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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #151
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    (Up to episode 3 spoilers)

    Just realized Michael Burnham's story is a lot like Tom Paris's story

    - Boarding a ship where the crew despises them
    - No status / rank
    - Went against Star fleet regulation...
    - Intelligent

    I like Discovery, I think it was a bit far fetched how Michael, after 7 years I think, back-stabs her captain and throws her career out the window... a career she had been working on for well over 10 years. But maybe she understands the threat and truly knew the only way to avoid a war was to attack first.

    Anyways... I like it!

  2. #152
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    Good catch, she does have a bit of a Tom Paris thing going on.

    To me her decision to mutiny made sense in the context of her Vulcan upbringing. It was a case of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, or the one. To sacrifice one career in order to prevent a war and save millions, it would be the logical thing to do. Plus she may have felt some personal responsibility to defuse matters since she was the one who went to the beacon and killed the Klingon. In her mind it was probably her actions that inadvertently lit the powder keg.

  3. #153
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    First, I'd like to point out once again that I am very old and that I grew up watching Star Trek OS. That doesn't make me better than everyone, I guess it just makes me harder to please.

    I loved TNG, loved DS9, liked Voyager, never watched Enterprise. I'm having issues with the reboot but it's growing on me.

    The first two episodes of Discovery I did not like. There was a lot of eye-rolling involved. I did not like Burnham, I think she's annoying. Saru is supposed to be the "new" Spock/Data according to the producers? Please. No way in hell that's going to happen. It's set 10 years before TOS and we're fighting the Klingons again? FFS. Why not take the TNG route and set the new series in the future, where you don't have to tiptoe around all that established canon; like having Burnham as a foster sister to Spock and him having never said a word about her (I know they are supposed to 'splain that at some point *yawns*). Nope, did not like this one bit.

    But I watched the third episode because, in two words: Jason Isaacs. I love him and I had to see what they were going to do with him. Overall, the third episode was better. There's mysteries and secrets; there's finally an intriguing and likable character with Tilly (there's something going on with her; I'm getting vibes of Asperger's syndrome). Gabriel Lorca sounds like a total I-do-what-I-want asshole which is unusual with Starfleet captains. There's some intriguing new tech which is destined to go nowhere because we've never heard of it before (in the distant future that is; why is that I guess they'll tell us). There was a TNG "Genesis"/Event Horizon/Alien vibe to the episode I loved.

    Still doesn't like Burnham though. And Saru is very, very meh.

    I'm willing to give it a chance but I'm not getting my hopes up.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    The first two episodes of Discovery I did not like. There was a lot of eye-rolling involved. I did not like Burnham, I think she's annoying. Saru is supposed to be the "new" Spock/Data according to the producers? Please. No way in hell that's going to happen. It's set 10 years before TOS and we're fighting the Klingons again? FFS. Why not take the TNG route and set the new series in the future, where you don't have to tiptoe around all that established canon; like having Burnham as a foster sister to Spock and him having never said a word about her (I know they are supposed to 'splain that at some point *yawns*). Nope, did not like this one bit.

    But I watched the third episode because, in two words: Jason Isaacs. I love him and I had to see what they were going to do with him. Overall, the third episode was better. There's mysteries and secrets; there's finally an intriguing and likable character with Tilly (there's something going on with her; I'm getting vibes of Asperger's syndrome). Gabriel Lorca sounds like a total I-do-what-I-want asshole which is unusual with Starfleet captains. There's some intriguing new tech which is destined to go nowhere because we've never heard of it before (in the distant future that is; why is that I guess they'll tell us). There was a TNG "Genesis"/Event Horizon/Alien vibe to the episode I loved.
    You pretty much word for word nailed my thoughts so far. First two episodes were struggling, the third was much stronger. And yes, the series needed to push into the future again, not keep going backwards to cover past events.

    And CBS is totally playing the field on this. They are calling the series prime universe material to attempt to please that part of the fandom, while the production looks 100% Kelvin timeline set with redesigned Klingons and all, for the pro-Abramsverse folks. And that completely unnecessary Klingon overhaul into something unrecognizable says everything about how show runners will regard continuity and canon with this series.

    But the golden age of Star Trek went with the 90s. This is what we get, so we’ll just have to hope for the best and roll with it.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    You pretty much word for word nailed my thoughts so far. First two episodes were struggling, the third was much stronger. And yes, the series needed to push into the future again, not keep going backwards to cover past events.

