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Thread: Transformers: Age of Extinction

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    its really none of my business but since you're making such an issue out of your time commitment to this…
    do you have a job? school? I'm legitimately curious how you have the time to do this. What is your daily life like?
    Keep in mind this is the same guy that can somehow find time to hit every US show on a Marilyn Manson tour with the drop of a hat.
    I would like to know how he has all this free time and money to burn as well. Must be nice.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    well, you all know the dude is a bit off right? that's been established on here for a minute. not everything is right up top. He's been an obsessive dude for a long time.

    Theres being baffled, and theres being an asshole.

    If the dude wants to see transformers ashocking number of times and can afford to do it.... Fucking let him! Good for him! I wish i could do the things i love that much. I dont see why people have to start flaming about it.

  3. #63
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    im not trying to start anything. im simply giving the explanation for the 28 viewings, the following Manson around, the inevitable post about seeing TMNT 30 times, etc. Maybe not everyone has read do many of his posts for years like others here have.

  4. #64
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    Ive read them. And its not the life i would choose, by any stretch but i think the discussions taking a very uncomfortable and personal turn .

  5. #65
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    Thanks! You're very kind to mention that. A few of these a bastards DO kind of have a problem with it and ARE kind of a constant thorn in my side. Or wish they were, at least.

    For the most part idgaf, though.

    I'm used to the ets peanut gallery troll-fests by now, so it's w/e.

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Yeah... I'm pretty damn speechless as well...
    Who has the time to watch a 3 hr long movie 28 times... sometimes TWICE a day? That's 6 hours of your day gone...
    Collectively, that's 84 hours spent watching this movie... that's 3 and a half days worth of transformers 4...
    Oh my...
    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    You make me sad.
    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    its really none of my business but since you're making such an issue out of your time commitment to this…
    do you have a job? school? I'm legitimately curious how you have the time to do this. What is your daily life like?
    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    so you paid over $300 in 2 weeks to see the same movie? you have issues man, i dont care what movie it was.
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    well, you all know the dude is a bit off right? that's been established on here for a minute. not everything is right up top. He's been an obsessive dude for a long time.
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    im not trying to start anything. im simply giving the explanation for the 28 viewings, the following Manson around, the inevitable post about seeing TMNT 30 times, etc. Maybe not everyone has read do many of his posts for years like others here have.
    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Keep in mind this is the same guy that can somehow find time to hit every US show on a Marilyn Manson tour with the drop of a hat.
    I would like to know how he has all this free time and money to burn as well. Must be nice.

    Mostly, I just work my fucking ass off in concentrated, extended bursts, save my money, take time off, live cheap, love to do this shit, and I'm fucking GOOD at it.

    For instance, in most cases I actually sneaked into my second and third daily screenings of this movie. And I hit up lots of discounted matinee showings. I also redeem tons of credit card points for theater chain gift cards when it gets close to the release date of another Transformers movie. Likewise, I have Regal Cinemas Crown Club and AMC Stubs Customer Rewards cards. And I pick up any spare tickets I find in the theaters and take them to the manager's desks to have their point-values added to my card in addition to those of the tickets I've purchased myself. PRO-TIP: the recycling bins for 3D glasses are a good place to find extra tickets 'cause most people are lazy, unthinking assholes, lol. Plus, I collect the collector's 3D glasses for movies I like so I'm digging through the boxes anyway. Bonus!

    Hell, recently I returned to Chicago after an extended absence (Manson tour, w00t), and I was flat-broke but I still had a reward-points gift card so I went anyway, only to discover the theater had been bought out by another chain. So I calculated the runtimes vs. the start times of every movie showing that night and got baked and tipsy while I waited an hour for 7 different movies to end at roughly the same time so I could just walk in through the EXIT when about 200 people all filed out of two doors at the same time. Then I ducked down the hall for the IMAX room and grabbed some free 3D glasses out of the recycling bin. Cheap AND convenient!

    And it was a nice warm summer in Chicago so rather than bugging my pals late at night while I was visiting town on certain nights I'd occasionally just walk across the street from the last showings at a particular theater and sleep under the 3rd story stairway on the rooftop of a nearby business before waking up at dawn, leaching wi-fi during a discounted daily special breakfast at the Subway a couple blocks away (or sometimes just hopping a few rooftops over to leach a closer Burger King's wi-fi if I wasn't hungry yet) and then redeeming my latest reward points for the first showing the next day. And then sneaking into more afterward if I felt like it, lol.

