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Thread: No Man's Sky

  1. #31
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    No Man's Sky

    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    No Man's Sky update! I followed the Atlas quest to the end but had accidently sold 2 of my Atlas Stones, now I need to grind millions to buy them from traders D:
    I thought I was gonna be screwed cause I also sold 2 of them but right now I have three different Atlas Interface paths on my galactic map. I finished three of them last night and it gave me a new one every time. I'm up to 8 stones so I'm gonna do a couple more tonight and then go to the end of the original Atlas path I had and see what happens.

    Edit: turns out I'm in the same boat. The next interface I went to said it was the last one. I was hoping I could get atlas stones from them. Time do do a lot of warping!
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 08-25-2016 at 07:15 PM.

  2. #32
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    Finished the Atlas path, it was pretty much pointless. Just gotta work on maxing out my ship as I make my way to the center. I've been having shit luck with planets for the past week. Seems like 9 out of 10 are either barren or extreme weather nightmares, even in blue star systems.

  3. #33
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    I reached the center over the weekend, it was just about as pointless as the Atlas Path.

    I thought after I did that I'd be ready to shelve this game until more content came out but I was wrong. There's still so much to do. Next two things on my list are find a ship I like a bit more and work on learning all the words, have over half of them already.

  4. #34
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    I think this game was hyped up to be a game that casual gamers will and should be able to enjoy. No Man's Sky is definitely for a specific smaller, gamer base even if the developers and Sony want to convince otherwise. Doesn't make it a bad game but it's not for a lot of people. To say it sucks because it's not your type of game is complete bullshit and why I don't really dwell too much on video game reviews. For example, Ryan McCaffrey at IGN gave Alien: Isolation a 5.9 out of 10 because he's Ryan McCaffrey. Anyone who has played that game knows that he's full of shit and is probably not his ideal type of game to play.

  5. #35
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    I'm still enjoying just pootling around star systems looking at animals and sunsets. It's like an infinite walking simulator. Still heading towards the centre but getting distracted. Still think its pretty great. For me (and this is alllll personal opinion here) I love the loop of hoping to a system, running low on something, finally making a leap to a system with a black hole, saying a few good byes to the planets I liked (maybe take a few screenshots, I've taken a ton) then diving into the unknown. Then oh no! shit on my ship has broken! parking up at a trading post then running off in a direction to find materials to fix it. And nothing this year has had prettier moments than when a planet hangs over a moon, with trade ships streaking past in a neon purple system, that stuff sets my imagination on fire.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    And nothing this year has had prettier moments than when a planet hangs over a moon, with trade ships streaking past in a neon purple system, that stuff sets my imagination on fire.
    This game definitely creates some crazy beautiful moments.

    I spent most of the day yesterday visiting planets to learn words from knowledge stones and scan 100% of the animals, if possible. That may not sound fun but it was a blast. I must've gone to 10-15 systems and I in no way wanted to stop playing. I'm not sure I'll ever stop playing this game.
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 10-07-2016 at 12:51 PM.

  7. #37
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    Massive content update out for this. I won't be able to check it out until after work but it sounds freaking awesome. Adds a bunch more to do and fixes/tweaks some of the things that were still bothering me. Can build bases and buy freighters, I'm sure the freighters are crazy expensive though.

    Edit: Read a bit about this on reddit, it sounds incredible. The planet generation has been tweaked and they look amazing. Freighters aren't too expensive, 7 mil I think for a 10 slot one. Work needs to end NOW so I can go home and play the shit out of this.
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 11-28-2016 at 08:19 AM.

  8. #38
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    I got the platinum trophy and thought I was pretty much done, but damn does the new update make everything fresh. The updated planet generation really has made a difference, the game itself is much harder, simply because planets are more sparse and the bases/freighters add a bit of push and pull to the journey across the stars. Seriously good. I've been a fan of the game, so yes that does mean I welcome these changes, but they are big enough that it just feels new, and I am very excited to see what happens next (I read somewhere that people had datamined buggy blueprints out of the update)

  9. #39
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    No Man's Sky

    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    (I read somewhere that people had datamined buggy blueprints out of the update)
    They did, somebody on reddit modded it into their game but it wasn't drivable. Having a buggy would be great. Haven't had much time to play, just got 3 of the workstations in my base created and two of the specialists hired
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 12-03-2016 at 05:52 PM.

  10. #40
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    I finally decided to get on the NMS train with the switch version. Anyone else playing it on switch, either replaying or for a first time?

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