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Thread: NIN Confessions

  1. #31
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    I have never listened "Ghosts I-IV" in its entirety from beginning to end...


    Well, it seems that I'm not so hardcore as Meathead with his "Ghosts I-IV" experiences. ;-)

  2. #32
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    Pretty much all of my NIN collection is digital. While I would like to have a physical NIN collection, I don't really have the money for that now. The only physical NIN things I have music wise are, The Fragile, Things Falling Apart, With Teeth, and Year Zero and all are CDs. I did have a larger collection at one point with all of the albums and most of the singles, but I sold all of them. Most of my music are FLAC files stored on my hard drive.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlitchyFlame View Post
    Pretty much all of my NIN collection is digital. While I would like to have a physical NIN collection, I don't really have the money for that now. The only physical NIN things I have music wise are, The Fragile, Things Falling Apart, With Teeth, and Year Zero and all are CDs. I did have a larger collection at one point with all of the albums and most of the singles, but I sold all of them. Most of my music are FLAC files stored on my hard drive.
    Sucks that you had to sell them, but at least you had them at some point. You were able to appreciate the physical piece and the art.

    Whenever I think about "if I'm like 2 days away from being homeless and need fast money" scenarios, I look at my Chicago night one and two Wave Goodbye shirts and hug them.

  4. #34
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    i have no interest in ever seeing nine inch nails live again. ever.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    i have no interest in ever seeing nine inch nails live again. ever.
    Even if your favourite album was being played in full, or a full acoustic tour?

  6. #36
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    it would have to be uber convenient; in boise, not a crazy price. so my double *ever* is *slightly* contingent.

    i know eight shows around here isn't a ton, but i'm more or less just satisfied with what i've seen (fragility, a club show, a hefty soundcheck, etc.). and at the third or fourth wt or lits show, it was always "okay, 'head like a hole,' let's leave now to beat traffic/train lines."

    in other words (at almost 34), i'm good.

  7. #37
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    Just made my brother, who is a casual NIN fan, watch the Tension vid and parts of Woodstock. He is pretty excited to see them now next month. Woodstock is worth watching all the way through, I think. When the Whip Comes Down is a good audio rip of the show too.

  8. #38
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    I sometimes tear up during "The Great Below." There...I said it.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by icecream View Post
    Just made my brother, who is a casual NIN fan, watch the Tension vid and parts of Woodstock. He is pretty excited to see them now next month. Woodstock is worth watching all the way through, I think. When the Whip Comes Down is a good audio rip of the show too.

    While that is a great bootleg, the best version available is the remaster above. The description has the best audio recording available for download in FLAC or MP3. There's also an MP4 in there.
    Last edited by GlitchyFlame; 06-25-2014 at 02:17 AM. Reason: Grammar OCD

  10. #40
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    when nin started at glasgow i left my best friend with a bunch of strangers we were talking too for a hour.
    i did feel bad because i got trents sweet guitar pick,
    which i will upload with the rest of the gear i got from the tour.
    And i think hesitation marks is the worst album trents released , i dont like it much cool for the new school .

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmingly Miserable View Post
    I've never seen the Woodstock performance. Blasphemy, I know.
    I've seen bits and pieces of it (mainly on Closure), but not the whole thing.

  12. #42
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    I've sometimes preferred the idea of Nine Inch Nails albums in jewel cases, and always thought that Broken would've been better off as 8 tracks. The Fragile could've been in something like Depeche Mode's 101 or Michael Jackson's HIStory, with some red, blue/green, and gray plastic on it.

    For the gamers, think of the packaging that Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII had.

