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Thread: The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

  1. #1801
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Just watched it.

    Poor Eugene. But then again, the woman he was talking to on the radio is hotter anyway, so fuck faux Stephanie!
    I.still didn't see it. I fucking woke up at 8pm and have to take my wife to an out Drs appointment in the morning.

    I'm trying to fall back asleep.

  2. #1802
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    Go check it out when you can. More Carol being smart/resourceful as usual. Man, she’s come so far compared to back in season 1. She’s like the female Rick, in a way.

  3. #1803
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    I didn't read the comics. Is it close to it about the Commonwealth so far? Just wondering out of curiousity.

  4. #1804
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    I still can’t figure out if the commonwealth is bad or good

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  5. #1805
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @bobbie solo you still checking in on occasion? We're at the Commonwealth!
    No, def. not. How is the show for you these days? Still enjoying it? Can't wait till its done? How are they representing the Commonwealth?

  6. #1806
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    No, def. not. How is the show for you these days? Still enjoying it? Can't wait till its done? How are they representing the Commonwealth?

    Basically all of the community is there now, apart from Maggie and Negan (and Gabriel too, I think?), and it started out nice enough. But now Carol is using her noggin’ and noticing things aren’t what they seem. One kid who used to work for the militia went bonkers at a Halloween party thing they threw and said “there are thousands more like us,” which worried the head Commonwealth woman. Eugene had also just worked out that the girl he had the hots for only used him to get information about his community, and I’d say (as of next episode) he’ll be anti-Commonwealth now he’s seeing firsthand how shady they are. The “real” Stephanie just appeared at the end of the last episode.

    Negan has fucked off into the wilderness because he’s convinced Maggie will kill him one day, after she shot dead the remaining few members of a rival group.

    Can anyone correct me? Is it just Maggie and Negan not in the Comm, or more of them as well?

  7. #1807
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    Pretty cool episode. Alexandria is onboard with Commonwealth now, but Maggie said no (along with Oceanside). Looks like Hornsby will get aggressive as of next episode. Man, they’re really making Aaron the comic book Rick without saying it, huh? He’ll probably end up getting the comic book Rick’s fate.

  8. #1808
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    No, def. not. How is the show for you these days? Still enjoying it? Can't wait till its done? How are they representing the Commonwealth?
    It's wildly different, as you can imagine: No Carl, Rick, Michonne, Andrea or Dwight, and WITH Carol, Ezekiel, and Daryl.

    It's actually pretty fucking interesting, man.

    TV Commonwealth is smaller and not the be all end all.

    As far as I can tell, the Commonwealth is likely under the thumb of the CRM.

    I honestly think you'd get a kick out of it. It's VERY much separate from the comic, BUT, comic storylines are given to different characters.

    For instance: Yumiko finds a brother there, instead of Michonne finding her sister.

    Ever since Angela Kang took the reigns, it's been pretty damn good.

  9. #1809
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    Did ya'll see this new Negan & Maggie Spin-Off they announced yesterday???

    This sucks. As much as I love Negan - this just gives away that there will be no major characters dieing in TWD, and the end is just pointless.

  10. #1810
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Did ya'll see this new Negan & Maggie Spin-Off they announced yesterday???

    This sucks. As much as I love Negan - this just gives away that there will be no major characters dieing in TWD, and the end is just pointless.
    My thoughts exactly - EXACTLY- the end of TWD is going to be underwhelming because of so many spin offs - and I can’t watch like 4 TWD spin-offs at once to keep up with how things end so - that’ll be a no for me dawg.

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  12. #1812
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    But seriously! It’s almost a slap in the face to people that have stuck with it long enough to want to see any semblance of an ending.

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  13. #1813
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    Fifth spinoff announced… Negan and Maggie:

    Isle of the Dead: New Walking Dead Spin-Off Set In New York City Officially Announced

  14. #1814
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    Is the reason for all these spin-offs is because the characters don’t die in the comics? (Besides money.) Again, I didn’t read the comics.

  15. #1815
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Is the reason for all these spin-offs is because the characters don’t die in the comics? (Besides money.) Again, I didn’t read the comics.
    Money, lol.

  16. #1816
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Is the reason for all these spin-offs is because the characters don’t die in the comics? (Besides money.) Again, I didn’t read the comics.
    Many of them don't die indeed, but it's assumed they are mostly settle down and the adventure part is over. The very ending of the comic is sort of a coda that happens after very long time skip during which nothing really happened (to the main characters) except aging and boring civil life events. These spinoffs have nothing to do with that. Like Ryan said, it's just money.