    And CBS is totally playing the field on this. They are calling the series prime universe material to attempt to please that part of the fandom, while the production looks 100% Kelvin timeline set with redesigned Klingons and all, for the pro-Abramsverse folks. And that completely unnecessary Klingon overhaul into something unrecognizable says everything about how show runners will regard continuity and canon with this series.

    But the golden age of Star Trek went with the 90s. This is what we get, so we’ll just have to hope for the best and roll with it.
    90's Trek FTW!

    I kinda like the new Klingon design--they look far more menacing. As for the new look being in conflict with canon, meh. Production values and budgets change over time. You sort of have to roll with it and assume it's a recon.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 10-07-2017 at 05:01 PM.

  6. #156
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    Really liking Paul Stamets and Lorca. I love the conflict between the two. I dislike Tilly--the Jar Jar of the new series.

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Really liking Paul Stamets and Lorca. I love the conflict between the two.
    Yes and yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I dislike Tilly--the Jar Jar of the new series.
    Oh heck no! Saru is the Jar Jar of Discovery. Wait-- actually, saying this is insulting to Jar Jar since I never despised him as much as I despise Saru.

    Latest episode was solid and that ending was awesomely creepy. The use of the F-word made me roll my eyes though. Really, we've sunk that low now?

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Yes and yes.

    Oh heck no! Saru is the Jar Jar of Discovery. Wait-- actually, saying this is insulting to Jar Jar since I never despised him as much as I despise Saru.

    Latest episode was solid and that ending was awesomely creepy. The use of the F-word made me roll my eyes though. Really, we've sunk that low now?
    Yeah, didn't like that. Trek should be more family-friendly. Loved seeing Harry Mudd!

  9. #159
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    Finally started watching discovery this weekend. a few thoughts:

    the fuck words in last night's episode got a huge groan from me and i imagine thousands of other trek fans. seems totally unnecessary. not that i shy away from that, but in star trek?

    i'm kinda on the fence about the klingons. they look cool. but they behave so differently from other iterations. i mean i guess it's about 110 years between discovery and TNG and cultures can change quite a bit in a century. maybe it's just the individual klingons we're seeing too, kind of religious zealots so maybe they are more serious. but they sure speak in klingon... a lot.

    also kind of a pitfall of a prequel series, but i find myself constantly wondering how we have not heard about some of these events in the future. like, you have a ship that can jump around the universe using a network of fungus that is just underneath normal space? maybe there will be some explanation later in the series about why it never comes up in the future.

    i find the tardigrade/spore dynamic slightly reminiscent of dune with the navigator/spice thing.

    also finding all the inter-crew conflict a little shocking for star trek. some conflict crept in in the later series, but nothing this intense. maybe they don't think a modern audience can stick with a show without that kind of intense drama, but i've recently re-watched TNG and am mostly through DS9 and VOY and i think they hold up much better in the landscape of modern tv than other shows of the era, TNG especially.

    Overall i am enjoying it, we'll see if that feeling holds out. i hope so. As others have said, i think "the orville" feels much more trek than this.
    still grumpy about the CBS all access thing. idk maybe it is the only way they could sustain a new trek series. for a guy who doesnt have cable, i sure have a lot of subscription video services. glad i waited to start the free week and first month of the service. i might be able to get through the season with only 2 monthly charges.

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by talkingnothing View Post
    i find the tardigrade/spore dynamic slightly reminiscent of dune with the navigator/spice thing.
    YES! THIS!!!

    I'm in Canada and here, I don't have to deal with that CBS ridiculous thing. I watch it on a channel called Space which I already had before the series started.

    Also: Run free Ripper!

  11. #161
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    My guess is that the space jump thing was just sort of abandoned and that's why we never heard of it. I'm okay with that, unlike say the Xindi conflict from season 3 of Enterprise. How could that race and that war just never be mentioned again?

  12. #162
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    Just started to watch Star Trek Continues. It's actually quite good.


  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Just started to watch Star Trek Continues. It's actually quite good.

    I love that James Doohan's son is playing Scotty in that, the list of guest stars is also quite impressive.

  14. #164
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    Always loved this scene. What should be a happy moment is just sad. And all that could have been...

  15. #165
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    Here is the latest fan theory about Discovery:

    Spoiler: Ash Tyler is really Voq. I believe it. He's a little too good to be true, showed up out of nowhere, we haven't seen Voq since and Voq was told he would have to "lose everything."

