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Thread: 2014.07.30 - Camden, NJ - Susquehanna Bank Center

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    2014.07.30 - Camden, NJ - Susquehanna Bank Center

    Camden, NJ

  2. #2
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    BEST. FUCKING. SETLIST. OF THE TOUR.More later, waiting for the PATCO to show up.

    Edit: the train is singing NIN. (only, hlah and hurt...)
    Last edited by sick among the pure; 07-30-2014 at 10:53 PM.

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    Somewhat damaged, the wretched, burn!!!!! Fuck yes!!!!!

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    Just remembered that pre-show thread gets locked. Following up from there . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    My ETS shirt showed up this morning, perfect timing, so I'll be wearing that, with my mohawk up. See you guys in a few hours.
    Oh yeah! I saw you in the PATCO station! I was thinking of asking who you were on here but that always sounds so geeky in my mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by RJK View Post
    P2 seat 34. The people next to me are allowed to go to the rail but I'm not because I have a chair in front of me and they don't. :-(
    Sorry you never got to go up. I was the guy next to you in 35. Figured you were an ETSer, too.

    So annoying that there was a big hole in the center of the rail and the guard didn't let us move in. I can understand why at first, but after a few songs they should been more flexible.

    Good show. Didn't feel like the same-old thing to me. Liked Soundgarden way more than I expected, too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJK View Post
    Awesome!!!! That was me behind you btw!!!!
    Last edited by JML9; 07-31-2014 at 10:23 AM.

  7. #7
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    that's pretty damn good. Shame you had to lose Copy of A though. Drop fucking Piggy for good, sheesh.

    I just don't understand why he insists on the Only/YHTF/HLAH thing EVERY NIGHT. SO overplayed, and Only/THTF are not songs people are begging to here. Plus, they have a similar beat and tempo, it gets kinda tedious. I'd rather have closer in there if he wants to finish the main set with 3 uptempo hits, and then put something cool in place of Only or THTF earier in the show. Ugh.

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    Actually, I always love hearing Only, and I hope it gets played at Bristow. My nine year old is going and it;s the first song he memorized from NIN.

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    I always love hearing Only as well. It was definitely an amazing setlist. So glad we got TDTWWA, only the second time I've seen it. only complaint is I really don't like the current version of 1,000,000, didn't like it on Tension and didn't enjoy it last night. I miss the guitar, the synth doesn't give it as much umph. Hopefully the setlist switches up a bit on Saturday but I'd be 100% satisfied with the same setlist with the exception of Reptile being thrown in there.

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    The shocker was not hearing Terrible Lie. It's the 4th most-played song.

    Trent is big on show structure. It's part of why they are so satisfying. Closer-Burn-Gave Up was a staple during the With Teeth touring era. Closer followed by Gave Up is also common. Gave Up almost always leads into a scene change/new section of the show, as it did here. That section often contains newer or quieter material. Like a cool down. Then it ramps back up until Wish officially kicks it back into high gear, climaxing with the THTF into HLAH finale. It's really a great formula.

    I've seen so many shows, I'm kind of immune to set lists - I love them all. This one was mostly standard fare, but the show rocked. The band seemed committed to it. Trent's showmanship was outstanding. The show was well-structured visually, as well - building into a light-filled, shimmering HLAH. I loved the lighting effects, especially when the panels were lined-up like a big screen and lights shot up and over from behind.

    I'm really contemplating searching out tix for Wantagh. Got me an itch...

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    loved the guitar only/no drums version of TDTWWA.

    did not love how long it took me to get out of Camden.

    ..and today, I rest.

    Nice seeing some old friends and meeting some new ones. See ya Friday!

  12. #12
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    Amazing show! I loved how they played TDTWWA.

    It was interesting to see more NIN fans than Soundgarden fans though. Has that been the general attendance for the past shows so far?

    Can't wait for Friday now!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Amazing show! I loved how they played TDTWWA.

    It was interesting to see more NIN fans than Soundgarden fans though. Has that been the general attendance for the past shows so far?

