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Thread: spaceSuicide's Horrortastic Horrific Horror Film Thread...Of Horror!

  1. #601
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    did the clive barker story have these kinds of implications?
    Half the Books of Blood stories are heavy in symbolism and metaphors (again), almost grotesquely so... Side note, I was a huge fan of King back when I first read them, and really couldn't appreciate how surrealistic it was at times. Growing up I've come to realize those are some of the most clever, elegant and imaginative pieces of horror short stories I ever read. But for instance there is one where two Eastern European cities build two gigantic flesh golems made out of their youngest, most able people, and send them to battle each other. It's about the horrors of war, among other things...

    I think Barker paints with very broad brush strokes when he tries to tackle a theme symbolically. He's never really political, it's always about the human condition, so the Illuminati thing really feels too restrictive to be something he'd address, either directly or simply by association...

    So, the Midnight Meat train, [SPOILERS !] when it comes to that secret society, seemed more like a symbol of the actual underbelly of large cities, or even about The City as a concept, and how monstrous The City really is, swallowing people to survive and strive... By leaving behind all scruples and morality when it comes to capture the truth, the photographer not only discovers what the truth really is and how fundamentally horrifying it is, but becomes an actual cog in that machine, enabling it to continue its process of dehumanization and assimilation...

    But well, since it's never spelled out that bluntly, I imagine your guess is just as good as mine...
    Last edited by Khrz; 05-29-2015 at 03:11 PM.

  2. #602
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    i was seeing several themes watching the movie @Khrz ,trust me.

    "The City as a concept, and how monstrous The City really is, swallowing people to survive and strive"
    this is mirrored when the vegan photographer takes a bite of steak and says "what? it's just one bite!"
    next thing you know, he's ordering the whole steak. he has already become part of the darkness of the city.
    the CITY itself eats human flesh. that's DEFINITELY all there.
    Everything in your interpretation is there.

    BUT...for me, the "illuminati" (and btw, IF there is a shadowy cabal bent on one world government, i STRONGLY doubt they have named themselves after a bavarian secret society that fizzled out 2250 years ago) symbolism was there too.

    Maybe the director wanted to address this theme, as well, who knows. I can tell you one thing for damn sure, i don't think that talk about the EU on the radio at the end was any accident. it was definitely part of the epilogue.

    I hate it when people say "look, there's a TRIANGLE! it's the illuminati!"
    but this flick had soooo much of the shit that those people point to that i think it MUST have been on purpose.

  3. #603
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    Watched The Lazarus Effect starring Olivia Wilde yesterday. It's very short with a 1h20 minutes running time. Bonus point since the movie itself is nothing extraordinary.
    I feel like it's always the same thing with those horror movies. They're not bad. Just always average. I gave it 6/10 on IMDB but it's truly more a 5.5.
    There are some decent scares but the story feels like déjà vu.

    Original horror movies are so few and far between. The one that comes to mind is The Cabin In the Woods. What a great flick. Why can't there be more like this?

  4. #604
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    FINALLY!! A release date has been set for Green Inferno. September 25, 2015.

  5. #605
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    For anyone that has some remote interest in seeing Cameron Crowe's new film Aloha, please... read my review:

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    For anyone that has some remote interest in seeing Cameron Crowe's new film Aloha, please... read my review:

    You're sure this is the right thread though ?

    And yeah, Lazarus Effect was nothing special, never intriguing, never scary... Too bad, because I liked the cast and was curious about the characters, but they're all so damn flat, no arc, no real chemistry...
    Yeah, it was all a really poor retread of a very old theme and brought absolutely nothing new to the table.
    Last edited by Khrz; 06-01-2015 at 03:48 PM.

  7. #607
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    FINALLY!! A release date has been set for Green Inferno. September 25, 2015.
    I'm not even that big a fan of Eli Roth (except for the genius that is "Thanksgiving" of course) and I've been dying to see this since I first saw the trailer for it last year. Great news!

    I assume you guys have seen It looks fucking batshit insane and I'll never forgive myself if I don't see it in the theater with a packed audience.

  8. #608
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    You're sure this is the right thread though ?

    And yeah, Lazarus Effect was nothing special, never intriguing, never scary... Too bad, because I liked the cast and was curious about the characters, but they're all so damn flat, no arc, no real chemistry...
    Yeah, it was all a really poor retread of a very old theme and brought absolutely nothing new to the table.
    Oops. I realized I did put it in the wrong thread. Sorry.

  9. #609
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    Anyone seen 'We Are Still Here'? I just watched it and i was quite impressed!

