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Thread: BUSH! (The band, not George H.W., George W., Neil, Barbara, Jeb, etc.)

  1. #31
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    New song, "Mad Love."

    IDK about this one. Maybe it's the backup vocals in the chorus, but something doesn't quite work. Maybe it will grow on me. One of their more radio-friendly songs--maybe a little too radio friendly.

    New album, Black and White Rainbows is out 3/10.

  2. #32
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    In case folks didn't know, Bush also recently re-released Razorblade Suitcase remastered and expanded. It is available digitally (including 24 bit) and on vinyl.

    01. Personal Holloway
    02. Greedy Fly
    03. Swallowed
    04. Insect Kin
    05. Cold Contagious
    06. A Tendency to Start Fires
    07. Mouth
    08. Straight No Chaser
    09. History
    10. Synapse
    11. Communicator
    12. Bonedriven
    13. Distant Voices
    14. Old
    15. Broken TV
    16. Sleeper
    17. Bubbles



    Last edited by neorev; 02-06-2017 at 08:18 AM.

  3. #33
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    Razorblade kicks ass.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    In case folks didn't know, Bush also recently re-released Razorblade Suitcase remastered and expanded. It is available digitally (including 24 bit) and on vinyl.

    01. Personal Holloway
    02. Greedy Fly
    03. Swallowed
    04. Insect Kin
    05. Cold Contagious
    06. A Tendency to Start Fires
    07. Mouth
    08. Straight No Chaser
    09. History
    10. Synapse
    11. Communicator
    12. Bonedriven
    13. Distant Voices
    14. Old
    15. Broken TV
    16. Sleeper
    17. Bubbles



    No deluxe CD? Just vinyl. Is this going to be a trend?

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Razorblade does kickass. It's like the last major grunge album of the era before the genre imploded completely

    But this new shit? Wtf happened to this band. It's like Gwen still has Gavin's balls in her Gucci purse. Man On The Run was embarrassing af and if 'Mad Love' is any indication, this new album will be more saccharine contemporary bullshit of the same order.

    Was really hoping after that "Dangerous Love" career nadir on MOTR, he would come to his senses and at least veer back towards the sound he had perfected on the Institute record, but apparently that's a completely different Gavin I'm hoping for..
    I actually rather enjoyed MOTR and think that the post-reunion albums were, overall, more satisfying and solid than their early albums, which had better singles but more filler. But I agree with you, I hope the new album rocks harder than the new single would indicate.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    I almost want to go see them live sometime, just to see how they play the newer stuff in comparison to the older classic 90s hits. I can't even imagine how jarring that might sound in person
    This is when you are looking around at a concert, and everyone has that confused, what the fuck facial expression on their face. My buddy saw them last year and he said they sounded fantastic. Sixteen Stone and The Science of Things (Which I find to be highly underrated and possesses one their best songs "The Chemicals Between Us") will always be my fave; even The Sea of Memories has it's moments... but this new song is such trash.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    @RhettButler Their history is a unique one, if nothing else..

    They showed up in the fallout of the post-Cobain scene and were immediately roasted for being Nirvana knockoffs, but sold shitloads of their first two albums. By the time their third album showed up, they were on their way out and dabbling in the electronica fad of the time. Their fourth album was a back-to-basics hail mary that landed with a thud and the band predictably split up.

    Then Gavin shows up with the drummer years later and forms a new band that essentially sounds just like Bush did at the end of their first run. That album goes nowhere and he splits up the band again.

    Then he shows up years later and releases a solo album that sounds nothing like his previous material and is an obvious play for mainstream contemporary rock radio. It actually worked, too; I remember that one single from it scaled the Billboard 100 chart for awhile.

    Then he reforms Bush with 3/4 of the Institute lineup and again changes his sound to glossed up radio rock. The Sea of Memories is strong in the first half and then limps out with filler galore from the halfway point on.

    Then he puts out Man On The Run and it's obvious he's just fawning for mainstream radio play. It's like listening to a completely different band than the first Bush era, from the sound to the songwriting. This new album looks and sounds like we'll be getting Man On The Run Some More..

    I almost want to go see them live sometime, just to see how they play the newer stuff in comparison to the older classic 90s hits. I can't even imagine how jarring that might sound in person
    A pretty spot-on write up. I never thought Bush were a great band, definitely a second-tier act, albeit a good one, so my standards for them are low. I want an enjoyable, post-grunge 90's sounding album, with a few gems that rocks--I don't expect anything exceptional, just a decent 90's sounding rock album, and that's exactly what I got with their two reunion albums. As for the live show--they rock. Gavin is a total ham--the Brett Michaels of grunge, but still a commanding frontman. He jumps into the crowd and all his die-hard fans run after him, he's truly still living the dream. Seriously, check them out live, you will definitely enjoy yourself.

