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Thread: The Caffeine Thread

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Drinking my morning coffee now. Caffeine has no effect on me apart from making me poo faster in the morning.
    Thanks for hitting like on this now a year after I initially posted it. LOL

  2. #32
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    I've been wanting to get a French press sometime soon but have no idea what I should get. There's a ton of brands and price ranges and I have no idea if I should wait and get a more expensive one or if a cheaper one is just as good. I read the /r/coffee subreddit but it's mostly people just railing against Starbucks and saying that you need to buy your beans locally, etc., with very little help beyond that.

  3. #33
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    caffeine is not my friend, within half an hour of drinking coffee I start to shake so badly that I can barely write and I can physically feel my heart beating faster. I will drink the occasional cup when it is offered but it has to have milk and sugar.
    I do drink lots of tea but mostly caffeine free herbal. chai or roobios in the morning and peppermint or sleepytime at night. I did get some awesome whole leaf white tea recently that I went through way too fast.
    not had soda in years, it was always too sweet for me

  4. #34
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    In the past 15 years i have had about 3 days without Caffeine. I cant function without it. The second i wake up i run to the kettle half asleep. The first sip of coffee is a real hit. I cant communicate with you until i have my first coffee. Im a vicious miserable snappy cunt without my coffee.
    Its just something i do, its so ingrained in me.
    i love Tea sometimes, but its nowhere near the same level of my love for coffee.
    I also loved Diet Coke but had to stop drinking it becuase i got addicted to it. I was drinking litres of it a day. And would feel hungover the next day. Crazy. Ive met many who also picked up an addiction to it too. Its really under-documented. It sometimes made me feel in large amounts (pepsi max) like i was on crappy speed. So yeah that went out the window. Never really got into energy drinks. They never really worked for me i found.
    But no one is going to take coffee away from me. Simple Nescafe instant is fine anything that does the job!

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I've been wanting to get a French press sometime soon but have no idea what I should get. There's a ton of brands and price ranges and I have no idea if I should wait and get a more expensive one or if a cheaper one is just as good. I read the /r/coffee subreddit but it's mostly people just railing against Starbucks and saying that you need to buy your beans locally, etc., with very little help beyond that.
    I strongly prefer pourover sets or Clevers, French Press coffee keeps a lot of oil and goes off faster. That said, Bodum makes nice and easy to care for presses.

  6. #36
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    Fucking mainlined yesterday; drained a ten-cup pot of drip while double-fisting a big bottle of Coke Zero. Woke up to an automatically-brewed fresh pot today — the cycle continues.

  7. #37
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    This thread made* me make 2 cups of tea... one cup of Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice, one cup of Bigelow English Teatime.

    *For varying values of "made"

  8. #38
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    I just eat caffeine pills like candy. Which doctors believe caused the walnut sized mass I had to get removed from my boob when I was 19... But, ya know...

    For coffee, I absolutely LOVE Cafe Du Monde's French Roast coffee. I've yet to find it anywhere in NYC, so have to order it online. But worth it.

  9. #39
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    Love coffee. I have 2-4 cups of drip coffee in the morning. I add a little milk, or cream or half & half if I have it. I have an espresso machine and grinder and have 1-2 lattes in the afternoon/evening. Love, love, love my espresso machine and if I'm out and can't make my own, I'll settle for Starbucks or other coffee houses. Just espresso and milk, no flavors. I need to drop the 8-9 o'clock pm latte though as it's keeping me up too late. I don't like tea and rarely drink soda.

  10. #40
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    I think Dunkin' Donuts brand whole bean tastes the best, for an everyday coffee. The absolute best coffee I've ever had, is at my local Waffle House. I don't know if it's psychological because of the great smells in there, but that coffee is perfect without having to add anything.