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Here is the latest fan theory about Discovery:

    Spoiler: Ash Tyler is really Voq. I believe it. He's a little too good to be true, showed up out of nowhere, we haven't seen Voq since and Voq was told he would have to "lose everything."
    Spoiler: I heard that one. i can maybe see it as just the kind of shocking twist they're looking for. but the way he was talking to Michael on last episode i find it pretty hard to believe he has that quick a grasp on human emotion and interaction.

    also, i kinda feel like i missed an episode. the timeline seems kinda weird. like didn't the admiral say it had been months since Lorca was captured, but Tilly and Michael are just meeting Ash. and did they talk about setting Ripper free? did anyone even mention it? and is Stamets still using himself to make the jumps? feels like i slept through an episode where they talked about all this. maybe i missed some of this stuff. or maybe we're supposed to have these questions.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by talkingnothing View Post
    Spoiler: I heard that one. i can maybe see it as just the kind of shocking twist they're looking for. but the way he was talking to Michael on last episode i find it pretty hard to believe he has that quick a grasp on human emotion and interaction.

    also, i kinda feel like i missed an episode. the timeline seems kinda weird. like didn't the admiral say it had been months since Lorca was captured, but Tilly and Michael are just meeting Ash. and did they talk about setting Ripper free? did anyone even mention it? and is Stamets still using himself to make the jumps? feels like i slept through an episode where they talked about all this. maybe i missed some of this stuff. or maybe we're supposed to have these questions.
    The Ripper thing seems to have just been resolved without any consequences for setting it free. Stamets is still hooked up to the spore drive and making the jumps.

  18. #168
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    Thoughts on the half-season finale?

  19. #169
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    well, i guess i'm still mostly enjoying it. even if there are constant wtf head-shaking moments. like covertly placing a sensor/transmitting device on a ship that blinks brightly and makes audible noises. hopefully the universal translator will be in effect the rest of the season so we don't have to listen to klingons speak for 30 seconds to get one sentence out. I'm not sure what i would think of the whole Ash situation if i had not heard the theories already. they're keeping it pretty ambiguous, but i'm guessing the show runners weren't counting on this theory to drop so early.

    So far, my favorite episode by far was the Stamets time loop one. felt like Star Trek. I am trying to get over my need for star trek episodes to stand on their own. I watch too much tv and i definitely enjoy shows have story lines that run for whole series or seasons, but it's taking me some time to adjust to star trek being like that, even though DS9, VOY, and Enterprise all had elements of it.

    Part of me thinks the writers aren't sure yet what they want these characters to be. they have this whole "all will be revealed" vibe, but i'm not convinced they know what the revelations will be.

    I also wonder if a show set between when we first met Burnham and Georgiou and where we are now would have been more interesting. it would be cool to see more of the struggle of a human raised on vulcan learning from a very human captain. feels like a wasted character opportunity. instead Michael behaves mostly as a human would but every once in a while says "you're being illogical."

    I'm not sure if the next half season was completed already and is just waiting to air, or if there may actually be some course correction based on reception.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Thoughts on the half-season finale?
    I'm still trying to digest it. I could see the Stamets thing coming lightyears ahead (having watched Star Trek for this long will have this effect) but what annoys me is the Tyler thing. I believe it's best not to try to explain Tyler too much because if you do, you start to see everything that can go wrong with his story line.

    Overall: I really like some characters and really don't like others (couldn't they have left Saru on Pahvo?) but I'm still watching which means that they do have enough of Star Trek right to keep me interested.

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    got this a week and a half ago
    deep space nine's USS Defiant
    "tough little ship"

  22. #172
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    Imagine a debate between Captain Picard and Donald Trump.


  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Imagine a debate between Captain Picard and Donald Trump.


  24. #174
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    Well played! You had some truly classic bits like this on the old board.

  25. #175
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    To be honest that first panel with Trump, the dialogue in the bubble was so authentic sounding I totally read it in his voice in my head.

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Well played! You had some truly classic bits like this on the old board.
    It’s a shame the old nin.com boards had to die, there were some real good threads there. At least we kept them entertaining up until the end.

  27. #177
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    Just re-watched the finale, some thoughts:

    Lorca definitely fucked with the control panel before the jump. He purposely took them to wherever they are. What is he up to?

    My guess is Tyler is Voq. His memory was likey erased and he was given false memories. It would explain why he was fucking L'Rell and why Tyler was introduced just as VOQ was told he would have to "give up everything" and hasn't been seen since.

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  29. #179
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    While I believe he may be involved in developing a story for Star Trek (see his remarks about ST in the past), in no way, I think, will he end his career as a movie director with a franchise feature.

  30. #180
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    A very bizarre turn, but I expect this to be good.

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