  8. #38
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    I quite like the remix album Deconstructed that features remixes of Razorblade Suitcase and Sixteen Stone tracks. Out of their regular albums, I prefer Razorblade Suite, most likely due to Steve Albini's work. I just love the sound Albini gets with his recordings. Nirvana's In Utero is one of the best sounding rock albums, as if you're in the room with the band, and is my favorite album from them. They started to lose me around The Science Of Things, which has some sparse good moments. I didn't mind the electronics since I dug Deconstructed and felt electronics definitely added something to their sound. But that was pretty much it for me, I never really paid much attention to them after that. I recently picked up the 24 bit remastered edition of Deconstructed.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Someone posted a setlist up above from one of their shows about six months ago. They only played one song apiece from each of the most recent albums. That pretty much tells me just how little Gavin is into the new stuff they're creating. I'm guessing he's only calling it Bush because nobody would give a fuck if he called it anything else (see: Institute).

    But yea, this new stuff isn't Bush. Granted, it's Gavin's band and he can do whatever he wants, but it's a completely different band nowadays, and not for the better. This new song has a grade-school chorus and that autotune/vocoder thing he's doing with his vocals doesn't suit him at all.

    At least with a band like Silverchair, they evolved naturally from album to album and you could hear a distinct line of reasoning from Frogstomp all the way to Daniel's solo album from a few years ago. Gavin went from grunge to contemporary fluff practically overnight.
    Oh for sure. Pretty sure no one is going to see them for their new material besides the fan girls that scream for his nuts. He could name the band "Gavin's Bush" and people would still somehow not mind. As for Institute, I bought that album for my Dad years ago and he thought it was meh. Some decent songs, but it was a play it safe - rehash of Bush in my opinion. That should have been his chance to branch out a little, but then again, that band lasted well, barely.

    Silverchair name drop?? I love you.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Someone posted a setlist up above from one of their shows about six months ago. They only played one song apiece from each of the most recent albums. That pretty much tells me just how little Gavin is into the new stuff they're creating. I'm guessing he's only calling it Bush because nobody would give a fuck if he called it anything else (see: Institute).

    But yea, this new stuff isn't Bush. Granted, it's Gavin's band and he can do whatever he wants, but it's a completely different band nowadays, and not for the better. This new song has a grade-school chorus and that autotune/vocoder thing he's doing with his vocals doesn't suit him at all.

    At least with a band like Silverchair, they evolved naturally from album to album and you could hear a distinct line of reasoning from Frogstomp all the way to Daniel's solo album from a few years ago. Gavin went from grunge to contemporary fluff practically overnight.
    It's Bush. No one cares about the bass player, (in Bush's case) so changing guitarists is all that matters, and it doesn't. It's Gavin's band, he is Bush.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 02-07-2017 at 03:52 AM. Reason: Clarification

  11. #41
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    I liked the first 2 albums. "The Chemical Between Us" was alright but everything else became shit afterwards. Gavin is a chode. Plus, it's not a real band if it feature half of the original band and 2 hired guns.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    It's Bush. No one cares about the bass player
    Not to stray off topic, but do you mean in general? Or just Bush...

  13. #43
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    I posted a show review last summer. They did not disappoint. I was surprised at how good they were actually.

    ahhh Little Things...my favorite song of theirs. I'm a sucker for that snare build-up!

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Not to stray off topic, but do you mean in general? Or just Bush...
    Bush. Sometimes the bassist matters, i.e., The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Iron Maiden, etc. But Bush is one of those bands where the drummer/bassist don't really matter, imho. As for guitarists, both Nigel and Chris are good, competent players, but neither matters to the band the way, say, Slash matters to GN'R. As long as Gavin is backed by good players, it's Bush. He's their frontman/creative force. Bush have had their fair share of great singles and filler throughout their career, imho.

  15. #45
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    Bush's old bass player was fine as hell, but I don't think he particularly brought anything unique to their sound. What was his name, Dave Parsons? Has he even done anything musically since the band broke up? Probably not. To me, Bush was pretty much Gavin and Nigel. Without Nigel, this is pretty much just Gavin Rossdale solo project 2.0 (or 3.0 if Institute was the first). The new single is somehow even worse than I was expecting. What the hell happened here? Ugh.
    Last edited by halo eighteen; 02-07-2017 at 07:24 AM.

