Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
I could actually understand Bane, so I don't know why everyone's struggling with it.... I watched it on a crappy bootleg btw.
It might have to do with the booming sound system that IMAX theaters have. There was a LOT of airplane noise going on when he was talking.

Just one things Spoiler: Why would they blow up the middle of the football field, and not the stands where most of the people are? Cool special effect though.
Not knowing anything about the plot of the movie, I'd guess it has to do with tearing down the idea of hero worship. You could look at pro sports, and football in particular, as a today's version of gladiators. Some people are rooting for one side and some are rooting for the other, but either way they have devoted themselves to one side in hoping that the other fails. It isn't as prominent in the USA, but fans can get very violent over sports events. I could be very wrong, but that is what I took from it.