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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #3331
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  2. #3332
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    It's barely a comedy because there's so much truth to it.

    I don't entirely know what to do, because with the GOP in power, no laws will ever pass that allow for the arrest of these fuckheads. Even the democrats don't have the balls to pass any laws that would put a peice of shit like Bannon in jail.

    Holy hell, what needs to happen here? Is it a revolution? Or will the democrats get their shit together and pass a law that puts fuckers like this away???? If/When they ever get power back.

  3. #3333
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    You know what? Fucking democrats don't know what their platform should be???? Fuck it's this goddamn simple:

    1. We'll pass a law that makes gerrymandering illegal.
    2. We'll make hate-speach a fucking crime that rich fucking assholes can't buy their goddamn way out of.
    3. We'll release a video of Bannon sucking Trumps dick, or the other way around, who gives a shit?
    4. We'll pass proportional representation so that we have no more fucking shitheads who can't win the popular vote in the fucking white house.
    5. We promise to no longer sit around and abide by the rules that we have the power to fucking write when sociopathic fucking white supremicists know how to skirt the laws in a way that they stay barely legal and we can't do shit all about it. We promise to write new laws that these fucking peices of shit can't work their way around.

    And we won't be bashful or polite about it. We'll kick ass, take names, and instead of trying to be perfect fucking examples of all that is right, we'll just be good enough people, which is more than enough when the opposition is a fucking racist, homophopic, sexist pile of human fucking garbage. We'll be assholes to white supremicists. We'll make bigots scream that they're being mistreated. We'll be every fucking nightmare that they could ever dream of, because fuck them, they're human goddamn motherfucking waste.

  4. #3334
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    The Vast majority of people who voted for Donald Trump dislike him, they can see he is a tacky billionaire shyster..but they liked the proposals he put forward. they can see he is the vehicle to certain goals.

    Steve Bannon was by far the most important person in getting Trump elected...Bannon sees Jared Kushner as his enemy....Steve Bannon now has more freedom to make an impact on the dated hawks dominating Washington...
    Trump may have seen Bannons firing as a way to help achieve his goals.
    Last edited by Exocet; 08-20-2017 at 01:01 AM.

  5. #3335
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    How many people could be *that* stupid?

  6. #3336
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    2. We'll make hate-speach a fucking crime
    Good luck with that.

  7. #3337
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    some of those at work forces are the the same that burn crosses

  8. #3338
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Good luck with that.
    It's possible; hate speech is a crime in many other countries. Not a severe one but it's still a crime. Our "free" speech isn't totally free, either. The 1st amendment is amended by case law. Incendiary speech is not protected.

  9. #3339
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It's possible; hate speech is a crime in many other countries. Not a severe one but it's still a crime. Our "free" speech isn't totally free, either. The 1st amendment is amended by case law. Incendiary speech is not protected.
    Agreed, it's not legal here in Canada. Get with the program USA, you can do better.

  10. #3340
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    I don't know how I feel about making hate speech illegal. Obviously it's not something I support, duh fuck Nazis, but it seems like a slippery slope... It would have to be very carefully worded for me to get on board

  11. #3341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I don't know how I feel about making hate speech illegal. Obviously it's not something I support, duh fuck Nazis, but it seems like a slippery slope... It would have to be very carefully worded for me to get on board
    Without delving into too much Canadian Politics in the wrong thread, it's not widely applied, we still have Ezra Lavant running the rebel, but we've kicked out the Westboro Baptists a number of times.

    It's not the terrible, oppressive thing that you might expect it to be.

  12. #3342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Trump may have seen Bannons firing as a way to help achieve his goals.
    Oh. Oh shit. I think you're right!

  13. #3343
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  14. #3344
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    Donald Trump staring into the eclipse kind of encapsulates this entire year though doesn't it

  15. #3345
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    It's obvious he's not impressed by it unless it had boobs. What a dumb-fuck.

  16. #3346
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Donald Trump staring into the eclipse kind of encapsulates this entire year though doesn't it
    It really is the perfect metaphor.

  17. #3347
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    It really is the perfect metaphor.

    Now i just stare into the sun

  18. #3348
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    Omg what genius put the kid in the official shirt of white nationalists???

    I glanced at the eclipse a few times today while it was cloudy.

    I'm typing this with no eyes.

  19. #3349
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I'm typing this with no eyes.
    'm typng ths wth no

  20. #3350
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    I'm really not sure how to feel about this

    This relates to doxxing Nazis, and whether we should tone it back? I really just don't know. This kid, Jarrod Kuhn, sounds like a fucking obnoxious person. He's being publicly shamed for carrying a torch in the Charlottesville rally, and yet he contests that he's really not a bad or hateful person, and now he's getting death threats after being outed.

