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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #691
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    Quote Originally Posted by stankeybearlover View Post
    I enjoyed the Lower Decks and SNW crossover, but I feel like it was lazily wrapped up by Trek standards. Spoiler: They could've just tried to appeal to the Orions with science and reason in stead of appealing to their pride. It would've given a more respectful portrayal of the Orions. How they went about it undercuts the "not all Orions are pirates"-thing that LD has going on.
    I thought that the SNW/LD crossover was going to be really stupid, but I loved it. They really made it work. Good call on making it mostly live action. I liked the meta jokes too, like when Mariner and Boimler commented that everyone in the 23rd century talks "softly and slowly" and Una said that Mariner and Boimler would often make "specific references."

  2. #692
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    The latest episode, a musical, titled "Subspace Rhapsody" was actually pretty good. I was dreading it, but they pulled it off. Hugely talented cast.

  3. #693
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    It was a really fun episode. There was definitely some autotune going on though.

  4. #694
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    SNW wasn't afraid to take chances this season. Sometimes it does feel a bit like "Friends in Space" or too YA sci-fi, but it's still a great show. The finale looks pretty rad:

    I'm hoping season 3 is more like this. I'm sick of the Spock/Nurse Chapel (Ross/Rachel) storyline already.

  5. #695
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    I thought the main plot of Subspace Rhapsody was creative, but would've preferred more Klingon involvement. It would've made more sense for their "dishonor" to stem from them verbalizing their unexpressed feelings to each other rather than from them becoming like a boyband from Earth. And, you know, maybe have the characters' trauma relate to their behavior. Chapel is covering up Mbenga murdering someone last week, and it's doubtful that La'an's overall attitude is only because of her sense of duty. Definitely would've opened the doors for making the Chapel-Spock romance more interesting and given more depth to the bond between La'an and Una.

    Also, I miss T'pring.
    Last edited by stankeybearlover; 08-07-2023 at 01:17 AM.

  6. #696
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    This season of SNW flew by, one episode left already and we'll be lucky if we get a season 3 at all next year.

    Fuck a duck.

    Will we even get the final season of Discovery like we were supposed to? I think they were going to do reshoots for the series finale but I'm not sure if the strikes put the kibosh on that. How about that Section 31 movie? Hmm...

  7. #697
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    This season of SNW flew by, one episode left already and we'll be lucky if we get a season 3 at all next year.

    Fuck a duck.

    Will we even get the final season of Discovery like we were supposed to? I think they were going to do reshoots for the series finale but I'm not sure if the strikes put the kibosh on that. How about that Section 31 movie? Hmm...
    Season 5 of Discovery is ready-to-go. The reshoots were completed before the writers/actors strike.

    SNW has hit the streaming top 10, giving Paramount+ the kind of hit that they never got with Discovery. Hopefully season 3 can be filmed while the show has momentum and good will with a good chunk of the fanbase.

  8. #698
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    Wow, season 2 of SNW went out with a BANG!

    And then it ends with a Spoiler: to be continued. And I loved the way they introduced Spoiler: Scotty!

  9. #699
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    Yeah, that was a great episode and a great season. I sure hope we don't have to wait too long for the third season.

  10. #700
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    Yeah, that was a great episode and a great season. I sure hope we don't have to wait too long for the third season.
    I wonder if episode 1 of season 3 was filmed, given Spoiler: that the finale ended with a cliffhanger.

  11. #701
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    Heh, they finally managed to make captain Batel a little interesting. Loving the use of practical effects too.

    With Spoiler: Scotty's introduction, I'm not sure if I like that they are seemingly turning Spoiler: most of the TOS crew into a collection of what essentially amounts to Spoiler: war veterans.

  12. #702
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    Quote Originally Posted by stankeybearlover View Post
    Heh, they finally managed to make captain Batel a little interesting. Loving the use of practical effects too.

    With Spoiler: Scotty's introduction, I'm not sure if I like that they are seemingly turning Spoiler: most of the TOS crew into a collection of what essentially amounts to Spoiler: war veterans.
    I would be okay with Spoiler: Scotty joining the main cast, but I'd like to see less of Paul Wesley in season 3. He's fine as Kirk, but this is Pike's ship.

  13. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I'd like to see less of Paul Wesley in season 3. He's fine as Kirk, but this is Pike's ship.
    Indeed, we still got 5 or 6 years to go in-universe before Kirk takes command.

    And, gosh, I hope La'an's character development won't continue to revolve around Kirk.

  14. #704
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    I think my favorite episode this season was "Among the Lotus Eaters." Great callback to Rigel VII from "The Cage" and this really had a TOS vibe.

  15. #705
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    I've been enjoying season four of Lower Decks. I hated it at first, but it's really grown on me. I understand why some people might hate this show. You "get" it or you don't.

  16. #706
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  17. #707
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    I’m a novice when it comes to Trek fandom but I’ve really enjoyed Strange New Worlds. Can’t wait for season 3!

