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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Not sure why everyone is wishing and hoping for impeachment. Pence is 4903720842730923750492389 times worse.
    Yeah, I get where you're coming from and I used to feel this way 100%, but now I go back and forth on this.

    Pence is an undeniable creep and I fucking hate him, but I do wonder whether a Pence presidency would at least feel less like some oppressive North Korean regime is coming to power. Pretty much all Republicans are shit, but Trump is just on another level. He and his staff say things that are legitimately disconcerting. So I just wonder whether Pence might dial it down a bit and at least be more like Bush. Then again, maybe that's just wishful thinking.

    Christ, I never thought I'd find myself pining for the days of Bush, but...that's the state of American conservatism for you.

  2. #272
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    Canadians were denied entry to the US yesterday and today:

    Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau is all Kumbaya about it.

  3. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post

    Without a path from protest to power, the Women's March will end up like Occupy

    That's all I can think, sadly. Not to shit on everyone's parade (literally) but i'm always getting my hopes destroyed by these bursts of left-leaning surges of energy that fizzle out. Occupy, DNC Primaries corruption, Electoral College, etc. I don't want another 8 years of protest that has no impact. You could have every citizen out in the streets right now, but it means nothing if they just go back home and feel like they just accomplished something of value, and then it ends there. Call me when people are doing more than standing in the street.
    The difference is that we're already seeing what effect this has on Trump. The guy had his press secretary come out to refute the size of the crowd at his inauguration in a futile attempt to undercut what was happening today. Yes, it's going to take a lot more than large marches to get things done, but you have to start somewhere, and I think many people in this country (and around the world) have sent a pretty clear message today.

  4. #274
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    "You don't know how few people there were because we didn't count. There were totally a lot of people. HUGE crowd. The best crowd. Also, there will be no counting at the marches tomorrow, so don't bother trying to compare numbers, because no numbers will exist, ever. Our numbers are better." is too long for Twitter, so he had to have this guy say this shit.

  5. #275
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    Word's coming out that even Trump thought Spicer went a little too far.

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Not to mention the fact that a Press Sec talking about the size of inauguration crowds has nothing to do with protests that happened a day later. People were talking about it well before the protests.
    Of course people were talking about it before, but if you don't think the protests had anything to do with the shitshow that the press secretary put on this evening, then you should think again. Trump and Co. could have ignored all the talk about the turnout at the inauguration, but I'm sure the amount of people protesting got their blood boiling, so they felt that they had to make a, try to undercut what was going on, which clearly didn't work.

    And I have no idea if it will go down in history along with the marches, but I do know it will probably be remembered as one of the funniest, most pathetic things to ever happen in least until the next Trump blunder.

  7. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    I'ts just day one... I'm just kinda tired of hearing it
    Yep, it's only day one. Imagine how tired you're going to be of it in three or four years. You're not even addressing the complaints about the things he's done prior to day one.

    but, like you said, it's only day one, and already the priorities are rolling out. The White House website's page on climate change disappeared immediately after he was sworn in. Hey though, that shouldn't come as a surprise, though right? He will try to boost the economy at the expense of all that hippy dippy environmentalism, and his supporters will love him for it. He'll bribe companies with multi-million dollar incentives so that they won't export jobs, and people will call him a champion for the working man. He'll do maybe a third of what he promised, and it will fuck this country (and its people) up beyond repair...

    and then his supporters will blame Obama for that part.

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Racism and sexism. Cool story.

    You might want to begin with learning the difference between gender and sexuality.

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    The difference is that we're already seeing what effect this has on Trump. The guy had his press secretary come out to refute the size of the crowd at his inauguration in a futile attempt to undercut what was happening today. Yes, it's going to take a lot more than large marches to get things done, but you have to start somewhere, and I think many people in this country (and around the world) have sent a pretty clear message today.
    I totally agree that the message of the day was inspiring and powerful. But still, the article Digital Chaos posted says a lot of really important things. Sending a message is a great starting place, and it's awesome to have all this energy. So now we have to BUILD something with that energy. This part of the article hit the nail on the head: "May the angry women return home the day after the march to lead us toward a women-led hybrid movement-party in every state that is disciplined enough to govern, militantly local and single-mindedly devoted to actualizing a force capable of seizing control of city councils and mayorships during midterm elections across America in preparation for an electoral coup against the presidency in 2020."

