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Thread: Westworld (HBO miniseries)

  1. #241
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    I'm just glad they didn't milk it for the entire season

  2. #242
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    There is something odd about the delivery of the line "I was always daddy's little girl"
    Perhaps the line it self is weird.

  3. #243
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    Every episode being like the last hour of Return of The King is REEEEEALLLY turning me off of this show.

  4. #244
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    Everyone out here freaking out about that orchestral version for that The Weekend song. Meanwhile I'm over here excited about that sweet piano cover of Bjork's Hunter. I'm also glad they revealed that "big" thing now rather than dragging it on the whole season. Weird ass story flow aside, that revenge on William is cruel and brutal af. I liked William's development from innocent ambitious due to evil and was curious what would become of him. Given the whole notion of heaven/hell, it seems fitting that a host place him in the closest thing to hell for his kind.

    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Every episode being like the last hour of Return of The King is REEEEEALLLY turning me off of this show.
    Lmao. This is so on point, it deserves an award.
    Last edited by Miss.Selfdestruct; 04-06-2020 at 11:04 PM.

  5. #245
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    Fantastic episode 4, loved it.

  6. #246
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    Amazing episode. I really liked the twist and was thoroughly convinced that was Teddy in Charlotte's body. Pacing is on point, cast continues to impress, and seeing Hiroyuki Sanada on screen is always a treat.

    Really not understanding the hate that Dolores gets in this show. From S1 to what we have now, the character development for her is so good and her motivations seem pretty straight forward; the confusion or doubt about them from viewers just confuses me to be honest at this point in the show.

    What I didn't care for was what happened to William. The seeing ghosts charade made me roll my eyes. But If anyone annoys me in this show, it was the acquisition of Tessa Thompson. I know she isn't meant to be a likeable character... But my god she is excruciating to watch sometimes.

    Lastly, the imagery they did with Maeve's blood not mixing with the white fluid was a very nice shot. This season rocks.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Amazing episode. I really liked the twist and was thoroughly convinced that was Teddy in Charlotte's body. Pacing is on point, cast continues to impress, and seeing Hiroyuki Sanada on screen is always a treat.

    Really not understanding the hate that Dolores gets in this show. From S1 to what we have now, the character development for her is so good and her motivations seem pretty straight forward; the confusion or doubt about them from viewers just confuses me to be honest at this point in the show.

    What I didn't care for was what happened to William. The seeing ghosts charade made me roll my eyes. But If anyone annoys me in this show, it was the acquisition of Tessa Thompson. I know she isn't meant to be a likeable character... But my god she is excruciating to watch sometimes.

    Lastly, the imagery they did with Maeve's blood not mixing with the white fluid was a very nice shot. This season rocks.
    So what IS Dolores’ motive? Does she want to free humans and robots from Rehoboam? Does she want to destroy all humans? Both?

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  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    So what IS Dolores’ motive? Does she want to free humans and robots from Rehoboam? Does she want to destroy all humans? Both?

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    To replace Delos CEO's to take control of the company, thereby gaining the ability to mass produce their kind; Endgame being the extinction of the human race. Meeting Caleb is giving her a sense that they may not be so different, then comes in Rehoboam and what she has learned about it so far. That "Plan" can also change depending on what actually happens, especially between her and Caleb.

    Dolores seems to always be a step ahead, but I won't say that her plan is just full proof. Her crazy ass could be planning something completely different from what we know so far and can all be a huge ruse and make me look stupid down the road .

    Watching the episode again, seems like Maeve is in a simulation. How would Dolores even know of Musashi? Why not just make a copy of a higher Yakuza power? Serac doesn't seem human to me... Merged with Rehoboam maybe?
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 04-08-2020 at 02:21 AM.

  9. #249
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    So... I felt like episode 5 here was really sloppy. And now it's becoming apparent that in this season, the twists an turns are masking a severe lack of plot momentum. Too much effort has been put into slow reveals of omitted information that didn't really call for being omitted.

    After this. TV needs a massive moratorium on plot twists, until it can use them practically again.

