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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #2791
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    This link is to the White House's records of the public comments on Trump's voter integrity commission. Page 6 is...illuminating:
    Jesus, this is scary shit. I can't believe nobody has taken this "Committee" to Federal Court to request an injunction. This is like a nightmare. If the WH releases this info, the records will leave these voters TOTALLY vulnerable to fraud and identity theft. The wH PLAN may be the hope that voters withdraw their voting rights to protect their privacy. There is absolutely NO REASON that this info should be shared with ANYONE; not the government but especially not the public. This violates states' rights and voters' rights. Why can't anyone stop this maniac?

  2. #2792
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    I just saved that. Holy fuck.... Il Duce has to be IMPEACHED and sent to POUND-ME-IN-THE-ASS-PRISON for life. No state funerals. Nothing to celebrate this man.

  3. #2793
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    I've been going through some really volatile shit personally, and so I've been taking a break from politics... I can't take it now. It's too upsetting.

    But THIS?! The way they're blasting the emails from people expressing terror at the idea of their personal information being exploited?

    Maybe it's just my current mental state... but this is legitimately terrifying. I feel real horror. The petulance behind this giant "fuck you" is gutting. What was the stated intention? Why do this? This has to stop. The insanity is mounting and getting more and more bewildering and baffling.

    "One-Man Circle Jerk" is the best description I've heard yet to describe this travesty of a "presidency."
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-15-2017 at 07:06 AM.

  4. #2794
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    Watching the downfall of a presidency in real time.

  5. #2795
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  6. #2796
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    Lindsey Graham's Health Care proposal:

  7. #2797
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. But you know, this is just my opinion man
    That's what Nixon said. Really, he hated the Press, HATED WaPo after the Pentagon Papers were leaked. But, the Press isn't the enemy, they're only providing info that the public wants; if the public didn't want it, the media and press would lose advertising revenue and would have to move on to the next Big Topic. Nixon's disdain for leaks and the Press didn't mean something didn't happen; it's like blaming a security camera for recording you robbing a gas station. A lot of the American public seems to think this is only about Clinton and an election. It's not. It's about a Presidential candidate's campaign staff possibly using or being used by a hostile foreign government in the interest not only of WINNING but also (mostly?) financial gain. There is a HUGE advantage for Russia and Trump winning related to restoring confiscated properties to Russia, and lifting sanctions which is costing Russia and energy companies like Exxon Mobile BILLIONS of dollars in oil drilling deals in Russia, plus TONS of Trump investment money that was coming from Russia. THAT is what is being investigated. NOT just "who won the Election" but WHY Russia gave a shit who won; it wasn't because Putin disliked Clinton; Putin dislikes lots of people; but his primary focus is making Russia the most powerful nation in the world. He's REALLY smart. Rather than watching hippy unemployed YouTube pundits, I HIGHLY recommend that people watch Stone's Putin Interviews.

    Putin is a very scary and very dangerous man, but oooooh so charismatic.

    Charisma is what draws voters to people like Putin. And Hitler.

    Trump is currently attempting to convince American citizens that Putin is a really great guy and our friend.

    He's not.

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer doesn't work in the game of Risk. It only works in Godfather movies. And Trump is surrounded by Fredos.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-18-2017 at 11:06 AM.

  8. #2798
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    At the end of the day the American people say Hilary for what she was and decided to go with trump.
    The American people did vote for Hillary, by about 3 million more people. But I guess that's irrelevant?

  9. #2799
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    Okay, first of all, if we want to have a discussion, you have to at least spell "Hillary" correctly. And "macathrisim" isn't a word. :-)

    Regarding Hillary Clinton and Uranium and Russia: There is a lot of confusion about that, thanks also to the media and soundbytes etc.

    See this:

    Re a Trump win and what's in it for Russia:

    Exhibit A:

    Exhibit B:

    Exhibit C:

    Exhibit D:

    Exhibit E:

    Also, if you read this thread from the beginning, many of us here said that polls aren't reliable relative to the Electoral College. Polls can be really helpful relative to the popular vote, but not the Electoral win.

    Also, you will recall that the same media that Trump now hates gave Trump 24/7 free coverage during the primaries and during the campaign. I remember the Republican debate in Detroit, where MSNBC was interviewing John Kasich and then suddenly cut him short when Trump was spotted coming down the stairs and they left Kasich standing there like he was a bridesmaid at a wedding so they could rush to get to the Bride, Trump. And Kasich said something like, "Oh, yeah, you guys only want to talk to TRUMP."