  11. #41
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    For my espressos, I usually prefer cheap 8 o'clock whole bean over any I can get locally, although I haven't tried looking very far. Starbuck beans suck, too oily. Dunkin Donuts is ok too. The best beans I ever got was a custom blend I got in some small coffee shop in the Georgia mountains years ago. I forgot the name of the shop. For drip, we usually get Folders, although currently have Chock Full o'Nuts.

  12. #42
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    I'm a tea guy. Lately I've been drinking Prince of Peace's Oolong. I'm a fan of "earthy" tasting teas, so this is right up my alley, plus it makes me feel great! The caffeine helps, I'm sure. I'll drink some non-caffeinated green tea in the afternoon just to stay warm in my cold office.

    I've never gotten into coffee. I love the smell of coffee and even stuff like coffee flavored ice cream or candy, but the taste of coffee has always turned me off.

    I stopped drinking soda a few years ago, with a relapse last summer. Shit is addicting.

    Energy drinks make me jittery and have to constantly pee. No thanks.

  13. #43
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    Thanks, but I like it!

  14. #44
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    I met someone recently who said he never got into drugs or drinking and doesn't drink coffee either, except for that time in college when he would drink 5 cups a day or even chew on coffee beans themselves (not even the chocolate covered kind!) because he wanted to be productive. I drink coffee regularly but never more than a cup a day and if I don't have to do anything that day, I may not even drink coffee or - gasp!- I drink decaf! I highly enjoy the taste of coffee and feel sad when I hear stories such as this guy who doesn't like coffee but abused it to such an extent that he had withdrawal headaches and generally felt crappy.

    So, I guess I'll make this a PSA: If you want to be productive because you're on a deadline and feeling tired- TAKE A SHORT NAP! Don't abuse caffeine! It will have the opposite effect than you'd like!!

  15. #45
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    Also, my french press glass broke recently and I'm devastated!! Stupid cats knocked it over. The only other coffee maker I have is an Italian Stovetop and that just burns the coffee making it taste so strong and gross. I may just buy cheap filters and do that thing where you put the filter directly over the coffee mug. Won't brew for quite as long but it will beat the alternative.

  16. #46
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    If i drink it it needs to be an espresso. I hate watery coffee. I need it to have an intensive taste. I have a Nespresso-machine now, before that i rarely drank coffee. My favorite - Ristretto. And i dont drink it for the caffeine - I just like the taste amd smell.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackholesun View Post
    I'm a tea guy. Lately I've been drinking Prince of Peace's Oolong. I'm a fan of "earthy" tasting teas, so this is right up my alley, plus it makes me feel great! The caffeine helps, I'm sure. I'll drink some non-caffeinated green tea in the afternoon just to stay warm in my cold office.

    I've never gotten into coffee. I love the smell of coffee and even stuff like coffee flavored ice cream or candy, but the taste of coffee has always turned me off.

    I stopped drinking soda a few years ago, with a relapse last summer. Shit is addicting.

    Energy drinks make me jittery and have to constantly pee. No thanks.
    Pu'erh teas are great for earthy flavors, I've had the original flavor from David's tea
    they also have a pu'erh blended with coffee beans.

  18. #48
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    I drink about 32/oz per day. Kinda thinking of cutting back.

  19. #49
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    @Space Suicide - I've been a Monster Energy person for quite some time, but I just tried NOS Energy Drink and it actually tasted a lot better than I remembered it. It also really hit the spot too. Thanks for your indirect reminder on your Instagram.

    As for Monster Energy, I've been mostly trying the Zero Ultra and Ultra Blue. As for the coffee flavors, my favorites are Kona Cappuccino and Vanilla Light. However, I also have a hard time finding those sometimes. I also miss Baller's Blend.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 07-25-2017 at 08:36 PM.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    @Space Suicide - I've been a Monster Energy person for quite some time, but I just tried NOS Energy Drink and it actually tasted a lot better than I remembered it. It also really hit the spot too. Thanks for your indirect reminder on your Instagram.

