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Thread: Bloodborne

  1. #31
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    Welp, got the console set up and the game came as well. Time to die. A lot.

  2. #32
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    I beat this on Sunday, cleared every boss. I have to say this was so much easier than dark souls or ds2. I cleared almost egery boss in the first 3 attempts. There is a period of adjustment in the begining of the game that i found quite difficult, but ultimately most of the challenge lay in the usual Dark Souls grind of memorizing and perfecting a path, and figuring out where you should go. So you have a game that is actually a lot closer to your average game in terms of difficulty. But that is made up in top tier graphics, art design and gameplay.

    Some stuff is buried super, super deep. Getting the true ending.... There is no way to figure that out on your own. No way. I passed the routes to two of those items upwards of at least 20 times each, and never noticed their entry ways.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I beat this on Sunday, cleared every boss. I have to say this was so much easier than dark souls or ds2. I cleared almost egery boss in the first 3 attempts. There is a period of adjustment in the begining of the game that i found quite difficult, but ultimately most of the challenge lay in the usual Dark Souls grind of memorizing and perfecting a path, and figuring out where you should go. So you have a game that is actually a lot closer to your average game in terms of difficulty. But that is made up in top tier graphics, art design and gameplay.

    Some stuff is buried super, super deep. Getting the true ending.... There is no way to figure that out on your own. No way. I passed the routes to two of those items upwards of at least 20 times each, and never noticed their entry ways.
    I've died a lot and by dumb bullshit (like enemies hitting me through walls) but it seems easier than Dark Souls and might be actually attainable to get far into the game or hell maybe even beat it with my lame skills. I went with the Blunderbuss and the Cleaver.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I've died a lot and by dumb bullshit (like enemies hitting me through walls) but it seems easier than Dark Souls and might be actually attainable to get far into the game or hell maybe even beat it with my lame skills. I went with the Blunderbuss and the Cleaver.
    Yeah, I've beaten the game, and while I think it's absolutely brilliant, I'd say the other Souls games were harder over all. Judging from the outraged user reviews over the difficulty though, I think they made a smart move there by not having it be as punishing. I've also talked a few friends into trying it out, and I had to help them out for a bit before they rage quit. The game is still very hard, just not insane. I like it actually, and I think the difficulty is fair this time, just the NG+ exp grants are obscene. I'm leveling up every time I do practically anything, and I almost feel like I'm cheating.

    Apparently the real challenge is in the deeper random chalice dungeons, but so far for me they've been incredibly easy. I admit I'm not digging into them as much, due mainly to the fact that I hate the layout and the clueless build of the dungeons, but I haven't heard anyone say that level 4 or 5 depth is a breeze.

    My biggest complaint is actually that it seems that I've already done almost everything. I actually disliked that Dark Souls II's world was SO goddamn huge that it felt generally overwhelming. In this, I feel that I've already explored everything there is to find. That's ok, since I've put in a good 50+ hours, but I wish there was more to discover.

    It's probably a good mark that I just want the game to never end, but it feels like it has... and that wasn't a sense that came so quickly with the previous games. Hopefully there's a DLC expansion in the works.

    I'd be surprised if a game comes out this year that I like better though, and that includes the possibility of Persona 5 coming out... which looks pretty amazing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I beat this on Sunday, cleared every boss. I have to say this was so much easier than dark souls or ds2. I cleared almost egery boss in the first 3 attempts. There is a period of adjustment in the begining of the game that i found quite difficult, but ultimately most of the challenge lay in the usual Dark Souls grind of memorizing and perfecting a path, and figuring out where you should go.
    You also have experience with the gameplay from playing the other games. They want to maintain the challenge while also reaching out to new players... it's probably a really hard line to walk.