  10. #610
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  11. #611
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    Such a shame, his "Dracula" hammer films were classic, also "Wicker Man" (considered the Citizen Kane of horror movies...)

  12. #612
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    He had a long life and a great career. RIP Christopher Lee.

  13. #613
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    So I finally got around to watching The Babadook on Netflix yesterday, and I really, really dug it. Found the general symbolism strong and beautiful, loved the way the film presented insomnia and sleeplessness, thought the general way it developed the characters was very skilled. I know that after the tidal wave of praise it got people have done what they always do which is call it overrated and awful but personally I loved it.

    I don't know if I posted about it on here at all but I recently watched A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. One of my top vampire films now.

    Speaking of vampire films I'm going to watch Cronos by del Toro either today or tomorrow, looking forward it quite a bit.

  14. #614
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    Details finally released for the new film in my favorite horror series. Other than a few's the best.

    Halloween Returns

  15. #615
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    FINALLY!! A release date has been set for Green Inferno. September 25, 2015.
    looks like it has a Cannibal holocaust feel to it

  16. #616
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    Very excited for Halloween Returns. The concept is interesting and I'm a fan of Feast, also heard good things about The Collector and The Collection so that writing team and director seem like a good choice. It's great we're getting Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees back in 2016. Maybe we'll get the trifecta and a new Nightmare on Elm Street will be announced too? A horror fan can dream.

  17. #617
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    @kleiner352 i loved the babadook and AGWHAAN too.

    speaking of the second one, where in the fuck was that movie made? it APPEARS to be some Muslim theocracy which makes the whole vibe of the town and damn near everything that happens in it you say...profaning the sacred?
    that's a big part of why it turned me on so much...kinda like what the exorcist did with Christianity, and porn about nuns does for...wait, never mind.

    Okay so it isn't a horror movie PER SE, but The Nightmare is DEFINITELY...i would recommend it to all of you.
    It's about night terrors and sleep paralysis, with a little bit of crazy ass lucid dreaming, demons and spirits, a possible explanation for alien abduction experiences, shadow people, basically the whole 9 yards of that phenomenon.
    But it's not a horror movie, it's a documentary. It's pretty damn scary though, especially if you've ever had night terrors (i have and so has my mother.)

    You can get a pretty good copy of it through the usual channels.

  18. #618
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    ok so i promptly had a godawful night terror after watching that The Nightmare doc.

    It even MENTIONED IN THE FUCKING MOVIE that talking or thinking about sleep paralysis and "visitors" and shit would cause it to happen.

    And it did. For like an hour this afternoon i was trying to wake up while shadow beings walked around my bed.
    Then i thought i had to go into the garage and get batteries out of the car to put in the roku remote so that i could change the roku station and THEN i would be able to wake up.

    all the while i was listening to this bleak ass conspiracy theory podcast on youtube and i could SEE the awful future they were describing.

    fuuuuuck it was scary.

    Sometimes i wonder what in the holy hell "reality" even is, you guys know what i mean?

    At any rate, i am 100% sure that watching that movie did that shit to me as it had been years since it happened before.

  19. #619
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    Recommendation - for a "so bad, it's hysterical" slasher, check out Bloody Moon from 1980. It's glorious, especially the character of Inga.

    "Suffering is good for pleasure!"

  20. #620
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    Found a "screener" for poltergeist.

    I wonder if it's real?
    @october_midnight , i don't understand the appeal of the slasher flicks. do they scare you?
    they just flat out don't scare me-they just make me feel kinda bad for the people getting hurt.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-23-2015 at 07:56 PM.

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Found a "screener" for poltergeist.

    I wonder if it's real?
    @october_midnight , i don't understand the appeal of the slasher flicks. do they scare you?
    they just flat out don't scare me-they just make me feel kinda bad for the people getting hurt.
    For me yeah it's the scares and adrenaline of it all, and it can be good fun. I usually have to drag my wife to them as she scares more easily but she's in the same boat...the rush of the scare. Both of us are more in to the slow brooding kinda horror like The Ring...jump scares jolt you for 5 seconds, but there are movies that you're just feeling this constant dread throughout...those are more up my alley lol.

    I'm also not the kind of horror fan however that looks condescendingly on someone who doesn't care for and/or are against them at all...if it ain't your thing, it ain't your thing. I always loved Halloween, and enjoy movies like It Follows or The Ring, etc. more than the way out there horror movies because it's more grounded in reality (at least to an extent lol). Killer Klowns From Outer Space is interesting enough, sure...but Halloween or House of 1000 Corpses...that shit could happen in the town a few miles from yours haha.

