Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
Right, but it once again shows how ridiculous Sony is with their prelaunch fodder. They do it every fucking console cycle and the same idiots that fell for the PS3's insane ports on the back, Killzone bullshit graphics, are the same ones eating up their PR stunt.
Insane ports on the back? Is this where I'm supposed to bring up the HD DVD player for the xbox?

is it a big deal? no, not really. But if Microsoft did it you'd be hearing it from the Sony camp, most definitely
huh? The guy in this video hypes up this fact so spectacularly that it's bordering on hysterics. I don't care what camp he's in, he sounds like a dumb fuck.

Why you mad bro? The guy even reiterates multiple times that he doesn't know if this is true or not, even saying he hopes it's not. Frankly, i don't know why it would effect the resolution? Doesn't make sense.
I'm not mad, bro. I'm calling out someone for being a liar. I'm not sure who it is, but someone in this chain of bullshit is a liar. Here's the deal...

A) This guy is legit and his speculations and sources are legit (impossible)

B) This guy is a compulsive liar who likes to present himself as being privy to inside information (likely)

C) This guy is gullible, and he talked to somebody who is a compulsive liar (even more likely)

D) This is hysterical click grabbing horseshit (most likely) combined with compulsive lying (ding)

Uh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say.
Wait... do you remember how long ago the reveal was? If they needed to patch the DRM out by the time november rolled around, they could. They didn't even have a model to show at the reveal, and you think they'd already been manufacturing them?

Yah, like the Sony corporation cares about them anymore than Microsoft does. Or that Sony didn't initially intend to have the same DRM restrictions (pretty sure they did), and even wanted to add in their shitty camera (also echoed by multiple people prior to the reveal). But go on believing Sony has your back
I'm sure you're "pretty sure they did" because you'd like to believe that for some reason. I don't think Sony gives a fuck about me. I think they thought invasive DRM was a bad business strategy. Maybe they learned that lesson after the backlash for installing a root kit into music CDs.

They also have come around to getting rid of region coding. They didn't do it because they cared about me and the fact that I want to play import games from Japan. They did it because past experience taught them that region coding encouraged people to mod their systems.