    Some stuff is buried super, super deep. Getting the true ending.... There is no way to figure that out on your own. No way. I passed the routes to two of those items upwards of at least 20 times each, and never noticed their entry ways.
    Actually, since they delayed the release of the strategy guide, it would seem that people did figure that out on their own. I even came really really close to just stumbling on it by myself, just didn't know that I needed to consume the prior to the final battle, so I'm glad others figured that out in time.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-03-2015 at 12:25 AM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, I've beaten the game, and while I think it's absolutely brilliant, I'd say the other Souls games were harder over all. Judging from the outraged user reviews over the difficulty though, I think they made a smart move there by not having it be as punishing. I've also talked a few friends into trying it out, and I had to help them out for a bit before they rage quit. The game is still very hard, just not insane. I like it actually, and I think the difficulty is fair this time, just the NG+ exp grants are obscene. I'm leveling up every time I do practically anything, and I almost feel like I'm cheating.

    Apparently the real challenge is in the deeper random chalice dungeons, but so far for me they've been incredibly easy. I admit I'm not digging into them as much, due mainly to the fact that I hate the layout and the clueless build of the dungeons, but I haven't heard anyone say that level 4 or 5 depth is a breeze.

    My biggest complaint is actually that it seems that I've already done almost everything. I actually disliked that Dark Souls II's world was SO goddamn huge that it felt generally overwhelming. In this, I feel that I've already explored everything there is to find. That's ok, since I've put in a good 50+ hours, but I wish there was more to discover.

    It's probably a good mark that I just want the game to never end, but it feels like it has... and that wasn't a sense that came so quickly with the previous games. Hopefully there's a DLC expansion in the works.

    I'd be surprised if a game comes out this year that I like better though, and that includes the possibility of Persona 5 coming out... which looks pretty amazing.

    You also have experience with the gameplay from playing the other games. They want to maintain the challenge while also reaching out to new players... it's probably a really hard line to walk.

    Actually, since they delayed the release of the strategy guide, it would seem that people did figure that out on their own. I even came really really close to just stumbling on it by myself, just didn't know that I needed to consume the prior to the final battle, so I'm glad others figured that out in time.
    It took me close to three hours and tons of swearing and frustration but I finally killed that Cleric Beast fucker. It resorted to me being a dodgy little bitch who was molotov happy (landed 4 I think) and having spatial awareness. Minus beginner's learning and experience, I fully understand and know how this game works now. I just hope the future isn't as difficult for me. I think the game is great honestly and I get the appeal. As stated, I wasn't too big on Souls but this game...it's different. I'll get there....eventually.

  6. #36
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    Me and my friend did co-op and killed Father Gascoigne in one go. Fun fucking shit!

  7. #37
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    Holy shit. This is why the end game was so easy for me:http://www.polygon.com/2015/4/4/8345...tch-video-easy

    Logarius was totally dumb and easy for me. Every single boss after a certain point repeated the same two or three attacks non stop. I thought the design was just lazy but it looks like i basically encountered a massive glitch.

  8. #38
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    I love this game so much... but really, WHY did they have to continue the tradition of making online matchmaking with friends a technical nightmare? I'm trying to help out my friends, so I quickly threw together a new character (made him look like a lanky version of Tim Burton's take on the Penguin), leveled him up to the same level as my friends, beat the bosses I needed to to get to where they were at, and then, once we'd done everything right, we tried to connect.

    You'd figure that now, because there's password options to play with friends, that they'd make this work. Nope... we had to constantly restart our systems to get it to function, and even then, it often took a few minutes to get it to properly connect. And, with all this restarting over and over again, the host player is burning through insight to try to get this to work.

    I know insight isn't really hard to come by in this game, but to new players it can seem really precious, and so this sort of unacceptable bullshit just sours the game for them. COME ON guys, time for a patch update. Fix this now, and next time, make playing with your friends fun, not unnecessarily obnoxious.

    I also thought it was annoying how once we got one of us connected and we waited around trying to get our other friend into the game, we constantly got invaded. arrrrrrrgg....
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-07-2015 at 01:39 PM.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I love this game so much... but really, WHY did they have to continue the tradition of making online matchmaking with friends a technical nightmare? I'm trying to help out my friends, so I quickly threw together a new character (made him look like a lanky version of Tim Burton's take on the Penguin), leveled him up to the same level as my friends, beat the bosses I needed to to get to where they were at, and then, once we'd done everything right, we tried to connect.

