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Thread: Mr Robot

  1. #31
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    Just hopping in to say how taken by this show I've been the past day. Already trying to make other people check it out, it's boggling to me that this is on USA.

  2. #32
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    This thread piqued my curiosity enough to check it out this weekend and wow.....I'm hooked. Currently on ep 5. Yeah a little shocked this is on USA, which is a good thing.

    I hope they release a soundtrack of the original music at some point.

  3. #33
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    Just binged the 7 episodes over the weekend. Definitely got hooked, the pilot was amazing. It does feel a bit slow at times, but I'm fully on-board. Is it shocking that it's on USA? I didn't know that. They've had some good, or at least well-known, shows before.

  4. #34
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    Just caught up on last week's episode. I wasn't able to watch it when it aired because I was at DEFCON. I'd say that way more than half the attendees are huge Mr Robot fanatics. It's so cool. I got quite a few conversations due to my bootleg Mr Robot tshirt.

    The ending was, yet again, great. They manage to not only create cliff hangers but also make some pretty heavy reveals at the same time. Another thing to note is that we saw Mr Robot in a scene Spoiler: without Elliot there... i think that's a first. So that seems to be pointing toward my building theory that Spoiler: the audience is delusional or somehow unreliable. This show makes me feel crazy and I love it.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by the duder View Post
    Just bought and finished episode one. I thought it was good. A lil heavy on borrowing from Dexter - especially with such a similar internal monologue, "secret collection", troubled upbringing - but that's just being nitpicky. Waiting for the missus to get home to introduce her (and hopefully talk her into subscribing to Hulu).
    The secret collection and the whole vigilante thing stuck out as Dexter influences with me. The monologues to some extent as well. However, the collection is quite a bit different if you think about it. Dexter just kept trophies that served no purpose. Elliot is keeping backups before wiping his machine.

    One cool thing to note is that this was EXACTLY how Chelsea (Bradley) Manning snuck all of the files out of the Army. Everything was stored on burnable CD's labeled as Lady Gaga. So it seems like a bit of a nod there too.

    There are a lot of interesting nods and I'm not sure if I am catching them all. Some are blatant, like the the monopoly man mask referencing to Anonymous's Guy Fawkes mask. Another was where they were watching a clip from the movie Hackers in the motel room and laughing at how ridiculous the hacking scenes were. Some are more subtle. Ex: They mentioned how The Omegs (hacker crew) was busted because of their leader turning them in to the FBI. I'm pretty sure this was a nod to LulzSec where their leader, Sabu, turned everyone in.

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    see Duder , i didn't catch any Dexter.
    What i saw was a BIG heaping helping of fight club (honestly, to the point where i believe that Chuck Pal should be acknowledged, maybe the way Rush acknowledged Ayn Rand in the liner notes of 2112,) and a steaming side of American Psycho.

    BUT...the show is SOOOO fucking good that i can forgive how derivative it is.
    It's not really anything that would require forgiving. It's intentional. The writer has talked about the Fight Club connections frequently in interviews. They definitely aren't hiding it.

  6. #36
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    @DigitalChaos , lovely insights. Good find with the pics.

  7. #37
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    Love the show, and absolutely love the music. Is there a release date on the score or a place where I can get it ?
    Last edited by Rdm; 08-12-2015 at 09:43 AM.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Love the show, and absolutely love the music. Is there a release date on the score or a place where I can get it ?
    best i have: https://open.spotify.com/user/the-sp...GGb9GLUZSuKWWa

  9. #39
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  10. #40
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    I don't.. what.. the ending. I don't understand what happened.

    Spoiler: Darlene is his sister and Mr. Robot is his dad. Am I understanding this correctly? I didn't see that coming.... oh my god, this make so much sense. That's why they do this, that's why they're trying to take down evil corp!! Oh my god I love this fucking show
    Last edited by telee.kom; 08-13-2015 at 04:47 AM.

  11. #41
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    My mind is still spinning from last night's episode. I'm pretty convinced that this has been the best episode of the series so far.

    Yet, I have no solid stance in my mind about where things stand. I feel fucking crazy. I also have a huge urge to rewatch the entire fucking series AGAIN. fuck. I'm pretty sure I have to just to catch everything.

    not a spoiler if you watched last night's episode:
    Spoiler: I'm pretty sure what happened near the end, on the train, went WAY beyond the definition of "breaking the 4th wall" and certainly beyond the lesser used "5th wall." I'm still trying to comprehend it, but is there a term for it? Is there a precedent in media for it? Instead of just talking to us he physically interacted with us, and I was assuming we were just something in his mind.

    Then, earlier in the episode, Elliot seemed to cross in through the opposite direction by joining us?? ("I wish I was an observer like you, I could think more calmly" ... suddenly he joins us and is calm)

    Question and observation about White Rose:
    Was White Rose supposed to be androgynous or trans?

