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Thread: Snowpiercer - Think Blade Runner post mass extinction on a train

  1. #1
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    Snowpiercer - Think Blade Runner post mass extinction on a train

    I downloaded this movie the other night and was completely blown away by it. It's the best scifi movie I've seen since I don't remember when. I mention Blade Runner as a comparison, not because the movies have similar stories, but because the atmosphere and world of Snowpiercer is as engulfing and real as the world created in Blade Runner.


    I want to point more people towards it because it was released as video on demand. Not because it's low quality, but because that was the marketing strategy of the Weinstein company who funded it. Apparently they were trying to avoid recouping promotional costs. Seems like a bit of a shame considering how few people (in the US anyway) seem to be clued into this amazing film. I mean, just look at dis shit in it's cylonian glory:

    Last edited by Magtig; 12-29-2014 at 05:29 PM.

  2. #2
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    i can't believe there wasn't a thread for this before. i saw it at the music box here in chicago, totally full theater, and it was SO FUN.

    i definitely recommend not knowing ANYTHING about it before you watch it (especially who is in it, to a certain extent) because it makes things much more interesting/exciting.

    also, there's some great humor but there's also some really gross/gory stuff that happens. so be prepared to laugh and also to maybe vomit

  3. #3
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    I'll have to check it out, sounds intriguing!

    And as a side note, Blade Runner's source material DID feature mass extinction...

  4. #4
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    Spoiler: How cool was it that man trying to fix natural Climate change, caused his near extinction?

    That's what I'm telling myself this movie is about.

  5. #5
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    I saw this a couple weeks ago and after a lot of thought I think it's honestly the worst movie I've ever seen. That is not meant as hyperbole in any way. Weekend at Bernies 2 and Dragonball evolution came to mind as challengers but this was just dumber and more pointless. The only reason I can see for watching it is if you just like to watch lots of gore for gore's sake. The acting was Sharknado level over-the-top but without the tongue in cheek comedy. Nothing in the plot made any sense and not in a complicated "I don't get it" kind of way, but a "This shit doesn't come anywhere close to adding up" kind of way. Finally, the environmental message or warnings that were all over the movie kept contradicting themselves and basically just shat on everyone while saying we're fucked no matter what.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by themethatyouknow View Post
    I saw this a couple weeks ago and after a lot of thought I think it's honestly the worst movie I've ever seen. That is not meant as hyperbole in any way. Weekend at Bernies 2 and Dragonball evolution came to mind as challengers but this was just dumber and more pointless.
    Sounds totally reasonable and not hyperbolic at all.

  7. #7
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    I watched it on demand too and loved it.

    It's worth noting that it's available on DVD/Blu-Ray now as well, btw.

    Also, if you haven't seen it yet, you should check out Sunshine...it's practically a companion piece with Snowpiercer, lol. Not to mention a hell of a good movie! Chris Evans has really been on a roll since his Fantastic Four days.

  8. #8
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    i thought it was fucking great...class warfare on a train.
    @themethatyouknow , i just don't understand!
    to each his own, i suppose.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-30-2014 at 09:14 AM.

  9. #9
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    I liked it - you have to take it along the lines of something like Candide, or The Inferno, something rather allegorical, than hashing out the details of realism in your mind.

  10. #10
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    i thought this movie was so fucking good. I can not believe more people are not talking about it. Total win in my book.

  11. #11
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    You had me at Blade Runner.

  12. #12
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    Very happy I was able to see this in theaters. Great flick. Been putting off grabbing the blu-ray since it came out - might have to bite the bullet this week!
    Career best performance for Chris Evans? I think so. His monologue towards the end is superbly performed. In lesser hands, something like that could be really cheesy and ineffective, but it wasn't.

    Spoiler: The moment when the eggs were handed out and it was revealed the train still had bullets in reserve, my jaw literally dropped. One of my favorite movie moments of the entire year, and this movie has a ton of awesome scenes.

    Also: Tilda Swinton in the make-up chair!