    You'd figure that now, because there's password options to play with friends, that they'd make this work. Nope... we had to constantly restart our systems to get it to function, and even then, it often took a few minutes to get it to properly connect. And, with all this restarting over and over again, the host player is burning through insight to try to get this to work.

    I know insight isn't really hard to come by in this game, but to new players it can seem really precious, and so this sort of unacceptable bullshit just sours the game for them. COME ON guys, time for a patch update. Fix this now, and next time, make playing with your friends fun, not unnecessarily obnoxious.

    I also thought it was annoying how once we got one of us connected and we waited around trying to get our other friend into the game, we constantly got invaded. arrrrrrrgg....
    OH How I hated when I tried to matchmake and the game didn't connect me to anyone so I ceased looking. I wasted Insight on that shit. Me and my friend (who helped me beat Father Gascoigne) managed to get together twice the same time we were on in the same session. Took a few minutes but to back you up, the matchmaking aspects/co-op in this game is absolutely ass.

    Speaking of ass...

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-07-2015 at 04:18 PM.

  10. #40
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    So I just got to byrgenwerth...like...WHAT THE FUCK! FUCK YOU GAME

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiah View Post
    So I just got to byrgenwerth...like...WHAT THE FUCK! FUCK YOU GAME
    Are you having problems with Rom the Spider or the hunter? If you're having trouble with the hunter, her most devastating attack is the spell. She'll raise her hands over her head and some blue lights will form. Once you see the dots of that spell form, dodge forward towards her. You will completely dodge the spell and catch her while she is recovering. You should be able to get a good set of hits in.

    If you're having trouble with the spider... for the first round, kill all the little spiders he spawns, then attack him until he teleports. From this point on, don't worry about the little spiders, don't lock-on your attack, and just rush through and swing with a heavy weapon and then run away. Hit him anywhere but the armored head. Keep your eye on him... when he lifts his upper body up, he's about to launch those ice crystals at you... so get ready to dodge left (or right) as soon as his body lands. Keep dodging until you're clear, and then run in and slash (don't lock on). Be careful because when you get close he has other attacks... but as long as you're running in from a distance, he won't prime those, and as long as you get away after hitting him he won't hit you with them. If he launches one and you're safe while he's doing it, rinse/repeat and run in and ruin him.

    ALSO, for anyone that might be having problems connecting with friends... I've been troubleshooting this constantly with my friends and I think I've found some solutions. If the game isn't connecting you, the quickest solution is to have the ASSISTING player restart the PS4 and then run in to the same area and ring the bell. If this still doesn't work, have the support players run in and out of the area.

    If this doesn't work, sorry, the host player has lost a point of insight... Host needs to restart the system and try again.

    Really... sony... please.... patch this shit. But in the meantime, this works.

  12. #42
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    Yeah, it's that hunter in the building. I will prevail! Thanks for the advice. I haven't gotten to the spider yet

    EDIT: beat her. we fought going around the staircase. She couldn't hit me much that way
    Last edited by Thiah; 04-08-2015 at 04:15 AM.

  13. #43
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    Does anyone else play From Software games while feeling forced to read a wiki like it's a fucking travel guide?

    "Go to the first floor of Iosefka's clinic, to get the summons to go to the castle. Then go to this random place to get carriage that you would otherwise miss if you weren't reading this."

    The amount of bullshit external knowledge you need is on par with something like Nethack.


    "Also! Don't kill Iosefka yet, make sure you randomly come back here in 6 hours otherwise you can't get the umbilical cord".

    For fuck sake.

  14. #44
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    Yeah I totally killed her and missed out on the cord. I read about that after it was done.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    Does anyone else play From Software games while feeling forced to read a wiki like it's a fucking travel guide?

    "Go to the first floor of Iosefka's clinic, to get the summons to go to the castle. Then go to this random place to get carriage that you would otherwise miss if you weren't reading this."

