Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Greg say in some interview back then that Josh was still involved with the band, but that he wasn't touring because he wanted to focus on finishing the TTV record? As far as the new album goes, I guess we'll find out for sure if he's involved when it comes out.
Yes, either Greg or Josh said that at the time. Which made it sound like Josh was just taking a break from the tour. But ever since then, Josh hasn't been mentioned or tagged in posts by The Black Queen. I'd like to think that Josh is still involved, but from what Greg is saying about Chris joining the band, I think it's to fill the role left by Josh.

Being a big fan of Telefon Tel Aviv since the beginning, maybe I was predisposed to think this was more of a Josh project than the others. Greg was known as a singer mainly at the time, so I didn't think any music contributions were coming from him. Steve was unknown to most people I think, since he was mainly a crew guy before this (sort of like Billy in APC was before). Also, to me, Fever Daydream sounded like a continuation of the style that was present on Immolate Yourself, so I just assumed Josh was doing most of the songwriting. Anyway, I'm sure either way I'll enjoy whatever they put out.