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Thread: 2016 Presidential Election

  1. #3001
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    THIS ARTICLE goes over why he might accept, although it says Pence is an "Evangelical Catholic" ... um, what the FUCK? You're either Catholic or you're Evangelical; you're not BOTH.

    Edit: Evidently, he was raised as a Catholic but then he was born again and became Protestant Evangelical. So he is no longer a Catholic. Don't people GET this? Evangelical is absolutely a Protestant concept.

    Anyway, Pence is a Tea Party asshole. Trump is digging his grave.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-11-2016 at 11:04 AM.

  2. #3002
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  3. #3003
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Don't people GET this? Evangelical is absolutely a Protestant concept.
    It's not like religion has any hard limit on what kind of order or even schism can be made from various bits and pieces... Especially with Catholics.

  4. #3004
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Don't people GET this? Evangelical is absolutely a Protestant concept.
    Why are you expecting Trump's choices and campaign to make any logical, reasonable sense at this stage in the game

  5. #3005
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Note that the use of the word "catholic" is not the same as belonging to the Roman Catholic Church

    I took college Theology classes and I was raised as a Roman Catholic and Evangelicals' main premise is not only the Gospels but being born again.

    During the Reformation, Protestant theologians embraced the label as referring to "gospel truth". Martin Luther referred to the evangelische Kirche ("evangelical church") to distinguish Protestants from Catholics in the Roman Catholic Church

    Fact: Pence was raised as a Roman Catholic but he was born again and joined an Evangelical Protestant church.

    Trump is just trying to cover all bases, here, but he is losing the bigger picture: Evangelicals don't control this country.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-12-2016 at 01:27 AM.

  6. #3006
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    Last edited by tony.parente; 07-12-2016 at 10:35 AM.

  7. #3007
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    So like are you going to start saying his entire career is invalidated like you did when Elizabeth Warren did so or is this somehow a special case

    I cannot wait to watch the meltdown so many idiots are about to have over this

  8. #3008
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    So like are you going to start saying his entire career is invalidated like you did when Elizabeth Warren did so or is this somehow a special case

    I cannot wait to watch the meltdown so many idiots are about to have over this
    No, I'm going to say he's turned his back against everything he's ran for by backing the big banks and a candidate more corporate than a nascar race.

  9. #3009
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    God it must be so difficult living inside of such a narrative bubble at all times

  10. #3010
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    No, I'm going to say he's turned his back against everything he's ran for by backing the big banks and a candidate more corporate than a nascar race.
    You mean, like every other one of his fellow members of Congress? Heh. Welcome to America, buddy. He wasn't going to change THAT narrative by becoming President, either.

    And gee, look, Hillary authored this bill. Too bad most Sanders fans won't get what it means.

    I love that "more corporate" is now some kind of boogeyman even though a corporation is really just an entity to shield itself from liabilities and the vast majority of corporations are privately held (no stocks sold) and have ZERO to do with Wall Street. In fact, the vast majority of corporations are owned by a single private owner. It's just some Bernie Fan speak that people throw around without knowing what any of it really means. Banks are also separate from Wall Street as they are financial institutions. But we digress ...
    Last edited by allegro; 07-12-2016 at 01:38 PM.

  11. #3011
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    God it must be so difficult living inside of such a narrative bubble at all times
    Im sorry I don't back your bought and paid for candidate.

  12. #3012
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You mean, like every other one of his fellow members of Congress? Heh. Welcome to America, buddy. He wasn't going to change THAT narrative by becoming President, either.
    Clearly, allegro, the corporate Democratic whores own this country and we have to storm the barricades with Jill Stein to take it back! #Stop$hillary

  13. #3013
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    I'm disappointed in Sanders (not because he endorsed Clinton) because in at least one very important policy area, his objective to reform the Democratic party platform before the convention has already failed. His campaign is running out of accomplishments that aren't in the dubious "moral victory" category. Hashtag activism doing its thing — were his supporters putting pressure on anybody to actually help achieve things they said they wanted? Or is it easier to retreat behind "IT'S ALL RIGGED ANYWAY, FUCK THIS" and leaving the room?

  14. #3014
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    There was never much hope. Only a fool's hope.

    You're still the absolute worst in this thread, @kleiner352 . The sorest winner.

    That said, I'm a man of my word and I will vote for her to stop Trump (and likely my home state's own embarrassment, Mike Pence) from burning the world to the foundation.
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-12-2016 at 10:59 AM.