    Quote Originally Posted by pinata89 View Post
    I sometimes tear up during "The Great Below." There...I said it.
    And All That Could Have Been and Hurt also did that to me whenever I was really depressed.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 06-25-2014 at 05:57 PM.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlitchyFlame View Post
    Pretty much all of my NIN collection is digital. While I would like to have a physical NIN collection, I don't really have the money for that now. The only physical NIN things I have music wise are, The Fragile, Things Falling Apart, With Teeth, and Year Zero and all are CDs. I did have a larger collection at one point with all of the albums and most of the singles, but I sold all of them. Most of my music are FLAC files stored on my hard drive.
    I have bought a lot on CD but, over the years, I've thrown out almost all of it (after ripping them of course). It's just not worth it to keep all those CDs with how much I move. I kept HM because having the deluxe has some added value to me, without being big or heavy or easy to break. But that's all.

    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    it would have to be uber convenient; in boise, not a crazy price. so my double *ever* is *slightly* contingent.

    i know eight shows around here isn't a ton, but i'm more or less just satisfied with what i've seen (fragility, a club show, a hefty soundcheck, etc.). and at the third or fourth wt or lits show, it was always "okay, 'head like a hole,' let's leave now to beat traffic/train lines."

    in other words (at almost 34), i'm good.
    I'm starting to feel the same way. Well, I always really like the concert when I'm there, but that's a lot of money with the ticket price, travel expenses, . . and then I start to think of all the bands I haven't even seen once live - seems more worth it than seeing NIN for the 13th time.

    . . . Although I *am* seeing my 12th show next month . . gotta work on that will power.

  14. #44
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    I'm still very bad at deciphering most Nine Inch Nails acronyms.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 07-15-2014 at 01:10 PM.

  15. #45
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    Tension 2013 was my fourth time seeing the band and it was my first time in a pit for a Nine Inch Nails show. Not only was I in the pit but I was on the rail after taking the day off work and waiting hours at the GA gate. It was also my younger brother's first time seeing the band and he's been exposed to the band growing up because of me constantly listening to them. All should've been well, but I honestly felt that Tension 2013 was my least favorite Nine Inch Nails show.

    Blame it on a particularly lackluster set that St. Louis got or just my own hype, but I remember being a little let down from the show as a whole after it was finished. I'm still glad I went even if it was my least favorite.

    ....of course, I'll still buy the Tension live DVD when it comes out.

  16. #46
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    My brother is going to a show with me in a few weeks, I hope he isn't let down too. He isn't the biggest fan but knows most of their stuff from hearing me playing it all the time when I lived t home. I have built up how amazing NIN is live but I don't think they will have their full production at the festival we are going to.

    Anyway, I confess the first time I heard PHM I didn't know what to think. I had heard everything (Broken to WT) at that point but couldn't find a copy of PHM. When a friend lent it to me I was shocked and couldn't believe it was NIN. I didn't listen to it again for a few weeks but the more I heard it the more I liked it and eventually love it. I think Kinda I Want To should close the album though, I always found Ringfinger a weird choice

  17. #47
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    I was a Marilyn Manson fan before becoming a NIN fan (and it was by way of Manson that I became a NIN fan).

  18. #48
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    Aside from my friend in high school back in 2002, I actually discovered Nine Inch Nails through Marilyn Manson and Limp Bizkit as well, so I can definitely relate to that.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Aside from my friend in high school back in 2002, I actually discovered Nine Inch Nails through Marilyn Manson and Limp Bizkit as well, so I can definitely relate to that.
    How does Limp Bizkit lead to NIN? Just because of the Fred Durst feud ?

  20. #50
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    I'm 34 and started listening to NIN when broken came out. People called me Nintendo boy because i wore NIN logo shirts to middle school.
    I was super amped up for the release of TDS and LOVED the album, but when they palpably gained some popularity in my high school, because of Closer, circa 95 and those same kids who made fun of me were wearing NIN shirts, i decided that trent had "sold out." I wouldn't listen to NIN anymore, i ripped my girlfriend's ass if she listened to it, and boycotted the Bowie/NIN show even though Outside was my favorite album at that point in time.

    I've never forgiven myself for missing that fucking show.