    Her performance was so gloriously over-the-top in this that it somehow worked. Love her.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 01-07-2015 at 12:34 AM.

  13. #13
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    I hate this movie starting with the fact that it uses chemtrails as a plot device in the very first shot and then moving on to every cock sucking scene afterwards.

    Its a waste of a perfectly good gimmick. Crappy, empty characters too. It was just dumb, and I have feeling that if there was a big marketing force behind it, it would have gone largely ignored.

  14. #14
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    I'm having trouble with the Blade Runner comparison to this film. Maybe someone can sit me down and walk through what it is about this film that compares? I think maybe it's an emotional reaction from me because I absolutely LOVE Blade Runner. It is THE science fiction film for me and likely always will be (sorry Stanley, but 2001 just doesn't hit the marks Ridley did with BR). But Snowpiercer, despite me having high hopes for it, was just a big disappointment by the end. There were plenty of aspects of the story and execution of it that I found intriguing and new but overall the movie just didn't "turn the corner".

    Maybe, as you identified, it was the atmosphere and world of Snowpiercer that just did not pull me in like Blade Runner did. I felt very much like an observer of events rather than attuned to the characters. Maybe I need to give it another try but I just did not like this movie as a whole.

  15. #15
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    I watched this about a month ago and it was pretty dam good. It was a little out there at some parts, but it was pretty thought provoking to say the least. Tilda Swinton was pretty exceptional with her creepy ass character, and Jamie Bell I would like to see in more films. Overall, a good story with some good acting; it was good, but it wasn't great.

  16. #16
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    fun action movie with a cool twist and some great work by Tilda Swanson and Chris Evans. Not sure why people are hating on this one. always a pleasure to see Song Kang Ho in movies.

  17. #17
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    I loved the movie but I can understand if its somewhat divisive. Its not exactly demographic tested and tailored-made for the masses. But to me, its a strangely prefect mix of action, ideas, and bewilderment. I'm not getting a Blade Runner vibe, either. I think it feels closer in spirit to some Terry Gilliam films like 12 Monkeys or Time Bandits. Gilliam is an obvious influence on this, and thats made even more clear by the name of John Hurt's character.

  18. #18
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    Don't over analyze the Blade Runner comparison. It just put me in a similar mood, that's it. @Millionaire is probably right about Gilliam's 12 Monkey's or Time Bandits comparison.

  19. #19
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    I finally managed to see it a couple days ago, and I agree with most of you guys - I thought it was great. The sentiment that it felt more like the viewer was an observer of events rather than being invested in the characters is pretty accurate, too, as far as I'm concerned - but that's not to say I didn't enjoy learning about the characters and their stories. It seems like every 15-20 minutes something would happen that would have my jaw hanging wide open. Not to mention that it has a fantastic aesthetic to it. I loved all the contrasts in the shots that had both the snowy, bright outside world and the equally decrepit but dark society inside the train. Even if you can't hop on board (HA...guys...?) with the characters or the plot, you have to admit that it sure looks pretty.

    This felt SO MUCH like some kind of twisted futuristic cousin of Bioshock, in a lot of ways, too. I half expected the head honcho to be Andrew Ryan himself.

    I'll have to give the book(s?) a shot! And if you liked this and haven't seen Sunshine, GO WATCH SUNSHINE.

  20. #20
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    Watched this again last night. Still love it. Just an odd (but not too odd) little sci-fi movie. Fantastic performances from Tilda Swinton, John Hurt, Alison Pill (small, fun role) & the big name that plays the main villain (better if you don't know as said above). Got me to thinking what director Bong Joon-Ho's next project was, so I googled...

    Apparently it won the Palme d'Or award at Cannes this year. Comes out in the US in October. Looks like the least weird & most accessible of Joon-Ho's movies (anyone see The Host???)..."An urgent, brilliantly layered look at timely social themes, Parasite finds writer-director Bong Joon-ho in near-total command of his craft."

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