    Trump eats that up, always has. But, cross him and he'll publicly roast you. He's ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY. This is not a new thing. I've been in real estate law for nearly 30 years, including commercial real estate and mixed-use real estate in the same circles as Trump, dealing with his buildings and his potential clients. THIS IS NOT NEW BEHAVIOR for him.

    Here is an example of the Trump flip-flop he did with architect critic, Blair Kamin:

    The game isn't "well, would Hillary have done it, too?" There is no evidence that the Clinton campaign was being influenced or assisted by Russia; if there was, THAT would also be news.

    Also, any leaks that show the Clinton campaign having done stupid shit showed just that: Stupid shit. When you don't do stupid shit, leakers won't have any ammo against you.

    But, the question now is also whether or not Russia has a lot of ammo against the Trump's campaign team. It's already been determined that a few members of the Trump team were compromised by data collected by Russia (Manafort, Flynn).

    My husband fills out those FBI clearance forms every 10 years for his top-level clearance needed for his job. There is a reason they need to know every single bit of any foreign involvement you have, including EVERYTHING about your spouse, your parents, your kids, etc. It's because of potential compromise and blackmail.

    Being President makes you vulnerable to plenty of negative press coverage and negative opinion. Trump needs to suck it up, that's just the way it is. Always. This is nothing new. The guy was already a wimp when it came to negative press, and he thought that'd go away when he became President? He really is either delusional or a moron. Or both.

    The media's constant coverage of this Russia stuff does not benefit anyone; left, center or right; it's a DIVERSION from the other REALLY IMPORTANT stuff going on. Like PUBLISHING PRIVATE INFORMATION obtained from voter registration records (making U.S. Citizens vulnerable to identity theft and fraud), or like all of the other crazy shit going on in Congress right now.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-18-2017 at 11:52 AM.

  10. #2800
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    My apologies for misspelling words I am excited to post and have four kids screaming in my ear as its summer. Look, I did not mean to offend or prove anyone wrong. I have just been watching this as a Canadian and it seems like a distraction to be honest. I do not trust governments and I feel like they are making us look over here.

    I am afraid of the outcome tbh I dont know what needs to happen. Its one of those things where doing nothing is not good but doing something has to happen. The media needs to be fixed, and America needs to understand the world is watching and is not impressed. Obama is who america wanted to be, Trump is who they really are. Its really quite something watching America implode from the inside. My fear, for my children is what will be left and what it looks like. I think this is thirty years past due and at the worst time considering the planet is dying around us.

    I dont have any answers and I dont want to step on any toes.
    The media isn't the monster that its being made out to be. Trump isn't what America really "is" no more than Hitler was what all of Germany really was. Desperate unemployed or underemployed people bought what Trump was selling; UNION members, always Democratic voters, were afraid of the status quo and bought what Trump was selling; Trump voters on DISABILITY and MEDICAID who now stand to lose their income and health insurance coverage voted for Trump out of desperation and confusion; it's not just about xenophobia, etc. It all comes down to:

    a) Guns
    b) Religion
    c) Abortion
    d) Gay rights
    e) Promise of more and better jobs

    Those are the key features of most elections, for several decades.

    Plus, for this election, health insurance.

    Trump, exhibiting his best "I'm a POPULIST" costume, with slogans and catch phrases just like any other political candidate, specifically targeted certain voting demographics and then, with surgical precision, worked the Electoral College aspect like a Master, knowing that minorities just would not show up to vote for either Clinton or Trump (or Sanders).

    "Winning" requires specific strategies and Trump's PT Barnum show helped him win Electoral votes in those Rust Belt states, the same states that helped a Bill Clinton win in the past.

    None of us here in this country know what is going to happen, the Trump voters unwittingly unleashed a dumb newb on the world.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-18-2017 at 11:53 AM.

  11. #2801
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. Its really weird. Everytine I hear the words ''Trump'' and ''Russia'' I think of this gem

    But you know, this is just my opinion man



    HAAAAAAA! (learn how to embed a fucking youtube video clip)


    and fuck you.

  12. #2802
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. Its really weird. Everytine I hear the words ''Trump'' and ''Russia'' I think of this gem

    But you know, this is just my opinion man
    Hey man not worth it. Some people are just to far gone.

  13. #2803
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    The American people did vote for Hillary, by about 3 million more people. But I guess that's irrelevant?
    thank god for the electoral college, that way netiher new york or california get to dictate the presidency on the rest of the states.

