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Thread: Marilyn Manson

  1. #2851
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    I think I'm one of the few that liked Heaven Upside Down. It's not amazing and there are definitely weak points, but I enjoyed it, so I'm interested to hear what he's got going on next. I honestly don't expect him to give us anything like AS or MA again, but hopefully it's something good.

  2. #2852
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    Of course those girls are talking about Manson...And we all know Twiggy is a sexual degenerate. But based on some of the stories Manson has told about Trent (the abortion story, the group sex, the putting meat all over the deaf girl before Pogo banged her in the ass).....our beloved Trent is no angel. I just wonder what the hardcore feminist portion of the NIN fanbase that congregates over here on ETS would think if all of Trents dirty laundry got exposed

    I am not a Manson apologist but it does seem like a lot of people come on here to say "fuck Manson" and its all fun and games and yet when I went over to the Gary Numan section to call Gary out on some shit (same shit about 99999999 people called him out on fb about), I get stern warnings to keep quiet and shut up. Then again Gary is part of Trents circle these days so I guess he is untouchable and MM is the outcast. In a year if Manson becomes friends with TR, then Manson will be off limits

  3. #2853
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    Don't conflate sordid antics between consenting adults with sustained patterns of horrendous domestic abuse.

  4. #2854
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    Of course those girls are talking about Manson...And we all know Twiggy is a sexual degenerate. But based on some of the stories Manson has told about Trent (the abortion story, the group sex, the putting meat all over the deaf girl before Pogo banged her in the ass).....our beloved Trent is no angel. I just wonder what the hardcore feminist portion of the NIN fanbase that congregates over here on ETS would think if all of Trents dirty laundry got exposed

    I am not a Manson apologist but it does seem like a lot of people come on here to say "fuck Manson" and its all fun and games and yet when I went over to the Gary Numan section to call Gary out on some shit (same shit about 99999999 people called him out on fb about), I get stern warnings to keep quiet and shut up. Then again Gary is part of Trents circle these days so I guess he is untouchable and MM is the outcast. In a year if Manson becomes friends with TR, then Manson will be off limits
    Trent has made friends with Manson again of a fashion though, and people diss Manson because he’s shite live. I’ve seen Gary Numan every year I think for the past 3 years and it’s been great

  5. #2855
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    I agree about Manson being shit live. He's been that way since 2003. My friend spends money to see him every time he comes around NYC, and every time she is left feeling like she got robbed. She was at the show where the stage prop fell on his head and also at the show where he walked off stage after 20 minutes. Its buyer beware for anyone buying Manson tickets.

  6. #2856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    Of course those girls are talking about Manson...And we all know Twiggy is a sexual degenerate. But based on some of the stories Manson has told about Trent (the abortion story, the group sex, the putting meat all over the deaf girl before Pogo banged her in the ass).....our beloved Trent is no angel. I just wonder what the hardcore feminist portion of the NIN fanbase that congregates over here on ETS would think if all of Trents dirty laundry got exposed

    I am not a Manson apologist but it does seem like a lot of people come on here to say "fuck Manson" and its all fun and games and yet when I went over to the Gary Numan section to call Gary out on some shit (same shit about 99999999 people called him out on fb about), I get stern warnings to keep quiet and shut up. Then again Gary is part of Trents circle these days so I guess he is untouchable and MM is the outcast. In a year if Manson becomes friends with TR, then Manson will be off limits
    This isn't Facebook.

    If you go into an artist's thread to shit on that artist, nobody's going to like that. You could always post it in Controversial Music Opinions or keep a blog or something.

    Marilyn Manson's been a farce for quite some time and we all know it. Now, I can't really comment on the quality of his music post-TGAOG, but the general consensus is that it's declined, and certainly has never recaptured the fire of the early years. He's also become atrocious live, so much so that anything deemed 'passable' is almost newsworthy. He's constantly drunk, high, he's let his body go to the dogs, and he just doesn't seem to care anymore. To make matters worse, he harboured a rapist for years and may have abused women himself. He's the epitome of a washed-up joke, and if the latter is true, kind of disgusting.