    I especially love the part about being "militantly local." We need that for the midterms. As far as I'm concerned, this is the most crucial thing that everyone needs to be focused on. We need to fucking slaughter the Republicans in the midterms. They have way too much unchecked power at a time when the oval office is held by an ego-tripping moron who literally appears to be showing signs of dementia. We NEED to take back congress or we're FUCKED. If we can't win the midterms, then why bother? That's our best hope. That's the ticket that gives us a real fighting chance of stopping Trump's nonsense. Nothing else matters. I want to see all the marches and protests focused on transforming the energy of this moment into electoral action that produces tangible results.

  10. #280
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    I heard 1 in 100 Americans had protested yesterday.

  11. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Speaking of photos, Trump's press secretary just tried to Jedi mind trick everyone into thinking that the inauguration was the most attended one in history, and that any photos that show otherwise were doctored to look that way.

    I know, I know...let's just see how it goes, right?
    RedState posted this article debunking everything that was said by Spicer.

    The amazing thing is that he said a bunch of lies. Call the media liars and did not take any questions from the press.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that how totalitarian regimes work?

    See this as well, when the Trump admin ordered the National Park twitter account to stop tweeting after posting the crowd size comparison picture.

  12. #282
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    with regards to relinquishing control of the entirety of his business interests, Trump and his associates "are not doing what they said they would do... and even that was completely inadequate."

  13. #283
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    I need to retract my previous statement about Spicer.

    Konway just told Chuck Todd that Spicer did not lie but said "alternative facts".

    You guys are fucked. Bigly.

    Last edited by Deepvoid; 01-22-2017 at 10:54 AM. Reason: added video

  14. #284
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    "Utter a falsehood"? How about "LIE"? Spicer straight up lied.

    Until we call a spade a spade we keep letting them win.

  15. #285
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    How is Trump still tweeting? Wasn't the Secret Service was supposed to take away his phone?

  16. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    How is Trump still tweeting? Wasn't the Secret Service was supposed to take away his phone?
    Ahahahaha yeah right
    From his cold, dead hands!

  17. #287
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    You don't need a phone to Tweet.

  18. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    You don't need a phone to Tweet.
    Oh right. Lol. I guess I so strongly connect twitter with mobile that I forget all about people who access it through the site.

  19. #289
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    I've done most of my tweeting through the website.

  20. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I've done most of my tweeting through the website.
    Based on every representation of Twitter I've seen : you're tweeting wrong.
    I wouldn't know, I don't tweet. But if I ever twat, I'd tweet from a mobile phone, in the street, with a slightly annoyed / blasé expression.

  21. #291
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    Legal-ish question. From the Twitter TOS:

    "If you are accepting these Terms and using the Services on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so."

    Can the POTUS even qualify for a personal account? Or would his elected position insinuate that anything he says on twitter is being said on behalf of "The President" instead of "Donald"?

    I mean, imagine that his personal account tweets out "fuck it lets nuke England" - is there some sort of magical filter that leads people to think "it's not the President saying that, it's just Don blowing off steam. Point being...if they're one and the same, wouldn't his personal account have to be locked down the same way that the official @POTUS handle is? I remember a number of articles citing that his personal feed is a major security risk since it can be hacked just as easily as any other personal account.

  22. #292
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    Speaking of twitter and giving fascists like Spencer special treatment as opposed to a punch in the face.