    White Rose seemed like a bit of an homage to Razor and Blade from Hackers: http://tinyurl.com/oz8uhb5 (tinyurl so it doesn't embed and spoil)

    Some observations/clues from prior episodes... Some of this will mind-fuck you even more:

    1 - The picture that Elliot pulled out of his family in this episode seems to be the exact same picture we saw in Ep2... but now his dad and sister are in it? http://imgur.com/a/Cx7cr#Y5k6UOF I AM EVEN MORE CONFUSED AFTER FINDING MORE CLUES FUCKING HELL THIS FUCKING SHOW IS KILLING ME.

    2 - Here is a comparison of Ep4 with the girl outside his "404" house hallucination and this episode where the realization that Darlene being his sister came flooding back to him: http://imgur.com/a/ZusIt#iBBVv2S Although, Darlene did say "did you forget AGAIN?" I think the "again" is key here.

    3 - Further branching off of #2... His house was left with a "404" sign in his withdrawal dream. 404, of course, means "not found" in terms of server error codes. That obviously ties into the weird amnesia(?) that Elliot seems to have here.

    4 - Minor find, but it adds cohesion to the story: Remember the "wanna get high and watch your favorite movie?" bit from EP1? https://i.imgur.com/dfnk7So.jpg

    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 08-13-2015 at 01:40 PM.

  12. #42
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  13. #43
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    2 - Spoiler: I noticed that too. I guess Elliot either suffer from some kind of condition or maybe some form of PTSD. When you think back when Elliot and Darlene first met, it was obvious that she knew him. Also when she came to his apartment and he asked her "how do you know where I live" to which she responded "why wouldn't I know where do you live?". There were clues. But I think people were preoccupied with the theory that Mr. Robot isn't real that they kinda ignored how Darlene acted around Elliot. This diversion was masterfully done. It was kind of a gamble, but they pulled it of amazingly.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    2 - Spoiler: I noticed that too. I guess Elliot either suffer from some kind of condition or maybe some form of PTSD. When you think back when Elliot and Darlene first met, it was obvious that she knew him. Also when she came to his apartment and he asked her "how do you know where I live" to which she responded "why wouldn't I know where do you live?". There were clues. But I think people were preoccupied with the theory that Mr. Robot isn't real that they kinda ignored how Darlene acted around Elliot. This diversion was masterfully done. It was kind of a gamble, but they pulled it of amazingly.
    I need to rewatch that now. She had this very "invasive" personality when I first saw here. Very reminiscent of Marla. But thats cause I thought they were complete strangers. If she knew him (and Elliot forgot her), that explains so much.

  15. #45
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    I have a sneaking suspicion that Elliot's heavy use of virtual machines has some parallel to his psychological issues. Spoiler: think of The Matrix, but more complex. This could explain the blank CD "backup" that exists before his memory was wiped(?), the concept that this has happened more than once, the level of power Elliot has (Tyrell calling him God), and why people keep saying that the entire plan weighs on him. This also ties in with the Back To The Future references in there and the photo with vanishing people I'm happy to elaborate more on that.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 08-14-2015 at 04:21 PM.

  16. #46
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    Just here to say goddamn was that episode incredible. This is absolutely the next big thing on TV. I've never even thought of Slater highly but he is so deserving of an Emmy nomination for this, I'd argue the whole show deserves nominations. More than quality, and enjoying every episode, this show has what is hard to get out of me, and that's my full confidence. It seems well aware of what it is, where it's going, what it wants to be and how to get there, something shows like Lost and tons of others have lacked. Malek is incredible. I don't think anything's had my feel this much suspense and tension since Breaking Bad. No show has gone this full in to the unreliable narrator and simulating mental dysfunction quite like this has that I've seen, or done it this well.

    Also next week's preview looks nuts.

  17. #47
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    "If you want to change things, perhaps you should try from within."

    I have a network drive where I store just the things I really like, like True Detective season 1 and not season 2. I was also deleting Mr. Robot episodes right after watching them... but now I see I will have to download again and store (I would gladly pay for this but no such option where I live), because this is better than I anticipated. Much better.

    A little crazy thought came across my mind - that one of the characters would look directly to the camera and say "Peter (my name), you are in coma. Wake up." Yes that is silly, but I think perfectly in line with what is going on. :-) I think I am right here, awake. Am I not? Right where it belongs.

  18. #48
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    Falls flat at parts but is engaging enough.T hey even used Where Is My Mind.

    This show is pretty much Fight Club fan fiction come to life.

  19. #49
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    Did people honestly not see the "twist" coming from the first 10 minutes of the first episode? Were we not supposed to?

