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Thread: The Interview

  1. #1
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    The Interview

    So a few weeks back, a group called Guardians of Peace (GOP) hacked many Sony servers and released many files, including emails between Sony Pictures executives and producers, salary information, unreleased movies, and thousands of Social Security numbers and medical records. God knows what else hasn't even surfaced yet. Roughly 100 terabytes of data was stolen. That's 100,000 gigabytes for the laymen. Sony's internal computers and network was crippled by this, without even mentioning all of the publicity damage.

    Well, it's since come out that the Guardians of Peace are basically entirely proven to be a puppet group of the North Korean government. They'd been hinting at their outrage about a movie called The Interview, which is a comedy movie meant to be released on Christmas, starring and created by James Franco and Seth Rogan. The plot happens to be about these two dopey dudes being sent to North Korea by the American government with the mission of assassinating Kim Jong Un, North Korea's brutal despot dictator.

    Yesterday, December 16th, the GOP threatened to attack the movie theaters that dare to show this movie with a $44,000,000 budget. Frankly, it's a big movie with big Hollywood stars, for a little perspective. Certainly not some small indie film without one of the bigger players in Hollywood behind it. In response, Franco and Rogan cancelled all press appearances to promote the movie.

    Flash to today, December 17th - AMC, Regal Cinemas, Cineplex, Carmike, and Cinemark pulled the movie from being shown in their theaters. For more perspective, these five players control the majority of the theaters in the US. So that was a massive detriment to this film's chance at success.

    And finally, the big news hit later today that Sony was cancelling the release of this major movie, period, including planned press screenings. They've given in to North Korea's threats, which experts have called idle and not worth worrying about. An untitled thriller which takes place in North Korea starring Steve Carrell has also been canned.

    And just now, the US government has officially fingered North Korea in these events.

    You can read a much more in-depth timeline of the events here.


    Personally, I think it's utterly insane. It's just so absurd that this is happening that I can barely summon the words to describe it. If these events were the plot of a James Franco and Seth Rogan comedy, it would be too unbelievable to even be funny. Maybe this could be the plot of a South Park episode. Pure satire come to life. I don't think the movie itself is very important, but the fact that it's a crazy over-the-top goofball slapstick comedy makes this whole thing so much more ridiculous.

    North Korea attacking Sony Pictures, a Japanese company, is one thing, but the fact that they have threatened to attack and kill Americans in movie theaters for watching a comedy is an entirely separate, more important, issue in my opinion. I believe the US government will be releasing an official statement tomorrow and I'm very interested to hear what they'll be saying. I know the standard course of action is to completely ignore NK's posturing, but this just seems like a whole different level to me.

    What do you guys think? Do you think it was right for the major theaters and consequently Sony Pictures to completely pull this movie and just give in to idle threats? Do you think they should have stuck to their guns and shown the movie? Do you think the White House/DOD leaned on Sony to make a decision?

    Let's hear your opinions.

  2. #2
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    Kim Jong Doofy barely has the capacity to launch a bottle rocket across the street, I can't believe we let them win.

  3. #3
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    I believe the FBI and Sony aren't convinced it was NK, so take it for what that's worth. I don't blame the theater chains for pulling out, that's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation if there ever was one. Was never interested in the film anyway, so I'm not too sad that it'll probably never be seen. It does suck that so much money has been lost, people's lives compromised, and probably a lot of jobs eliminated.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I believe the FBI and Sony aren't convinced it was NK, so take it for what that's worth.
    The officials told NBC News the hacking attack originated outside North Korea, but they believe the individuals behind it were acting on orders from the North Koreans.

    "We have found linkage to the North Korean government," according to a U.S. government source.


    Plus they'll be making an official press release tomorrow, I believe.

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  6. #6
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    as I said in another thread;

    "Sony should leak it online. Then when Guardians of Peace get annoyed because more people are seeing it Sony can just say "Sorry.....musta been hacked or something""

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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Fair enough. I think more details will be coming to light, so I guess we can wait an see if we get any hard evidence.