  15. #3015
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    I'm disappointed in Sanders (not because he endorsed Clinton) because in at least one very important policy area, his objective to reform the Democratic party platform before the convention has already failed. His campaign is running out of accomplishments that aren't in the dubious "moral victory" category. Hashtag activism doing its thing — were his supporters putting pressure on anybody to actually help achieve things they said they wanted? Or is it easier to retreat behind "IT'S ALL RIGGED ANYWAY, FUCK THIS" and leaving the room?
    It's kinda hypocritical for a guy who isn't a member of a political party to crash the party and attempt to "change" it and then leave the party. Which he's going to do in about 30 seconds.

    There was never any possibility of "moral victory" when he wanted to play both sides of the fence: get rid of Superdelegates, yet USE the Superdelegates to get elected.

    Anyway, it's over and it's time to beat Trump and that piece of shit Pence.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-12-2016 at 11:06 AM.

  16. #3016
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Im sorry I don't back your bought and paid for candidate.
    He voted for Sanders, LOL.

    Ultimately, Sanders was paid-for by his supporters, so it's all how you look at it, I suppose.

  17. #3017
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    Bernie's speech was pretty good today. I feel bad for him. Glad to see him doing this, though. And glad that he made it perfectly clear that Hillary won, and that he will support her now.

    Thanks, Bernie.

  18. #3018
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    I'm disappointed in Sanders (not because he endorsed Clinton) because in at least one very important policy area, his objective to reform the Democratic party platform before the convention has already failed. His campaign is running out of accomplishments that aren't in the dubious "moral victory" category. Hashtag activism doing its thing — were his supporters putting pressure on anybody to actually help achieve things they said they wanted? Or is it easier to retreat behind "IT'S ALL RIGGED ANYWAY, FUCK THIS" and leaving the room?
    Ideally his "movement" would have led to a lot of people getting proactive and productive and involved heavily in local government and down ticket races but so far it's just a lot of whining and complaining on the internet and childish accusations of fraud and moral condescension 24/7.

    And @allegro you've gotta be careful with that whole nuanced and complex view thing there, don't you know politics are black and white and anyone who ever got money from anything other than individual donors is a corrupt evil maniac not worth supporting

  19. #3019
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Bernie's speech was pretty good today. I feel bad for him. Glad to see him doing this, though. And glad that he made it perfectly clear that Hillary won, and that he will support her now.

    Thanks, Bernie.
    It's great that they are working together regarding things like college tuition, healthcare, and rules about companies moving jobs overseas, and moving those ideas forward.

    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    And @allegro you've gotta be careful with that whole nuanced and complex view thing there, don't you know politics are black and white and anyone who ever got money from anything other than individual donors is a corrupt evil maniac not worth supporting
    Come on, dude, Bernie is working with Hillary and joining forces to beat Trump. There has been WAY too much fighting in Washington and not NEARLY enough cooperation (which is how Trump got all those votes). We should echo the spirit of cooperation and progress and positive attitude on this board and everybody should stop the sniping and sour grapes.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-12-2016 at 11:13 AM.

  20. #3020
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    He's pushing Hillary to the left; her recent pronouncements on college education and police training to me illustrate that. And I hope there's a lot more to come.
    If he can push her to the left even a tiny bit, he's succeeding.

    People said Occupy was a failure: it was no failure, it mainstreamed the idea of wealth inequality and the 1%


  21. #3021
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    I would love love love to see everybody get together against Trump but very clearly people like tony and co. have zero interest in that. I got behind her the moment I realized Bernie wouldn't win because I care more about promoting Democratic values in government and keeping people like Trump out of the White House and retaking the Senate and having a liberal majority on the Supreme Court than I do about bitching chronically about how corporate interests own and destroy everything even though Trump got where he is with literally no help from SuperPACs at all.

    As good old Digital Chaos told me, some people are just too far gone, right?

    You have assholes flat-out behaving as if suddenly anything Bernie stood for is worthless because he did the intelligent, rational thing and accepted his losses and is backing the candidate representing the party most likely to win and lead to the policy and agenda he stands for. Any form of pragmatism, reason or general logic just seems wholesale rejected by a large group of angry, bitchy people that will not ever shut the fuck up about how morally great they are for digging their head in the sand, who would rather someone like Trump be president every election just so they can say "at least I didn't do it!" It's absurd. If you're a fourteen year old on reddit I get it. These are grown adults. What are you supposed to do with that?

