is such a fucking failure

  14. #404
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    his outright lies delivered through his press secretary and Kellyanne Conway are what scare me. This shows you the level of disinformation and North Korea style reality distortion we'll be getting from Trump.
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 01-24-2017 at 07:51 PM.

  15. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    his outright lies delivered through his press secretary and Kellyanne Conway are what scare me. This shows you the level of disinformation and North Korea style reality distortion we'll be getting from Trump.
    See this: Journalists Should Stop Interviewing Kellyanne Conway.

  16. #406
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Everyone is saying this but is it really a new issue? That shit has been happening for ages. The only difference is that Trump's cabinet isn't trying to hide it as much as the last administrations were. Are we all saying "we like it better when our politicians lie to us about their intentions"??
    I think what's weird about this shit is the subject matter:

    "My inauguration was the BIGGEST IN HISTORY" (no it wasn't, who cares).

    "I actually won the popular vote because those Hillary votes were from a bunch of illegal Mexicans" (no, they weren't).

    Sends Press Secretary and "Counselor" Conway out to defend His Excellence.

    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 08:20 PM.

  17. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    "The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, told his top agents from around the country that he had been asked by President Trump to stay on the job"
    Gee, hmmmm ... and Comey is supposed to be investigating Trump? Hmmmm ...

  18. #408
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    Bernie Sanders would have won the election.....the only way the democrats will win in 2020 is if they elect someone truly different. A democratric certain Bernie would have won...

    If they elect someone like Corey Booker they will loose badly...he will be exposed for the fraud he is...

    I dont think the democrat party has enough time to reverse its corrupt ways in 4 years...hopefully by 2024...

  19. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    It's certainly obnoxious and it triggers people who already dislike him. Maybe that's the goal sometimes? He certainly loves to troll. But it's all pretty trivial compared to Bush's WMDs, for instance.

    But maybe the serious stuff is next. Maybe the goal is to desensitize you and wear everyone out in advance. Create so much inconsequential noise in advance. That would be extra effective if he pushed legitimate stuff at the same time so it passes through with less attention. Hell, that's the model he was using quite a bit during the election.
    The concern is with his neurotic need to WIN combined with his vindictiveness when he feels he hasn't, and his new position of power and his past display of ignorance of the Constitution.

    Power + Ego + Need to Win at Any Cost + No Constitution + Vindictive Nature = ___________

    I think it'd be pretty hard to slide anything past anybody at this point, he has so many watchdog organizations up his ass.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 09:03 PM.

  20. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Bernie Sanders would have won the election

    Sanders didn't have minorities in the bag. He's an old Jewish establishment guy, he's not an Obama. And there is no evidence that he would have swapped out those Trump voters in those Swing States who distrust any Democrat, even if it's a recent Democrat like Bernie, for Trump to lose those Electoral Votes. Obama won two terms because black people actually got out and voted for him; stats are showing that black people mostly didn't even bother leaving the house for this election.

    The Democratic Party is a fucking mess. This shit about Russia hacking emails: they published some AWFUL TRUTHS about some STUPID CORRUPT SHIT that the DNC was pulling. And, if Hillary hadn't been "above the law" in creating her own fucking email server, there wouldn't be THAT issue, either. So it wasn't like Wikileaks was publishing total lies; it was publishing truths. Stupid, avoidable, unethical truths. Had they scoured email servers and came up with nothing, however, I still doubt that anybody could convince those Swing States to vote for Hillary, because THE DNC WAS TOO FUCKING ARROGANT AND STUPID TO BOTHER CAMPAIGNING MUCH IN THOSE SWING STATES.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 09:01 PM.

  21. #411
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    Ron Paul did what Bernie tried to do, grassroots for the disenfranchised, and he did it better. It didn't do him any favors, and he still ended up getting pushed aside by the rampaging bull that is the two-party system.

  22. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I just didnt understand how, during the election, Trump could be viewed as Hitler v2... but then you are shocked at the bad stuff he is doing in the first few days (that isnt even that bad)... I'd figure you would have expected this stuff if you truly thought he was Hitler v2. That's all.