  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Because a "punch in the face" being substituted for "special treatment" changes fucking *anything* in that story. /s

    Leftists no longer have what it takes to change that story.
    So what are you doing to help? Your line of thinking is exactly what's wrong with this country and movement, because you appear to stand for nothing. At least those of us who went marching and stayed informed felt empowered. For instance, I talked to a group of people in San Antonio yesterday who joined the marches to help protect their insurance because they work at several plants around the city and didn't vote for Trump and are scared of losing their jobs and health care. That right there is something I never would've given much of an ear to, had I not even gotten up to march on the behalf of my mother, my fiancee, and my step daughter. Just because you choose not to get off your ass and decide to troll a message board, doesn't mean the rest of us can't get up and help out and make sure we destroy the right in the 2018 mid terms. Keep bitching and complaining if you want, as long as you realize you're part of the problem.

  24. #294
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    There is no way in hell Shia LaBeouf is going to survive his 4 year protest stream without having a mental breakdown. I give him a few more days. He looks incredibly on edge. Dude is losing his mind.

  25. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    There is no way in hell Shia LaBeouf is going to survive his 4 year protest stream without having a mental breakdown. I give him a few more days. He looks incredibly on edge. Dude is losing his mind.
    You can't mess up chaos, the guy's unhinged from the start, it will only make him more Shia than ever.

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    I need to retract my previous statement about Spicer.

    Konway just told Chuck Todd that Spicer did not lie but said "alternative facts".

    You guys are fucked. Bigly.

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I invest significant portions of my time, energy, and other resources towards things that facilitate that allow for successful movements. Some of which have already succeeded.

    It's not about me. It's about you. It's about what YOU are going to either waste your time on or succeed with. You are on you way to repeat the 8 years of ineffectual protest that we saw under Bush. The left has given away most of their power to enact change, both ideologically and in legally. They also can't stick to one foundation long enough for anything to matter. How are those DNC primaries getting fixed? Maybe the caucuses? Maybe the Electoral College? yeah... You've spent years transferring power to government, asking the government to do everything for you. Now that power is in the hands of someone you hate. You frequently justified it with "breaking our groups into individuals through a focus on raw powerful individualism isn't strengthening us, its weakening us" ... Now you see how ridiculous that statement is. The power in groups comes from not only strong individuals but also the group's ability to self-govern, seize power, etc. All abilities that have been stripped down in the name of of supposed "togetherness" controlled by the elite.

    The right wingers have now demonstrated more revolutionary power and capacity than the left. It also means that they will be the ones most capable of filling any vacuum that the left could hope to create. So go ahead and emote in the streets and come home feeling good about it if you want. Don't delude yourself into think that its going to "protect insurance."
    What exactly have you done? You realize you're saying the right wing won when it's blatantly obvious that there was outside interference from Russia. They didn't demonstrate power or win anything, they stole it. The voters showed it by the popular vote, the documents against Trump, they're basically a sinking ship at this point. The only thing they've done is steal an election for the time being. Yesterday more than anything proved they didn't win, their backs are against the wall, and I guarantee you there will be push back on someone who is the most disliked person to ever take office. Nobody wasted their time yesterday, it got under Trump's skin knowing that a fucking women's march outdid his numbers, why else would he have mentioned it? The only person wasting their time is you, because you haven't done jack shit in the past 24 hours besides bitch and complain. Tell me, how is that doing your part?

  28. #298
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    Conway put's the con in way say's Drumf won't release his tax return's because "people don't care" that and of course.... grizzlies

  29. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    lol "russia stole the presidency" ... "but the popular vote" ...

    you are further behind than I assumed. i can only hope that the majority of the left aren't that far behind.
    You're the one behind if you think that Russia wasn't interfering in swing states, and you obviously have no concept of coastal elite numbers that made up the popular vote. But why should I be surprised when you're displayed nothing but ignorance and a tired argument about the big bad left.

  30. #300
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    So Madonna, of all people, speaks at the women's march, welcoming everyone to the revolution of love, and then tells Trump to go "suck a dick"?

    Wow. Class up the ass, Madge. This is the same person that criticizes even the most minute details of her entourage's fashion accessories and forbids her dancers to make eye contact with her.

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