  18. #708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santos L Halper View Post
    I’m a novice when it comes to Trek fandom but I’ve really enjoyed Strange New Worlds. Can’t wait for season 3!
    It's awesome. Just so much fun and the stories have been good/great

  19. #709
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  21. #711
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    You can watch the first episode of season five for free:

    I'm in the middle of episode two right now. I'm enjoying it--it's a swashbuckler, serialized adventure that is linked to an episode of TNG. If you never liked Discovery, this won't likely win you over, but it's off to a good start. It's the most fun the show has ever been.

    The dialog can sometimes still be cringe.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 04-06-2024 at 09:06 AM.

  22. #712
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  23. #713
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    Over the past couple weeks, I'm making an effort to really get into ST...I watched the first couple seasons of Discovery, and wanted to get into it after that, but the timing just wasn't right.
    Now I am fully engaged (bad pun) in the ST universe. I'm slowly watching shows, absorbing it and not binging. I even purchased some novels. Currently reading "Spock's World" , so far so good.

  24. #714
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    One thing that bothers me about Discovery is the way the officers conduct themselves. Starfleet is a scientific/military organization with a strong hierarchy and chain of command. Yet, they are always swearing, mouthing off to superior officers, discussing their feelings openly, and wondering if they are seen. In last week's episode, Tilly (not a fan) was telling the First Officer how to communicate with the crew, chewing him out, etc. Such behavior would never have been tolerated on any other Trek show.

  25. #715
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    One thing that bothers me about Discovery is the way the officers conduct themselves. Starfleet is a scientific/military organization with a strong hierarchy and chain of command. Yet, they are always swearing, mouthing off to superior officers, discussing their feelings openly, and wondering if they are seen. In last week's episode, Tilly (not a fan) was telling the First Officer how to communicate with the crew, chewing him out, etc. Such behavior would never have been tolerated on any other Trek show.
    I agree. It's a big turnoff. One great thing about TNG was that it really felt that, for the most part, the adults acted like adults. I heard someone refer to it as "competency porn" and I thought that was both funny and accurate.

  26. #716
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    Discovery should've been set in the 32nd century from the get-go. Everything that the creators wanted to explore with this show would've made a lot more sense with a post-apocalyptic Federation in stead of as a prequel to TOS.

    And now the word is that they are going to do a prequel to the Kelvin movies. Why not just show the butterfly effect of Spock and Narada's time travel by skipping to the 24th century (TNG/DS9/VOY era)? The change in tech would have had a profound effect on the work of Soong and Zimmerman. The actions of the Narada crew undoubtedly impacted Federation-Klingon and Vulcan-Romulan relations. What of the Cardassians and the Bajorans? How would you even tackle the Q in a movie?

  27. #717
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    Quote Originally Posted by stankeybearlover View Post
    Discovery should've been set in the 32nd century from the get-go. Everything that the creators wanted to explore with this show would've made a lot more sense with a post-apocalyptic Federation in stead of as a prequel to TOS.

    And now the word is that they are going to do a prequel to the Kelvin movies. Why not just show the butterfly effect of Spock and Narada's time travel by skipping to the 24th century (TNG/DS9/VOY era)? The change in tech would have had a profound effect on the work of Soong and Zimmerman. The actions of the Narada crew undoubtedly impacted Federation-Klingon and Vulcan-Romulan relations. What of the Cardassians and the Bajorans? How would you even tackle the Q in a movie?
    Discovery never worked as a prequel and making Michael Burnham Spock's foster sister was stupid. It feels like season 3 was a soft-reboot and a course correction.

    I'm starting to think of Discovery as "the stupid Star Trek show." I started to write about some examples of the very poor writing, but it's not worth it. I have enjoyed the show at times, but it's the most flawed Trek show, IMHO. As for a prequel to the Kelvin movies, no one gives a shit.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 04-23-2024 at 10:45 AM.

  28. #718
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    Speaking of prequels...I'm still slowly reading "Spock's World" . Throughout the book, there's two stories happening: Vulcans threatening to secede from the Federation and the discussions, philosophies and arguments that pertain to that, and in between those chapters, are chapters that give a history of the Vulcan planet, literally from the inception of the planet itself and the following thousands/millions of years (I'm sure at some point, the timelines between the two parts of the book will meet up) It's fascinating to read about the evolution of the Vulcans. I'm up to a part now where they are basically a slightly more advanced hunter/gather tribal type and I think to myself: damn, now THIS would be an awesome prequel movie.

  29. #719
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    Speaking of prequels...I'm still slowly reading "Spock's World" . Throughout the book, there's two stories happening: Vulcans threatening to secede from the Federation and the discussions, philosophies and arguments that pertain to that, and in between those chapters, are chapters that give a history of the Vulcan planet, literally from the inception of the planet itself and the following thousands/millions of years (I'm sure at some point, the timelines between the two parts of the book will meet up) It's fascinating to read about the evolution of the Vulcans. I'm up to a part now where they are basically a slightly more advanced hunter/gather tribal type and I think to myself: damn, now THIS would be an awesome prequel movie.
    Oh wow that sounds really interesting. I want to check that.

  30. #720
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    I will say this for Discovery, I liked the way the show handled the Vulcan/Romulan reunification.

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