  17. #1817
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    Thanks. That stinks to know that even the comics end underwhelmingly.

  18. #1818
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Thanks. That stinks to know that even the comics end underwhelmingly.
    I never read the comics but I do know how the comics end and I rather like it. It shows a drastic change with a large time jump. If you are interested in knowing, just follow this.

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  19. #1819
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Did ya'll see this new Negan & Maggie Spin-Off they announced yesterday???

    This sucks. As much as I love Negan - this just gives away that there will be no major characters dieing in TWD, and the end is just pointless.
    So. Here's my take.

    Right before the comic ended, Kirkman put out two FAKE covers, that were supposedly 194 and 195.
    He also said that the comic would be going for ten more years.
    The comic shockingly ended in 193.

    Ever since this Daryl and Carol spin-off was announced, part of me thought it was bullshit.
    However, my wife said "they can get away with that in COMICS: NOT tv shows."

    But now that there are FOUR characters 'confirmed ' for spin offs?
    It's not happening. I'm going on record here.

    Either ONE of those shows isn't real, OR, we're looking at ONE character from each "spin off' dying or disappearing.

    I feel it in my bones.

  20. #1820
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    Also, Jesus Fuck.

    I guess I'M the last man standing in the ETS Walking Dead Universe.
    @Erneuert @ickyvicky SERIOUSLY? @ItsChrisRoss I get it that you're a hater, except I kind of don't, because you like, DIDN'T read the comics? And what are you mad about, specifically?
    You guys all WANT the whole shit to be over?!

    I wanna see a war between the Rick Group controlled Commonwealth and the CRM.
    I.wanna see Tyrese again, and Abraham, in the anthology show.
    I can't wait for the next half of Fear.
    I want Morgan to see Rick again. I want Rick to meet his son and reunite with Michonne. I want Daryl and Rick to hug again.
    I want Alycia to meet Rick.

    And even beyond these characters, I think there are an endless number of stories to tell in this post apocalyptic universe.
    I FAR prefer dark shit like this to the stuff with the guys in spandex, with their underwear on the outside of their pants.

    Marvel is fucking...not for everyone.
    It's fine if you want TWD to totally end, but some of us LIKE the idea of a Walking Dead Cinematic Universe. There's no need to shit on it. It hasn't happened, yet.
    If that bothers you for some reason, don't watch it, I guess. I'm sure Captain America Iron Infinity Avenger part 31 will be amazing.

    Look, if this continues and it sucks, I'll be the first to admit it.

    But the last fucking thing in the WORLD I want is to lose any remnant of TWD.

    You guys are kind of breaking my heart, here.
    Last edited by elevenism; 03-12-2022 at 01:01 AM.

  21. #1821
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    The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Also, Jesus Fuck.

    I guess I'M the last man standing in the ETS Walking Dead Universe.
    @Erneuert @ickyvicky SERIOUSLY? @ItsChrisRoss I get it that you're a hater, except I kind of don't, because you like, DIDN'T read the comics? And what are you mad about, specifically?
    You guys all WANT the whole shit to be over?!

    I wanna see a war between the Rick Group controlled Commonwealth and the CRM.
    I.wanna see Tyrese again, and Abraham, in the anthology show.
    I can't wait for the next half of Fear.
    I want Morgan to see Rick again. I want Rick to meet his son and reunite with Michonne. I want Daryl and Rick to hug again.
    I want Alycia to meet Rick.

    And even beyond these characters, I think there are an endless number of stories to tell in this post apocalyptic universe.
    I FAR prefer dark shit like this to the stuff with the guys in spandex, with their underwear on the outside of their pants.

    Look, if this continues and it sucks, I'll be the first to admit it.

    But the last fucking thing in the WORLD I want is to lose any remnant of TWD.
    I’m not a hater - I stuck with this show from the beginning - and that’s the thing - I just want to feel like it was worth it. I want a payoff. I will see the Rick movies and that’s it - the number one question every viewer had when this show started was “HOW WILL IT END????“ And with all of these possible spin-offs and continuations - I just can’t - I mean, I’m sorry but South Park is in its 25th year and Jesus Christ, I don’t even know how long The Simpsons will be on. At some point, you kind of out grow things. We watched walking dead to find out what happens - how it’ll end. Not to get repeatedly jerked around.

