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Thread: Emanuel AME Church Attack

  1. #31
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but I got a huge sense of "holy fucking white privilege" while reading that.
    yeah, that's just you

    also there is very little black mass murderers so in this sense it is "white privilege"
    Last edited by telee.kom; 06-18-2015 at 01:13 PM.

  3. #33
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    ....aaaand Obama with the calls for gun control on top of the undried blood of the victims. As usual, that means we will get a proposal that is completely unrelated to the crime at hand. We will probably also find out that the shooter was already legally barred from possessing his weapons.

    The icing was the "this doesn't happen as much in other advanced countries" line... right.. terrorists kill people mostly in the USA, and it's all because of our gun laws!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    Also yeah, this guy doesn't look creepy at all

    Yeah, he does look creepy. If he wasn't a mass murderer (alleged) he would be the perfect candidate for the "I had fun once; it was awful" meme.

    But my reason for quoting the picture: I heard on the news that the flags on his vest were a clue to him supporting racist ideas? Isn't one of them the Apartheid flag?

    Lovely bloke for sure.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    As usual, that means we will get a proposal that is completely unrelated to the crime at hand.
    I guess that the fact, that the only country with more deaths by firearm than USA, are countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Bangladesh, is also completely unrelated to how nuts you people are regarding guns.

  6. #36
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    I wondered how long it would take for us to hear about Christians being under attack.

    Seems as if Rick Santorum has taken care of that already.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    But my reason for quoting the picture: I heard on the news that the flags on his vest were a clue to him supporting racist ideas? Isn't one of them the Apartheid flag?

    Lovely bloke for sure.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    deaths by firearm
    Yeah, cause death's by pressure cooker bomb aren't part of the terrorist problem... wait, is this guy a terrorist? Or does that hurt the anti-gun rhetoric too much? It's a lot harder to mix him in with the statistical deaths of police shootings and gang violence if he is a terrorist outlier... uh oh!

    And your quote selection indicates a misunderstanding. Let me give you an example of "a proposal that is completely unrelated to the crime at hand" ... Someone shoots up a crowd with a handgun. Anti-gun crowd responds with legislation that limits magazine capacity on rifles. This kind of thing always happens and it's completely disrespectful to the dead bodies you stand on to elevate your message.

  9. #39
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    You always use their deaths to push your pro-gun stuff too, though.

  10. #40
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    And how many terrorist attacks per year is happening in USA with use of pressure cooker in comparison to killings with use of a gun? No offense here, but you have to be delusional not to see that the insanely high number of shootings is to some degree caused by insanely high number of people owning a gun and the fact, that buying a gun in USA is easier than buying a beer.

    Just look at the same statistics in Great Britain or France or any other 1st world country. Why is USA so different if not because of their benevolent attitude towards guns?

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    You always use their deaths to push your pro-gun stuff too, though.
    Knocking self-promoting assholes off the bodies of victims is not a promotion of a view. It's the attack of someone's view.

    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    And how many terrorist attacks per year is happening in USA with use of pressure cooker in comparison to killings with use of a gun? No offense here, but you have to be delusional not to see that the insanely high number of shootings is to some degree caused by insanely high number of people owning a gun and the fact, that buying a gun in USA is easier than buying a beer.

    Just look at the same statistics in Great Britain or France or any other 1st world country. Why is USA so different if not because of their benevolent attitude towards guns?
    Terrorist attacks, of all forms, are extremely fringe in the USA. But I see you've gone off the terrorism topic and back to the gun topic... thus standing on the bodies of the victims.

    It's also looking like this guy had prior felony charges... sooo... he would have been banned from purchasing a gun... sooo.. i totally called it.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Knocking self-promoting assholes off the bodies of victims is not a promotion of a view. It's the attack of someone's view.
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    It's also looking like this guy had prior felony charges... sooo... he would have been banned from purchasing a gun... sooo.. i totally called it.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Yes, it's a reference back to the post I made about Obama pushing for unrelated gun control on top of this situation. Pointing out the ridiculous self-promoting unrelated stance is exactly what I am doing. He did the same shit after Sandy Hook.

  14. #44
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    Sarah - If you are having trouble identifying what using this situation for pro-gun politics actually looks like, look up the idiots trying to point at gun-free zones, lack of carry rights, etc as the problem in this situation. THAT is another example of standing on dead bodies with irrelevant promotion, just like the anti-gun promotion. Knocking people's dumb ideas down is not the same thing as promoting an idea.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Knocking self-promoting assholes off the bodies of victims is not a promotion of a view. It's the attack of someone's view.

    Terrorist attacks, of all forms, are extremely fringe in the USA. But I see you've gone off the terrorism topic and back to the gun topic... thus standing on the bodies of the victims.

    It's also looking like this guy had prior felony charges... sooo... he would have been banned from purchasing a gun... sooo.. i totally called it.
    Well, the police conference had the tidbit that this kid's dad bought him a .45 caliber handgun for his 21st birthday. Solve that one, Dick Tracy.

    Also, fuck guns. I'll own my anti-gun stance to the nth degree.

