Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
See, I'm only 99.9% on not having my own...and reasons like this are the ones that throw me. I always forget that fact that haven't offspring doesn't always mean having kids. Yeah, they start off as tiny little alien-looking things that don't do anything but eat, sleep (sometimes), and excrete from every orifice - but that phase is only the first few years. And yeah, you've got your tantrum years. But eventually, they turn into humans who are capable of independent and intelligent thoughts and actions. And I feel like when I'm my parents' age, I'd enjoy having an adult offspring who I could connect with. But that alone isn't enough reason for me to flip my near-positive decision to not reproduce.
I agree with you, if you can get past the phase of 0-5 yrs, and 15-19 you're set. Those are the 2 toughest times to be a parent. 0-5 Because they are pretty much totally dependant on your every waking move. Once the kid gets to about 6-10 I think they would be generally pretty fun to hang around. My girlfriends sister has 2 kids, 1 is 3 and 1 is 6. The 6 year old is kinda fun, he's down on all his new video games and such, it's cool. But yeah, the early phases of childhood do not make it worth it in my mind.

Then we have the Terrible, Terrible rebelling teenage stage of 15-19, this stage is almost worse than the 0-5 stage because now you have a young adult that wants to basically question and rebel against your every word. This is where your parenting skills are going to make or break your kid. He can turn into a goddamn crime-ridden hooligan drug addict on the street, or if you play your cards right he might be a well rounded member of society. Sometimes regardless on what you do, you still do not have full control on how he/she turns out. Who the kid hangs around with probably has more influence on their upbringing as teenagers than you do.

If they grow intoa responsible young adult by 25, then I think it is rewarding, as you mentioned you have a responsible person to share their lfie with you like a very close friend. An attatchment like no other. That might be the ultimate payoff for having to put up with all their bullshit during the diaper and teenage years.

Still, those two phases put me off from wanting to be a parent amung others like the cost of raising a child and others thrown into the mix. I just don't think I have what it takes to raise a productive member of society. I hate working to the point where I work just enough hours to be able to live comfortably while putting food on my plate, a roof under my head and the ability to travel for shows at my own free will. I don't want to be tied down into a Mon-Friday 9-5 + overtime job to have to pay for me and my family to survive. To me, that is not living life, that is being a slave to society. The key to a good life is finding a great work-life balance Not working to live or living to work or any of that business. I feel having a child would eliminate the abilty for me to have my freedom.