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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #91
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    This is really happening. It's felt like a bad dream up until now.

  2. #92
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    President Trump, and a speaker of the House that worships Ayn Rand.

  3. #93
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    Agreed, @theimage13. That was the lowest moment out of the thousands of low moments to select from.

    And guys, I've said it before. Say he DOES get impeached. You really want Pence in there? We are fucked no matter what at this point. The GOP has called their shots--ACA, Social Security, Medicare, etc.

    Oh yeah, they'll eventually get that SCOTUS seat filled too. And do you think Ginsburg will make it four years? I hope so, because they're going to go after abortion for the millionth time.

    The damage is done.

  4. #94
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    So, he called Civil Rights legend John Lewis "all talk" on Twitter ...

    To think that Obama got shit on as not being "patriotic enough" over a goddamn flag pin and this guy gets to run around insulting every single person who has sacrificed and given more than he ever has in support of the betterment of this country, from war heroes to the families of dead soldiers to Civil Rights icons, and he still gets to tout this pseudo-patriotic, nationalistic image with zero flack from his fans is beyond me.

  5. #95
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    @theimage13, I to wish that twitter would ban Trump but in less then a week he can login under another handle POTUS, it would be funny to see how enraged Trump would get at be banned, and the lunacy that would follow. Think about The President Of The United Stated being banned from twitter, (you can't write this shit) but even more funny then watching Trump lose his shit over a twitter account, would be watching how long it would take him to figure out that he is the president of the US and has access to all media. He can't post on twitter anymore he will just go on FOX NEWS and throw tantrums.
    Aside from that, is my own personal speculation at what a Trump presidency will do to this country, he is already warming up to the petroleum companies, so expect higher gas pricing, throwing out the affordable care act without replacing it will put a lot of people in financially vulnerable positions. As the gas pricing rise and the health insurance premiums skyrocket, the economy will become unstable and begin to take a nose dive. Once the economy crashes the housing market will bottom out and the US is back in a full blown recession. Wasn't it Trump that said he looks forward to a recession for buying up property or something to that effect. With that going on and Trump's reckless mouth firing up unstable nations and unstable leaders throw in a war or two and the US economy could be destroyed. It sounds catastrophic and maybe a bit alarmist but it is clear Trump has no idea what he is doing or the consequences of his actions.
    You can also expect as well as Trump upholding the second amendment so a five year old can take a gun to school for show and tell, he will be shitting all over the first amendment and soon anybody writing or saying anything bad about him and his Presidency could be looking at jail time for treason. And soon a president becomes an emperor.
    The other thing will be watching how long the Trump supporters will stand by him before they realize this guys an asshole and he is not going to do anything that will benefit them.
    These are the most uncertain times not only for this country but the entire world. As funny as all of the stupid shit Trump has said and done already from Golden Shower gate to endless rants on twitter, there will be a time when this shit isn't funny anymore and it is down right fucking scary and that time and realization is not that far away.
    I have had many people say to me "Trump won't make it four years" what do they think is going to happen? He is already power hungry and narcissistic, wait until he figures out how much power legal or illegal he can manipulate as president and the birth of a tyrant is born.
    For me this shit isn't funny anymore, as much as I thought it was funny to watch Colbert and Bill Maher mock him and make endless jokes of the lunacy of Trump it was funny when he was a candidate in the election but it won't be funny as the President of the United States.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    This is really happening. It's felt like a bad dream up until now.
    You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Agreed, @theimage13. That was the lowest moment out of the thousands of low moments to select from.
    How do you choose? I don't know, to hear the president invoke Nazi Germany like that... what the hell is going on. That was really alarming. There's people with a lack of self awareness, and then there's this guy. How can you pull that out when your campaign was endorsed by David Duke and your victory was celebrated with actual Nazi parades is just beyond comprehension.

    And guys, I've said it before. Say he DOES get impeached. You really want Pence in there? We are fucked no matter what at this point. The GOP has called their shots--ACA, Social Security, Medicare, etc.
    The question is, what will happen if impeachment proceedings actually gain traction, and Trump is told to stand down? Do you think he will? Do you think his dim witted supporters are going to just politely crawl back into their caves? Do you think that if Donald Trump were faced with the choice between relinquishing his seat and capitulating, or invoking "patriotic" rebellion under his banner, he would choose the former? There's a lot of potentially catastrophic routes to global war right now; we don't need to skate around a potential mini civil war as a prelude.

    The damage is done.
    I do love your optimism

  8. #98
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    My new goal in life is to be half the "all talk, no action" guy John Lewis is!!!