  16. #46
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    This is what the President said about guns:

    "We do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it. (...) I've had to make statements like this too many times (...)"
    I fail to see where he's wrong.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Well, the police conference had the tidbit that this kid's dad bought him a .45 caliber handgun for his 21st birthday. Solve that one, Dick Tracy.
    That's the point! There is no gun control that would have prevented this situation. Every proposal that will follow this will have fuck-all to do with preventing this situation. It'll be more shit like assault weapon bans and other things COMPLETELY UNRELATED to this situation. It's not a lack of gun control that caused this situation.
    It's just like the Santa Monica shooter. That shooter was also barred from having guns but completely circumvented those laws. He modified and built his guns. We had a bunch of stupid proposals from the CA politicians on the back of that.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 06-18-2015 at 04:46 PM.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    That's the point! There is no gun control that would have prevented this situation.
    Man does reading this sentence from a European perspective feels like I'm watching a surrealistic play.

    I mean, I'm typing this from a country where having your dad buy you a gun is impossible. Period. Is that gun control ? Apparently not.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    That's the point! There is no gun control that would have prevented this situation. Every proposal that will follow this will have fuck-all to do with preventing this situation. It'll be more shit like assault weapon bans and other things COMPLETELY UNRELATED to this situation. It's not a lack of gun control that cause this situation.
    It's just like the Santa Monica shooter. That shooter was also barred from having guns but completely circumvented those laws. He modified and built his guns. We had a bunch of stupid proposals from the CA politicians on the back of that.
    Read this carefully and understand the point - THIS SHIT CAN NOT CONTINUE. Adam Lanza's mom bought him guns and he used those to shoot up his school. Now we have this kid whose dad may have bought the gun that he used to kill 9 people. Gun reform needs to happen and it needs to prevent stupid parents from buying guns for their kids. If this is true, the father is just as guilty as his son is for killing those 9 people and should be held accountable for what happened. This nation needs sweeping gun reform because it's just too damn easy for this to keep happening.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Read this carefully and understand the point - THIS SHIT CAN NOT CONTINUE. Adam Lanza's mom bought him guns and he used those to shoot up his school. Now we have this kid whose dad may have bought the gun that he used to kill 9 people. Gun reform needs to happen and it needs to prevent stupid parents from buying guns for their kids. If this is true, the father is just as guilty as his son is for killing those 9 people and should be held accountable for what happened. This nation needs sweeping gun reform because it's just too damn easy for this to keep happening.
    I agree that the farther is just as guilty. Shit, he broke the law in providing a felon a gun.

    But again, there will be no proposed gun control that relates to this. Look at the shit that was proposed after Sandy Hook if you need evidence of this. Duuur WE MUST DO SOMETHING.... *proposes Assault Weapon Ban of 2013 that bans weapons with thumbhole stocks and bullet buttons, bans import of 30rd magazines* ... none of which were involved in Sandy Hook.

    The shit that Obama (and others using the dead bodies for gun control) are doing is getting behind unrelated legislation... again.

  21. #51
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    Well okay, I agree this won't do shit. Now what I think would help this situation is gun license needed for any kind gun purchase. And of course psychological tests would be part of the procedure that would lead to your eventual gun license. Testing every 5 or so years. Huge penalties and sentences for people who would own a gun without licence. I mean this shit is absolutely normal in every European country, how can you have states where you don't even need a license for buying a gun? That's just insane. You need driving licence for driving a car, how can you not need licence for shooting a gun?

  22. #52
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    Oh yeah, they tried proposing that, it was considered a dangerous power grab from the government and an intolerable attempt to stop citizens from freely shooting each other. So now all they're trying is to at least stop them from using artillery when they do it.
    Of course, gun control advocates have to literally stand on the mangled corpses of the slaughtered victims to reiterate their point, otherwise it wouldn't be fun. Nice pro-gun defendants never ever do that, they tend to prefer their bodies cold.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    Now what I think would help this situation is gun license needed for any kind gun purchase.
    How would this have stopped the Dad from buying a gun and giving it to his felon son?

  24. #54
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  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post

    Just look at the same statistics in Great Britain or France or any other 1st world country. Why is USA so different if not because of their benevolent attitude towards guns?
    Statistics for terrorist events are pointless because of how rare they are. Now... homicides on the other hand.... that's something you can look at.

    But where the data becomes very clear, is when you start to be more specific with your scope.

    and THIS is an example of where your attention should be focused. source

  26. #56
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    I'm not sure what exactly is your point with this statistic. That there are countries with worse homicide rate? Or that USA is average in this regard? Well yeah, but put it in the context of 1st world countries and you suddenly realize that USA have the worst homicide rate of them all. You really think that USA should compete with African and South American states where they have none of the infrastructure USA have?

    And what do you think are the factors why black people have 9 times more homicide rate in comparison to white people? Black people also have 6 times more incarceration rate, this isn't simple issue and one graph really won't tell you the whole story.

    How would this have stopped the Dad from buying a gun and giving it to his felon son?
    It would make harder to obtain the gun in a first place and if penalties for illegally owning a gun would be harsh enough, maybe his father would think this through more. It's the combination of gun mentality that lot of Americans have and the ease of getting a gun that is the problem. Changing the mentality takes time, changing the law doesn't.

  27. #57
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    Unlike any other 1st world country, the USA has a tremendous gang problem, fueled mostly by the war on drugs. They're even exporting them, the Hell's Angels have chapters all over europe. So i wonder what the statistics would be if it wasn't for that problem, certainly a lot lot lower.

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  29. #59
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    The very first sentence of that paragraph he quoted is one of the most chilling sentences I've read in a long time...

  30. #60
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