    And, @pinata89 , i ALWAYS tear up during the great below.

  21. #51
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    shit, i've got another embarrassing one, but i'm waiting for someone else to throw down a confession first.

  22. #52
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    I almost get more excited by the merch booth at a nine inch nails show than I do the show itself.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    How does Limp Bizkit lead to NIN? Just because of the Fred Durst feud ?
    Yes, it was actually because of that feud, and the songs Hot Dog and Livin' It Up.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Yes, it was actually because of that feud, and the songs Hot Dog and Livin' It Up.
    Nice to see a feud can actually bring in new listeners!

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigpen View Post
    I almost get more excited by the merch booth at a nine inch nails show than I do the show itself.
    I was so excited for the tension merch, and then I saw it.

  26. #56
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    I know.. It sucked, but I almost never go with any intention of getting more than the poster. I fucking love posters!!!

  27. #57
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    Okay KILLER. I can share my other epic nailfail. i didnt want to do two in a row.

    Okay...May 23, little brother's last day of his senior year.
    And who should be playing at the fabled Coca Cola Starplex but NIN, with A Perfect Circle!

    Everyone was drinking before the show, but as my brother had to drive us there, i chose to wait until the parking lot out of respect. This was the first (and last) time i drank before or during a show outside of a bar.
    My brother Aztec had a bottle of jose quervo, a pint. We drank that motherfucker FAST, but i drank the most of alcoholism was just starting, unbeknownst to me.

    We went into the show where we had lawn seats, but a pair of us had seat-seats, and we did the old bring the whole crew down one at a time thing to get to about the fifth row. A Perfect Circle was AMAZING. During the set, all my friends had gone back to the lawn and i didn't realize it.

    I was already drunk as FUCK, when i ran into good old Kasper, who had smuggled a couple of water bottles full of whiskey into the show. Well, i chugged that shit too...he didn't know how much i had already drank.
    It was HOT and i hadn't eaten.

    Well, NIN came out and launched into Terrible Lie, and i stood up on my seat...and then i fell down. I was hurt pretty bad, but it was the booze that was really fucking me. After Terrible Lie, all i remember is laying on the ground...for the whole show. I KIND OF heard the songs at least, but pretty quick i was throwing up all over the place and it became an introspective nightmare. I had alcohol POISONING, i'm sure of it!

    When the lights came on, people were like "he needs an ambulance!," but my stupid 20 year old ass didn't want THAT shit. So i stumbled outside the arena and found a nice grassy spot where i could lay down. People leaving the show were cheering at me and getting me to kind of look up and taking pictures with me...i really didn't care. i felt SO bad physically.

    Aztech found me two hours after the show had ended, on the entire wrong side of the arena.

    Can i facepalm my own post?
    I try to laugh about it now, but isn't it funny how...yeah, i guess it's KINDA funny 14 years later. but i can still remember throwing up tequila and cheep whiskey on my hands and knees on the concrete while Even Deeper was being played.

  28. #58
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    I'm a much bigger fan of the soundtracks than anything under the NIN banner since 2002.

  29. #59
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    yes, @raygunprimed , that one DEFINITELY deserves some facepalming. lolz

  30. #60
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    I still feel kind of bad for screaming Nine Inch Nails at my first show when the performance started at Madison Square Garden in NYC in 2005. It was also my very first rock concert and I wasn't even thinking about opening acts and such, and was extremely and incredibly psyched to have had the chance to see NIN at the age of 20 that I didn't bother to even look at the stage as I was screaming NIN, considering how I don't even attend concerts regularly.

    Death From Above 1979 started playing and I just felt very stupid. However, being psyched at that moment obviously prevented me from feeling that bad. I could've sworn somebody also got angry at me for not yelling Death From Above 1979 and yelled at me too.

    Aside from that... yeah... I clearly know not to do that as of now, ever.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 07-07-2014 at 05:44 PM.

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