    If it's the rapid deployment, ok i can get that. I'm just not sure it is rapid in context. Trump has a LOT of media scrutiny on him making every little thing well known. Some of it is bullshit (like him "removing" LGBT issues and climate change from the whitehouse website). I don't know how it compares to prior administrations, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Trump is following a similar pace as prior presidents.
    I was given shit for comparing his tactics, appeals, and propaganda to the rise of the third reich, framing their approach to be akin to something proto-fascist, but even then I wasn't saying he was Hitler 2. I was saying the similarities should be alarming. We didn't know then if he was just being full of shit and appealing to bigots and xenophobes. Now that he's in office, we're seeing him actually pursue what he promised to do, and so things have only gotten worse, now that we can say that he wasn't just spewing bullshit to get ignorant votes.

  23. #413
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    As Bernie, himself put it: What does it matter now?

    I'm certain if Bernie can't win the next primary either, his most devoted worshippers will drag us down all over again.

    I almost hope he doesn't run. we need someone with some serious fire.

  24. #414
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    Sanders didn't have minorities in the bag. He's an old Jewish establishment guy, he's not an Obama
    Such a shame a 75 year old man full of substance... does not have the same charisma as Obama.....HOPE, CHANGE how has that worked out....

    Donald Trump came next....

  25. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Such a shame a 75 year old man full of substance... does not have the same charisma as Obama.....HOPE, CHANGE how has that worked out....Donald Trump came next....
    Because of the Affordable Care Act.

    But plenty of hope and change came about because of 8 years of Obama. One, there was a BLACK DUDE in the White House for 8 years, and that gave a lot of black people hope. It gave a lot of everybody hope; we aren't living in the Jim Crow era, anymore.

    We came out of one of the worst recessions in history.

    There are literally hundreds of positive changes that resulted from the Obama Presidency.

    The problems that the Trump voters complain about aren't from the Obama era; they go back to the EIGHTIES.

    You know that Billy Joel song, "Allentown?" That song's from fucking 1982, dude. SEE THIS.

    GM closed the Flint plant and moved 35,000 workers outside of the US in 1997.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 09:36 PM.

  26. #416
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    Journalists are facing felony charges for doing their job - observing and documenting the goddamn news

    The charges will certainly be dropped, but the intended message is delivered and clear: hey press, fuck off.

  27. #417
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    As Bernie, himself put it: What does it matter now?
    Bernie is right, it doesn't matter. What matters is what do we do, now?

    Bernie sure is working his ass off in the Senate to hold Trump's feet to the fire, that's for sure.

  28. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Bernie sure is working his ass off in the Senate to hold Trump's feet to the fire, that's for sure.
    Depending on the issue, though. Bernie was a huge voice against the TPP, and he agrees with Trump on certain things Trump has said about big pharma.

  29. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Depending on the issue, though. Bernie was a huge voice against the TPP, and he agrees with Trump on certain things Trump has said about big pharma.
    I mean that he is insisting that Trump keep his promises about not cutting Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid. "Send out a Tweet."

    And I linked this on the last page.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-24-2017 at 10:16 PM.

  30. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Journalists are facing felony charges for doing their job - observing and documenting the goddamn news

    The charges will certainly be dropped, but the intended message is delivered and clear: hey press, fuck off.
    Before anyone comments on this article, they need to educate themselves on the definition of kettling
    Too many people on here have a mental image of these arrests as being simple every day arrests. They're envisioning someone smashing window window in with a rock, a cop seeing them, and arresting them.
    That's not how arrests work in these events. Riot police form a large wall near a group of peaceful protesters. If someone in the vicinity throws a rock or damages property, the police make no attempt to simply arrest the perpetrator. Rather, they cordon off a massive area of the street and just round up everyone inside. You could literally not even be involved with the protest. If you're just walking home from work, but happen to be there at the wrong time, you're getting arrested. And if you're unlucky, you'll get charged too. An ambitious prosecutor might just charge everyone arrested with high level rioting charges.
    Sure, you could risk it and go to trial, but most people in your case would just take the lenient please deal. Why risk a year or two in jail for a fine and a stint on probation. You may have just been walking home, but now you have a criminal record.

    - from reddit

    Don't let me stand in the way of fearmongering though, I'm sure those journalists are now in Syberia!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    As Bernie, himself put it: What does it matter now?

    I'm certain if Bernie can't win the next primary either, his most devoted worshippers will drag us down all over again.

    I almost hope he doesn't run. we need someone with some serious fire.
    You, I like! Someone from the opposition with a reasonable tone and perspective.

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