    Now take Gary Numan. He has a stable marriage, he's clean and fit and fucking great on-stage. He loves his kids and is a down-to-earth, modest, self-deprecating chap who seems genuine. Sure, he's chugged along a little over the last few years, but he's doing well for himself. Add to that, his last few albums have been great, and the new one is shaping up to be a banger. I don't think one can really criticise him for going on holiday; almost everyone does, except Gary likes to share them online. Also, the guy is over 60. He was a pioneer of electronic music and is still rocking to this day. Give him a break. Listening to you obsessively moan about him is tedious. Please. Just stop.

    People come to this thread to see what new trainwreck has occurred. We can't stop it, it just happens. MM is a walking car crash. Some people like watching that sort of thing.
    People say "fuck Manson" because he doesn't respect the people. Anyone who's gone to one of his shows in the last decade can tell you that.
    I honestly think it's a little unfair to shit all over his new music before it's even released. However, for MM's camp to say his new album's a masterpiece is laughable considering his latest output hasn't exactly been great.

  7. #2857
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    If you go into an artist's thread to shit on that artist, nobody's going to like that.”

    The exception to the rule being, of course, this thread..

  8. #2858
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    *raises hand*
    I haven't listened to Manson in over 24 years, but I read this thread purely for the car-crash watching.* It seems really sad, but at the same time, from what I've read MM is just an asshole, so he gets what he deserves.

    *Which is ironic, because I do not look at real-life car crashes when I'm driving.

  9. #2859
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    Most news to come out of here is usually bad to begin with. Performing under the influence. Getting hurt from performing while under the influence. I went from hardcore fan to cynic.

    Imo, he hasn't made one good, consistent album since 2003. Yeah, I like GAOG.

    Everything else just comes off incoherent. I still have a shred of hope though. That under the right circumstances, he has a good album left in him.

    But, I believe the "masterpiece" line about as much as I fell for the "best since antichrist" one. Fool, I was...

  10. #2860
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    I am looking forward to the new record. Count me in the minority that still finds Manson a fun listen and will buy the new record when it is released without even hearing a note off it. Is it intellectual stuff like Tool and NIN put out? Hell no. But it fills a void for dumb cock rock that I don't want to go searching for elsewhere. With Manson, I know what I am going to get: Music that would be better as instrumentals with sometimes interesting lyrics sprinkled over it like a donut from Dunks. Its not good for you, but it is tasty for that minute or two you are eating it. Anyway, I get people coming here to voice their disappointment/pure hatred for Manson. We all seek validation in our thoughts, and you will get them here.

    If you are a Manson fan (I am), take your lumps and move on, its not worth defending him. We all know he is disappointing live and the output has been so-so (but fuck you if you don't like the Pale Emperor). But anyway, make fun of the guy and piss all over his music, doesn't matter to me. I'll go to the show, have a beer and watch him flail about and mumble his lyrics while his band ignores him and plays through their set like its a job. But, I will be surrounded by people who appreciate him for what he is as much as I do. Do I hold out hope that things will go back to the way they once were? Nope. I know better. But that doesn't mean I won't be in line for that donut...

  11. #2861
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    He made his best, most consistent album since 2000 in 2015.

  12. #2862
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    If you go into an artist's thread to shit on that artist, nobody's going to like that.”

    The exception to the rule being, of course, this thread..
    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    People say "fuck Manson" because he doesn't respect the people.
    That said, I do think it's unfair to hate on unreleased material, and the whole fat-shaming thing that happened a few pages back was pretty horrid, too.

  13. #2863
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    WARNING: Individual opinion below..

    I don’t understand what some of you people expect him to say when he has a new record coming out. “This next record is going to be really shitty, but I had to release something to pay my bills..”?

    Of course he’s going to be proud of his next album. Of course he’s going to tout it as a masterpiece. Of course he’s going to say it’s his best work since Antichrist. Why wouldn’t he? Would you write a novel and tell everyone they should wipe their ass with it? Would you film a movie and tell people you hope they don’t go see it?

    One guy said a page or two back that he makes shitty music and I should go listen to it to boost his play count or something? Point taken, if he’s calling his own music shit, I’m definitely not going to go listen to it then. I’m convinced..