    I don't have much sympathy for him... if you show up to protest the removal of a statue because you "love history," then hopefully you know enough about history to understand what that monument symbolically represents, and you know enough about history to realize what the symbols all around you represent. Hopefully you at least know what a swastika IS. Failing that, hopefully you got alarmed when the crowd you're marching with starts shouting "Jews will not replace us!"

    But this Jarrod kid wants us to believe he was there with no bigotry or ill intent, and that it was just a mistake. He's given a chance to speak to the press. Does he say "I was stupid, I drove all the way out there and I just hoped that the flagrantly racist stuff was just a fringe element... I didn't realize it at the time, that this was a white power demonstration... I was so stupid, and I'm so sorry, and FUCK Nazis!"

    NO. He doesn't say that. What does he say? "I think there was violence on both sides, but I know the left digressed. We were there, we had a permit, they did not."

    Ok.... FUCK YOU. This is the problem. We catch you, marching with a torch alongside Nazis, and you're all so emboldened that you think you don't need hoods anymore. You do. You need to wear that fucking hood of shame. Because your bullshit apologetics don't work when you're outside of a Klan rally. We see you for what you are, and parroting the president's excuse is not going to work for you. Only Donald Trump gets away with that shit, for a variety of reasons, but the common Klansman doesn't, and they need to UNDERSTAND that. You are not taking over our country and then playing it coy when you get called out.

    You wanna show up at a Klan rally and not have that fuck your life up? Put on your shameful halloween costume.

  21. #3351
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This is where I live, so I may be a little biased here.

    But right off the bat: fuck every single person who has threatened his family. They didn't go to Virginia. They didn't tell him to go to Virginia. He's an adult and he makes his own decisions. Threaten his family and you're no better than the ones holding torches.

    Now, as for the flyers? What's the difference between assembling and intimidating one group, and pasting a bunch of flyers clearly meant to incite hatred against one of your neighbors?

    Fuck Nazis. I agree with you there.

    He seems like kind of an idiot. He attended a Sharia Law protest - no context given, so I can only assume it was some stupid thinly-veiled anti-Muslim gathering of people who wrongly thought that Sharia Law was going to be a thing. He's reiterated that he believes confederate statues should remain standing. Doesn't strike me as the brightest bowling ball in the shed.

    But now people are threatening him in a more direct way than he threatened anyone at the rally. And that bothers me. "Oh, you punched me? Well I'm going to stab you." That doesn't work. It has never worked. It will never work.

    If you're marching at a rally without your identity hidden, expect to be identified. If that thought bothers you, then maybe take a real long, real thoughtful look at WHY that bothers you. And maybe you'll realize that you shouldn't be a part of that rally.

    No one should be receiving death threats. Lost employment? Sure. Being publicly cast away by your family? Sure.

    And quickly, while I'm at it: typically, there is violence from both sides when rallies like this turn violent. They're powder kegs. Not accusing anyone here of doing this, but in general: don't go screaming "LIAR" or "FAKE NEWS" at anyone who says that both sides were violent, as Jarrod does in this story. It's true that often one side throws the first stone and it sends off a chain reaction, but you know what? Sometimes it is the left that does it. If you don't want that being reported, don't fucking do it. Like I said before, the whole "fighting fire with hotter fire" strategy is bad. We need to get our point across without being violent, or else we simply become hypocrites and give the other side legitimate reasons to point the finger in our direction and say "see, we're not the ones beating people up". And it's reaaaaaaaaal bad for your cause when the guy in the swastika t-shirt is the one who hasn't actually punched somebody. I'm smart enough to realize that punching one person doesn't compare to systemically oppressing an entire race - but millions of people aren't, so we really need to just avoid giving them that fuel.

    (this was all typed out quickly - hopefully it's not entirely incoherent)

  22. #3352
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    This is where I live, so I may be a little biased here.

    But right off the bat: fuck every single person who has threatened his family. They didn't go to Virginia. They didn't tell him to go to Virginia. He's an adult and he makes his own decisions. Threaten his family and you're no better than the ones holding torches.
    True, and I agree whole-heartedly that threatening ANYONE with murder here is distressing bullshit. ANY threat of physical violence is not only condemnable and idiotic, it falls straight into the hands of some despicable fucker who is desperate for a sympathy vote.

    But his family owns some blame here, at least in being apologists and enablers. They fed him this ideology, and that's patently clear. Listen to his mother defend him. She's being coy too, and running to the Apologist Playbook for Nazis every other sentence.