    It's all MUCH more simple and comfortable than you'd probably expect and WAY more fun than you'd think. Smoking outside and sneaking in drinks and meals is never very difficult either. You just have to know what you're doing, and experience is the best teacher. Not my first rodeo and all that.

    And, while we're at it, Manson saw my awesome, tripped-out footage of his show with The Doors at the Sunset Strip Music Festival and randomly facebook messaged me out of nowhere a couple days later to invite me to his L.A. home while I was in town. WTF!!! I had to explain that I'd already used my discounted one-week Discovery Pass to Greyhound back to Illinois and would've been on a plane back to visit him immediately except I was still so goddamned broke from the 1st leg of the Hey, Cruel World Tour and the special trip JUST for the show with The Doors that I simply COULD NOT afford it, especially not with all the more expensive Twins of Evil shows going on sale soon.

    So he told me not to sweat it and he'd just guest list me. I thought he meant one show and sent him a list of the ones I was planning on trying to get to and asked him to tell which he'd like to guest list me for before I bought the rest and he said not to worry, I was guest listed for EVERYTHING.



    I've had free tickets and passes waiting for me at the Will Call window for every Manson show since September of 2012. Believe me, that fucking helped A LOT. Of course, I spent the difference (and then some) making sure I made it to EVERY SINGLE SHOW OF 2013...but, umm, it just seemed like the thing to do given the circumstances, lol.

    What can I say? Sometimes HARD WORK actually pays off, kids!


    Back to the moviegoing, however...

    These are fucking TRANSFORMERS movies.

    I didn't wait my whole life for one of my favorite franchises to be adapted into kick-ass live-action photorealistic summer blockbuster movies on the big screen just to watch them on a goddamned iPhone or a laptop or whatever.

    Nooooo, I'm going to see them on the biggest fucking IMAX screen I can find and I'm going for the BEST new 7.1 and/or Dolby Atmos experience possible. I want these fucking things LIFE-SIZED and LOUD AS FUCK and I'm am FRONT ROW CENTER every fucking time, man.



    And I get to do it cheap as hell and as much as I want?

    Haha, you're goddamned right.

    Sign me up, because I AM THERE.


  6. #66
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    ...............and i didnt read any of that but congrats on being A+ troll #1! (at the very least clean up the presentation of your babbling nonsense, jesus christ...)
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 08-13-2014 at 03:32 AM.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    ...............and i didnt read any of that but congrats on being A+ troll #1! (at the very least clean up the presentation of your babbling nonsense, jesus christ...)
    You know what? He's totally trolling us. He never went to see this movie 28 times, he just admitted to digging through 3D glasses recycling boxes for Movie stubs.
    That photo above with all the movie tickets, he probably just collected them off the ground for the purpose of taking a photo, throwing it up here and seeing what kind of reactions he got out of it, and he's the one laughing behind his screen now because we all actually think someone was ridiculous enough to see a movie like this 28x in the theater.

    Hell, 4 of the tickets are IDENTICAL time and date showings anyway. July 12th at 4pm.

  8. #68
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    The tickets I found in the recycle bins were all for long-gone movies like Star Trek Into Darkness and Despicable Me 2, and couple for more recent movies like Edge of Tomorrow, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I even found some for movies that weren't even in 3D like Deliver Us from Eva and Think Like a Man Too, lol. And each time I'd find some it was literally like maybe 2 or 3 random tickets altogether in any given bin I'd searched. But the dollar values and reward points add up quick and thankfully they jump right out at you if you look 'cause, well...they're not glasses.

    The Bumblebee and Optimus Prime 3D glasses were only available on the opening nights so I'd looted all the bins for them immediately, long before they'd theoretically accumulated any tickets for this movie.

    And the four tickets for the same screening were from me taking my friends because...wait for was practically FREE for me do so thanks to all my gift cards and reward points. I was sick of going alone every day, gimme a break. I still got my pals their tickets and I'm still WAY short on the number of tickets I have relative to the number of times I actually saw the movie, so I figured it was fair to include them.