    The only shit album Manson ever made is that Eat and Drink Me one, and my tune has changed on that one over the years, even. It’s not that bad, it just sounds stylistically different from anything else he’s done in his oeuvre. He got back on course with that High End of Low album, which is one of my favorite things he’s ever done. I see people dunking on Heaven Upside Down all the time here, but praising Pale Emperor as a late-career masterstroke. They are virtually the same fucking album, to the point where he could’ve released it as a double and it would have sounded fine. Some people have already dismissed the next album because they’ve dismissed Manson as a person. It doesn’t take a genius to see there’s an agenda at work here..

  14. #2864
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    This isn't Facebook.

    IMarilyn Manson's been a farce for quite some time and we all know it. To make matters worse, he harboured a rapist for years and may have abused women himself. He's the epitome of a washed-up joke, and if the latter is true, kind of disgusting.

    Now take Gary Numan. He has a stable marriage, he's clean and fit and fucking great on-stage. He loves his kids and is a down-to-earth, modest, self-deprecating chap who seems genuine.
    Harboured a rapist? You mean Twiggy? The same guy Trent brought into Nine Inch Nails a decade after knowing all about his depraved behavior? By that argument, Trent harboured a rapist as well. Calling Manson washed up when the dude still has albums chart on the top 20 of Billboard and calling Numan the epitome of being in the prime of his career when his albums don't crack the top 200 and the majority of his fanbase qualify for AARP is kind of odd. Numan is down to earth and modest and self deprecating? The same guy who wears wigs and has had thousands of dollars of cosmetic plastic surgery? Thats the opposite of down to earth and modest. Thats vanity and narcissism to the extreme. A healthy marriage? He all but admitted his wife used to stalk him and would go to his shows when she was 10 years old or whatever. Thats kind of creepy to marry someone who was worshipping you as a prepubescent. I don't think that qualifies as healthy and considering she has spent close to a million on her own vanity plastic surgery, I would say its a very unhealthy alliance they have. Numan, the same guy who demanded his fans buy his patreon and then said they werent "real fans" unless they pay him? Thats about as diva a move as I can think of. Ironically Trent has stated many times he thinks artists who beg for money on kickstarters are a joke. I guess ol Gar never got that memo. Manson and Twiggy get shit on for their depraved sexual behavior (as well they should) yet Maynard is fucking WORSHIPPED by a majority of the NIN fanbase. Lets take a look at ol MJKs sexual history man. Talk about depravity. Read up on his past. Its fucking caligula.....You have me defending Marilyn Manson for god sake
    Last edited by Helpmeiaminhell (is now in hell); 04-30-2020 at 06:48 PM.

  15. #2865
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    You don’t have to explain your Manson fandom to me, man. You seem generally well informed, unlike others who come in here just to shit on the guy at will. It’s like they live for that shit, which is why you get people laughing about the thread being a dumpster fire or the most locked thread in ETS history. There’s just some very screwed up sensibility at play, it would seem. A lot of talk about how awful Manson’s music is, but nobody releasing anything of their own that’s any better. Then getting ass hurt when they get a taste of their own logic thrown back at them..

    You know what’s even funnier than Manson proclaiming every single album to be his best since his prime? The people who keep falling for it and showing up to listen to it each and every time. And then being disappointed with the results they get. Clearly he knows how to draw them in. If it’s so bad, then just ignore the guy’s music and put a dent in his profits..

    Or waste your time on the internet complaining about it when you yourself can’t do any better. Not criticizing you in particular, just the general consensus that comes here to complain about the guy non-stop. It really is amusing, but not for the reasons one would expect..

  16. #2866
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    lol no, it’s not a dumb argument. It’s the goddamn truth. I would love for anyone here who routinely slams the guy to show me their platinum albums, their tour itineraries of their travels around the globe, and the big pile of cash that’s higher than the one Manson sits on. That dude, regardless of how big of an asshole he may be, has done all of that and more while you and others just sit here and complain about how it’s not “your thing” and what a mess he is. Do you think Manson gives a fuck? lol no, I assure you, he doesn’t. Probably because he knows everyone talking shit will be streaming his “new masterpiece” the day it comes out, instead of creating one of their own that betters it. Because they probably can’t..

