@allegro , i would have probably been impacted pretty greatly by Lennon's death, but i was only 9 months old.
I was a HUGE nirvana fan and didn't like Cobain's death very much, but Robin Williams was just SO warm and accessible, you know?
It also made me realize that many of my most beloved entertainers won't be around forever.
Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood both come to mind.
Clint will probably live to see 100. He directed Jersey Boys this year, and has just completed American Sniper which will be released nation-wide in January.
No way, do you remember when they found HOW he overdosed and it ended up that he pushed, like, a shitload of those individual little packets of Rohypnol that are a bitch to open, very deliberately? FIFTY Rohypnol pills were in his stomach, and Courtney found a suicide note and later gave it to the Seattle police.
Kurt shooting himself was pretty shocking, yeah. The method was shocking, but Rome was a warning that many did not take seriously enough. (Courtney and his close friends did.)
Last edited by allegro; 08-16-2014 at 10:06 AM.
Some of these new articles about Robin Williams' final weeks and months are truly heartbreaking. Somehow it feels like we assumed he'd always be there, and maybe we took that for granted. Lessons to be learned, there, for sure.
And another legend is gone.
Saturday Night Live announcer Don Pardo
Joan Rivers has passed.
"Justin Bieber is a little lesbian. He is the daughter Cher wishes she had." - Joan Rivers
Kind of mixed feelings... It's always horribly sad when someone dies. Especially in this situation - it seems incredibly bizarre.
I appreciate what she did as far as advancing women in comedy. But I mean... She was an asshole who thrived off of shock value, and not actually telling good jokes. She's like Howard Stern.
Conflicted about Joan's passing. I found her hilarious, but that tirade about Gaza was unforgivable.
She's Jewish. Most Jews have been very very sensitive about that subject (at least the Jews I know here in the U.S. My FB page has been filled with a lot of very upset Jews who posted Jon Voight's letter in response.) Anyway, she is dead and this is not the time to to talk about her defending Israel, something pretty much all good American Jews do anyway.
The WAY she died is a real eye-opener. These endoscopy clinics are so prevalent, they're like 7-11s, where gastroenterologists have a few extra anesthesiology certifications and they call 911 if something happens. That clinic is now under investigation. I sure as hell ain't going to anything but a hospital for anything from now on, that's for sure.
But she was a really really nice lady. Word is she put the kids of all of her staff through college, that she was nice to anybody working around her, if anybody was sick, any of their family was sick, she sent flowers or gifts, that she was always so kind and generous. She's from a different era, that Don Rickles "roast" era of comedy, one that I never fully understood, honestly, but the industry always (and still does, really) treated women like substandard citizens and she had to bust through that ceiling.
Last edited by allegro; 09-04-2014 at 03:36 PM.
She was Jewish AND old.
My wife grew up in Israel for 8 years of her life and she has extremely moderate views on the whole situation. Granted, she and her family was (and still is) in the scientific atheist side of things.
Anyway, whats this bit about how she died? I'm kind of amazed that a 92 year old has died and it is prompting an investigation into a clinic. That's amazing for many reasons.
She was 81. She had a hoarse throat and went in for what was considered a "routine" endoscopy at an endocopy clinic where they evidently removed a nodule or two and she stopped breathing, went into cardiac arrest, she was rushed to Mount Sinai, had been on a respirator / life support in ICU ever since. She was probably "high risk" due to her advanced age, and the investigation relates to why a clinic would even do that procedure and not send her to a hospital with a real anesthesiologist attending.
(p.s.: Jew, an ancient tribe, passed down through a matriarchal lineage, not exclusively identified by "Judaism" which of course you should know but let's not digress)
Last edited by allegro; 09-04-2014 at 04:14 PM.
Hysterical as always
I saw Joan about 12 years ago. Everyone was literally in tears from laughter, including myself. I crack up every time I watch Fashion Police and she will be sorely missed.
Goddamn, that is hilarious. At least Joan knows what she wanted in death. The funeral has to be on TV, I'm sure it would be a fucking laugh riot.
On another sad note for us serious film buffs, Donatas Banionis of Solaris died at age 90.
i want my tongue to be hanging out of my mouth at my funeral so that people will laugh when they walk by to see me in my casket.
i'm putting it in my will because my wife will not comply otherwise.
edit: nevermind, random internet prank/hoax
Richard Kiel, Jaws from James Bond