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Thread: Indecision 2012

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    Whats wrong with minding your own business?
    And it's pretty much widely accepted that legalizing drugs would eliminate all drug and drug relate crime, destroy drug cartels. End the war on drugs saving tonnes of money. and treat them the same as alcohol, I never understood how people can be ok with alcohol (one of the most destructive drugs there is) being legal but not marijuana or even mushrooms aren't even that bad. These arguments always come from people have never tried any kind of drug out side of caffeine.
    You read that wrong. She's saying aside from those two issues, which she agrees with him on, the rest of his platform is crazy.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis View Post
    Well, Perrry's out of the race (thank fuck)
    Perrys essentially heen out since the caucus where he got 5% of the vote. He got less than 1% in new hampshire.

    wow, i did not realize that he had literally dropped out of the race when i wrote that. Good riddance.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 01-21-2012 at 12:29 AM.

  3. #303
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    Edited, i've been drinking :9

  4. #304
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    "And it's pretty much widely accepted that legalizing drugs would eliminate all drug and drug relate crime, destroy drug cartels."
    I don't know any legitimate legal/political advocate for ending the war on drugs who says these things. You don't legalize drugs and boom, cartels are gone the next day. There's still a world beyond the U.S. full of un-tapped users. Cartels will likely also spend some time seeking ways to funnel business through 'legitimate' American drug operations and influence the new home-grown outfits that arise. Absent the part of their revenue acquired from sales of drugs to Americans, they'll turn to other options: they've been pretty fond of kidnapping, for one.

    This I point out as someone who supports complete legalization. (And agree with sublimaze that regardless of Paul's similar position on drug legalization, much of his platform and beliefs are ludicrous and it's disturbing that he has so many fervent supporters.)

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    What does that have to do with anything?

    What are you trying to say, because he hasn't practiced medicine in a long time he is some how lesser a doctor? Sure he wouldn't be able to do the job the same now, but the morals remain the same. By that logic are veterans lesser veterans because they haven't been in battle for decades? And yes he is playing up that he was once a doctor for a period of his life but so is Romney with his time on Wallstreet.

    EDIT: sry ive been drinking.
    Just saying that Paul's supporters "play up" the medical doctor thing to degree out of proportion to its relevancy to governing, especially since he's now been in politics for decades. Romney hasn't been on "Wall street," just private sector business for the vast majority of his adult life. Considering what he did in the private sector (destroy companies vis a vis Richard Gere's character in Pretty Woman), his supporters aren't as enthusiastic about it, from what I'm seeing.

    Also, being a medical doctor doesn't automatically make you a genius. Or a good leader.

    And, Lord Help Us, Newt. The guy's unquestionably brilliant and has the capacity for compromise (he's campaigning far right of his ideology), but he's a Grade AA slimeball. To a degree, I don't think someone's personal life affects their ability to do a good job, but, well, wrap up the ethics violations, serial adultery, lobbying for Fannie May, etc., and that's a package that'll keep him far from the White House. So far the GOP has Solarya (questionably at that), ethics-wise, on Obama. Whoopee do.

  6. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    So far the GOP has Solarya (questionably at that), ethics-wise, on Obama. Whoopee do.
    Yeah, but they've got a lot of their supporters convinced that Obama is a socialist who's trying to destroy the country. It's not true, obviously, but that perception is definitely out there in a big way.

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by sublimaze View Post
    Just saying that Paul's supporters "play up" the medical doctor thing to degree out of proportion to its relevancy to governing, especially since he's now been in politics for decades.
    Paul himself hits the 'doctor' thing pretty fuckin' hard every time abortion comes up. He flashes it like it's some kind of badge of experience and scientific rigor and knowledge, and then goes on through the same old anti-abortion tirades. Shit, the guy makes it sound like before the debate he'd been in an operating room with some woman giving birth, and wouldn't you know he just ran right over here to stand up before the public and tell them that he *knows* "life" begins at conception.
    Last edited by Corvus T. Cosmonaut; 01-21-2012 at 10:00 PM.

  8. #308
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    Newt's victory party has the worst music. Can some one please get out of the 70's and 80's? Prince's 1999 and Journey's Can't Stop Believing. Come on, there has got to be a hundred newer songs a politician could use. Name 'em people!

  9. #309
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  10. #310
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    That was played at Dr. Paul's victory pah-tah

  11. #311
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    Talking of music, someone posted this on FB:

  12. #312
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    So, Rick Santorum (santorum (san-TOR-um) n. 1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.) has created a movement on his website to earn money. It's called 'Conservatives Unite Moneybomb'. That's right. CUM.

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    So, Rick Santorum (santorum (san-TOR-um) n. 1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.) has created a movement on his website to earn money. It's called 'Conservatives Unite Moneybomb'. That's right. CUM.
    No freaking way. That's insane.

  14. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    So, Rick Santorum (santorum (san-TOR-um) n. 1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.) has created a movement on his website to earn money. It's called 'Conservatives Unite Moneybomb'. That's right. CUM.
    pure gold...

  15. #315
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    Deleted for responding to a post from the first freaking page. Ugh. That's what I get for not keeping up with ets.

