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Thread: General Police Misconduct aka Murdering Black People

  1. #2161
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    NEWS Police commander charged with aggravated assault for beating

    Last edited by allegro; 06-06-2020 at 10:42 AM.

  2. #2162
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  3. #2163
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    Admittedly, I DO NOT agree with this old dude’s politics or point-of-view. But, there’s NO reason for police to ASSAULT him. That’s just tyrannical bullshit. This is NOT China. The Mayor of Buffalo can fuck right off.

  4. #2164
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Every time I see his name, I think “chauvinism.”
    I was going to suggest that maybe there's a link to the word "jingoism" which means "chauvinistically patriotic." Anyway, I believe that this guy committed voter fraud. Why not. He apparently thought he was so high above the law he could stare down a cell phone camera as it filmed him slowly killing a man.

  5. #2165
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    Was this posted about the 18 year old who cleaned up himself and was gifted free insurance and a car? Nice to see some good news:

  6. #2166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Was this posted about the 18 year old who cleaned up himself and was gifted free insurance and a car? Nice to see some good news:
    Nobody wants to hear good news stories. How does that fuel the hatred? We only want to hear about the shit that divides us!

    You could tell me I won a million dollars in the lottery but it would not phase me. I am completely numb. It is simply too much. Society sucks. People suck. What the fuck does it matter? I give up. I completely give up. Fuck it.

  7. #2167
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    Watch the whole song, or skip to 5:17. One of my favorite speeches from Zack. Zack was off on the timing (and his understandable hope for Obama), but his prediction at the end looks like its finally coming true. 12 years late is better than never.

    What you reap, is what you sow.

  8. #2168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Was this posted about the 18 year old who cleaned up himself and was gifted free insurance and a car? Nice to see some good news:
    That’s really nice. I love that.

  9. #2169
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    I hope this happens but of course I have doubts. Every city should do this.

  10. #2170
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    di Blasio stated that the city will take funding from NYPD and redirect it to youth and social services. He didn't say how much. Watch it be like $5 million or some bullshit like that.

    For context, NYPD's budget is over $6 Billion and our public university system with over 500,000 students, about 275,000 of which are degree seeking, spread over 25 campuses that are largely minority-serving, has a budget of about half that. At the end of the month, nearly all part-time staff will be let go as they did not renew their contracts, some campuses cut fall classes by 25%, many didn't renew adjunct contacts, etc. We've been in a financial disaster for a long time and now we're absorbing a large chunk of the state's COVID-19 deficit on top of it. The campus I go to for class has had floors of the library closed off for the entire two years I've been there because they can't get the bedbugs under control - our buildings are crumbling apart. Education is one of the wisest investments that the public can make and every dollar invested returns several times over.
    Last edited by Sarah K; 06-07-2020 at 05:12 PM.

  11. #2171
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    After becoming totally unglued yesterday, today I have a new, more positive perspective. News reports indicate that demonstrations are continuing, but looting and violence are decreasing. I had assumed the opposite would happen, where the rioting would drown out the message. Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.

    It seems plausible that some positive change will be forthcoming. It is certainly long overdue. Real progress with civil rights was made when I was growing up in the 60's but then it seemed to stall out.

    Although persons of all ages are participating in the demonstrations, news reports point out that many organizers are young. That was the case a few days ago, when two high school students in a neighboring town organized a march which closed down the main highway for half an hour, as I sat there in my car just amazed by what was going on in front of me.

    The obvious fact that this unrest is occurring during a pandemic just adds an exclamation point. The problems are real, and must be addressed.

  12. #2172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I hope this happens but of course I have doubts. Every city should do this.
    It's probable that in the immediate run law enforcement is going to be deferred to the county level. That is, Hennepin County deputies will be sent to handle 911 calls.

    From the sounds of things, the idea will be to completely reorganize responses to emergencies. Creating a police force that has more specialized departments, and one that is made up entirely of people from the immediate communities will have a far more positive effect than one composed of a bunch of trigger-happy white guys who live in third- or fourth-tier suburbs.

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  14. #2174
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    Rumblings of Commissioner Shea and at least Chief Monahan resigning soon within my network. Not verified yet, but they were correct last time.

    Shea has only been in that role since December, so that would be a pretty significant resignation.

  15. #2175
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    went to Central Park yesterday because it was a goregous day. it was my first day in NYC since Feb. I went in the morning and it wasn't crowded at all. NYC is doing a MUCH better job with masks than NJ imo. social distancing was great too.

    on the way home I decided to drive through Times Square...only to find out I couldn't. EVERYTHING was blocked off for blocks by police. I drove past a police station and had to have seen 300-400 cops out front (literally just saw one wearing a mask) . This was 12 in the afternoon, way before any protests. I was seeing cop cars and vans everywhere too. That beautiful day I had at the park seemed to evaporate and for a stretch there, I felt like I was in a police state.

    Then I had a growing concern: what if cops are really defunded? what if the majority of them go rogue and go apeshit? I almost feel like that might be coming next...

  16. #2176
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    Then I had a growing concern: what if cops are really defunded? what if the majority of them go rogue and go apeshit? I almost feel like that might be coming next...
    They’d be doing so without billions of dollars of assault weapons and armour backing them up.