    The amount of bullshit external knowledge you need is on par with something like Nethack.


    "Also! Don't kill Iosefka yet, make sure you randomly come back here in 6 hours otherwise you can't get the umbilical cord".

    For fuck sake.

    Yeah, but all that stuff is optional. Also, if you miss Iosefka's coil, you can still get your third from the prostitute if you sent her to the chapel.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    Does anyone else play From Software games while feeling forced to read a wiki like it's a fucking travel guide?

    "Go to the first floor of Iosefka's clinic, to get the summons to go to the castle. Then go to this random place to get carriage that you would otherwise miss if you weren't reading this."
    As soon as you find the summons that are very close to the room you find Iosefka in it outright mentions going to Hemwick Lane and as soon as you approach the general area it triggers a cutscene. I know what you're saying but personally I'd consider that a bad example, I've been playing with zero guides and still found that.

  17. #47
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    I beat it! I feel like a deserve a free car or a vacation or something.

  18. #48
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    Fuck this Turret Hunter asshole on the roof in Old Yharnam. I'm going to push him off sometime.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Fuck this Turret Hunter asshole on the roof in Old Yharnam. I'm going to push him off sometime.
    Yeah, he can be a pain.

    So you know... there's another option. If you beat the boss Paarl (sp?) downstairs in the unseen village (you can be transported there by being killed by the wraith looking guys around the cathedral carrying the burlap sacks) you get a backdoor to the lower area past him... so you can just run up from there and knock him off the building.

    Another strategy is to just not fight the enemies... just keep running till you get to the area where you can go up the ladder and hit him. I did it with the hammer... just rush him and hit him hard and he'll fall off.

    Apparently there's a way to become friends with him too... but fuck that.

    Also, I finally got the platinum in this game. I think it's fair to say that it's my favorite 'souls' game ever... especially now since I just rebooted Dark Souls 2 and I'm kind of hating it for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's just such a step down in almost every way from Bloodborne.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-25-2015 at 04:39 PM.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, he can be a pain.

    So you know... there's another option. If you beat the boss Paarl (sp?) downstairs in the unseen village (you can be transported there by being killed by the wraith looking guys around the cathedral carrying the burlap sacks) you get a backdoor to the lower area past him... so you can just run up from there and knock him off the building.

    Another strategy is to just not fight the enemies... just keep running till you get to the area where you can go up the ladder and hit him. I did it with the hammer... just rush him and hit him hard and he'll fall off.

    Apparently there's a way to become friends with him too... but fuck that.

    Also, I finally got the platinum in this game. I think it's fair to say that it's my favorite 'souls' game ever... especially now since I just rebooted Dark Souls 2 and I'm kind of hating it for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's just such a step down in almost every way from Bloodborne.
    Someone beat me to knocking the Turret dickhead off the roof but myself and a party member ended up defeating the Blood-Starved Beast on a second go (had him down to 1/3rd but I died due to instal-kill pounce move) so yeah. Getting further along.

  21. #51
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    Found Vicar Amelia and got my ass torn up due to lack of blood vials and of course, damage. I'm farming...level 31 now. I'm at the Unseen Village lantern farm area where you can kill the tall pricks with bags. They give 1300 blood echoes apiece and also give out Blood Stone Shards and Twin Blood Stone Shards with each death. Run down the stairwell below the lantern spawn They can't go due to height. Boom. profit. Easy farming for big gains. I'll probably waste all day here. I want to make Vicar Amelia my bitch.

    Level 38. I have killed Vicar Amelia and the Witch of Hemwick. Feels good, man.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-26-2015 at 10:01 PM.

  22. #52
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    After a few weeks off I just got back into Bloodborne.. It was nice besting the Blood Starved Beast on the first go back after my previous attempts being very quick insta-deaths. Then I got bagged. Then I went to bed. I love this game.. Its very much more stripped back options wise that Demons and Dark Souls, but I like that it is not at the expense of lore and the world.. year I can do what I did in Demons which was shot arrows at a long distance from everything, but hey, I get to hit stuff with a massive hammer...

