I thought it was going to be a tease. I didn't imagine it ripping open Dale's chest like that. Fuck.

Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
I'm right up to uhhh...You know, forget it, I don't even know how to describe where I am without spoiling it. But Yeah, I agree that a seperate thread for discussing the comics would be a great idea. I mean....sure, people should use discretion whenever they talk about it, but when it comes to television/film adaptations of stories, it's impossible NOT to compare the differences and similarities between the two. If someone else makes a thread for the books, I'll participate. But I think I'll just stick to spoiler tags and anyone who reads them accidentally, well, bummer.

Spoiler: The last panel I remember seeing was the tank/Governor rolling up over the hill toward the prison. I've read a few spoilers about things that happen later on though.

Also - I realized that, in the promo I mentioned before, where Daryl says "something something Brother," he's saying "Sorry, brother." Dang.
I mean... I'm cool with posting comic spoilers in here, especially with what just happened tonight, but it's everyone's call. I'll make a comic thread and lead off with a bunch of spoilers.