    I was a big fan of Dexter - hated the original ending, and even watched the new revival - and guess what? I LOVE DEXTER but was happy we finally had closure and that it ended. I LOVED Breaking Bad and after only 5 seasons that ending was poetic. I LOVED Sopranos and same with that. All good things must come to an end at some point - I’m just looking for the outcome - and I do feel like the dead horse has been beaten. The only characters on TWD I’m remotely interested in are Negan who doesn’t get enough screen time and Daryl. Maggie is SUCH a bummer to watch, Eugene needs to cut his stupid pony tail, Gabe needs to lose the collar, it’s like some of these characters refuse to just….grow. I’m ready to see this end and for closure - I will remember the show fondly - and I will watch the Rick Movies, but I feel like the past x amount of seasons were the same - every season, a new bad group, a new threat, the same forest and the same communities - the saviors, the whisperers, the wolves, the scavengers, the claimers, YAWN.

    Come on dude, you don’t want this show to go on for 25 years. No one wants to see Darryl in a wheelchair scooting around in his vest killing one or two random walkers.

    And also, I hate marvel movies. They’re dumb. Just because I’m tired of your favorite show ever doesn’t mean I like the other mindless shit out there.

    And @elevenism - don’t come at me for not reading the comics - sticking through this slog of a show for 10+ years was time consuming enough. I’ve never been a huge comic guy - yes, I read the Watchmen but NO, I was not about to buy a shit ton of comics or volumes or whatever they’re even called now just to get thru the walking dead a SECOND way. I know the differences between the comics and the show because well, internet - I care enough to read and know my facts.

    So get off my back and stop crying about the fact that I don’t like you’re favorite show ever anymore. You could tell me that they should have ended Dexter after season 4 and I’d probably agree with you - I understand you have an emotional tie to this show - we all do to an extent - but we are all growing - this show is NOT the same as it was in season 1, season 5, season 7, etc - and that’s not always a good thing. I’ve never seen someone get so bent because someone else doesn’t like what they are still geeking out over after all these years.
    @elevenism - the fact that when you scroll through this thread and see that for the most part, you, myself and @ickyvicky are the ONLY three people still even keeping it alive is a sad reminder that this show lost a LOT of followers who just gave up at some point. The same THREE people keep commenting here - it’s not like there are hundreds or thousands of contributors to this ancient thread anymore.

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    Last edited by ItsChrisRoss; 03-12-2022 at 01:23 AM.

  22. #1822
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    @ItsChrisRoss I feel you. I feel where you're coming from.
    And I didn't mean to sound so harsh.

    And I'm not a big comic book guy, either. I generally hate comics. It's just that that's the main complaint I get regarding TWD.- that it's fucking up the comic.

    This GODDAMN sure isn't my favorite show ever: not even close.

    That would be Twin Peaks and Buffy, followed closely by Mr. Robot and The Leftovers.
    And I loved the Dexter revival, and hated the original final season.

    NO, I don't want to see THIS SHOW go on forever.

    THAT BEING SAID, it's been obvious for several years that the end of TWD would NOT be the final chapter in this part of the story. Didn't you say you know what happens in the comic? Well, there is no CRM in the comics, and we were promised a continuation as soon as Rick left...3 years ago?

    I think this universe COULD be like a smaller version of Star Wars or Star Trek or Marvel or whatever, and I hope it is.
    Yes, bad things could come from it. (Like TWB)
    But did you play the Telltale games? THAT'S my favorite TWD shit, full stop. Throughout 4 games, you've got Glenn for a minute and Jesus for a LITTLE bit. Everything else is original.
    That shows massive potential.

    Also, it seems like it's been mostly me and Ryan and Vicky keeping the thread alive these past few years.

    I apologize if it seemed like I was being rude.
    But, all I did was call you a hater, because while me, Ryan and Vicky GENERALLY discuss the show and theorize about it, you just seemed to be kind of talking shit.

    Read the post before I @tted you, if you care about where I think this is going.

    NO, this isn't my favorite show ever, or of the past decade, and i don't care if you like it or not.

    Sorry for accusing you of liking marvel movies.
    Last edited by elevenism; 03-12-2022 at 07:55 AM.

  23. #1823
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    @elevenism you’re all good dude lol. It’s just a TV show we’re talking about. I didn’t take offense and I guess I came off feisty. It’s late here and I’m tired.

    I too love Twin Peaks - I can also see what you mean about TWD universe being like Star Trek.

