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Thread: Favorite Books and Authors

  1. #31
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    As a teenager, I read ALL of Sharon Creech's books. Well, all that were around at the time anyways, she's probably come out with more since "my time". Then there's other young adult classics I fell in love with like "The Giver" and the subsequent two books, "Gathering Blue" and "Messenger" (Lois Lowry). I just read there was a fourth one out in 2012, called "Son" and now I'm curious to read that. I read a lot of Anne Rice too at the time. Would be interesting to read it again.

    I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman.
    I read so many great books in college that I want to re-read but don't come to the top of my head now (those were chaotic years). One being White Noise by Don Delillo.
    Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a favorite too.
    Life of Pi by Yann Martel.
    Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre.
    The Stranger by Albert Camus.

    MmmmMMmmm....So many good books, it's unfortunately hard to remember them all at once.

    Edit, I read a few of the books mentioned above that I also loved, "Go Ask Alice", "Poisonwood Bible" and of course "1984", "Brave New World", "House of Leaves".
    Oh it wasn't mentioned, but I quite loved "Atonement" by Ian McEwan and I forgot that I intended to read more of his books. Well, now I'm remember more stuff I enjoyed, "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte (that took me a good third way into the book to start really understading and thus enjoying it). OH OH! How could I forget! I fucking LOVED "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace. Goddamn was that book a trip.

    Hermman Hesse's "Siddharta" and especially "Steppenwolfe"
    Last edited by halloween; 01-07-2016 at 12:20 AM.

  2. #32
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    @halloween did you see "The End of the Tour?"

    i've been searching for a copy of Infinite Jest for under $20 and finally found one today. A couple of my friends described it as "life changing" and one in particular is now utterly fascinated with anything IJ and David Foster Wallace.

    I have been told that it's something that you "live with" and "integrate into your consciousness," which is how House of Leaves was for me. I don't exactly even consider House of Leaves a novel, because in my opinion, its style managed to transcend the genre. (i meant medium)
    I bought Danielewski's "Only Revolutions" and was so excited to crack it open, only to find it utterly fucking unreadable. I'm FORCING myself to read it, but it damn sure wasn't the follow up i was hoping for.

    I hope that Infinite Jest fills that gap. I want another massive vehicle for metaphor that permeates my every waking moment for a week or two.

    edit: i loved poisonwood bible too. Evil all its sin is still alivE
    Last edited by elevenism; 03-04-2016 at 07:19 AM.

  3. #33
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    Well, I'm not good at articulating myself, but Infinite Jest was something very new to me and I have not read anything else by Wallace before or yet. Knowing your history from what you post here, I think Infinite Jest is going to be particularly marking for you, considering the stories it goes into.

    I took me a few months to get through the book and that was with consistent reading, anywhere between thirty minutes to two hours every day or every other day at worst. So it definitely felt like I was living with it, because I was within this world for so damn long. I'm a slow reader though, and also the book has it moments where I just need to pause and just go through a "what the hell did I just read?" It's good not to take long breaks with this book because there will be elements in the beginning of the book that will come up again waaay later which is why I want to read it again one day because there's a lot to take in.

    p.s. I did see The End of the Tour, when I was on the airplane last month, I wasn't aware there had been a movie made about him. It was definitely interesting to watch but after having see so many interviews of Wallace, I cringed a little at Jason Segel's interpretation of him, because it didn't look so natural, haha. I closed my eyes a few times just to hear his voice acting and that helped a lot actually because I could start to believe it as Wallace talking, heh.
    Last edited by halloween; 01-14-2016 at 05:13 PM.

  4. #34
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    i've just discovered jack london, and i'm in literary love. he wrote so much content too!

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Well, I'm not good at articulating myself, but Infinite Jest was something very new to me and I have not read anything else by Wallace before or yet. Knowing your history from what you post here, I think Infinite Jest is going to be particularly marking for you, considering the stories it goes into.
    Dear sweet god, you were right about Infinite Jest marking me. i ALMOST gave up on it due to its density, but once it finally opened up to me, like i said in the "what are you reading" thread, i think that it's the best writing i've ever read.
    And of course, the recovery stuff hits insanely close to home.
    Also, i scoffed at your 2 months, because i had no problem reading, say, the stand, in like 5 days. But this is a whole different ballgame; i realize that now. I took a lot of short breaks, so i probably put in like 6 weeks of reading days on this (over like 3.5 months!) I read 5 other books during the breaks.
    This book was so tedious and it seemed as though the author was TRYING to piss me off, and he did, but once it finally "opened up" to me somewhere between 4 and 500 pages, i fell madly in love with it.

    I plan to re read at least the first 300 pages or so like very soon.

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