People are going to facepalm me here, i know, but i don't care.
I believe in ghosts, and i've seen 'em, goddamnit.

I can't say for certainty what they are. One of the ghosts seems to only be able to do one thing...walk from the hallway back towards my bedroom. This part of the house was built as a place for my great grandfather to spend his final days and die, so i think it's him. But i don't think that it's sentient. I think, rather, that it's some sort of anomaly in the space-time continuum...a memory of the house, if you will. I have no doubt in my mind that the ghost phenomenon will be explained one day, that physical evidence will come to light and "ghosts" will make perfect sense, be they wandering spirits, glitches in temporal perception, or visions of alternate dimensions.

I have seen this particular "ghost" at least 25 or 30 times.

I have several other ghost stories...i believe that i must be "sensitive" to them. I will share more if you share yours.

I KNOW some of you have seen ghosts.
People will laugh at this, but fuck 'em. I'm saying that in advance.

So if you have REALLY seen a ghost, tell the tale!

Happy Halloween, ETS.