    The ENTIRE collage of my tickets is arranged in chronological order -- L-R, top-to-bottom -- from opening night to the end of the first month, with the dates and times all clearly printed on their faces. So I'd think it's obvious I wasn't trying to get away with anything sneaky there, ffs.

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    You know what? He's totally trolling us.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    ...............and i didnt read any of that but congrats on being A+ troll #1!

    And "Clean up the presentation," you say...?

    What, complete sentences and paragraphs with proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and nicely-centered graphics aren't polished enough?

    And fucking PLEASE.

    I'm the Transformers fan responding in detail to personal attacks about my being a Transformers fan and actually engaging in conversation about seeing the Transformers movies in a thread about Transformers movies while YOU ignore entire posts simply for the sake of dishing out further insults...yet somehow I'M the one who's trolling here?!?

    Okay, sure.

    'Cause that makes sense.

    I guess I faked going to all those Manson concerts I filmed, too.

    And I guess I faked spending a fortune on going to Universal Studios Orlando for "Transformers: The Ride"...

    And I guess I faked stealing this lenticular 3D flyer-stand for "Transformers: The Ride" under my Manson hoodie from a hotel lobby down the street from Universal Studios Los Angeles when I was in town to see Manson at the Gibson Amphitheater before they tore it down...

    OH, WAIT


  9. #69
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    thanks for answering the question! your life seems pretty crazy!

  10. #70
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    I'm hoping for the next TRANSFORMERS movie to be scored by MARILYN MANSON.
    Just to see the pandemonium at ETS.

  11. #71
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    If you want real pandemonium, have reznor score it and watch everyone writhe in horror, joy, pleasure, shame, pain and guilt all at once.

  12. #72
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    Hey, I say if a grown ass man wants to spend his time dumpster diving, living on rooftops, being flat broke, digging shoulder deep in a theater's 3D glasses bin, and sitting through a shit movie 28 times all in the name of 'the ultimate party mannnn!!!!' then all the power to ya lol.
    Last edited by october_midnight; 08-13-2014 at 10:04 AM.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Hey, I say if a grown ass man wants to spend his time dumpster diving, living on rooftops, being flat broke, digging shoulder deep in a theater's 3D glasses bin, and sitting through a shit movie 28 times all in the name of 'the ultimate party mannnn!!!!' then all the power to ya lol.
    honestly, it takes a ll kinds, man. this guy is living a life that I can't imagine for myself but sounds pretty fun (for a month or two). good for him. I wish he had better taste in movies, but that's just me being a dick ;-)

    haz: have you read that giant 400+ essay by some reddit guy on how the transformer movies are actually critiques of military culture and liberal democracy?

  14. #74
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    This is the least boring thread on ETS for a very long time.

    A man regailed us with tales of dumpster diving for tickets and 3D glasses so that he could see Transformers 4, 30 times in one week, in between seeing every Marilyn Manson show.

    10/10 will read again.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    thanks for answering the question! your life seems pretty crazy!
    My pleasure, thanks for reading! And, yeah, I try to have fun when and where I can.

    I kind of consider it urban camping and find the challenge enjoyable and satisfyingly adventurous. Plus, it's good practice for living on the road with limited resources while chasing tours for weeks or even months at a time, too.



    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I'm hoping for the next TRANSFORMERS movie to be scored by MARILYN MANSON.
    Just to see the pandemonium at ETS.
    I'm kinda surprised he hasn't wound up on a soundtrack yet. I mean, Transformers are literally mechanical animals, after all. And The High End of Low had a song with him singing the word "fallen" repeatedly and was released the same month as Transformers: Revenge of the just seemed like a gimme, I guess.

    But oh well.

    Same goes for Dredd and "Slo-Mo-Tion." How in the hell did that NOT wind up on the soundtrack?!?


    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    honestly, it takes a ll kinds, man. this guy is living a life that I can't imagine for myself but sounds pretty fun (for a month or two). good for him. I wish he had better taste in movies, but that's just me being a dick ;-)

    haz: have you read that giant 400+ essay by some reddit guy on how the transformer movies are actually critiques of military culture and liberal democracy?
    I watch an incredibly wide variety of movie genres. I'm just as likely to be caught watching the Transformers movies for the five-billionth time as I am to be watching obscure documentaries or German expressionist cinema or microbudget independent films or a Pixar movie or w/e.