    I talk crap because it’s fun to - while there is a lot of good things about the show….there’s a lot of bad things about it too that are just easier for me to focus on. I rather liked the last two episodes.

    What would this thread be without a little debate?

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  24. #1824
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    @elevenism you’re all good dude lol. It’s just a TV show we’re talking about. I didn’t take offense and I guess I came off feisty. It’s late here and I’m tired.

    I too love Twin Peaks - I can also see what you mean about TWD universe being like Star Trek.

    I talk crap because it’s fun to - while there is a lot of good things about the show….there’s a lot of bad things about it too that are just easier for me to focus on. I rather liked the last two episodes.

    What would this thread be without a little debate?

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    Right on man.
    And I gotta say: I misunderstood. I thought you were just popping in to talk shit, and WEREN'T keeping up with the show.

    Well as far as BAD things...I think Michael Cudlitz' directing for episode 11 would have been great...if he were making a film noir movie
    The ending saved it, but for me, the tone just did NOT fit.

    And idk if you read the other post, but Daryl/Carol AND Maggie/Negan? I've BEEN suspicious of Daryl/Carol.
    Maggie/Negan is kind of ridiculous in the first place.
    ONE of those shows, or my guess is, one half of EACH, is a decoy.

    Whatever's going on with that stuff, I hope it's JUST a few short seasons to keep certain things going to tie in with the Rick movies.

    HELL no I don't wanna see eighty year old Daryl shooting people out of his motor(cycle)ized wheeelchair.
    Whatever happens, this WHOOOLE current thing needs tied up in the next few years.

    One day they'll probably make a show about a grown up RJ/Judith/Gracie/Herschel, in like 2035

    And sorry if I sounded like an asshole, myself. A big part of the reason I'm so passionate about this show is that it's, you know, a soap opera. You can sit around and speculate about it endlessly, which my wife and I do. We've both have some pretty nasty health shit going on for a few years, and debating TWD is probably the most useful distraction we have...even when it's NOT great.

    We've been together for ten years and don't necessarily watch the same shit at the same time, but we don't miss TWD. I'm not looking for sympathy: I'm just explaining why I might be irrationally defensive of the thing.
    @Erneuert @ickyvicky sorry to you guys, too, if I was out of line.
    Last edited by elevenism; 03-12-2022 at 09:27 AM.

  25. #1825
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    Waifu material post.

    TWD - Maggie, followed by Rosita.

    FTWD - Morgan’s missus (I forget her name right now). Preferred Alicia with both arms.

    TWB - Huck… who else is there? lol
    Last edited by Erneuert; 03-12-2022 at 08:06 PM.

  26. #1826
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    I need to make something clear. @Erneuert @ickyvicky @ItsChrisRoss , talk all the shit about WHATEVER that you like.

    I'd just been having a bad week. In fact, i'm so goddamn dead to the world that I'm watching the TWD that came out last week on AMC Plus, TODAY, along with the normies! THAT'S never happened, EVER. I better hurry and watch it before it actually comes on tv! :/

    Ok so Waifu material? Are we supposed to DO this in 2022? I'm still not sure.

    But, Alicia.
    I'd find her a proper arm, although the one she has is good.for a shock effect.
    And then Rosita. I don't know if I'm supposed to say THIS anymore, either, but I've always been attracted to Latina women, and tex-mex culture specifically.

    I think that's it for me.
    Last edited by elevenism; 03-13-2022 at 11:30 AM.

  27. #1827
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    Just seeing this all now. Oh man, lol. I have no beef with anyone, I’m not a hater. I’m just a passionate Walking Dead fan that wishes it would be treated better. I’m still committed to watching this season through.

    I love you all my homies <3

  28. #1828
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    Do you guys think we're really getting a spinoff with Daryl AND Carol, AND a spinoff with Maggie AND Negan?

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Do you guys think we're really getting a spinoff with Daryl AND Carol, AND a spinoff with Maggie AND Negan?
    They’ve both been announced and there are enough people who will watch, so I’d say yes.

  30. #1830
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    They’ve both been announced and there are enough people who will watch, so I’d say yes.
    But don't you think there's a possibility of 25 to 50% of those characters dying?

    Like...perhaps it will be the Daryl limited series and the Negan limited series?

    Idk. Negan and Maggie sounds ridiculous.

    And I have the strangest feeling that Miss Carol is about done.
    Last edited by elevenism; 03-13-2022 at 10:24 PM.

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