    If his mother didn't sound just like him while he implored people to believe that he's not bigoted, I'd buy that we should accept the possibility that he was radicalized entirely by outside sources... but following my intuition, that really doesn't seem to be the case. The lady doth protest too much, and is far too eager to demonize the counter ideology as bearing some blame. Jarrod learned this shit... and I'm convinced where he got it from, in large part.

    But now people are threatening him in a more direct way than he threatened anyone at the rally. And that bothers me. "Oh, you punched me? Well I'm going to stab you." That doesn't work. It has never worked. It will never work.
    His part in that demonstration was a veiled threat, a showcase of a silently boiling racist voice... He's part of a belligerent racist movement that operates from a privileged perspective. That isn't a direct threat of violence against an individual; it's a threat against entire races of people in this country. I'm not sure which is worse, but where do we stop condemning the people "outing" him when others respond with direct threats of violence?

    If you're marching at a rally without your identity hidden, expect to be identified. If that thought bothers you, then maybe take a real long, real thoughtful look at WHY that bothers you. And maybe you'll realize that you shouldn't be a part of that rally.
    Exactly... and perhaps be smart enough, once caught and called out, to at least not defend your attendance. Own it and apologize, do some soul-searching, change your ways. Don't expect people to believe you when you plead ignorance there. They won't, because it's an obvious and infuriating lie... and it won't stop the people who are outraged on a level willing to incite violence to "hammer the point home because you're just not getting it." Some things revolve around a complex gathering of contentious issues, and fucking around in that space will have a domino effect.

    And quickly, while I'm at it: typically, there is violence from both sides when rallies like this turn violent. They're powder kegs. Not accusing anyone here of doing this, but in general: don't go screaming "LIAR" or "FAKE NEWS" at anyone who says that both sides were violent, as Jarrod does in this story. It's true that often one side throws the first stone and it sends off a chain reaction, but you know what? Sometimes it is the left that does it. If you don't want that being reported, don't fucking do it. Like I said before, the whole "fighting fire with hotter fire" strategy is bad. We need to get our point across without being violent, or else we simply become hypocrites and give the other side legitimate reasons to point the finger in our direction and say "see, we're not the ones beating people up". And it's reaaaaaaaaal bad for your cause when the guy in the swastika t-shirt is the one who hasn't actually punched somebody. I'm smart enough to realize that punching one person doesn't compare to systemically oppressing an entire race - but millions of people aren't, so we really need to just avoid giving them that fuel.
    Agreed, but with a caveat... When the accused bigot resorts to talking-point excuses provided by the president, we need to shift the blame for his failure to end his misguided ways to the role model that he's parroting. This guy, along with his mom, are pulling that card handed to them by Trump. At that point, we condemn the card, and if the president refuses to own his mistake, we condemn him.

  23. #3353
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    I am so amazed that americans are still trying to talk sense into him or even trying to make sense of his words and actions. Just for the sake of limiting the embarrassment, i guess.

    and then this sad fuckwit

    Last edited by baudolino; 08-22-2017 at 08:21 AM.

  24. #3354
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    I was thinking this morning that I would actually be sad if he hired competent speech writers and people to take over his social media while he's in office from now on. In time, people will forget his unfiltered speech and tweets. So that when he inevitably screws up again, people will be surprised, all over again. Not us, the ones paying attention. The people who can only function by immediately forgetting all that happened an hour ago, with him. They'll look back on the day the professionals took over, and claim that it is "the day he became president." But he never has become president. He's just a placeholder in the office, right now. So, in a way, I don't care if he embarrasses me, as long as people can see how glaringly unfit he is.

  25. #3355
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    This poor guy was falsely accused of attending the rally.

  26. #3356
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    Deppressing as it is, this shows how we could be stuck with Trump until 2025.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 08-22-2017 at 01:31 PM.

  27. #3357
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    Remember this?

  28. #3358
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudolino View Post
    I am so amazed that americans are still trying to talk sense into him or even trying to make sense of his words and actions. Just for the sake of limiting the embarrassment, i guess.

    and then this sad fuckwit

    You could argue the same for that third cheeseburger but hey, here we are.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    That Top Secret clearance he received comes with life long requirements. It's mostly a pain for anyone in journalism/press. In a world of leaks, he will have lots of restrictions on what can be said, what docs he can touch, having to report to the govt, and having to get certain writings approved in advance. At least that's my understanding.
    Those idiots in charge of the gov't right now would just look the other way.

  29. #3359
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Deppressing as it is, this shows how we could be stuck with Trump until 2015.
    I don't see what's bad about going back in time and being rid of him before he even wins the nomination...

  30. #3360
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I don't see what's bad about going back in time and being rid of him before he even wins the nomination...

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