    And, no, I haven't read that essay...but from the description alone I'm pretty sure I see where they're coming from and get the gist of it.

    I've written many, many essays about the films myself, there's actually a LOT to sink your teeth into there.

    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Hey, I say if a grown ass man wants to spend his time dumpster diving, living on rooftops...
    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    A man regailed us with tales of dumpster diving for tickets and 3D glasses so that he could see Transformers 4, 30 times in one week, in between seeing every Marilyn Manson show.

    10/10 will read again.
    Glad you enjoyed it!

    And maybe you SHOULD read it again. I never once mentioned dumpster diving (or "living" on rooftops) or seeing this movie any more than 28 times in a MONTH or even watching it at all between Manson shows.

    : P

  16. #76
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    I just want to quietly step in and strongly recommend that anyone who wants some legitimately good Transformers fiction and reads comics should really, really pick up James Roberts' More Than Meets The Eye series in TPB form (there are currently five volumes available and a miniseries, Last Stand Of The Wreckers, that came before). The man is working hard to add intrigue, world-building, character and depth to TF in a way nobody ever really has. Caste systems, same-sex relationships (insofar as sex is even a thing among a race of robots), PTSD, eugenics, political drama, space's all there. Way better than watching Bay blow stuff up for two hours any day (no offense if you enjoy that).

    Okay going away now bye

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Glad you enjoyed it!
    LOL me too, it's awesome now livin' like a bum, considering the price of admission to Universal Studios 'a fortune' (what is it...a hundred bucks or something? oooh). Even better is how awesome it's gonna be having no money once 40 hits and it's 'man, following that Manson tour was sick! Wish I had a roof.'

  18. #78
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    Lol ya'll are mean

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post

    ... wait... are you the cosplay jpop idol also known as "Ladybeard?"

  20. #80
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    This discussion is hilarious . I really enjoyed the read

  21. #81
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    People are obsessive..... wowww what a sur...prise?? More power to you if you want to see a movie 28 times in whatever fashion you do it in. Stamp collections... playing a video game to beat it over and over again.. watching a movie in the comfort of your own home... yea it may seem insane, but if that's you that's you. Shit.. I watched the movie Brick almost 10 times in two days. Whatevs.

  22. #82
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    Building upon the foundation of my earlier essay examining the connections between Star Trek and Transformers: Dark of the Moon ("Arise, SPOCKTIMUS PRIME" Parts ONE and TWO), I couldn't HELP but add a bit more when I saw Transformers: Age of Extinction...


    Erm...Cade's laboratory, that is, lol.

    Spock's likeness was kinda hidden in the shadows and only seen briefly, but it was definitely there!

    So, let's discuss a couple things about that.

    Firstly, it's very interesting that of ALL the photos they could've used of Spock, they chose one of him in his RED uniform from the movies (as opposed to his shirt from the show or his quickly-discarded wardrobe from the 1st film). "Interesting," I say, because not only are there so many different uniforms of Spock's to choose from, but the one they chose was first introduced in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan!

    That's right, the very same film from which they sampled Bumblebee's dialogue in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, as well as the source of Sentinel Prime's clever line, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

    Not to mention, of course, the fact that the photo of Spock in his red uniform is YET ANOTHER example of the "color coding" found in these films, as I've detailed in several earlier threads such as this example.


    Also of interest, Cade's barn, again, was much MORE than just a barn. It was actually a know, for an INVENTOR. And what was Sentinel Prime again?

    That's right. An inventor!

    Sentinel Prime of course created the Pillars, a space bridge technology suspiciously similar to the transporter beams of Star Trek lore. And Sentinel was not only described as "the technology's inventor," but what else?

    That's right, "the Einstein of his civilization."

    Hell, Sentinel Prime was even first introduced in conjunction with Einstein, way back in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, when Sam disproved Einstein's theories with a rant about the Sentinel Prime expedition during his first day of college in Astronomy 101.

    And in addition to Cade's barn serving as a lab for an inventor AND a hiding spot for Sentinel's fellow Prime and successor, any guesses who else's picture was hanging in there with Spock's...?

    Annnd that photo of Spock wasn't just hanging on the walls like most of the other set decorations on display.


    Spock's picture was hanging on a support beam in the middle of the structure.

    Or, in other words, Spock's picture was literally hanging ON A PILLAR.



