@Kris , I used the I Ching for a while, and although I adore the system and find it extremely profound in itself, the oracles themselves... It's a book translated from chinese which makes references to symbols and cultural memes that are more than 3000 years old. Personally, I think meditating on a randomly picked page of a dictionary would be almost as relevant.
I know, it's great, vague enough to provide great food for thought, but in the end as far as I'm concerned I arrive at the same conclusions if I just sit and think at my situation for a while and explore the risks and possibilities. Maybe you've had real oracles from the book, but it never told me anything I didn't already know, or that I wasn't already able to foresee.
I love the principle of mutation, and indeed there's no point in second guessing every daily decision, it's better to inquire on a large scope... But in my experience it never amounted to anything more than ritualized planning, by opposition to actually sit at my desk an write down an actual plan...