    Can't wait for Friday now!
    I can only speak for Toronto, but that seems to be the case. To be fair, even thought it's billed as a double headliner, I think it's safe to say this is a NIN tour, with special guest Soundgarden. Look at all the promo art, look at the openers (and WHO chose them), and look at the audience. Not to say we can't be fans of both, but the crowd number and energy has been bigger for NIN.

    I seem to have caught a bit of a head cold last night. I noticed during Soundgarden that my throat was a bit dry and that awkward "sore throat that I think it just like a post nasal drip problem". NIN adrenaline kicked in and I was fine... until about an hour after I got home... woke up this morning with my head completely stuffed. But last night was my last show, so it's ok, can be sick now.

    I still can't get over how much of a change we got compared to the rest of the tour. One show had one song different. Another show had a second song different. Then BAM PHILLY HAVE A HANDFUL OF DIFFERENT, TAKE SOME FRAGILE TOO! And through all that, we got to keep TGD, and DJ Rez struck again with a great breakdown.

    I knew something was up when Trent's Copy of A synth wasn't set out for him, I remember thinking "it's getting late, and I know they do that at the last minute... but... this is weird..." and then Trent came from the front on Robin's side, not the back. And then he went straight to the mic and my mind raced, could we really be getting Somewhat Damaged?! Now, I can't say it's my favorite opener, I was lucky enough to get Pinion into Mr Self Destruct (the fucking best) and also Now I'm Nothing (also fucking amazing) but Somewhat Damaged should be played at some point during every show (I personally liked A Warm Place into Somewhat Damaged to bring the show back up last year).
    Then, at the end of Piggy, when Trent kinda lingered at the keys, I knew something was up. SICNH? La Mer? Something that started with keys, but what would it be? The fucking Frail! Which meant one of two things: either a cock tease (what I was used to, I've gotten The Frail into random song more often than into The Wretched) which meant another random "new" song in the set, or even better, The Wretched. I listened for Ilan's count, and as soon as I heard it, I fucking screamed like a fanboy. I love The Wretched. I love The Wretched live more. But The Wretched, live, with Robin, I honestly can not imagine anything better (ok, maybe with the ladies, because seriously, that was awesome). /fanboy

    It's weird how many people don't recognize Closer until the drums come in. Anyone who has watched any live video will know that red lights (and screens) plus that intro... synth noise stuff... means Closer. I realize a lot of people at these shows haven't seen NIN live, but if you're putting down $120+ per ticket, I'd think you've at least seen a live DVD or something on YouTube? Idk.

    But Burn. God damn Burn. That came out of nowhere. I love the energy of that song live, and can't help but head bang so much I end up sore the next day.

    I am glad we got Disappointed tonight, honestly, even though Me, I'm Not is better IMO. Because I did get Me, I'm Not in Toronto the other night, and like to have a wide variety of songs per tour, plus I wanted to see what the new visuals were like in person (because we all know this shit can never be done justice in videos). I'm just glad Trent had a tambourine this time, so he didn't have to just dance in place trapped between two screens.

    Lastly, when they came out for the "encore", and the (feedback?) wasn't right for Hurt, I knew we were getting something special. I had only ever seen TDTWWA once before, in DC last year, which was obviously a much different beast with all 8 of them performing it. Without drums, with just a wall of guitar, the song took on a new sound. It wasn't distraught and somber, it was anguish and rage. It was amazing.

    And then Hurt. Who can forget Hurt. He's always there (at least for me, 15/15 shows) but never gets old. There's nothing quite like singing along with Trent (and a few thousand other people) but GOD DAMN if people would not shout random shit to Trent JUST ONCE during the quiet parts...

    Pics and videos forthcoming. I'm still kinda waking up. And chugging medicine.

    To those of you I saw and hung out with at the show, I fucking love that about ETS, just chilling with like-minded people, chatting about NIN, being super awesome people. Hopefully we can meet up again next time around!

    Oh, and fuck Musictoday.

