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Thread: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - SPOILERS

  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    It’s not so much a problem that Luke can’t godmode everyone, that would be boring if he could. But it’s more so that he was supposed to represent A New Hope and usher in a Return of the Jedi, that was the big picture established for his character arc, but the narrative Abrams and Johnson paints says, “Nope! Luke sucks and the galaxy ended up even worse than before because of him.” With their new movies they undo the legacy of the O.T. (as well as the prequels) and it’s established characters simply for the purpose of resetting the universe back to empire vs. rebels and putting their own characters in to fill the roles.

    Also, Kenobi was in hiding for a purpose that involved protecting young Luke and waiting for the right time to engage the empire and provide Luke with jedi training. Kenobi wasn’t on Tatooine waiting to die while wallowing in self-pity. He certainly didn’t abandon or resent the ways of the jedi. Obi-Wan would never have behaved like that and neither would the Luke that we were left with at the end of ROTJ.

    This is where it sits for me as well.
    This is the most effective criticism of the sequels in the thread.

  2. #362
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    I don't think Obi-Wan was ready to train Luke out of anything other than necessity. And while I actually do understand those criticisms of the translation of his identity, it begs the question: what is a valid flaw, for Luke? Or better: how can Luke be the one to push Kylo Ren over the edge in a different way. How do you accomplished that mechanic?

  3. #363
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    I liked Luke's personality and I have to laugh whenever I read a comment along the lines of "it's not how Luke would behave!" Like come on now, we have time jumped enough that it's very much so reasonable that one might end up like this. Adult people out of everyone should understand that having a kind heart does not mean that your life will be perfect and whatever you do will succeed. That's the shit they are trying to force down your throat at those motivational speech conventions.

    So there is no problem with Luke failing. The problem is that J.J. set up that last scene so the next writer can make whatever training sequence there, and Rian threw it all away just for the lulz. "GUYS, WOULDN'T IT BE SO TROLL IF HE JUST THREW HIS LIGHTSABER AWAY???? XDDD I'M SUCH A MEMER GUYS!!!" Yes, yes you are Rian, but too bad all your writing creativity went into that one joke.

    Also, isn't Luke not believing in the Jedi is fucking bullshit? As I said, i totally get him being disappointed and somewhat hopeless, but he hasn't seen the prequels and did not even read those books; how can he know if the problem is with the Jedi order and not with him being a shit master????

  4. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Wow, their vaginas hurts much? Sadly the internet gives a voice to the biggest of whiners.
    while i obviously agree that those people are being ridiculous, your gendered insult is even more ridiculous. don't be an a-hole.

    also, vaginas are strong and resilient; they push out babies. you so much as tap a dude in the crotch and he acts like the world is ending.

  5. #365
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  6. #366
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    Star Wars Episode VIII

    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    EXACTLY. Luke was kind of a whiny dreamer who grew into the hero role but was not ever 100% comfortable in it.

    I facepalmed that “point proven” nonsense for this very reason. Zack Snyder CLEARLY has little understanding of the characters he was put in charge of and wrote a bad movie that tried to make everyone grim and badass. NOT EVERYONE IS GRIM AND BADASS. Rian Johnson doesn’t have the same issues. Not even close.

    It’s not the same thing so no, your point is not proven.
    The point proven was that there are people who liked bvs, but everyone who didnt was shitting on those who did. Same with last jedi except everyone who liked it scolds those who hated it.

    I wasn’t making a comparison that each film was the same or whatever.

    My camp is divided. Some including me thought its a well made film but shits on lore. While some think its better than empire( need new friends.)

    I also have no problems with people loving the last jedi. Im glad. In fact, im jealous.
    Last edited by Conan The Barbarian; 12-20-2017 at 10:48 AM.

  7. #367
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I don't think Obi-Wan was ready to train Luke out of anything other than necessity. And while I actually do understand those criticisms of the translation of his identity, it begs the question: what is a valid flaw, for Luke? Or better: how can Luke be the one to push Kylo Ren over the edge in a different way. How do you accomplished that mechanic?
    I've lost track of what is and isn't canonical at this point, but I remember reading about how the only reason Obi-wan was even on Tatooine was because he was supposed to be watching after Luke from a distance.

  8. #368
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    i think the half in the bag was a good review, i think Disney will find out star wars is a very limited story telling vehicle, after the original trilogy, marvel in contrast has been around much longer has a much richer, deeper range of characters, situations to draw from, nostalgia only goes so far, people get tired of things on repeat. the whole "universe" direction is misguided a steady diet of "member" berries is only so sweet. i think Lucas knew this. and when Disney thew A million dollars at him he cashed in. when star wars came out things were very different you could see a movie for a dollar, I think i saw the trailer on creature features there was no internet, video game consoles, TV wasn't even on 24 hours! and people didn't stand in line for things, save maybe gas, if it was your color or number(ask your parents).