    You can whitewash it and justify it however you want, but until you can do it better or walk a mile in his shoes, you’re just some rando bitching on the internet about things he does that you haven’t. All that does is makes you sound bitter and jealous and upset that he’s probably living the life that you would like to, but don’t. It’s one thing to say “I listened to his album/music/concert and it wasn’t my thing”, but when it becomes a routine occurrence, don’t be surprised when others start asking to see what makes you so qualified to speak out on the matter.

    Because that’s when you start to look petulant and ignorant..

  17. #2867
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    I think it’s awesome that Manson sycophants now have to use the “he’s rich” argument just like fans of every awful pop star or every shitty billionaire, even after Manson himself wrote “cash is a poor man’s money” a whole 1 album ago.

  18. #2868
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  19. #2869
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    Everson..Richard P..when are your next masterpieces coming out? Are they going to be recorded in your basement and posted to SoundCloud or whatever again? I can honestly say, what I heard wasn’t exactly anything I would call fantastic either..
    Sometimes you don't need to look down to know you just took a fat shit.

  20. #2870
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    Harboured a rapist? You mean Twiggy? The same guy Trent brought into Nine Inch Nails a decade after knowing all about his depraved behavior? By that argument, Trent harboured a rapist as well. Calling Manson washed up when the dude still has albums chart on the top 20 of Billboard and calling Numan the epitome of being in the prime of his career when his albums don't crack the top 200 and the majority of his fanbase qualify for AARP is kind of odd. Numan is down to earth and modest and self deprecating? The same guy who wears wigs and has had thousands of dollars of cosmetic plastic surgery? Thats the opposite of down to earth and modest. Thats vanity and narcissism to the extreme. A healthy marriage? He all but admitted his wife used to stalk him and would go to his shows when she was 10 years old or whatever. Thats kind of creepy to marry someone who was worshipping you as a prepubescent. I don't think that qualifies as healthy and considering she has spent close to a million on her own vanity plastic surgery, I would say its a very unhealthy alliance they have. Numan, the same guy who demanded his fans buy his patreon and then said they werent "real fans" unless they pay him? Thats about as diva a move as I can think of. Ironically Trent has stated many times he thinks artists who beg for money on kickstarters are a joke. I guess ol Gar never got that memo. Manson and Twiggy get shit on for their depraved sexual behavior (as well they should) yet Maynard is fucking WORSHIPPED by a majority of the NIN fanbase. Lets take a look at ol MJKs sexual history man. Talk about depravity. Read up on his past. Its fucking caligula.....You have me defending Marilyn Manson for god sake
    For fuck's sake.

    Savage was #154 on US Billboard and was actually #2 in the UK. But why use charts as a measure for musical quality? Just look at the decades of garbage #1s playing on the radio, all paid for by huge corporate labels and their marketing teams. To get anywhere near that is an achievement.
    Age-shaming is low. Most NIN fans are over 30, and Numan's been around for longer. When I saw Numan last year, there were quite a few fans in their 20s. What's your point?
    What's wrong with wearing wigs? Most in Japanese Visual Kei circles wear them. Trent dyes his hair. So what? It doesn't hurt anyone. Let him do what he wants.
    His wife is addicted to plastic surgery, true. I don't particularly like it myself but hey, it's her life. She has problems and is an addict. Watching his documentary a few years ago, their relationship seems healthy. Regardless, his personal life is quite frankly none of our goddamned business.
    Patreon is not begging. I explained this to you twice before and you don't seem to have taken it on board.

    I give up. Your obsession with drama is tiresome.

    On the subject of Jeordie White, the difference there is that while Manson allowed him to stay in the band throughout that period, Trent took him in years after the fact. He may not have known exactly what went on. We don't have enough information to throw accusations around.
    Last edited by katara; 05-01-2020 at 04:18 AM.