  16. #46
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    @NYRexall I actually really liked "The Only Way Out!" Different strokes for different folks.

  17. #47
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    Are there any good live videos from last year? All I can find is either front row stuff that's just so distorted it hurts, or stuff where the crowd is singing four times louder than Gavin.

  18. #48
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    Now the obligatory album ranking:

    6. The Science of Things
    5. Garden State
    4. Man on the Run
    3. The Sea of Memories
    2. Razorblade Suitcase
    1. Sixteen Stone

  19. #49
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    yeah, to discount the guitarist for Bush is wrong. Nigel was integral to the sound we all want out of Bush.

  20. #50
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    1. Sixteen Stone
    2. Razorblade Suitcase
    3. "The Chemical Between us", single

    That's all...

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    I liked what they were going for at the time on The Science of Things

    Prizefighter, Warm Machine, Dancing Cat Disease, Chemicals Between Us, Letting The Cables Sleep, Jesus Online, 40 Miles From The Sun...those are all quality songs as far as Bush goes. The rest of the album is just kind of there. By the time Golden State arrived, they were as bland as that album's cover art.

    I wish they still wrote songs the way they did for the first three albums. Everything now is just autotuned radio cheese
    Could never really get into TSOT. The electronic elements never really worked for me. But I'll give that album, especially the songs you mentioned, another spin.

  22. #52
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    Golden State is a solid album. I will NOT have it besmerched!

  23. #53
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    Annoyed this is a vinyl/download only exclusive.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Bought the Razorblade Suitcase (In Addition) vinyl package today. I still can't believe I'm holding a 20th anniversary reissue of this album; I remember the time period when it came out like it was yesterday: people everywhere swooping in to pick it up during the madness of the holiday season, the 'Swallowed' video all over the music channels, Gavin-mania in full effect. Even though I knew their days in the sun were numbered after this album, it still turned out to be the best thing he's ever done, by a mile (and then some)

    Anyway, this LP set is legit. Printed inner sleeves, a gargantuan lyric poster, reinterpreted album art, liner notes from Albini in the gatefold, pointless-but-neat-looking swirl-colored vinyl, the four rare bonus tracks...this is a sterling example of a multimedia package done right.

    All this, and again, it doesn't hurt that this is as close to an "artistic masterpiece" as Gavin's ever come up with..
    Any thoughts on the four bonus tracks? Odd that they were not included on the remastered CD, which was released in 2014.

  25. #55
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    Anyone heard of this?

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  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    I'm telling you, Rhett: it's not the same band. Nobody is fooled by this Gavin-act. I'd expect a lot more reviews in a similar vein for this album. The original Bush were at least endearing when they were doing their 90s grunge knock-off routine. This mach 2.0 version is just overproduced schlock. The original Bush would have never written crap like Mad Love For You, Baby or Sky Goes Day Glo or Dangerous Love.

    Calling it Bush is just Gavin's marketing tool for this. If he called it Gavin Rossdale or anything else, nobody would bat an eye. They probably still won't..
    Gavin is pulling a Billy Corgan when he uses The Smashing Pumpkins name.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    I'm telling you, Rhett: it's not the same band. Nobody is fooled by this Gavin-act. I'd expect a lot more reviews in a similar vein for this album. The original Bush were at least endearing when they were doing their 90s grunge knock-off routine. This mach 2.0 version is just overproduced schlock. The original Bush would have never written crap like Mad Love For You, Baby or Sky Goes Day Glo or Dangerous Love.

    Calling it Bush is just Gavin's marketing tool for this. If he called it Gavin Rossdale or anything else, nobody would bat an eye. They probably still won't..
    You have a point. Still, I enjoyed their last two albums and the shows I attended were a lot of fun. Still holding out hope for a decent album.

    This review is a more positive.

    I'm curious what the All Music Guide will give it. Their reviews tend to be spot-on.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 03-09-2017 at 06:33 AM.

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    If I remember correctly, Stephen Thomas Erlweine gave MOTN a pretty decent review, which surprised me. I will definitely give the new album a few cursory spins, but I'm not expecting anything much..
    3/5 from AMG:

    STE, unfortunately, did not write the review.

    Some other reviews, some good, some not so good:

    Last edited by GulDukat; 03-10-2017 at 08:36 AM.

  30. #60
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    Listened to the new album today on my jog. I'd give it a 3/5. Nothing terrible, nothing fantastic. The songs are all in the "good, but not great range." If you liked their last two, you should like this too. Probably my least favorite of the post-reunion era, but I still enjoyed it.

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