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    Quote Originally Posted by m15a View Post
    Oh yeah! I saw you in the PATCO station! I was thinking of asking who you were on here but that always sounds so geeky in my mind.
    Naw, not too geeky at all. I wore the ETS shirt for that very reason

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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    And then Hurt. Who can forget Hurt. He's always there (at least for me, 15/15 shows) but never gets old. There's nothing quite like singing along with Trent (and a few thousand other people) but GOD DAMN if people would not shout random shit to Trent JUST ONCE during the quiet parts...
    oh, and how about NOT CLAPPING ALONG DURING HURT?!!!?!

    God, that has to be my biggest pet peeve at NIN shows.

    HURT IS NOT A CLAP-ALONG. (pass it on)

    People are always off-beat, and it sounds like shit. Sing along, fine. Flash those lighters, fine. STOP CLAPPING.

    /end rant

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    Quote Originally Posted by halo33 View Post
    oh, and how about NOT CLAPPING ALONG DURING HURT?!!!?!

    God, that has to be my biggest pet peeve at NIN shows.

    HURT IS NOT A CLAP-ALONG. (pass it on)

    People are always off-beat, and it sounds like shit. Sing along, fine. Flash those lighters, fine. STOP CLAPPING.

    /end rant
    Yeah, there are specific parts in specific songs that you should be clapping. MOTP, for example. But people who try to clap to slow songs, like Hurt, I want to just yell "NO! BAD!" at them. They will let me down.

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    This show was borderline religious experience shit for me. A true soul bathing. Well done, guys.

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    Finally got around to looking at the earlier set lists. I can see why it was consensus that we got the best so far. I agree, but I would have liked to see Sanctified since I've never seen that (any version) and would have liked to see Copy of a again. Really happy to see a new version TDTWWA, though. Terrible Lie is actually my least favorite of the really common songs, so it was kind of nice not to get it for once.

    Did I see "Dead Souls" written on a piece of paper in one of the pieces of equipment or was that my imagination? Do they post fake set lists on their equipment?

    I will say that there were some negatives to being on the rail, especially because we weren't allowed to move from our spot. I couldn't see Ilan at all from where I was because he was completely blocked by one of those big light things. Also, I was right in front of a speaker, so the hearing in my left ear was totally messed up even after waking up in the morning. (I think that was mostly due to Soundgarden's set, which seemed louder overall.)

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    i had heard from a few people that Soundgarden sounded worse the closer you were because of the bass being amped/off. We sat outside and drank our beer over by the river and they sounded fine from that distance, but the folks I talked to after said the sound balance was an issue for Soundgarden whereas NIN sound was even.

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    I know the bass player was talking to the guitarist at one point during a song, and to the techs on the side again later on. He also ducked down to look at equipment (amps, wiring, etc, not like pedals or anything). So I figured he was having some sort of problem with his gear. I had plugs in during their set, because I learned from Toronto (even being in the 200's) that their set was a wall of noise, and super fucking loud, which after it's over, gave me a little head and ear ache. I didn't want that before NIN, so I brought plugs for Soundgarden, since I was in the pit. Funny that he called someone else out for having ear plugs in.
    Yeah, it's because your sound techs suck, and we want to be able to hear the layers in NIN's set.

    Edit: oh, and I swear I'm putting my pics up soon. Slow to pick through them and upload because my sinus medicine is making me a little out of it.
    I DO however want to share THIS GEM that I found while looking through a burst shoot of Robin.
    Last edited by sick among the pure; 08-01-2014 at 06:08 PM.

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    Attention filmers at Camden - TGD vid inside

    If you have any Nine Inch Nails Camden NJ 2014 video ( even if only one song, it's needed ). Small team here trying to put together the whole Camden show and share with all via .torrent.

    Drop your video off at https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DD722DE409328AF!150&authkey=!AETUbYll QRuS6SU&ithint=folder%2c if you'd be so kind enough to participate.
    Amazing show last night. For anyone who wants to re-live some of the highlights, here are TGD. Will post SD in a minute.

    The Great Destroyer

    Anyone managed to record the audio of NIN's set?