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    That "lawmaker" didn't even make the case that was being claimed: that it would stop Trump from expanding it more. I also love how he goes into nuance on the legal side so he can torture the logic to death, but takes inaccurately broad strokes when it comes time to talk about the technical details... so he doesn't have to admit how bad this change really is.
    SHE was making the case that the incoming administration is actively hostile to privacy, which is a matter of record, and that there was rationale for what the outgoing President did in:that light.

    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I haven't read that much Orwellian double-speak in quite some time.

    Eye of Sauron is an accurate depiction of the raw collection process
    Maybe you should re-read The Lord of the Rings, because it's supposed to be an allegory for the corrupting influence of an evil man over his blind followers, not anything to do with mass surveillance. It is a far better metaphor for Trump himself, really. Hey, while you're at it, re-read Orwell — doublethink is a word in Newspeak, double-speak is not.

  10. #100
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    Why does everyone hate Trump? (I'm not American so I'm not privy to all the ongoing and bad things he has done).

    He's not even president yet and he's been marked as a terrible president.

    I seem to be the only one who hopes he does a good job.

    As for the golden shower rumor... you do know you're in a Nine Inch Nails form right? Unless you missed the 90's this shit (peoples dark desires) shouldn't surprise you.

    Anyways I'm honest in asking why everyone hates him. The whole Muslim thing was stupid and I pray that was just some stunt to get redneck votes. Pence stated that "calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional" so I hope that's the end of that.
    Last edited by snaapz; 01-15-2017 at 07:57 AM.

  11. #101
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    Well this is kind of a big news right?

  12. #102
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    when the going get's tough tweet!

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    Why does everyone hate Trump? (I'm not American so I'm not privy to all the ongoing and bad things he has done).

    He's not even president yet and he's been marked as a terrible president.

    I seem to be the only one who hopes he does a good job.

    As for the golden shower rumor... you do know you're in a Nine Inch Nails form right? Unless you missed the 90's this shit (peoples dark desires) shouldn't surprise you.

    Anyways I'm honest in asking why everyone hates him. The whole Muslim thing was stupid and I pray that was just some stunt to get redneck votes. Pence stated that "calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional" so I hope that's the end of that.
    Despite all the hatred, I think anyone with a brain doesn't actually want him to fail - it's like saying "man, our pilot's a total cunt, I hope he crashes this plane in the mountains and kills us all". We don't want failure, but we expect it.

    So why do we hate him?

    -Lack of class
    -Lack of basic decency or respect
    -Terrible role model for our youth
    -Terrible example of adult behavior
    -Serial liar (I'm talking way beyond the whole "politicians lie" thing)
    -Lack of any real indication of what the hell he plans to do (We're gonna have a plan, and it's gonna...believe me, it's gonna be great. So great. I'm so smart, smarter than you, you wouldn't believe how smart I am. My plan is gonna be the best plan. This is how he talks. Like a twelve year old lying his way through a book report on a novel he never opened.)
    -During campaign: called for his supporters to shoot Hilary Clinton
    -During campaign: called on Russia to hack Clinton's emails
    -Has blatantly insulted every single minority, and repeatedly berates women
    -Bragged about sexually assaulting people
    -Quite possibly, though still not conclusively proven, worked with Russia to smear the Clinton campaign

    Fuck, my fingers are getting sore.

    If you want the short answer on why we hate him, read his Twitter page. Just go through and scroll for the last few months. Tell me that your blood isn't boiling.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    I'm going to refer the POTUS-elect as Il Duce from now on. My lack of respect for him is so low, I'm not going to bother saying his name.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Despite all the hatred, I think anyone with a brain doesn't actually want him to fail - it's like saying "man, our pilot's a total cunt, I hope he crashes this plane in the mountains and kills us all". We don't want failure, but we expect it.
    I kinda hope he fails, sorry guys. I know it would be absolutely terrible for the US citizen, and I feel bad just saying it, but when I see the people around the world cheering and hoping they can ride the Trump wave home, I really hope he crashes hard. Otherwise, populist parties will have a field day around the world, and that's even worse news for everyone.

  16. #106
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    I just want to add, I don't want us all to fail and crash. I want almost everything he's promised to do to our country to fail. For instance, he apparently plans to ban the press from the White House. Now, I may be prone to anxiety and panic, but this has to be making most people paying attention feel a little uneasy. I want the wall to fail, the Muslim registration to fail... Not the whole country or the world, in general.

  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Read 2 posts above yours. It got completely ignored beyond that. It's amazing how similar progressives are to neocons in most aspects. We are back to emotivism as politics once again.
    On the other hand, what did you expect from a thread entitled after a simplistically political dystopia NIN album?

