Complete lack of inspiration, a little worried you'll find me; a little worried you won't.. a little worried what will happen if you do.

There's a piece of me missing, and I've rejected my 'mentor/savior/exlover/idol' from my being.

Why do I still feel so incomplete? Why can't I connect to the inspiration I used to, and am I even supposed to?

Am I to flicker out, a man child; or is there really a bigger purpose and an essential energy I've lost?

I've never known if you're safe; If I can trust you, or if I can trust who you consort with. I'm worried you may muddy my being the same way she did.

I know you'll find this somehow, but if I sense even the slightest glimmer of danger towards myself or the ones I love and protect, I will disappear again.





but afraid to reach out.