    On less stupid note: It is really, really nice to see the Republican propaganda machine turn in upon itself like this. These folks are skilled at generating negative public opinion about people, and I've always wondered . . . What will happen next primary? Will they be relatively nice to each other or will they really go for each other's throats? . . . turns out its throats.
    Last edited by Deus Ex Machina; 01-23-2012 at 05:42 PM. Reason: clarity

  16. #316
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    To all the women out there, Rick Santorum has a message for you: if you are raped, and you're considering an abortion, he thinks you should be forced to have the baby. But don't worry, because he also has some great advice for anyone in that circumstance: "Make the best of a bad situation."

    I'm so, so glad this asshole will be out of the race and hopefully out of the public consciousness within a few months.

  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    To all the women out there, Rick Santorum has a message for you: if you are raped, and you're considering an abortion, he thinks you should be forced to have the baby. But don't worry, because he also has some great advice for anyone in that circumstance: "Make the best of a bad situation."

    I'm so, so glad this asshole will be out of the race and hopefully out of the public consciousness within a few months.
    I would ask him what the mother should say to the baby when they invariably ask where they came from and who their father is.

    Quote Originally Posted by "Santorum"
    And they found that they had made what was really a lemon situation into lemonade.

    He's got a point here, I too would blend the baby.

    Also, if I was Piers Morgan I would fucking kill myself.

  18. #318
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    ^^Babies do make the best lemonade.

    Seriously though, that just made my blood boil. This guy really doesn't live in the 21st century. I bet if you searched his house you'd find a time machine in there somewhere.

  19. #319
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    I bet if you searched his past, there's an abortion somewhere there. In my experience, those who are publicly irrationally opposed to something, are privately the first to succumb to temptation. But (see earlier point made) either it'll cost him the race (even more), or there's a large enough group of people out there who agree with him to make this worth the gamble.
    Which is very sad.

  20. #320
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  21. #321
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    The baby was born prematurely.

    It died after two hours. Him and his wife then brought it home for the night and introduced it to their children.

  22. #322
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  23. #323
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    “For poor minorities, entrepreneurship in small business is the key to future wealth. This is understood thoroughly by most of the Asians, partially by Latinos, and to a tragically small degree by much of the American black community." - Newt Gingrich.

    I just can't people.....I cannot even.
    I literally just spent two hours taking apart this sentence with my roommate. It's rare that a single sentence will have this much wrong with it. It's quite amazing actually.

    Edit: I decided to make a list of

    Things I learned from this:

    1. Your wealth determines how well you can "understand" a simple concept.
    2. "The Asian" culture just gets it. It doesn't matter than certain Asian groups actually have mostly downward mobility in this country. Its ok those aren't real Asians anyways. Furthermore it looks like it really is a culture thing, its not like there are scores of poor and desolate people in their countries of origin. THEY JUST GET IT.
    3. Minorities all share the same experience and can be judged with the same frame of mind. I can't think of aaaannnnyyythinnngg that makes the experience of let's say Blacks unique in this country... -_-
    4. If your not interested in business, you just haven't grasped that it could make you potentially wealthy.
    5. Entrepreneurship isn't a giant risk at all. In fact its more of a sure thing than staying in school! ITS THE KEY PEOPLE.
    6. There's no inherent problem with telling people who have very little money, to basically gamble most of it in order to have a chance at attaining wealth.
    7. It's easy to get a loan if you are a poor minority. Start that small business pronto!
    8. Newt has never been enrolled in a Sociology class.

    I swear the conservative mythos in this country is so ridiculous and out of control I feel like tearing out all my hair. Facts nowhere to be found.
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 01-26-2012 at 06:10 PM.

  24. #324
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    i don't understand how this guy is still being taken somewhat seriously? it's like his personal motto is "ignorance is strength".

  25. #325
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    Because it mirrors the ignorance of his voters, probably. I bet most of them would look at that quote and say: That's so true! I know lots of Chinese take-aways (those are small businesses) and Pakistani night shops (at least I see them often in movies); and there are some Mexican gardeners (also mostly on TV), but I don't buy anything in any store owned by a black person. So I affirm this statement! Newt is onto something!

    The left-wing liberal media / communist Hollywood regime has a crippling responsibility when it comes to these stereotypes. Ironically.

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  27. #327
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    He handled that Ali G thing rather nicely, he was a pretty good sport about it...

    I see a disturbing number of people supporting him based on his whole moonbase thing. Very wierd.

  28. #328
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    The Thing about Newts Moon bases is that i kind of like the idea. Don't get me wrong, I think his timeline is absurd given the recession and our deficit. But having big ideas and making big investments in our future is a good thing that would have innumerable benefits to our society. What gets me about the idea coming from Newt is the ridiculous hypocrisy of it coming from a guy who claims to be a small government conservative. He would absolutely destroy Obama for being a big spending irresponsible liberal if he even announced a plan to send a mission to the moon. But somehow, Newt can spend all he wants to build an entire fucking base, and its okay because he's a republican. It's similar to how he paints Romney as being a rich politician while he is also a rich politician. It's like reality ceases to exist in Newtland.

  29. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by themethatyouknow View Post
    But having big ideas and making big investments in our future is a good thing that would have innumerable benefits to our society.
    let me know when he comes up with a couple of those.

    God dammit your politicians live in a bubble, listing to them talk about keepin merica the hope of the free world is fucking hilarious.
    The debates have become my new favorite tv series.

  30. #330
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    Those debates are like Comedy Central on crack. Seriously. It's hilarious, and at the same time some of it scares me shitless. The reaction of the crowd when Gingrich went all self righteous indignation over being asked about his second wife - WHAT? And they say hypocrisy is a catholic virtue...

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