  23. #83
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    I was just on a 10 hour flight, on which this movie was available to watch for free. I turned it on out of boredom, thinking I would make it 15 minutes. You know what? This was actually a really interesting, well made movie. I'm not being ironic. I'm not going so far as to say it was good, but I really enjoyed it and not in a mindless action way (though I was impressed with the action cinematography).

    I have no connection to the franchise whatsoever. But it had its own rules, it had a vast mythology that I found interesting, and the characters had arcs. I'm not really sure what the hell people flipped out about. (I would've trimmed about 20 minutes but still.) lots of great set pieces (loved it on the bounty hunter guys ship).

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    Just a quick heads-up for anyone who doesn't quite have their ear to ground as much as I do about these movies...

    So Paramount has gotten SUPER serious about expanding the current, ongoing films into a full-blown "Transformers Cinematic Universe" of interconnected sequels, prequels, and spin-offs!!! And ZOMFG the crew they're assembling in the writer's room...

    Firstly, the whole enterprise is headed-up by Akiva Goldsman. Yeah, when he was young and hungry he worked on Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. But he ALSO won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for A Beautiful Mind later on in his career, which also won Best Picture that year.

    So who has he assembled as his writing team for the new Transformers movies?

    Well, Robert Kirkman, for starters. Yes, THAT Robert Kirkman!!! Holy shit, the guy who created "The Walking Dead."


    Then he also got Ken Nolan, who wrote the screenplay for Black Hawk Down.

    I mean...fuck.

    Also on the team are Art Marcum and Matt Holloway, the co-writers for Iron Man.

    And let's not forget Zak Penn! Last Action Hero, X-Men 2, The Incredible Hulk, The Avengers, Incident at Loch Ness, and Atari: Game Over.

    Jeff Pinkner, too...who was an executive producer for "Alias" and producer/writer for "Lost," as well as being one of the co-writers for, yes, The Amazing Spiderman 2.

    Plus Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari, who haven't done too much major work of note yet but recently handled rewrites for Ant-Man together.

    And we've also got Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Christina Hodson, and Lindsey Beer. Which is interesting insofar as the three are all women who've been hired on as writers for a franchise often criticized for its female roles. Furthermore, one of them had a script featured on "The Black List," so that's awesome.

    Oh, and did I forget to mention Steven DeKnight? Yeah, he was the head writer, executive producer, and creator of all five "Spartacus" shows.

    And maybe you've heard of that little recent success called "Daredevil" on NetFlix? Yeah, he's the showrunner for that.

    I'm just sayin'!

    Goddamn, that is one HELL of an interesting team they've assembled to build up the Transformers Cinematic Universe, amirite?!?


  27. #87
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    I finally watched this with my daughter the other day. Honestly, yes, it was probably the cheesiest Michael Bay project I've ever watched but I won't deny I had fun watching it. For all the cheese, I had fun pointing out to my daughter many of the "Bay tokens" in the film such as:

    - obsession over low angle shots capturing actors exiting cars
    - background explosions in slow motion
    - shameless product placement
    - awkward scenes just to insert a humorous line
    - 'merican flag moments
    - long speeches accompanied by theme music

    Again, though, great use of CGI effects and it felt like watching the best cartoon ever. We had a blast.

  28. #88
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    Glad to hear you both enjoyed it!

    I tend to give Bay a free pass on a lot of that stuff, though.

    For instance, most of his films are scheduled for 4th of July release dates, so obviously he's gonna have a bunch of flags everywhere. Same goes for his signature Baysplosions! It was actually really cool watching Decepticons destroy Chicago at the Navy Pier IMAX and then literally seeing it onscreen while hearing the REAL explosions outside during their holiday fireworks display. Very meta and immersive, lol.

    Same goes for the product placement. We live in a world full of it anyway so it helps ground the movies in reality, plus it's difficult to give them a hard time about it when it just helps pay for the BADASS cgi robots, y'know?

  29. #89
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    I've been on the road since the anniversary of this film's release (not to mention most of the past year!), so it's been tricky to find the time to get down to the business of writing out and posting a bunch of the neat stuff I've found in this movie...but I've finally gotten started with some of the smaller bits I've been meaning to share, at least! There's a LOT more in the works which I'll hopefully get back to soon, but till then I've just been chipping away at some of the simpler points until I can sit down and REALLY bang out the more interesting and involved essays I'm writing. This wasn't really one of those laborious, intense pieces, just more of a tossed-off observation, but in the meantime I figured I'd go ahead and leave it here anyway.