    This is obviously a thread destined for people who want to voice their disarray about Trump's stewardship. I know you don't have a high standard regarding the political discourse in this forum (or too high a standard perhaps?), but did you really expect a level-headed analysis of the Obama years in a thread like this?

    That's like a vegan raging in a steakhouse. You're not wrong, you just set yourself up for your own disappointment (or you just wanted an easy target).

  18. #108
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    i won't call him president I didn't refer to Georgie boy as prez either I call him con-don twit head, or hachac, the orange and naked emperor

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    lol fair. But I'm not the only one who thought this was intended to be a US politics post-election discussion thread with a humorous title.
    Well I think it's also that, you're not wrong, only it's a very biased one. You can try to create a bipartisan /multipartisan thread, see how it goes.

  20. #110
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    Looks like only 541 people "like" 3 Doors Down on their OFFICIAL facebook page. How is that possible? There are bar bands with more likes. Did their fans just unlike the page en masse?

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    On the other hand, what did you expect from a thread entitled after a simplistically political dystopia NIN album?

    This is obviously a thread destined for people who want to voice their disarray about Trump's stewardship. I know you don't have a high standard regarding the political discourse in this forum (or too high a standard perhaps?), but did you really expect a level-headed analysis of the Obama years in a thread like this?

    That's like a vegan raging in a steakhouse. You're not wrong, you just set yourself up for your own disappointment (or you just wanted an easy target).
    More accurately: why would we be discussing the outgoing president in a thread about the incoming one? It'd be like starting a thread for Robin Finck and then going "guys look what Aaron North just did".

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Looks like only 541 people "like" 3 Doors Down on their OFFICIAL facebook page. How is that possible? There are bar bands with more likes. Did their fans just unlike the page en masse?
    I think you just don't know how Facebook works


  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I think you just don't know how Facebook works

    Okay. I think I was looking at an unofficial page. Now I am surprised to see 6 milion likes!

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post

    Who the fuck inherits the powers that are growing?

    Someone who doesn't give a rat's ass about the intelligence community, suggesting to me that there's nothing to be done about this?

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Okay. I think I was looking at an unofficial page. Now I am surprised to see 6 milion likes!
    Out of curiosity, I just checked and NIN has 3.6 million likes "only". Goddamn...I know NIN is not a band with mass appeal, but I'd imagine that they'd have more likes than 3 doors down! The world is twisted.

  26. #116
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    What does anyone here think the likelihood of the border wall being built is? Trump consistently vowed to build it throughout the campaign, and it seemed like something his supporters ate up. But he also vowed that Mexico would fund the wall, but now that farce has been exposed it sounds like he’s asking congress for the money, and continuing the pretense that Mexico will pay but later. Congress wouldn’t do it would they? If the republican thing is to shrink the federal government, then why not tell the southern states that if they want a damn wall then their state has to fund the construction and maintenance of the thing? It’s easy to vote yes, but let’s see you vote yes with the hand your own wallet is in.
    Last edited by Dr Channard; 01-15-2017 at 05:51 PM. Reason: No, not like a half pipe!

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    Out of curiosity, I just checked and NIN has 3.6 million likes "only". Goddamn...I know NIN is not a band with mass appeal, but I'd imagine that they'd have more likes than 3 doors down! The world is twisted.
    Well comparing a pre- and post- Internet bands about the amount of likes they get fatally ends up with lopsided results. After all NIN 's demographic is a tad more, how to put it... "honorable"?

    Us old farts tend to not really care about" liking" the bands we actually like.

    That's the first time I ever heard about that band, and probably the last I guess, now.

    Also, there's a Bruce Springsteen cover band invited to that thing? Now that's funny.

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Like, a half pipe?
    Bet you didn’t know Trump was totally rad like that!

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    Why does everyone hate Trump? (I'm not American so I'm not privy to all the ongoing and bad things he has done)..
    You're on the internet. You're privy.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Well comparing a pre- and post- Internet bands about the amount of likes they get fatally ends up with lopsided results. After all NIN 's demographic is a tad more, how to put it... "honorable"?

    Us old farts tend to not really care about" liking" the bands we actually like.

    That's the first time I ever heard about that band, and probably the last I guess, now.

    Also, there's a Bruce Springsteen cover band invited to that thing? Now that's funny.
    3 Doors Down is also a pre-internet band, and it's a very average band...super bland (formed in 1996). I'd understand if a mainstream act from the same era, of a lesser caliber than NIN but with more mass appeal, like the RHCP, No Doubt, etc. would have a bigger FB fanbase than NIN, but fucking 3 Doors Down? Damn.

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