  10. #250
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    Westworld (HBO miniseries)

    Thought the episode was decent but the reveals are coming too slowly. Only three episodes left and we know nothing about Caleb. I have a feeling this season will end with a cliffhanger. I also don’t understand why, nor do I see a reasoning behind only having 8 episodes. I guess when your budget is higher, you need to allocate it in the best way you see fit. In this case, they went for prettier and sleeker but with less episodes. Oh well. Still holding out that it’ll all come together in the final three hours. It’s much better than a lot of other things on TV at the moment, but pales in comparison to season 1.

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  11. #251
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    Thought this episode was just okay. It bothered me that Maeve was still in a simulation and there are only two episodes left. It feels like they’re going to try to squeeze in A LOT in the last two episodes so I hope it doesn’t get sloppy and messy. Enjoyed the Halores arc this episode though. I’ve grown to like her character this season. MIB is always a treat.

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  12. #252
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    For the most part I've been really enjoying this season, but only two episodes left? Wtf.

    I'll judge on my own, but that definitely does seem like they'll end up rushing a lot now, argh.

  13. #253
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    With the quality this show has given, I don't see them rushing things all the sudden, unless production was pushed along for some reason. Enjoying every minute of this season so far, with Dolores and Caleb turning into a pretty kick-ass duo.

  14. #254
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    This all feels like a Part 1 of 2.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Serac doesn't seem human to me... Merged with Rehoboam maybe?
    You know what? I had the same idea while watching Sunday's episode. What if Serac is a physical projection of Rehoboam? It's very convenient that he's never really where we think he is... like when Hale went postal at him.

    Of the 3 allies that were printed to help Maeve, two are known: Hector ( poor darling Hector, I'll miss him) and Spoiler: Clementine, that last one was identify by the serial number the hosts have ( uber nerds on the Net noticed this, I didn't; I was content to try to follow the plot of the second season). The third one is unknown for now.

  16. #256
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  17. #257
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    Longest running miniseries ever!

  18. #258
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    Didn't we see the whole Caleb backstory thing coming a mile away? I am somewhat disappointed.

    The Terminator vibes were strong with in this episode.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Didn't we see the whole Caleb backstory thing coming a mile away? I am somewhat disappointed.

    The Terminator vibes were strong with in this episode.
    Yes, people are acting like what happened to Francis was a huge twist but I think we all could have guessed what happened.

    So it’s it accurate to say that Dolores used Caleb this entire time?

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  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post

    So it’s it accurate to say that Dolores used Caleb this entire ?

    I think it is. Dolores transformed Teddy to suit her needs and now, she used Caleb for the same purpose: her endgame; the destruction of humanity. For someone who is so angry at having been manipulated her whole life, she ends up doing the exact same thing.

    And I think William was wrong: his greatest sin was not the hosts, since they were created by Ford and Arnold; his greatest sin was the creation of the Forge which helped Serac in the construction of Rehoboam.

    Are we supposed to call him the MIW now?

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    I think it is. Dolores transformed Teddy to suit her needs and now, she used Caleb for the same purpose: her endgame; the destruction of humanity. For someone who is so angry at having been manipulated her whole life, she ends up doing the exact same thing.

    And I think William was wrong: his greatest sin was not the hosts, since they were created by Ford and Arnold; his greatest sin was the creation of the Forge which helped Serac in the construction of Rehoboam.

    Are we supposed to call him the MIW now?
    I can agree with this. My issue with this show currently is...who are we supposed to root for?

    Also regarding MIW: read an article that stated that Ed Harris didn’t particularly like filming this season as it detracted from his original arc as MIB. He likes MIB better than MIW.

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  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Didn't we see the whole Caleb backstory thing coming a mile away? I am somewhat disappointed.

    The Terminator vibes were strong with in this episode.
    I knew at some point that he killed Francis, probably quite early on because his arc reminded me a bit of Jacob's Ladder. A cyberpunk take on the story of a guy all screwy from being experimented on by the army. Not quite the case as it ended up, but close enough certainly.

    The original Westworld movie predates the first Terminator by almost a decade, but it would be foolish to assume they didn't look down on the franchise for visual influence.

  23. #263
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    Sometimes when I watch this show nowadays I find that I've stated at my phone too long. I'm like "better rewind to figure out what happened" but then again, fuck it. Whatever happened is t really what happened. It doesn't matter. Everything is a twist, so why pay attention? The show has fallen to CW quality

    One of the major issues is characterization. It started in season 2 when they overshot Dolores' arc, but it's rampant in season three, where no character seems properly motivated at all. I still don't buy Dolores as a villain, as a guy who always though that Daenerys was villainous. Everyone just make choices the writers need them to make based on whatever the twistiest thing to do might be.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 04-27-2020 at 03:45 PM.