    You know what I'm talking about.

    Like when you can hear the Transformers speaking among themselves, often without subtitles, and you catch words like "Witwicky" in the mishmash of seemingly unfamiliar linguistics. And, sure, that's a proper of course it sounds roughly the same, even across intergalactic language barriers.

    But what about when Frenzy turns and looks directly at the audience and says things like, "Megatron Melting!" and "Oh, Shit"...?

    Who is he speaking to there, I ask?

    That's right: THE AUDIENCE.

    The movies have on MANY occasions deliberately buried English words beneath seemingly Cybertronian dialogue to let us in on what they're saying, even if we don't necessarily recognize it consciously at the time.

    For instance, Frenzy said LOTS of stuff, but the filmmakers made sure we knew he said "Megatron Melting!" and "Oh, Shit," because that's all we needed to know he was saying.

    Another great example is Shockwave in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, when he says, "Driller-bot is thirsty." Of course, no one knew wtf he was saying at the theater, but then the movie got its home release and the filmmakers LITERALLY spelled it out for us with the subtitles. And with the benefit of hindsight it was (relatively) clear as day! Sadly, it's a rare example of the Cybertronian dialogue actually being decoded for us...but still.

    And, strangely, the Driller was never referred to as "Driller-bot" anywhere else, presumably indicating that the dialogue was recorded from an earlier version of the script. But that IS clearly what is said, and it is OBVIOUS to whom it refers. Just like the scene where Shockwave summons the Driller but calls it by the name, "Collossus," as per the creature's original designation earlier in the production art phase.

    Sure, those don't serve as the GREATEST examples since they were either clear-as-day (Frenzy) or went completely over the audience's head in the absence of subtitled assistance (Shockwave), yet they nonetheless demonstrate intent. Namely, the intent of the filmmakers to give us a foothold as to exactly what these aliens are talking about even when we're not necessarily supposed to fully understand it.

    And then there's another bit of Cybertronian-but-English dialogue I hear all the time but don't really see mentioned much. When the last two Dreads are caught in the "Mexican Stand-Off" with Ironhide and Sideswipe, they seem to have a little discussion about how exactly to deal with it...

    "GIVE UP?"

    "CAN'T GO HOME!"

    Which makes sense well enough for the scene, actually.

    Yeah, Cybertron's not completely destroyed yet so they could technically still go there, but since they hadn't yet completed their mission to join up with Sentinel and return with the Pillars and bring Cybertron right next door for repairs...why would they bother?

    Not to mention the fact that Megatron's got a BIT of a temper and tends to be pretty rough on the help. I sure know I wouldn't want to report back to him empty-handed after surrendering! Something tells me they were better off taking their chances with Ironhide and Sideswipe, lol.

    But those are all fairly well-known cases.

    Moving on to the most recent film, Transformers: Age of Extinction, I believe there are at least two interesting examples which don't seem to get much recognition.

    Firstly, as Stinger is seen transforming and then shooting the hijacked section of the Knightship just as the Seed is about to be brought aboard, he can clearly be heard speaking Cybertronian, and I'd say this is another case of a Decepticon speaking Cybertronian-but-really-English for the sake of the audience. I don't know what YOU make of it, but I'm pretty damned sure what I hear him say while he's blasting the ship, lol...

    "PIECE OF SHIT!!!"

    Haha! Seriously, go check it out.

    It's pretty clear!


    Then, soon afterward, one of the "Two-Head" KSI-bots modeled after Shockwave sees the Knightship preparing to flee the battle as Optimus is about to detonate Lockdown's Seed-grenade, then seems to instruct his fellow soldiers to flee also as he points towards it...

    "LEAVE SOON!!!"


    Just thought I'd share.


  30. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    112 Post(s)
    Annnd, speaking of WORDS in these movies...

    Pretty much ALL of us grew up with Transformers, so there's no real shame in admitting you've learned a word or two through your exposure to the franchise, right?

    Personally, I've always thought it was CRAZY-AWESOME that my favorite comic book/cartoon/toyline/movie taught me SO MANY interesting words.

