Okay, i know this is kind of on the tmz side, and we're supposed to be too hip to care, but i LIKE these kinds of stories!
So whether you stalked the person or ran into them randomly, please do share!

I've got a few.
Here's a good one.
I don't know if he still does this, but Tricky used to spend A LOT of time mingling with the audience before his shows.
I was at a tricky show in dallas...must have been like 17, right?
So i'm just chilling in the bar waiting for the opening act to come on, and i see Tricky just a few feet away from me.

Remember, i'm seventeen so i'm TRIPPED the fuck out! i was a HUGE tricky fan. I still am, but in those days, Pre-Millenium Tension and Nearly God were new...i was VERY excited about tricky!
So i said to him "Wow, tricky, i can't believe these people don't recognize you!"
And he said "I try to keep a low pro."
And holy shit. His voice in real life was JUST like his voice on the record. I thought for sure that his recorded snarl was an effect, but that's really how the motherfucker talks. 17 year old me couldn't believe it.

SO i managed to tell him what a great influence he had on my poetry and that i followed his DIY spirit...making music on a 4 track in your living room, shit like that.

And he says "Thanks. Got a light?"

And i look and it's a big spliff! I was lighting one of my here's JOINTS!
I have a feeling he knew exactly how unforgettable that would be for me. I bet he had a lighter already.

Of course i was about to piss my pants, and my hands were shaking so badly that i could barely use my lighter. Plus, i was supposed to SMOKE the joint, but i was far too nervous. Still, it was well worth it

So, lay one of your stories on me!