  23. #53
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    Killed The Shadow of Yharnam with my friend. Me and him are more or less co-oping it. Best fun we've had in a LONG time. Next stop Byrgenwerth.

    Boss checklist:

    Cleric Beast
    Father Gascoigne
    Blood-Starved Beast
    Vicar Amelia
    Witch of Hemwick
    Shadow of Yharnam
    Rom, The Vacuous Spider

    Level 50 now. We killed Rom and I died by a spiderling after he died. I didn't get my Blood Echoes. BS.

    Update: Level 53. Killed The One Reborn. Nice stuff. Onwards!
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-29-2015 at 04:14 PM.

  24. #54
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    I'm 56 and now On Micolash, Host of the Nightmare. I caught onto his patterns and got him halfway before I decided to bail and keep the blood echoes. I had no Blood Vials to make the effort/risk worth it.

    Then I'm off to face the Celestial Emissary. Can probably do Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos. If I get the nerves to do Amygdala I'll do that. I'll try that solo as my friend says I could do it.

    I have a question, I know everything is cosmetic only but I really do want a new Hunter get up. I'm literally wearing the Yharnam Hunter Garb stuff ever since I initially bought it from the store, which I did before Cleric Beast. I want to look cooler and have better shit going for me but nothing appeals and seems to be a small step down stats wise in some areas when I decide to go elsewhere. Opinions? @Wretchedest @Jinsai

  25. #55
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    I literally wore that first set of armor through the entire game, it has the highest protection against physical damage, which accounts for almost all of the damage from bosses in the game that is difficult to dodge. It's lame, but thats how it is.

    I had an outfit for decking out my character, but i always make my souls character look like my wife, because i think it's funny, so... What looked good on my character might not on yours, if i recall correctly the outfit didnt have much in the way of practical use. I think it was the crown from martyr Longinus, surgical gloves, some kind of dress.... Idk.

    Like i said, as far as running into battle goes, i jever changed my gear throughout the course of the entire game.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I literally wore that first set of armor through the entire game, it has the highest protection against physical damage, which accounts for almost all of the damage from bosses in the game that is difficult to dodge. It's lame, but thats how it is.

    I had an outfit for decking out my character, but i always make my souls character look like my wife, because i think it's funny, so... What looked good on my character might not on yours, if i recall correctly the outfit didnt have much in the way of practical use. I think it was the crown from martyr Longinus, surgical gloves, some kind of dress.... Idk.

    Like i said, as far as running into battle goes, i jever changed my gear throughout the course of the entire game.
    I've mix matched some bullshit. I'm moderately happy for the most part.

    Can't find co-op help for Ebrietas since no one is ever in area and anytime I have, they're a fucking moron who sucks ass. This game is getting to me today. Guess it's the way to counterattack how easy it was to defeat Celestial Emissary.

  27. #57
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    I wish i had that problem i dumbed dow. All the bosses by accident apparently ebriatus went down first try.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I wish i had that problem i dumbed dow. All the bosses by accident apparently ebriatus went down first try.
    I did Darkbeast Paarl solo just now, first try. I'm proud of myself.

    Next stop is Cainhurst and Gehrman then I am done with my first play through.

    Beat Martyr Logarius and finally Gehrman, onto NG+!

    Sucks to lose all my lanterns though.

    I hope this game gets new DLC.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-30-2015 at 10:53 PM.

  29. #59
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    Damn this game ramps up the difficulty. It felt like I just started the game again, literally. Made it through Central Yharnam relatively quickly, 10 minutes tops after dying once. I made it to and defeated the Cleric Beast. Onward, ho!

    Burial Blade is a pretty good weapon but it eats up stamina like crazy and well, it's weak now compared to my 8+ Saw Cleaver.

  30. #60
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    That moment where you have the souls from gehrmen and the moon beast and you basically have to beat the cleric beast on the first attemot to use them... Thats pretty hardcore.

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