Quote Originally Posted by Hula View Post
Since becoming a PS3 owner this Christmas I'm kind of surprised I haven't become a Sony fanboy again. I was all over it when I played Heavy Rain (and the psone and PS2 were my main consoles growing up), and there are certain aspects I really like about it, but the trophy system is laughable (if only because it takes about a minute to sync if you want to read about the ones you've unlocked) and the main menu interface is far from user-friendly. I don't know if I've been on the Xbox so long that there's no going back to Sony, but eh. I guess I find it hard to see why anybody would pick the PlayStation over the Xbox. On paper, sure; the system sounds better and it does work out way fricking cheaper in the long run. It's just when it boils down to exclusives, community, interface... I feel like the 360 is the better system.

Of course, it doesn't really help Sony's case that they announced the PS4 scarcely months after I finally got my hands on a PS3. The irony of it is that I got the 12GB console under the impression there weren't that many Sony-exclusive games I wanted to buy and...well, as it turns out there probably won't be very many games released before the launch of the PS4 that are Sony-exclusive anyway.
Both PS3 and Xbox 360 have their flaws and wins but PS3's messaging, parties, friend system and trophies are a joke compared the Xbox 360's take on them. No contest.