    And, sure, @Swykk , I'm worse than someone saying two major politicians who have voted constantly for ages and pushed for progressive agenda are completely corrupted and invalidated for supporting the most likely win for progressives this November and I'm worse than the dude who said I can't be upset about cops shooting black people or rapists getting away with it because I don't think Hillary should indicted. Just the fucking worst.
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 07-12-2016 at 11:24 AM.

  22. #3022
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    It's only mid-July; we have plenty of time until November. There was a group of Bernie fans who weren't Democrats in the first place so Bernie won't be able to convert them to Democratic voters; the rest will always vote Dem no matter what, because they are Democrats and believe in the values and the platform of the Democratic party.

  23. #3023
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    I recall a time when it seemed like Clinton was going to be the anointed candidate and then Bernie came in. Everyone thought he was a joke candidate. One thing I believe he got accomplished was getting Hillary to actually talk about what she would do, and frankly listen. That's a big victory to me. The GOP did their fire dance and now we have Trump to vote for, I mean against.

    If she wins, is it possible for Washington to block her for 4 years? At this point, maybe it makes sense to just thrown the towel in and let another country take over.

  24. #3024
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    I'm really fucking bummed out by the anti-Bernie shit storm of hate, memes, and other nastiness that's been everywhere post concession this morning. This was the only move he had left. He's not a goddamn traitor.

    So what now, I can't be proud of his run? His ideas? His integrity? Hillary supporters are not so welcoming and neither are the Bernie or Bust folks. I'm in this weird uncomfortable middle ground.

    Not into this at all.

  25. #3025
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    It's my opinion that Hillary has felt it's her time for the past 8 years. She's the most prominent female politician in America. However it's almost like she expects to win. She knows that historically now is the time for a female president. If she doesn't win this one, there will still be the election after this... I don't really see Hillary having a chance after the next election though due to age. This is not a personal bias... but just a feeling as to how the majority of the population would vote. It's now or never for Hillary. I personally dislike her, however the ship will sail more smoothly with her in charge.

    However, with her in charge you will see AN INCREASE IN NEW USA MILITARY INVOLVEMENT IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Pay attention to Israel and Palestine, Russia and the middle east in general. I predict this.

    I want to make a prediction that this election will feature the largest young voter turnout in America's history.
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 07-12-2016 at 05:31 PM.

  26. #3026
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    Looks like some Sanders supporters are planning a "fart in" at the convention.

  27. #3027
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    Check out Richard Nixon's 1968 ad, where he promises to return "order." Trump could use the same ad this year. Pretty awesome music though.

  28. #3028
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Looks like some Sanders supporters are planning a "fart in" at the convention.
    It's like people on the left are just dead-fucking-set on proving they're no smarter or mature than anybody on the right. I want to get off 2016 presidential election's wild ride.

    And I don't see the youth turnout beating Obama's '08 showing and even that was a step down from what some projected. Simply put, everyone hyped Sanders up as "the Millenial candidate!" and what happened in the primaries? They wouldn't fucking vote. Hashtag activism is at an all-time high and that entire crowd seems to feel that's all they have to do. Young female turnout may increase, but I doubt Millenial voter turnout will really be anything to surprise anyone.
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 07-12-2016 at 08:21 PM.

  29. #3029
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Simply put, everyone hyped Sanders up as "the Millenial candidate!" and what happened in the primaries? They wouldn't fucking vote. Hashtag activism is at an all-time high and that entire crowd seems to feel that's all they have to do.
    This is why I want to just jump into a river with concrete shoes.

  30. #3030
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    This is why I want to just jump into a river with concrete shoes.
    It's extremely annoying but, historically, isn't particularly anything new. When I was a teenager I got to go on a trip to my state capitol and several Republicans spent our meetings simply asking why they should even care what we think, since we never vote. This led to the circular "we don't vote because you never seem to represent us" and "we don't represent you since you don't vote" song and dance. Ultimately I think the majority of people value their vote once they've lost out on something because of not using it -- a lot of the 18-25 group that failed to vote in the primaries this go around will likely vote more next time because of the results.

    It's very shitty and unfortunate but our education system is garbage, government is half a year of a class for kids not in AP programs and the AP government programs are really what normal government should be. We don't prioritize teaching chidren or young adults the importance of being a member of their community and engaging with the process of voting and because of that it's low on their value systems. Someone has to break that cycle and it only makes sense that the real responsibility lies with adults who have influence over things since they have enough perspective and experience to know the value of these things and you can't really fault young people for not having the same. A lot of young people are the first to get fired up but don't ever know what to do with that, and few people are helping. My school was lucky enough to have a principal that set aside a day for everybody to preregister to vote -- that should be a standard practice, not a privileged exception.

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