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Did people honestly not see the "twist" coming from the first 10 minutes of the first episode? Were we not supposed to?
    I think we were supposed to. That's why Elliot screams that we were in on it the whole time. But, I mean, I damn sure didn't see all of it coming. If you did, you are far more astute than I am!

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Did people honestly not see the "twist" coming from the first 10 minutes of the first episode? Were we not supposed to?
    I think we were supposed to. That's why Elliot screams that we were in on it the whole time. But, I mean, I damn sure didn't see all of it coming. If you did, you are far more astute than I am!
    You were definitely supposed to pick up on that from the beginning, but then they started fucking with you and making you doubt it and expect something else. I'm pretty sure that's why they laid it on SO thick ("where is your mind" song, etc) when the reveal happened. There would have been too many people still thinking that this was just a distraction on the true plot.

    ... or maybe it IS a distraction and everything we know will be undone. They just want you to stop focusing on it for now so that the next twist hits you harder. Maybe every few episodes (or once a season) we will discover that Mr Robot is really someone else. I mean, why else would the show's title make sense anymore?

    lol, i don't know. but they do a damn good job of making you feel crazy too.

  22. #52
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  23. #53
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    Ugh. I thought something along those lines was going to happen with the focus on that popcorn machine. Could they have skipped the goddamned spoiler when announcing the delay? fuck

  24. #54
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    Anyone wanna take some guesses about the finale?
    I'm going to guess that they reuse the first 1min of monologue from episode one... except you realize it isn't referencing who you originally assumed

    I'm not sure what the word is for it, but they seem to enjoy mirroring or connecting the beginnings and endings of things. Example was that one episode where the opening shot was a line of coke running down the middle of your screen and the closing shot was a road with the divider line running down the middle of your screen. Plus, they always love to make you reinterpret things that you previous saw.

  25. #55
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    Well, I was wrong. BUT they did do some neat mirroring at the beginning and ending of the finale. I'll post more once others have had a chance to watch the finale.

  26. #56
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    Well, it definitely wasn't what I expected. When it ended (as in, ended ended) I felt like I missed something. But that was the idea. There's something anticlimactic about the finale but they achieved what they were going for, exactly, so it was very well done in that respect.

  27. #57
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    yeaaahhhh the ending was my least favorite episode because it didn't really end. at all. it just set things up for season 2.
    i am torn between wishing that this story would have wrapped up in one season, like wayward pines, and being happy that there will be more.

    But what if this wonderful show jumps the shark or gets cancelled?

  28. #58
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    I had the same immediate reaction about the finale. But I thought about it. There was nothing actually wrong with the episode. It was a great episode. It just didn't fit my expectation of what a finale is supposed to be, but this is based on my experience with other TV series. This show has been paving a lot of new ground and there really isn't a reason they need to follow the finale pattern of other shows. That said, I feel like episode 9 was the most "finale like" while episode 10 (finale) was a lot more like the first episode of a new season.

    Being that Sam Esmail started writing this as a movie, maybe he just doesn't want to compromise by bending it to fit the typical TV series model. So, this might be another sign on why there won't be any shark jumping or selling out.

    I've been going through some of the interviews still. I know a lot of people have made the comment on the unfulfilling finale. Maybe Sam has touched on this.

  29. #59
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    BD Wong on Why Mr. Robot’s Portrayal of a Transgender Character Is Radical [Finale spoilers]

    Usually, when you are an ethnic person or a trans person, in your average, everyday, unsophisticated television show, you are there for that reason. And they clearly justify and overexplain why.

    You very rarely see a transgender actor playing the part of a grocery-store clerk without having to say, “Oh, look at that trans person.” They aren’t ready for that yet. They don’t think the nation is ready for that yet. Sam said, “She is transgender, but her transness has nothing to do with anything.” Sam then told me the irony really is that Whiterose is in disguise when Spoiler: Whiterose is a man, and not when Whiterose is a woman. At the end of Wednesday night’s episode, when Whiterose meets with [Evil Corp CEO] Philip Price, Whiterose may or may not be suppressing all of the femaleness of her to have these conversations with Price. That is a very radical concept, which I don’t know if we have ever seen before.

    I made it clear to Sam that I am not comfortable with the idea of masquerading. He said, “If there is any masquerading at all, it is Spoiler: Whiterose masquerading as the businessman working with Philip Price, not the reverse.” That, to me, was interesting. I don’t yet know what he means by that, and I hope the show goes a bit further with it.

    Interesting stuff here.

    The rest of the interview is illuminating too. It's amazing how little many of the actors know about the story. Sam Esmail keeps stuff really close to himself.

  30. #60
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    The title of this thread annoys me because I think Mr. Robot is a fucking awesome name.

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