    As for Monster Energy, I've been mostly trying the Zero Ultra and Ultra Blue. As for the coffee flavors, my favorites are Kona Cappuccino and Vanilla Light. However, I also have a hard time finding those sometimes. I also miss Baller's Blend.
    Glad to be of service.

    NOS rules.

  21. #51
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    I mostly buy Starbucks vanilla flavored energy drinks. They have a lot of sodium and they keep me up all night, but I don't care.

  22. #52
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    I just recently discovered XYIENCE, and it's been my latest favorite enegry drink so far. I also hope it lasts, especially since it tastes great at zero calories, not to mention seeing energy drinks that aren't Red Bull or Monster come and go so fast. I'd highly recommend XYIENCE to anybody else that likes Monster Energy, especially the Zero Ultra varieties. So far, my favorite flavors from XYIENCE have been Frostberry Blast and Cherry Lime. Perhaps I also got lucky around my way at my local grocery store too, because it also seems to be cheaper than both Monster Energy and NOS Energy Drink, but just by a little bit, which made it even more than worth the price as far as energy drinks go.

  23. #53
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    So what's everyone's current coffee intake rate these days?

    I'm currently hovering around a pot a day, give or take a cup or so.

    Been trying to cut back, but I have precious few addictions in my life at this point, so it seems unfair that I should have to hold back on this one.

  24. #54
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    i found citrus (energy) vitamin waters for $.94! i'm used to spending close to two bucks for them.

  25. #55
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    So I have a good friend who is spending a semester teaching in Indonesia, and she just mailed me a gift package that includes Kopi Luwak coffee. I've never heard of this before, but apparently it's coffee made by having Asian palm civets eat, digest, and shit out coffee cherries. And apparently this is some gourmet coffee shit?

    I have to admit I'm a little stunned by this. Is this a well-known thing and I've just been out of the loop?

    I don't know how I feel about drinking brewed shit.

  26. #56
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    It's a thing! You should drink it! It'll be fine! Their digestion breaks down the acidity or something and civets are adorable. Just like, make it in a nice way and don't throw it in your coffee maker cuz that'll be a waste. Also the coffee is processed after. Only real concern should be like animal cruelty and it's too late for that now/that depends on the manufacturer afaict

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    It's a thing! You should drink it! It'll be fine! Their digestion breaks down the acidity or something and civets are adorable. Just like, make it in a nice way and don't throw it in your coffee maker cuz that'll be a waste. Also the coffee is processed after. Only real concern should be like animal cruelty and it's too late for that now/that depends on the manufacturer afaict
    But...Are you POSITIVE about this? Have you actually tried it yourself? Did it taste normal? No poop taste at all? Cause I'm scared about possibly getting hit with a poop taste. Also of getting poisoned or something.

    I have very little experience when it comes to eating things that have been defecated by animals.

  28. #58
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    I miss caffeine.

    I mean, I don't miss the chemistry of it - caffeine never made me feel more awake or anything like that, but it sure did screw with my heart. I just miss being able to order any sort of coffee drink I wanted, instead of having to scour for some plain-ass decaf option. (Don't get me wrong, I actually do like black coffee - but sometimes I want something fancy and it's not an option.)

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    So I have a good friend who is spending a semester teaching in Indonesia, and she just mailed me a gift package that includes Kopi Luwak coffee. I've never heard of this before, but apparently it's coffee made by having Asian palm civets eat, digest, and shit out coffee cherries. And apparently this is some gourmet coffee shit?

    I have to admit I'm a little stunned by this. Is this a well-known thing and I've just been out of the loop?

    I don't know how I feel about drinking brewed shit.
    Plus side: it does taste great, which I found out before I knew the following.....

    Down site: it sucks big time from an animal rights perspective.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Plus side: it does taste great, which I found out before I knew the following.....

    Down site: it sucks big time from an animal rights perspective.
    Aw man, what the hell. Poor civets

    How did this practice ever develop in the first place?! Luxury coffee made from Civet poop? Who came up with this insanity?

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