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Thread: RuPaul's Drag Race

  1. #211
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    seriously, ru...fuck you. from the entire trans community, fuck you.

    What I can’t understand is how transgender women can enter a drag contest. Last year RuPaul’s Drag Race was widely acclaimed for featuring its first openly transgender contestant, called Peppermint – but if transgender women must be identified as female, how can they also be “men dressing up as women”?

    “Well, I don’t like to call drag ‘wearing women’s clothes’. If you look around this room,” and he gestures around the hotel lobby, “she’s wearing a shirt with jeans, that one’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt, right? So women don’t really dress like us. We are wearing clothes that are hyperfeminine, that represent our culture’s synthetic idea of femininity.”
    In the subculture of drag you do occasionally find what are known as “bio queens” – biological women who mimic the exaggerated femininity of drag. Would RuPaul allow a biological woman to compete on the show? He hesitates. “Drag loses its sense of danger and its sense of irony once it’s not men doing it, because at its core it’s a social statement and a big f-you to male-dominated culture. So for men to do it, it’s really punk rock, because it’s a real rejection of masculinity.”

    So how can a transgender woman be a drag queen? “Mmmm. It’s an interesting area. Peppermint didn’t get breast implants until after she left our show; she was identifying as a woman, but she hadn’t really transitioned.” Would he accept a contestant who had? He hesitates again. “Probably not. You can identify as a woman and say you’re transitioning, but it changes once you start changing your body. It takes on a different thing; it changes the whole concept of what we’re doing. We’ve had some girls who’ve had some injections in the face and maybe a little bit in the butt here and there, but they haven’t transitioned.”

  2. #212
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    Well, most of all, this shows that Ru doesn't really understand what being trans or transitioning means. Which really is a pity.

  3. #213
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    i don't know that i *deserve* an opinion as a cis male. but if cis women started competing, wouldn't it just be, like, showgirls? that wouldn't make sense. i don't get what she's saying about post-transition contestants, though. what difference would that make if peppermint had breast implants before her season? less chest contouring? is that unfair? um, no.
    Last edited by kel; 03-05-2018 at 04:34 PM.

  4. #214
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    Aaaaand here's Ru's apology:


    Each morning I pray to set aside everything I THINK I know, so I may have an open mind and a new experience. I understand and regret the hurt I have caused. The trans community are heroes of our shared LGBTQ movement. You are my teachers.
    In the 10 years we’ve been casting Drag Race, the only thing we've ever screened for is charisma uniqueness nerve and talent. And that will never change.

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Z View Post
    "i'm covering my ass because i don't want my ratings to drop"


  6. #216
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    This girl on reddit has a point which I, being trans and a fan of the show, can fully agree on:

    I just want to play devils advocate. Full disclosure: Im a trans woman with passing privilege. I also do drag and and have competed in transgender only pageants. I agree that what Ru said is a little tone deaf, or could have been worded a little bit better.

    Drag Race is just not that kind of show that is inclusive of all drag. Does that suck? Absolutely, but I've come to realize that Drag Race is a very specific show. Its a show about female impersonators, where the transformation aspect plays a big role in the tone of the series. Its why being a "hot guy" is a constant topic amongst the fandom. Theres a reason why alternative forms of drag rarely do well in the competition and are only featured in specific runways.

    Then theres Drag Race Thailand. Meannie Minaj is a contestant who is openly trans, and lives her life as a woman when shes not in drag. However, you see her time on the show and she is masquerading around as a man, wearing "male clothing." Why would a country who recognizes the third gender force a contestant to do so? Because the brand requires it. They are looking for a specific type of drag queen to represent what the show is currently about.

    Which brings me to pageants. There are shows that exclude trans queens. There are pageants that include trans queens, and there are pageants only for trans queens. All with different criteria as to who they want to represent their brand and title. Now, one could argue that a show with this much leverage should be all inclusive, and I agree. However, as of right now, at its core, its still a show about female impersonators, with its own set of rules.

    Now, my hope is that as the show continues, and begins to evolve, there will be a need to have a different conversation. One that does include trans voices, but right now, Drag Race is not at that point.