  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    while i obviously agree that those people are being ridiculous, your gendered insult is even more ridiculous. don't be an a-hole.

    also, vaginas are strong and resilient; they push out babies. you so much as tap a dude in the crotch and he acts like the world is ending.
    I'm sorry, it was a joke and didn't mean to offend women or vaginas. Are these better representations of these petition whiners?

    Last edited by neorev; 12-20-2017 at 01:10 PM.

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I'm sorry, it was a joke and didn't mean to offend women or vaginas. Are these better representations of these petition whiners?

    yes, 100%, because they're being whiners and children about it. much more accurate!

  11. #371
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    Man, if they're mad about this film. I'm sure they'll be even more pissed off about the next. Waa-waa!!!! So fucking what. At least it's not the fucking prequels or even worse.... this:

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Man, if they're mad about this film. I'm sure they'll be even more pissed off about the next. Waa-waa!!!! So fucking what. At least it's not the fucking prequels or even worse.... this:

    i can't watch that without rifftrax (they riff the commercials, too, which is amazing).

    'Last Jedi' haters are nothing new. Plenty of fans hated 'Empire Strikes Back' too

    In the immediate aftermath of its release, both top critics and fan publications alike were shaking their heads. "It ends on a bleak note that may leave certain younger members of the audience shaking their heads," complained the venerable fan 'zine Starburst. Said the even more venerable New York Times reviewer:
    I'm not as bothered by the film's lack of resolution as I am about my suspicion that I really don't care ... It's a measure of my mixed feelings about The Empire Strikes Back that I'm not at all sure that I understand the plot.

  13. #373
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    again there is not much room to move after the original trilogy not to mention the comics cartoons fan fiction video games, so i think Disney is stuck with a million dollar loser, i think with the built in fan base merch they will always make money at the box office, but will always feel lacking to fan and silliness that comes with that, like the latest political issues, and more to come now that they have the marvel portfolio

  14. #374
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    Just got back from seeing it, if this movie upset you in anyway just stop seeing movies, i guess. I thought it was pretty good even if they did kill John Snow again for some strange reason.

  15. #375
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    I've so far seen it twice (should have seen it three times but managed to mess up the booking a day earlier then i wanted!) and i still love it...well the second half anyway. After the opening it does drag a bit, and the casino section is a little tedious, but that second half is all good as far as i'm concerned, hell maybe even my fav section of all the films? Time will tell, i still think Rouge One is my personal fav film so far, then empire, force awakens/last jedi. It's not a flawless film (hell i could still pick apart Logan, Your Name and Shin Godzilla this year and i ADORED them) but it's a very good film, in a year that's been surprisingly good for movies.
    It's fine not too like it, we're all human (i hope) and different, but throwing your toys out and starting petition to remove it from cannon...really?

    And thanks for reminding about that christmas special there's a special place in hell for that!

  16. #376
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  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Just got back from seeing it, if this movie upset you in anyway just stop seeing movies, i guess. I thought it was pretty good even if they did kill John Snow again for some strange reason.
    "I liked this movie, and if you didn't, you should stop watching movies, because - as I said - I liked it."

    What a compelling argument... lock the thread! See you guys at the Han Solo movie.

  18. #378
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    @RhettButler posted that Easter Egg

    Well, this explains the hate...


  19. #379
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    The guy who started the petition to have ‘The Last Jedi’ deleted now regrets it, on strong painkillers from a vehicle accident

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    @RhettButler posted that Easter Egg

    Well, this explains the hate...

    Is that like al-Qaeda taking responsibility for a pipe bomb?

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    @RhettButler posted that Easter Egg

    Well, this explains the hate...

    I wish people would get their politics out of my fictional sci-fi movies please. So annoying seeing this shit pop up.

  22. #382
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    This probably has to be the saddest excuse for an Alt-Right group I've ever heard of. I can imagine them all patting each other on the back going "We showed them!"

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    @RhettButler posted that Easter Egg

    Well, this explains the hate...

    Does this shit really has to flow into this thread? This board already has a mini echo-chamber thread dedicated to the homogenous political views of its members, so how about not polluting other areas with this?

    Not sure what pisses me off more: people who really think anyone gives a damn about real life politics when reviewing a movie, or people from the USA who think everyone is so obsessed with their domestic politics, that it's what every other country in the world talks about. spoiler alert: Spoiler: we don't fucking care

    This is truly some desperate, next level guerilla-campaign to derail the discussion from the many, many, many flaws of this movie.

  24. #384
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    Yeah, who cares? Those guys are assholes to a man (and it's always men).

    I really do have to take issue with Disney turfing out Ben Burtt after 40 years of amazing work. That makes my blood boil.