    Frankly, I don't think it's remotely hard to believe that it's NK though.

  8. #8
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    Honestly, Sony probably decided to pull this only because the situation had the potential to destroy ticket sales during their busiest time of the year. A fear of national theatre attacks would crush sales for all movies.

    That said, we have spent over a decade fighting the "war on terror" and giving up so much privacy to the NSA to trace shit like this.... and here we are showing the fruits of it all... fucking giving in at a national level to censorship demands from hackers claiming to be associated with the most impotent group of "terrorists" on the earth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    People can be censored. Sony is a corporation. Not the same.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    People can be censored. Sony is a corporation. Not the same.
    Are you saying a film corporation can't be censored...? I seem to be confused.

  11. #11
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    Now I wanna see the film more than ever as a fuck you to North Korea and its hackers.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Are you saying a film corporation can't be censored...? I seem to be confused.
    A corporation isn't an entity. Using the term "censorship" is playing into the whole corporate personhood bullshit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    A corporation isn't an entity.
    Seems kind of overly pedantic. A corporation is an entity by any standard definition of the word, and a corporation whose purpose is to produce art can certainly be censored.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    a corporation whose purpose is to produce art
    Sony is, first and foremost, an electronics company. Your response demonstrates that you've bought into the idea of the US as a corporation. An ARTIST produces art.
    Last edited by Baphomette; 12-17-2014 at 11:49 PM.

  15. #15
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    Well, you certainly can censor a corporation (we have entire organizations setup to explicitly censor movies/music/etc), but they are attempting to censor more than just Sony here. They are threatening every single theatre for the simple act of displaying specific media.

    But there is also way more going on here. They are also threatening the viewers who watch a specific movie.


    We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places "The Interview" be shown, including the premiere, how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to.

    Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made.

    The world will be full of fear.

    Remember the 11th of September 2001.

    We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time.
    (If your house is nearby, you’d better leave.)

    Whatever comes in the coming days is called by the greed of Sony Pictures Entertainment.

    All the world will denounce the SONY.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 12-18-2014 at 12:40 AM.

  16. #16
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    and just to further drive the point pertaining to corporations... When the Nazis started burning books, we called that censorship even though the books were printed by corporations.

    Censorship is any form of communication suppression done because the contents of that communication are deemed objectionable. That's exactly what this "hacker group" is attempting.

  17. #17
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    The theater chain that I work for (Alamo Drafthouse) was totally going to be the only chain to still show the film. Then Sony canceled the film entirely. So now, all of our Alamo locations will be showing Team America on Christmas Day. Pretty fucking awesome.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    When the Nazis started burning books
    I keep rubbing my eyes, hoping that I read this wrong. Wow.

  19. #19
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    Censorship is censorship, the origin of the censored piece is irrelevant. It could be a haiku randomly generated by a spambot, if any authority decides to put the banhammer down on it, it is censored. If said censorship is warranted, just or unfair is irrelevant. The authority in question ? Irrelevant. Is it a work of art, a piece of propaganda or just drivel ? Moot.

    A stupid dictator decides to put pressure on a stupid company so that they can't release their stupid comedy ? That's stupid censorship. There's no ideology or politics, censorship can be dumb and random, there's no nobility or glory, the censored piece can be stupid as hell...

    And no need to bring the nazis into this, really...

  20. #20
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    So surreal.

    Especially considering I JUST saw a commercial for its Christmas Day release about 5 hours ago.

    Pretty disappointed on MANY levels...not the least of which being that my cousin and I were gonna get high together for the first time on our way to see this movie after Christmas dinner with the folks. I guess now we'll get high and talk politics or something instead. Bleh.

    But, yeah. This whole fucking thing is ridiculously absurd.