  17. #2177
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    They’d be doing so without billions of dollars of assault weapons and armour backing them up.
    but would they?
    what would stop them from collectively just stealing everything if there's no one to stop them?

  18. #2178
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    Hmm. There's already a jobs issue so that would not be ideal. I'm picturing wild west with bandannas (because they're already prevalent) but with much more brutality.

  19. #2179
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    They’d be doing so without billions of dollars of assault weapons and armour backing them up.
    No, cops would still have assault rifles and armor, etc. That's from their Municipal budgets. The Municipal budget is surplussed by 1033 Federal grants that provide surplus military equipment. Presidents do not and cannot affect Municipal police budgets. Ever. Only Congress can legislate, and even then Congress does not reduce Municipal police budgets. States' rights and all that. So, this rhetoric floating around that the Presidential election has anything to do with "defunding the police" is erroneous, misinformed and not based on any American civics. It's just political rancor and propaganda, scare tactics.

    Here is an article about Joe Biden's criminal justice reform plan: (Actual plan HERE.)

    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    Then I had a growing concern: what if cops are really defunded? what if the majority of them go rogue and go apeshit? I almost feel like that might be coming next...
    "Defunding" the police isn't intending to remove policing from necessary areas. Most cops actually DON'T WANT to be policing in areas where they shouldn't be policing.

    For instance:

    • If teachers have a problem with a kid at school, the school should have counselors and specialists who handle that and PARENTS should be called in. NOT THE POLICE
    • If families or municipalities have a problem with people who are mentally ill, then there should be programs and specialists available - for free or low-cost - and those specialists should be called. NOT THE POLICE.
    • If there is an issue with overcrowding of homeless people, then that issue should be addressed with housing and addiction and mental health and job specialists. NOT THE POLICE.
    • If there is an issue with gangs, then that issue should be addressed by looking at the big picture in that area, e.g. housing, jobs, healthcare, counseling, education, training, home improvement, small businesses, etc. NOT THE POLICE.

    Kamala Harris gives a good example:

    Look at nice middle and upper class neighborhoods, with nicer houses and schools. Those Municipalities put a huge percentage of their budgets into the school systems, jobs, healthcare, development, keeping the city clean, etc. and very little of the budget goes into the police because it doesn't HAVE to.

    Here's a Forbes article from 2017. showing the police budgets relative to the overall budget.

    Crime has been greatly DECREASING, nationally, yet the public's PERCEPTION is that it has been increasing, and the police budgets have been astronomically increasing because more and more responsibility has been placed upon police to babysit every aspect of society, and that has been a DISASTER. It's morphing into the Gestapo. The police have TOO.MUCH.POWER.

    What's NEEDED is more community policing, bringing back the "beat cop," etc. But that's not possible when police forces are expected to fill in the blanks left by inadequacies where society just doesn't give a fuck, like education and housing and healthcare and mental health, etc. And it's especially not possible when we train police to be a military force.

    Mental health facilities = Jail
    Addiction facilities = Jail
    Homeless facilities = Jail

    This is a fascist society, folks. And our tax dollars are paying for it.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-08-2020 at 02:00 PM.

  20. #2180
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    Last Week Tonight did an entire episode about policing and police departments in the US, and touched on its origins as slave patrols. It also got into why it's so hard to hold police officers and departments accountable, and what exactly defunding and disbanding policing as we know it could entail. It's 33 minutes long but it is worth the watch.

  21. #2181
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    Municipal Tax dollars, hard at work:

  22. #2182
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    catalog of 557 videos of police brutality against George Floyd protestors. Insane.

  23. #2183
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    I dunno. Really, no idea.

  24. #2184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    What’s their espoused rationale for doing that?
    They claimed that it was to prevent protesters from weaponizing their vehicles to drive into police lines. All I know is if it was my car that got its tires slashed I would be suing whatever police department (I heard it was from neighboring Anoka County—the redneck armpit of Minnesota) to recoup the costs of new tires, innertubes, towing, and getting the new tubes and tires put on.

  25. #2185
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    I concur with Joe Walsh (IL), WTF:

  26. #2186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    Yeah. And, if true, I hope someone is organizing a class action of each and every one of those people to do just that.
    Jesus fucking Christ.
    Now it’s complicated because it ends up the store owner had a gun and was using it to subdue a shoplifter suspect and refused to obey an order to put the gun down. That punch broke his jaw and knocked out a bunch of his teeth, but at least he’s not dead.

  27. #2187
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Now it’s complicated because it ends up the store owner had a gun and was using it to subdue a shoplifter suspect and refused to obey an order to put the gun down. That punch broke his jaw and knocked out a bunch of his teeth, but at least he’s not dead.
    We go through active shooter training at the start of most tours / festivals, and one thing we're usually told (for some odd reason, given that no one is packing) is to not fire back because it'll greatly increase the odds of you being killed yourself by someone who thinks you're "the shooter".

    Defending yourself comes with its own risks, sadly.

  28. #2188
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    another all time low from trump:
    Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN
    I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

  29. #2189
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    another all time low from trump:
    Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN
    I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?
    That elderly man is still in the hospital, in serious condition. Locals say he’s a longtime peace activist who’s been having health problems. There’s a GoFundMe page for him. Trump and OAN are more despicable than ever.

  30. #2190
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    What is even happening now?

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