  14. #2804
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    thank god for the electoral college, that way netiher new york or california get to dictate the presidency on the rest of the states.
    and then we get to hear from people who don't live in this country weigh in on "the witch hunt."

  15. #2805
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    and then we get to hear from people who don't live in this country weigh in on "the witch hunt."
    You're welcome.

  16. #2806
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    Just ignore Sallos. Same as Volband. Same as GanduGains before it was banned (and returned, then banned again).

    They aren't worth your time. Jughead is quickly heading in that direction.

    Trump 2020 slogan suggestions: "Make America Get Something Done, Eventually" "Golf Is Fine As Long As I Am The One Doing It" "I Didn't Collude But If I Did...LOOK! HILLARY! OBAMA!" "No One Cares If I Or My Businesses Are Profitting From Me Being President" "It's Fake News If I Don't Like It" "If Something Doesn't Work It's Not On Me" "How Long Will 'I'm New At This' Work As An Excuse?"
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-18-2017 at 04:29 PM.

  17. #2807
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    thank god for the electoral college, that way netiher new york or california get to dictate the presidency on the rest of the states.
    The electoral vote was originally conceived to give slave-owners extra votes by counting each slave they owned as 1/3 an extra vote for whomever said slave-owner voted for. It's a dogshit system founded on dogshit principles.

  18. #2808
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    No, just I have zero tolerance left for the people who don't give a fuck about facts, are supportive of a con man whose only loves are money and his daughter Ivanka as well as supportive of a group that wants everyone non white and rich to suffer, pay for everything and then fucking die when they get sick. That only scratches the surface. How about the orange dickbag and his bought and paid for GOP goobers trying to demonize science to, you guessed it, MAKE MONEY for their Kochmasters. How about the mounting evidence that diaper baby has a very illegal working relationship with Russia? Still all the media's fault?! Suuuuure.

    Anyways...I thought you said you were going? Also, KEK boys! You actually said those words!
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-18-2017 at 07:11 PM.

  19. #2809
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. Its really weird. Everytine I hear the words ''Trump'' and ''Russia'' I think of this gem

    But you know, this is just my opinion man
    Hey. You must be that guy from the old board, the resident drudge/breitbart/info wars guy who used to post in the 2012 election thread. Welcome. Have fun posting here.

  20. #2810
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Wow just wow. So I think I got the memo, On the nails board its ok to laugh and belittle anyone who does not buy what the corporate media is selling. I read this thread. Its all bullying anyone who has a different opinion. I got the memo either go along with whats said or shut your mouth. I hope for the main boards sake none of the KEK boys ever see this thread as they would destroy this whole forum for it.

    I was content to just go as I had said clearly its not for me but to suggest I am to be ignored after just a few posts simply because I had a different opinion and was polite about no less is the most fucked thing I have encountered on a message board in quite a while so congrats for that. I feel dirty and in need of a bath having spent the last two hours reading this thread.
    Sorry, man, no harm intended. People on ETS are pretty typically liberal, always have been, so you unwittingly surfed into a firestorm. Some of us are willing to discuss this without passion, but not most. I think it IS more difficult for those who aren't American citizens (and don't vote here) to see the big picture, kinda like if us Americans went off with strong opinions about Canadian elections or candidates. I like Trudeau but I understand that Québécois may not.

    You were, in fact, polite and respectful. My apologies for any harm done here. I've been here 13 years, I don't represent everyone, but I do respect opposing thoughts.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-18-2017 at 08:57 PM.

  21. #2811
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    You're welcome.
    I was talking bout the other guy, but "thank you" too.

  22. #2812
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Sorry, man, no harm intended. People on ETS are pretty typically liberal, always have been, so you unwittingly surfed into a firestorm. Some of us are willing to discuss this without passion, but not most. I think it IS more difficult for those who aren't American citizens (and don't vote here) to see the big picture, kinda like if us Americans went off with strong opinions about Canadian elections or candidates. I like Trudeau but I understand that Québécois may not.

    You were, in fact, polite and respectful. My apologies for any harm done here. I've been here 13 years, I don't represent everyone, but I do respect opposing thoughts.
    I admit I did take a "GTFO" approach, but what was the point? "This is the greatest witch hunt in politics?" COME ON.

  23. #2813
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    I hope for the main boards sake none of the KEK boys ever see this thread as they would destroy this whole forum for it.

    I've been on this board for like 13 years and this is one of my favorite quotes, now.

    the lack of self awareness is incredible. Have you ever LISTENED to Nine Inch Nails? Year Zero? With Teeth? what would you actually expect the dominant political philosophy to be here?