    Hopefully see you at PNC in holmdel.

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    Attention filmers at Camden - SD vid inside

    If you have any Nine Inch Nails Camden NJ 2014 video ( even if only one song, it's needed ). Small team here trying to put together the whole Camden show and share with all via .torrent.

    Drop your video off at https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DD722DE409328AF!150&authkey=!AETUbYll QRuS6SU&ithint=folder%2c if you'd be so kind enough to participate.
    Amazing show last night. For anyone who wants to re-live some of the highlights, here's SD!

    Somewhat Damaged:

    Enjoy everyone. See you at PNC

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    Ok guys, photos and video clips are up here.
    I'll upload what full video I do have to that link, @TheePause

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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Ok guys, photos and video clips are up here.
    I'll upload what full video I do have to that link, @TheePause
    muchas gracias @sick-among-the-pure any and all videos of Camden are needed. If the link gives you any problems let me know, first time trying Skydrive for cloud space.

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    more footage

    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Ok guys, photos and video clips are up here.
    I'll upload what full video I do have to that link, @TheePause
    And here's an unedited mash up on the footage we have so far in 1080i (15 minutes worth). Enjoy all:

    Nine Inch Nails July 30th 2014 Camden NJ

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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    woke up this morning with my head completely stuffed. But last night was my last show, so it's ok, can be sick now.
    or you could even be..... the sick among the pure. *ducks*

    was super great to run into you walking to the train after the show!

    I was really talkative on twitter, but I regret not posting in advance on ETS that I was going. I need to get better at that. sorry guys. =[

    my short(ish) show review:

    We had lawn tickets for like $20. This was my first NIN show. Ever. That's right, I saw HTDA before NIN. Don't hurt me.

    There was a game of "guess who they're here to see" at one point, I should've added "both" to make the game harder.

    0PN was interesting. Cool visuals. No introduction and didn't really say anything. Just started playing. A little ambient for my tastes. I made a joke about the OPN (YM2203) sound chip on twitter and didn't get a response. Kind of bummed because I'm almost certain I heard some FM in the music.

    Soundgarden was ok. I don't dislike Soundgarden. The sound was more balanced out on the lawn. I imagine if it were 20 years ago and I saw a Soundgarden show like this, I'd maybe be losing my shit, but they weren't terribly active on stage, and they were playing more loosely. I couldn't help but feel like it just came off as sloppy. Still, their setlist covered a lot of their most popular songs which I'm sure pleased a bunch of people, and I didn't think it was bad, just not amazing.

    Sidenote, I always get weirded out by A/V latency at big shows. Everything over the PA and screens is seemingly synced, but not to what's going on on-stage.

    NIN immediately commanded the crowd, as I expected they would. Someone in the NIN IRC channel mentioned he was a little upset that NIN didn't play any Fragile (my personal favorite) at the show he went to, and I was a little bummed to hear that, but then the set opened with Somewhat Damaged. I know some people are kind of "meh" over the setlist but it was SO GOOD for a first-time NIN show. There isn't much NIN I don't like, but everything was something that resonated strongly with me and really encouraged and inspired me to keep going with everything I have going on. I'm working on programming my own visuals and the LED walls were awesome for ideas.

    I think the highlights of the show were hearing Fragile tracks and also The Great Destroyer psychout/pause + double-length breakdown.....and the fact that I finally got to see NIN live.

    I brought a P8M special edition to give to Trent but I didn't run into him. Oh well, maybe next time (and maybe not, who knows).

    Signing off for now.

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    Oh, one last question for @RJK - any chance I can get a proper scan of that setlist? would like to have it to commemorate my first NIN show ever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by InversePhase View Post
    Oh, one last question for @RJK - any chance I can get a proper scan of that setlist? would like to have it to commemorate my first NIN show ever.
    Yes, I am traveling all day Sunday but I will get it scanned in Monday.

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    Quote Originally Posted by InversePhase View Post
    Oh, one last question for @RJK - any chance I can get a proper scan of that setlist? would like to have it to commemorate my first NIN show ever.

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