    When Marvel's Transformers #1 debuted back in the day, I was something like 5 or 6 years old but my dad was in the Army Corps. of Engineers so after I absolutely begged him to buy me the book he made damned sure I knew what a "transformer" really was, lol. But, until Ron Witwicky made a crack about it decades later, it really had no bearing on the franchise, so w/e.

    Still, I was CERTAINLY the only kid in my age range I was aware of who knew wtf it actually meant. On a similar note, we were stationed in Germany at the time, so I knew what "gestalt" meant WAY before any of my Transformers pals, lol.

    Man, I have so many other examples to list!

    But, most recently, Transformers: Age of Extinction taught me not just one but TWO interesting words.


    So, yeah.

    I'll go ahead and admit it.

    Since Lockdown was dragging Optimus to what appeared to be his DEATH for a minute there, context clues led me to erroneously conclude that he'd actually said "terminus," rather than "temenos."

    As luck would have it, however, I just so happened to be a member of a TF message board which helped sort that misunderstanding out right away within a few days of the movie's release, w00t.

    Anyway, back to the point:

    Temenos (Greek: τέμενος; plural: τεμένη, temene) is a piece of land cut off and assigned as an official domain, especially to kings and chiefs, or a piece of land marked off from common uses and dedicated to a god, a sanctuary, holy grove or holy precinct: The Pythian race-course is called a temenos, the sacred valley of the Nile is the Νείλοιο πῖον τέμενος Κρονίδα ("the rich temenos of Cronides by the Nile"), the Acropolis of Athens is the ἱερὸν τέμενος ("the holy temenos"; of Pallas). The word derives from the Greek verb τέμνω (temnō), "to cut". The earliest attested form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek, te-me-no, written in Linear B syllabic script.

    The concept of temenos arose in classical Mediterranean cultures as an area reserved for worship of the gods. Some authors have used the term to apply to a sacred grove of trees, isolated from everyday living spaces, while other usage points to areas within ancient urban development that are parts of sanctuaries.
    A large example of a Bronze Age Minoan temenos is at the Juktas Sanctuary of the palace of Knossos on ancient Crete in present day Greece, the temple having a massive northern temenos. Another example is at Olympia, the temenos of Zeus. There were many temene of Apollo, as he was the patron god of settlers.
    In religious discourse in English, temenos has also come to refer to a territory, plane, receptacle or field of deity or divinity.

    C. G. Jung relates the temenos to the spellbinding or magic circle, which acts as a 'square space' or 'safe spot' where mental 'work' can take place. This temenos resembles among others a 'symmetrical rose garden with a fountain in the middle' (the 'squared circle') in which an encounter with the unconscious can be had and where these unconscious contents can safely be brought into the light of consciousness. In this manner one can meet one's own Shadow, Animus/Anima, Wise Old Wo/Man (Senex) and finally the Self, names that Jung gave to archetypal personifications of (unpersonal) unconscious contents which seem to span all cultures.

    Pretty interesting!

    Plus, it very neatly ties into and reinforces the whole "knighthood" theme of the movie, of course.


    Then there's the SECOND word that movie taught me...

    Granted, it's a non-English word so I can forgive myself for not knowing it beforehand, right?

    Plus, Joshua Joyce himself pretty much provides the definition anyway, but just for the record:


    From Latin farrāgo (“mixed fodder; mixture, hodgepodge”), from far (“spelt (a kind of wheat), coarse meal, grits”).

    A collection containing a confused variety of miscellaneous things.

    Synonyms (confused miscellany): hodgepodge, hotchpotch, melange, mingle-mangle, mishmash, oddments, odds and ends, omnium-gatherum, ragbag


    Not so straightforward as he made it seem, right?

    Things like THIS make me glad I look stuff up, lol.

    Personally, I think it's really interesting that the inventor of sentient/then-nonsentient robots who did/then-didn't have free will and were/then-weren't under his control AND which LIKEWISE happened to be "a confused variety of miscellaneous things" themselves (insofar as they were TRANSFORMERS, on top of everything else) chose precisely THAT word when defining EXACTLY the mistake his company had made with them.

    I mean...damn.

    Those are some pretty interesting words to learn from a Transformers movie, eh?

    Again, I just thought I'd share!


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