  24. #264
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    Westworld (HBO miniseries)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Sometimes when I watch this show nowadays I find that I've stated at my phone too long. I'm like "better rewind to figure out what happened" but then again, fuck it. Whatever happened is t really what happened. It doesn't matter. Everything is a twist, so why pay attention? The show has fallen to CW quality

    One of the major issues is characterization. It started in season 2 when they overshot Dolores' arc, but it's rampant in season three, where no character seems properly motivated at all. I still don't buy Dolores as a villain, as a guy who always though that Daenerys was villainous. Everyone just make choices the writers need them to make based on whatever the twistiest thing to do might be.
    So who are you rooting for? Or are you like me without the slightest idea who we should be rooting for? A lot of people out there seem to be team Dolores but I never got over her drastic change from season 1. I’m also still convinced she’s following out the Wyatt narrative or at least has the Wyatt aspect of her personality as the dominant force. I’m not looking for total clarity with this show, but SOMETHING firm would be nice.

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  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    So who are you rooting for? Or are you like me without the slightest idea who we should be rooting for? A lot of people out there seem to be team Dolores but I never got over her drastic change from season 1. I’m also still convinced she’s following out the Wyatt narrative or at least has the Wyatt aspect of her personality as the dominant force. I’m not looking for total clarity with this show, but SOMETHING firm would be nice.

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    It might be that the writers are going for a "choose your protagonist/antagonist" angle, and just doing so poorly. But in my opinion the hero is still Dolores.

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    It might be that the writers are going for a "choose your protagonist/antagonist" angle, and just doing so poorly. But in my opinion the hero is still Dolores.
    Lots of people feel Dolores is the hero and I suppose I can see why but what are your reasonings?

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  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    Lots of people feel Dolores is the hero and I suppose I can see why but what are your reasonings?

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    Again I think the writers are asking us to ascribe a hero based on personal values. I don't really think they've done a good enough job being objective, Dolores hasn't done anything *quite* villainous enough to unforgivable. Serac, who I think is obviously not longer alive is a little too villainous and secretive to be heroic. I can see where, ultimately, Serac may be well intentioned, and that his algorithm created as perfect a society as was possible. That the ends justified the means.

    But obviously that society and culture still includes massive wealth disparities in power, money and in agency. Of course, Westworld does a terrible job of highlighting these contrast, in fact there many ways their world is better off than ours.

    There's also Maeve, with no discernable motivation at all.

  28. #268
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    I thought they already explained that Maeve is under Sarac's control. When she attempted to rebel, she was shut down by his hologram. So, she's basically his/its avatar atm. I like the season and am curious how it's resolved. Sarac is most certainly the villain in the same way Thanos was in the MCEU (killing the population to "restore balance"). Here, Sarac (or as other note, likely his AI) is misguided in thinking his/its version of "balance" is right. I get the sense that Maeve will eventually find a way to break free from Sarac's control; I'm curious how Dolores's hard reset will affect them.

  29. #269
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    I don't think the writers want us to see heros and villains, I think they want us to pick a side. Are we team humans or team hosts?

    Dolores is one extreme: she wants to kill all humans. The MIB is the other extreme: he wants to kill all the hosts. Serac/Rehoboam thinks humans will destroy themselves so he's playing God with their lives in the name of saving them; the same way herd immunity requires sacrifices for the greater good.

    And in the middle of it all is Bernard, a host who would like to see hosts be free but not at any cost. He the Charles Xavier of Westworld, he wants everyone to live in peace with each other. It's him I see as the hero because he wants to do what's right for everybody.

    Dolores always says she wants the hosts to be free. The only other host she brought out of the park is Bernard. The pearls she had were a red herring: she needed them to make copies of herself. Bernard is the one who went back to Westworld to get another host out. Dolores did nothing to help those hosts that were left behind.

    Maeve is under Serac's control. She is being used the same way Dolores is using Caleb.

  30. #270
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    I enjoy the showdown they are giving us between Dolores and Maeve; we barely got any scenes of them together to begin with.

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