So, reading the latest posts on the Fucking Thread got me thinking about body image. While obesity is on the rise here in America, what is your personal opinion on who is fat and who isn't? Is a little cushion for the pushin acceptable or only skinniness is acceptable? Do you feel comfortable in your own body?

I'm 5'1" and I'm a size 10/12. That makes me short and curvy. At times, I battle with myself that I'm way too fat and that there is no way that I can land a relationship/job/etc because of my size. Then again, at other times, I don't think much of it because I am one in 42.5% of Hispanics who are overweight. While I realize that this is just purely a mental distortion, I can't help but to wonder about my body image.

Just would like to know what your thoughts are on this.