    Edit: At the end of it, I do not want this to tarnish the show, as I'm hopeful for the future. And as of right now, this is the only voice in the media powerful enough for cishets to see how talented queer people can be.
    Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdrag...ds_to/dv87qma/

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    i don't know that i *deserve* an opinion as a cis male. but if cis women started competing, wouldn't it just be, like, showgirls? that wouldn't make sense. i don't get what she's saying about post-transition contestants, though. what difference would that make if peppermint had breast implants before her season? less chest contouring? is that unfair? um, no.
    nah, faux queens most commonly do just as extreme drag as male competitors. Like, drastically changing their appearance. I do think it intersects in some places with burlesque, which is def a showgirl thing, but you typically see a huge alteration of their appearance either way. Like, I know when I play around with drag my makeup is changing how my face looks drastically, whereas my burlesque makeup is just making my lips a little fuller and blocking out half of my brows.

    In other news, RuPaul fucking posted A TRAIN PIECE OF ARTWORK instead of the trans flag and I fucking can't https://twitter.com/RuPaul/status/970810822413795328
    Last edited by playwithfire; 03-06-2018 at 09:35 AM.

  8. #218
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    Although both the transgender flag and Train Landscape by Ellsworth Kelly portray large fields of colors arranged in horizontal stripes on a rectangular area, they differ significantly in that the colors for the transgender flag are pink, blue, and white rather than yellow and two shades of green, and in that the transgender flag stands for transgender rights while Train Landscape, presumably, stands for trains. Far be it from me to railroad RuPaul; perhaps he was suffering from tunnel vision.

  9. #219
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    welp, no real surprise. except shangela getting robbed for the third time when it came down to the final two. what a painfully odd, predictable (but not?) season. ten starts next week.

    edit: the "kitty girl" video was outstanding. they all did great, including trixie who is pretty limited when it comes to choreography. the whole thing was very impressive.
    Last edited by kel; 03-16-2018 at 04:27 PM.

  10. #220
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    the two-hour season ten premiere is tonight. really excited for it. courtney love is going to be a guest judge (!!!) at some point.

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    the two-hour season ten premiere is tonight. really excited for it. courtney love is going to be a guest judge (!!!) at some point.
    wait, seriously? already?

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    wait, seriously? already?
    right? i'm so used to waiting 9+ months between seasons.

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    right? i'm so used to waiting 9+ months between seasons.
    i really hate that people on social media don't take into account that many people don't watch shows while they air. i had the winner of all stars 3 spoiled for me because when i opened instagram that night it was the first post in my feed. i can't watch the show the night it's on, i have to wait until the next day. it sucks that people don't take that kind of shit into account.

  14. #224
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    i don't know how to post spoilers properly on my mobile. i try to be innocuous in my posts and if i've ruined anything for you i'm hella sorry.

    edit: the queen i dug least went home. there was a ton of foreshadowing. saw it coming a mile away.
    Last edited by kel; 03-22-2018 at 10:15 PM.

  15. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    i don't know how to post spoilers properly on my mobile. i try to be innocuous in my posts and if i've ruined anything for you i'm hella sorry.

    edit: the queen i dug least went home. there was a ton of foreshadowing. saw it coming a mile away.
    I have to agree. Way better premiere than I was expecting. And the right queen was the first to go. Poor Eureka is going to have to fight hard to stick around long, though.

    And I don't know what the entire cast sees in Kameron out of drag. Totally not my type at all.
    Last edited by halo eighteen; 03-23-2018 at 09:28 AM.

  16. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    i don't know how to post spoilers properly on my mobile. i try to be innocuous in my posts and if i've ruined anything for you i'm hella sorry.

    edit: the queen i dug least went home. there was a ton of foreshadowing. saw it coming a mile away.
    oh, honey, i wasn't talking about you! i don't go into this thread until i've watched the episode (save for right now, since it was the first one and i don't care that much). someone who had been on all stars three immediately posted a congrats to the winner and it was the first post i saw on instagram when i woke up the next morning, excited to watch the show that night. it was just so frustrating! you shouldn't have to unfollow a bunch of people on social media to avoid spoilers, people should have an understanding that not everyone can watch things at the exact same time. idunno. i feel like i'm yelling at a cloud :/

  17. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    And I don't know what the entire cast sees in Kameron out of drag. Totally not my type at all.
    word. she's not even *that* buff, reminds me a lot of the princess. and how did no one clock her kelly-mantle-bacon-dress hair?

    this was a really outstanding premiere. they did everything right; a seriously kick ass mini-challenge (and at this point they should be mandatory -- hopefully the 90-minute showtime will make room for one every week), plenty of work room footage to flesh out personalities, and an awesome maxi-challenge that harkens back to season one and really highlights the queens' skill and creativity.
    Last edited by kel; 03-23-2018 at 01:00 PM.