  24. #2814
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I've been on this board for like 13 years and this is one of my favorite quotes, now.

    the lack of self awareness is incredible. Have you ever LISTENED to Nine Inch Nails? Year Zero? With Teeth? what would you actually expect the dominant political philosophy to be here?
    It's like the conservatives angrily marching out of Roger Waters shows because they were sad that the inflatable anti-capitalism pig had Trump's face on it.

    Did you guys care what the words were saying? I mean, I'm with Allegro on a level here... I wish there was a counterpoint to the liberal majority here, but this? Anyone who can call the Russia-thing a "witch hunt" at THIS POINT is following an obnoxious playbook.

  25. #2815
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    Yes, BUT, this is the New Improved Less Asshole version of ETS, as I think @Leviathant can confirm; @Jughead is new, here, for the (alleged) new "ARG" AND he's Canadian and has admitted that he has a lot of kiddos at home and this isn't his primary concern; grabbing our torches and sticks doesn't seem appropriate for the Welcome Wagon. This isn't an echo chamber; it should, at least in my humble and probably unimportant opinion, be AT LEAST respectful. This forum isn't about politics; it's about music, plus some other stuff. Nothing @Jughead said was disrespectful. He really went out of his way to say that he was trying NOT to offend people, and he is MOST certainly entitled to his own opinion. This is, in the very least. a place where we can discuss things and perhaps present differing ideas, and maybe it can be educational. But "hahahah gtfo asshole" is the OLD board, and I want nothing to do with that.

    If that's the game, here, I'm out. I'm following valued members like Elke out the door.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-18-2017 at 10:53 PM.

  26. #2816
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    But seriously I aint posting in here no more, you guys are all fucked.!!!
    Now, come on, do you mean that we're fucked because of our politics? Or because we don't agree with you? I'm hoping it's the former because I just defended you but ... Look, this board isn't passionate only with politics; we're pretty hair-triggered even related to an ARG or anything; and if you want to use Trent Reznor as an example, we can provide (literally) hundreds of video and audio examples of how he has a hair trigger and goes off on just about anybody (including members of this board), and he even - during the Bush administration - said he doesn't think Republicans should listen to Nine Inch Nails.

    Like, here's one instance:

    You still fit in, as a NIN fan, don't worry about one stupid thread on this board. Really. It's not important in the grand scheme of things. Being on an online forum DOES kinda require a thick skin, though; don't sweat it.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-19-2017 at 12:04 AM.

  27. #2817
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    I like debating and stuff
    And I like to tell people to go fuck themselves... and stuff.

  28. #2818
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    And I like to tell people to go fuck themselves... and stuff.
    Come on, Jim, you're starting to sound like the old assholes on this board.

    the ones who used to go after me, all the time.

    Anyway, been registered here since Jan 4, 2004, I think it's time to give it up. I don't like the way this is going.

    Not that anybody cares, I'm a nobody, here, but whatever, I have a conscious.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-18-2017 at 11:29 PM.

  29. #2819
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Come on, Jim, you're starting to sound like the old assholes on this board.

    the ones who used to go after me, all the time.

    Anyway, been registered here since Jan 4, 2004, I think it's time to give it up. I don't like the way this is going.

    Not that anybody cares, I'm a nobody, here, but whatever, I have a conscious.
    No, it's true, I'm lashing out.

    I'm going through a rough stretch, and it's not time to be childish. I just don't see this going anywhere productive... but a dog pile shitlist isn't going to help. It's not even really helpful as catharsis.

    And really, we should be encouraging an "open floor" for political debate, and grow tired of a liberal circle jerk. I just, wish the counterpoint wasn't so empty and happily removed.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-18-2017 at 11:45 PM.

  30. #2820
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    No, it's true, I'm lashing out.

    I'm going through a rough stretch, and it's not time to be childish. I just don't see this going anywhere productive... but a dog pile shitlist isn't going to help. It's not even really helpful as catharsis.

    And really, we should be encouraging an "open floor" for political debate, and grow tired of a liberal circle jerk. I just, wish the counterpoint wasn't so empty and happily removed.
    This sounded genuine until the last 5 words.

    Anyway, I am glad for your understanding but I'm still tired of this. This is no longer a debate; it really is a circle-jerk. You and I have been online friends for a long time, and we're on the same "team," here, but all this negative energy goes nowhere.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-19-2017 at 12:02 AM.

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