  25. #385
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    I’m a transgender far-left two letters of the LGBT+ alphabet nut and I didn’t like the movie. This ridiculous new habit of attributing anyone disagreeing with you to political arguments, bigotry and close-mindedness is incredibly fucking annoying and narrow-minded. It’s entirely possible for soemone to simply not enjoy the same thing you enjoyed and for it to not be because of some large gap in intelligience or some scandalous ulterior motive. Star Wars is going to make plenty more money and get plenty more movies made so it’s not like any of us who weren’t fans of this one are going to really ruin anything for anyone.

    There are idiots and asshats on the internet about everything and the exact same tribal douchebaggery that I’ve seen from people who hate this movie is also coming from the people who loved it. It’s a big blockbuster franchise machine movie. It shouldn’t be this big of a deal that other opinions can coexist. I feel like I can’t share my opinion without being condescended to and labelled something because of it. Nobody is automatically better, smarter, dumber, truer a fan or greater a person for having liked/not liked a Star Wars movie.
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 12-21-2017 at 01:11 PM.

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Does this shit really has to flow into this thread? This board already has a mini echo-chamber thread dedicated to the homogenous political views of its members, so how about not polluting other areas with this?

    Not sure what pisses me off more: people who really think anyone gives a damn about real life politics when reviewing a movie, or people from the USA who think everyone is so obsessed with their domestic politics, that it's what every other country in the world talks about. spoiler alert: Spoiler: we don't fucking care

    This is truly some desperate, next level guerilla-campaign to derail the discussion from the many, many, many flaws of this movie.
    Breathe in. Hold it. Breathe out. Now do you feel better?

    You're really getting upset over what is a hysterical Star Wars related story. And that last comment of yours, let me go put on my tinfoil hat.

    Let's lighten the mood with a story about those darn cute little Porgs...

    Last edited by neorev; 12-21-2017 at 02:07 PM.

  27. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Breathe in. Hold it. Breathe out. Now do you feel better?

    You're really getting upset over what is a hysterical Star Wars related story. And that last comment of yours, let me go put on my tinfoil hat.

    Let's lighten the mood with a story about those darn cute little Porgs...

    The comedy in the movie was as forced as yours, but at least it was funny, even if misplaced.

    But good job! You guys managed to pull gender, feminism and alt-right into this thread within just one page. It is truly astonishing how far up your bums you guys can be.

    Also, if eversnope had a thinner skin, he'd be Mr Skeletor himself. Every goddamn thread he finds a way to walk up to the imaginary podium and talk about his agenda, views and how we should behave. Then we have two options: 1. call him out and witness him victimizing himself 2. just accept that he has the privilege to do that, while - hopefully - dressing up as Cpt. America.

    And don't try to condescend to me, when EVERYONE knows that there are idiots out there - it is not news at all, and especially not something relevant in this thread. These ones happened to be alt-right anti-feminists. Wow. Amazing. Are we gonna get deeper and find out if they watch Rick & Morty, or shall we return discussing the movie instead?

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Also, if eversnope had a thinner skin, he'd be Mr Skeletor himself.
    everson's trans and doesn't use he/him pronouns and you should probably stop being a dick with personal attacks because you're not helping the stereotype of people who disliked this movie right about now

  29. #389
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    Speaking of social and political commentary, TLJ gave us some within the world of the movie. DJ wasn’t a very interesting character, but he did give some of the most interesting commentary in the film. He basically told Fin and Rose that Spoiler: the war between the Empire/Rebellion or First Order/Resistance was all just an ongoing machine. He told them that they demonize the First Order for trying to kill them, but that the Resistance was just the flipside of the same coin. And he made the point that the only people in the galaxy who were really benefiting from this apparently ceaseless war were the wartime profiteers. That struck me as a pretty self-aware and candid moment in the film.

    And, anyone else think that at the end of this film Poe, Fin and Rose should feel a little more responsible for Spoiler: getting most of the resistance killed because of their botched plan?

  30. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    everson's trans and doesn't use he/him pronouns and you should probably stop being a dick with personal attacks because you're not helping the stereotype of people who disliked this movie right about now
    Well until this board doesn't have a visible "Gender:" section (or it's not filled in) and all I'm working with his picture in his profile, then I'm going with a "he". If it won't suffice with him, then he will guide me to the preferred pronoun for me to use in the future. Just because communication was a big issue in The Last Jedi, it doesn't mean it's how real life works as well.

    And what stereotype I'm helping exactly? I called people out on bringing up stuff here that has nothing to do with TLJ, and some of them even tried to hint that the movie is great, it's just that trash people don't like it.

    It's cute how you made me explain that yes, it is possible to criticize a gay/trans/etc person for something different than their sexuality. Get a grip, people...

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