  22. #622
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    House of 1000 Corpses freaked me out a bit, @october_midnight .
    The reason i was asking why you liked those kind of movies is that i was thinking of going back and checking out some of them out again.

    As far as looking condescendingly on people, hell, i don't look down on people for liking or not liking ANY kind of art. It's subjective, you know?

    I like horror movies that scare me. That's the bottom line for me. My favorites are The Conjuring, Paranormal Activity, and Insidious.
    People are always down on jump scares, but i actually LOVE a good jump scare.
    I'd have to say that my favorites are the ones that have the "constant dread throughout" along with some good jump scares.

  23. #623
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    The Poltergeist screener is real, I watched it two nights ago. It wasn't particularly good. The psychic's accent was hella confusing - it was like Dublin Irish mixed with Dutch.

  24. #624
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    Saw poltergeist, it wasn't that good. That is all
    Last edited by Rdm; 06-27-2015 at 11:38 AM.

  25. #625
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    I realized I haven't been contributing to this thread lately.

    Here are my latest viewings:

    It Follows: Initially gave it 7/10 but revised it up to 8/10. As I was watching it, I was frustrated by some of the directing and how some scenes were cut and served no purposes. However, the more I thought about it, I ended up thinking it was pretty brilliant. There were many moments where you waiting for that jump scare and the scene abruptly ends with nothing happening. You're like "what the fuck was that and what purpose did it serve?", then you got another scene and you kinda feel more comfortable and then boom something happens. So I think it worked out well in the end. The score is freaking great. One of the best horror score I heard in a while. Definitely elevated the movie. This is not some Evil Dead type of horror but the hype was justified imo. Great movie.

    Girl House: Slasher-type movie. Entertaining movie. Started out strong, drags a bit in the middle. Not the most original movie but it had its moment. 6/10.

    We Are Still Here: "Haunted" house movie. I put quotation mark because it's not your typical haunting. Another good movie but I felt like it failed at keeping you on the edge of your seat. Technically, I shouldn't want to start looking at my twitter feed after 50 minutes. I should be fully engaged in the movie. This was not the case. Still giving it a 6/10. It had the potential to be better though.

    Scream (TV Series): This just started a couple days ago. It's from MTV so expect a young & pretty casts. It feel like a show for teenagers but it could end up being a guilty pleasure. I'll check a couple more episodes.

    Poker Night
    : That one did not work out for me. Storyline failed to get me hooked. There are some interesting scenes but all in all, it failed to get a passing mark from me. 5/10

    America's Most Haunted: This is basically a spoof of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures. There are some funny parts but the shtick gets old real fast. It's only 85 minutes but felt like 20 minutes too long. 5/10

    Backcountry: This is not horror per say, despite the tag on IMDB. It is a good thriller though. Nice couple go on a camping trip and bear starts hunting them. It works because of its realistic nature but the thrills and suspense is scarce. Gotta give it a 6/10 only.
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 07-07-2015 at 12:54 PM.

  26. #626
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    Watched It Follows. Liked it. Then watched again. Now I love it. The soundtrack is brilliant, the atmosphere awesome, couldn't ask for more.

  27. #627
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    I bought some movies on sale this weekend at Best Buy. Buy One Get One Free at $7.99. I picked up You're Next and the Cabin in the Woods as per my friend's suggestion.

  28. #628
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Watched It Follows. Liked it. Then watched again. Now I love it. The soundtrack is brilliant, the atmosphere awesome, couldn't ask for more.
    the dude that made the soundtrack, Disasterpeace, is cool as shit.
    I hit him up on facebook and he talked to me for awhile.

    Have you guys seen Jacob's Ladder?

    By the way, the tv show Wayward Pines is pretty much straight up horror.

  29. #629
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    Anyone know if that flick Ethan Hawke was in is any good? "Sinister"? I like the DVD cover.

  30. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    House of 1000 Corpses freaked me out a bit, @october_midnight .
    The reason i was asking why you liked those kind of movies is that i was thinking of going back and checking out some of them out again.

    As far as looking condescendingly on people, hell, i don't look down on people for liking or not liking ANY kind of art. It's subjective, you know?

    I like horror movies that scare me. That's the bottom line for me. My favorites are The Conjuring, Paranormal Activity, and Insidious.
    People are always down on jump scares, but i actually LOVE a good jump scare.
    I'd have to say that my favorites are the ones that have the "constant dread throughout" along with some good jump scares.
    dude, go listen to the Spookshow International Live version of Pussy Liquor to give you very fond memories of 1000 Corpses.

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