  21. #2871
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    One guy said a page or two back that he makes shitty music and I should go listen to it to boost his play count or something? Point taken, if he’s calling his own music shit, I’m definitely not going to go listen to it then. I’m convinced..
    I mean, I was just kidding. Some people may put out music they think is shitty for a buck or some recognition, but I'm not sure anyone here is making money off of music they put out. I know I'm certainly not.

    As for MM saying he's putting out a record to pay the bills, fuck yeah I'd like to hear him say that. You know whose music I generally don't like? Chad Kroeger. You know who I respect for admitting he puts out what's popular to build up his bank account? Bingo. It's no surprise that a professional musician's job is, in part, to put out an album that will draw fans and listens. Putting out records and claiming to do so simply for the art nearly 30 years into your career comes off as disingenuous, with maybe some exceptions.

  22. #2872
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    Look plenty of artists that are established are able to hype up a new album without calling it a “masterpiece.” Trent’s regularly held that The Fragile is his favorite and has rarely overhyped an album since. You can say “I’m proud of my new album and can’t wait to share it” without giving it these adjectives that are best left for everyone else to decide. But I think everyone knows this and this is nothing but a dumb self-indulgent exercise in being a fan who eats whatever shit someone drops rather than someone who likes things but doesn’t become an accessory of them.

  23. #2873
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    lol no, it’s not a dumb argument. It’s the goddamn truth. I would love for anyone here who routinely slams the guy to show me their platinum albums, their tour itineraries of their travels around the globe, and the big pile of cash that’s higher than the one Manson sits on. That dude, regardless of how big of an asshole he may be, has done all of that and more while you and others just sit here and complain about how it’s not “your thing” and what a mess he is. Do you think Manson gives a fuck? lol no, I assure you, he doesn’t. Probably because he knows everyone talking shit will be streaming his “new masterpiece” the day it comes out, instead of creating one of their own that betters it.
    Actually, I won't be listening.
    I think this whole argument is silly. Do people judge wine critics on their ability to make wine? No, they don't. And both music and wine making are art.
    People can appreciate and critique things without being masters of them.
    If you want to chalk up expertise to the size of the pile of cash they're sitting on.....really? Really? That's an argument you want to go with here?

  24. #2874
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    Haha no, the argument here is — and always has been — that the people who come in here and constantly criticize the guy can’t do it any better, and just come off looking like a bunch of clueless hypocrites..

    I know that’s a real tough pill to swallow, but that’s accountability in the 21st-century for you, I guess. Jealousy, envy..those can be real killers, man..

  25. #2875
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Nick Kushner was an absolute treasure and i'm not sure if this photo was posted knowing nick was in it or not.

  26. #2876
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    Haha no, the argument here is — and always has been — that the people who come in here and constantly criticize the guy can’t do it any better, and just come off looking like a bunch of clueless hypocrites..

    I know that’s a real tough pill to swallow, but that’s accountability in the 21st-century for you, I guess. Jealousy, envy..those can be real killers, man..
    I hope you realise that criticising artists who make music as a hobby is just as hypocritical. In fact, it's worse, because they're right here posting on the same forum. You wouldn't say those things to their faces in real life... would you?

  27. #2877
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    When you see it...

  28. #2878
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    I hope you realise that criticising artists who make music as a hobby is just as hypocritical. In fact, it's worse, because they're right here posting on the same forum. You wouldn't say those things to their faces in real life... would you?
    Are we talking about the people here who criticize Manson constantly and also make their own music that isn’t anything better than what he’s done?

    Hell yeah, I would tell them to their face I didn’t think their music was anything better. Why wouldn’t I..? Would they ever go up to Manson and tell him to his face that his music was garbage?

  29. #2879
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    When you see it...
    Who knew Bill Shatner was a an anti-Semite?

  30. #2880
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    Are we talking about the people here who criticize Manson constantly and also make their own music that isn’t anything better than what he’s done?

    Hell yeah, I would tell them to their face I didn’t think their music was anything better. Why wouldn’t I..? Would they ever go up to Manson and tell him to his face that his music was garbage?
    While I can't speak for anyone else, I absolutely think everything I've released in the last X amount of years is better than anything Manson has done in the same time frame. That's how opinions work, I guess.

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