I saw this twice to understand it. First viewing I thought it took place on the same planet as Prometheus, and was thus confused: why would Shaw be dead on that planet if she left it at the end of Prometheus? I think a better effort could have been made to distinguish the two, visually.

I like the aesthetic Scott is going for, but it does seem that these films are unnecessarily frustrating. Covenant is better than Prometheus, but still it denies us the pleasure of what we want see more of: the Engineers' planet and society, for example. Who are they and what do they want? I don't mind about David tinkering with the xenomorphs: he didn't invent them, but if I understand correctly, he added the egg/facehugger/chestburster aspect. This is fine, the alien is always evolving and being messed with. I don't think the spores are as bad as midiclorians (Vader not having a dad is way stupider), but I do agree with @Shadaloo that the characters are unnecessarily stupid: in Alien, Ridley Scott had respect for the expertise of the Nostromo crew and for them as people, here has nothing but contempt for these dumb young punks, and the films suffer. Crudup's character was too bad to be true: a genuine idiot, I guess embodying some ham-fisted anti-faith message on Scott's part. I do feel the film hung together more than Prometheus, but it was essentially a remake of Alien with a more convoluted android role.
Also, if the android is awake when the others are in hypersleep, why isn't Ash in Alien, and if the Covenant crew know Walter is an android, why doesn't the Nostromo crew know about Ash? That seems a strange inconsistency.

I think the next film should be some massive Aliens-style shoot out on Origae-6 with some Engineers thrown in. We need at some point for some explanation of how Weyland-Yutani get to know about xenomorphs so they can direct the Nostromo to the planet in the original Alien. I don't know if a film documenting what happens with David/Shaw/Engineers would be sustainable, given we know how it turns out: maybe a flashback sequence could go into that in sufficient detail.