  21. #21
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    Well, NK is a frail power, easily threatened. And we still don't know who's behind all this. Of course, all signs point to North Korea, but it could be Russia scratching the regime's back (I doubt China would back them up on that, but who knows, as long as they're not "officially" involved)...
    USA is a very strong nation, yet remember how it reacted when France decided to refuse to help the retaliations on Iraq after 9/11, people calling for the invasion of France, the freedom fries, it became ridiculous. And we're talking about a country who isn't usually scared or offended by much, who usually doesn't give a fuck.
    Here you have a fragile country under a very twitchy government. Obviously they'll do anything to react to such a provocation. What's surprising is that somehow they got the leverage to actually scare Sony into submission...

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    I'm torn on this one.
    As someone stated above, damn if you do, damn if you don't. You don't really have a choice but to take those threats seriously.

    I agree that it should be leaked online by Sony. If this movie never sees the light of the day, it sets a precedent and we're gonna see other cyber attacks of the likes.
    It clearly sends the message that if you play you cards right, we'll back off and you can win this thing.

    With that being said... really Hollywood?? Making a movie about the assassination of a currently active world leader?
    If another country releases a movie about plotting the assassination of Barack Obama, the US would go apeshit! They would have the FBI, CIA all over this in a matter of minutes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    With that being said... really Hollywood?? Making a movie about the assassination of a currently active world leader?
    If another country releases a movie about plotting the assassination of Barack Obama, the US would go apeshit! They would have the FBI, CIA all over this in a matter of minutes.
    I couldn't have said it better. What were they thinking?

  24. #24
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    Well, North Korea always seemed like an easy target to pick on, what were they gonna do, launch nuclear pitchforks on Washington ? They're isolated even among their allies so their political weight is nil, their economy is in shambles so no retaliations on that side, and when it comes to the military their best weapon is Photoshop...
    It's like Russia during the cold war, without the warheads, or connections, or intelligence, or resources. USSR Defcon 9,000. So tempting and so easy.

    And I'm still pretty sure that there's someone else behind this. It's so unlikely that NK would be able to actually enforce acts of terrorism on the US soil, there had to be some red flags, something that made the threats sound actually serious.

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    But if they DID pull something off, or even if a homegrown copycat wingnut asshole who thinks North Korea is Kanye West's kid started shooting people at a screening on Christmas Day, then theatres would be held criminally liable because they knew that it was a risk to show controversial material when there's an active terror threat.

    Cinema chains aren't stupid; last time some fuckhead started firing at people in one of their movie theatres, they weren't able to foresee the threat because it was unprecedented. Now they know otherwise. Welcome to 2014, the worst future ever.

    Oh — and Sony posted a huge loss last year, like a billion dollars or something. A $44mill movie budget is just another write-off. The theatres did the right thing for their business, and now Sony basically gets to say "welp we can't make money without box office, so might as well cut losses". If only they had some kind of home entertainment system in millions of homes that could be used to distribute films. Hmmmm.
    Last edited by botley; 12-19-2014 at 12:12 AM.

  26. #26
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    Everyone seriously needs to chill out with the "North Korea" shit. We have everyone, including politicians... even the US govt is saying our intel points to NK. It is so unbelievable. I have been following much of the hack, and it really does not add up. Here is a great summary of why: http://marcrogers.org/2014/12/18/why...f-north-korea/

  27. #27
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    ^ Not to mention that it would be an extraordinary change of character, coming from the DPRK. They usually make menacing, yet formal official statements, and relay it further with internal propaganda... Terrorist threats is very out of character, when they threaten they tend to threaten with impending doom, not localized attacks...
    It doesn't make any sense. But indeed, everyone profits : Sony can claim they've been hacked by an hostile nation, everyone blames the DPRK, and North Korea can hide its flabbergastment and say "oh yeah, yeah we totally did... All of that. So beware ! "

  28. #28
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    I'm really confused about how you guys think bloggers have more credibility than US intelligence agents. Don't you think the gov has some evidence they haven't released if they're saying these things?

  29. #29
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    If this means destroying Seth Rogan's career, then bless our Dear Leader.

  30. #30
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    I don't even understand how Kim Jong Doofy is so butthurt, he doesn't even HAVE a butthole according to him.

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