  18. #228
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    Fully agree, that was an awesome season premiere!

  19. #229
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    i fucking love how the southern queens react to miz cracker's name. and she's probably my early favorite. "okay, time for DINNER!".
    Last edited by kel; 03-27-2018 at 12:59 PM.

  20. #230
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    another great episode. these queens aren't playing the radio this season.

    good god, someone give kalorie some big hair already -- her head is so disproportionately small for her body, even without pads.

  21. #231
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    Agree, great season so far! I've never watched the show as it aired before, so it's strange not to be ale to binge the whole thing...

  22. #232
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    miz cracker is definitely growing on me. i think the vixen is hilarious. i'm usually embarrassed of whatever chicago queen is on the show but she's doing pretty well.

    also, alyssa was the best part of the episode (which is a bit sad for all the current girls). :: tongue pop ::

  23. #233
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    the vixen's "best drag" was a sloppy mess. wtf was with that make-up? those brows? gurl.

    courtney love is tomorrow's guest judge. and another guy, a designer i'm unfamiliar with.

  24. #234
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    the vixen is so unlikable. when queens tout themselves as *so real* and *tell it like it is*, that ends up being a thinly-veiled penchant to be an asshole.

    what a cunt. over her.
    Last edited by kel; 04-05-2018 at 07:46 PM.

  25. #235
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    other than the vixen & aquaria being catty, the episode was so much fun. i'm glad mayhem sent yuhua home. you don't fucking play air guitar during a lip sync in front of courntey love. ugh. it was really refreshing to see them do a rock song, though. definitely added some energy and flair!

    also, how mad do you think monique is that asia won with a tweety bird look when her cookie monster look (which i adored) didn't get her any praise?

  26. #236
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    i'm starting to understand the vixen. she knows exactly what she's doing.

    i *love* the maxi challenge, and having it come this early in the season was a smart move. i'd say it separates the girls from the queens, but everyone showed up tonight for the most part. i don't know that the win was deserved, though. seemed lazy to me.

    this episode's surprise was blair, even though she wasn't in the spotlight much. it also had a kick ass lipsync (with a tough-as-fuck song). the winner TURNT it.

    anyone else having deja vu with these queens? of course there's monet and bob and yuhua and bianca, but kameron's runway looks scream chad michaels (no relation) and dusty was serving thorgy face tonight.

    i <3 season 10.
    Last edited by kel; 04-12-2018 at 10:48 PM.

  27. #237
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    I hope Ru will get better real quick, I think she got the flu during filming. She seemed quite ill the last two episodes - in Ep. 3, her voice sounded very thin and this week, the eyes looked very swollen in the werk room as well. I guess the mask thing was a deliberate choice to hide these things.

  28. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    i'm starting to understand the vixen. she knows exactly what she's doing.

    i *love* the maxi challenge, and having it come this early in the season was a smart move. i'd say it separates the girls from the queens, but everyone showed up tonight for the most part. i don't know that the win was deserved, though. seemed lazy to me.

    this episode's surprise was blair, even though she wasn't in the spotlight much. it also had a kick ass lipsync (with a tough-as-fuck song). the winner TURNT it.

    anyone else having deja vu with these queens? of course there's monet and bob and yuhua and bianca, but kameron's runway looks scream chad michaels (no relation) and dusty was serving thorgy face tonight.

    i <3 season 10.
    should i be putting stuff behind a spoiler tag? :: shrug ::

    i think aquaraia should have been safe, blair should have been in the top, and miz cracker should have won. that was...very frustrating.

    i'm gonna miss dusty. her looks aren't always perfect, but i like her personality (and out of drag, what a cutie!)

  29. #239
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    i still don't know how to use spoiler tags on my mobile, which is why i'm vague when i post right after the show airs. should i, like, wait until the weekend's over before posting?

    cracker TOTALLY should have won.

  30. #240
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    which queen was it that had the adorably goofy laugh? i was cracking up at that shit.

    as for spoiler tags, there don't seem to be a ton of us who come in here to discuss the show, and i wait until i've watched the episode to do so. so i say fuck it.

    also, this is everything right now - http://www.newnownext.com/blair-st-c...-race/04/2018/

    p.s. apparently the yodeling kid played at fucking coachella? wut?

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