Quote Originally Posted by caro View Post
Once again, you're right. Thank you very much for talking to me and trying to help me.
I always say people are responsible for their own lives and shouldn't expect others to "save" them. Of course they may help you, but you've got to be determined to be a better person and work on it yourself. I guess deep inside I'm just being hypocritical here and not acting this way.
This friend I mentioned before, I love him honestly. I want him to be happy and if he won't be happy with me, it's OK. But still, there are times when I look at them and think: "Why? Why her? Why can't I be as good as her?". I know this is very, very silly. I'm so ashamed for telling you this!
dude, that's not silly at all -- that's totally fair! but that should be a starting point, not a crutch for 10 years! but I don't mean to beat up on you. but, um, let it go -- you would never, ever want to be with someone who it took 10 years to realize they want to be with you, anyway. its trite but true...

anywho... "I'm just trying to find my way / oh dear lord, hear my prayer"