Adult Swim's new show, Rick and Morty is fantastic, so I decided to make a thread for it.

There's only 6 episodes thus far, and each episode tops the last one.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's about Rick who is an old alcoholic-mentally unstable- scientist who reconnects with his family and takes Morty, Rick's 12 year old grandson, with a messed up home life out on adventures through time and space.

In my opinion, this is easily one of Adult Swim's better original shows. The characters, The pop-culture reference jokes, the voice acting and drawings are all really great.

Full episodes can be found on Adult Swim's official Youtube channel.

The newest episode "Rick Potion #9" has proven that it can have some pretty complex story lines even just for a cartoon that's only 22 minutes long.

So has anyone seen it? To those who have seen it, thoughts about it so far?