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  1. #1591
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Just because there are texts between them EARLIER in the night in no way proves what happened in the moment. People change their minds all the time.

    Also, rape cases are notoriously mishandled, under investigated, shift the blame to the victim, etc, etc, etc.

    I literally had a cop tell me one time "I'm tired of you girls having sex, regretting it, and then trying to make a big deal out of it". Why? Because it was my boyfriend. So of COURSE it couldn't have been forcible!

    Edit: I'm not saying he's culpable. I have no idea. But to automatically dismiss the possibility isn't going to fix any issues, either.
    Yes, all these things are possible and you could guess all day at the possible things... but the Occidental College situation was already investigated multiple times and none of those things came up. The justification for the school's decision on guilt were incredibly lame. Occidental is considered a focal point out here in CA for much of the debate around Yes Means Yes.

  2. #1592
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    The majority of sexual assault victims DON'T contact the police. Because of all of the victim blaming that occurs. So, they might open up about it at a later date to a counselor, or a friend who reports it, etc. It's a fucked up thing to have to relive.

    Also, I believe that most big universities have their own internal police department... at least at the colleges I went to. So while the city police might not be involved, the campus police can still do what they see fit.

  3. #1593
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    The majority of sexual assault victims DON'T contact the police. Because of all of the victim blaming that occurs. So, they might open up about it at a later date to a counselor, or a friend who reports it, etc. It's a fucked up thing to have to relive.

    Also, I believe that most big universities have their own internal police department... at least at the colleges I went to. So while the city police might not be involved, the campus police can still do what they see fit.
    That's what I was assuming, but with all the weird shit I wouldn't be surprised if it was some horrible school policy. People who do not contact the police should become accessories to the crime. Fuck your organization's policies, YOU will be in court for not flagging something to the police.

    It's great that there is some change happening now even outside of law. Some schools are now feeling pressure to do something about rape reports instead of feeling pressure to hide them, at least out here in CA.

  4. #1594
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Question about the schools failing to involve police (which is fucked up)... I've never understood why the victims aren't involving the police on their own. Is there some school "rule" that is getting in their way or something?
    Here, read this.

    Also, read this.

    This is now on the Stanford site, which is good.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-30-2014 at 11:12 PM.

  5. #1595
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Here, read this.
    I'm reading through the other links but this one just doesn't sit right.
    It comes off as "The legal system doesn't produce the results we want, getting it to where we want would basically require corrupting it... so we will bypass this and have the schools investigate where their bar is much lower, such as Occidentals burden of proof requiring only 50.01% certainty"

    Fix the portions of the legal system that aren't sufficient. Maybe it's time to start having the schools carry the cost for these cases. Look at how sexual harassment is handled at the workplace. In many instances the company can be held liable. Also, acting like the legal system is "too slow" for something that is an active threat is silly. There are plenty of options for that. And if it's insufficient, change it!
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 09-30-2014 at 11:37 PM.

  6. #1596
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Look at how sexual harassment is handled at the workplace. In many instances the company can be held liable.
    Sexual harassment in the workplace isn't a criminal offense. It is Federally protected by the EEOC in companies that are large enough under EEOC rules.

    Look at my first link in my post #1586 (which post you quoted). Title IX is important because it is linked to Federal funding of student loans. Get it?

    Talk about timing: The White House has unveiled plans to crack down on college sexual assault just days after Tufts University formally refused to comply with the federal regulations that are already in place.

    As I wrote earlier this month, a growing collective of college students have, over the past two years, pushed for the government to address the problem of campus rape. Now the Obama administration has issued new guidelines to force schools to handle sexual assault on their campuses: They must conduct anonymous surveys about sexual assaults, make sure that reported crimes remain confidential, and adopt more comprehensive education programs that train bystanders to intervene if they witness something they feel is wrong. The government has also started a website called Not Alone to provide victims with information.

    “Colleges and universities need to face the facts about sexual assault,” Vice President Biden told the New York Times. “No more turning a blind eye or pretending it doesn’t exist.” Of course, anyone who’s been following the college sexual assault scandal with even the most casual level of interest knows that at many schools the problem isn’t with the rules—it’s with the universities’ inability to follow them. Or, as in the case of Tufts, their apparent refusal.

    Some background: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 outlawed gender discrimination—which includes sexual assault and harassment—on college campuses. That means any school that receives federal funds (and most do) must try to prevent and competently respond to sexual assaults that occur on its campus or under its authority. Another law, called the Clery Act, requires schools to compile and publish reports of crime on campus; if colleges are found in violation of Clery they can be subject to huge fines. But the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR), which oversees Title IX, can’t issue fines. It has an all-or-nothing punishment system that threatens schools with the complete revocation of federal funds. That’s a pretty big punishment, so when the OCR launches a Title IX investigation, schools almost always work with the office to revise their policies and form a mutual agreement that allows them to keep their funds.

    Earlier this month, Tufts University—which was under investigation for mishandling sexual assault cases—came to an agreement with the OCR on policy revisions it planned to put in place. But nine days later it withdrew from the agreement because, according to a letter from Tufts President Anthony Monaco, OCR was going to find the school in violation anyway. As a result, yesterday—the same day the White House’s new guidelines were released—the OCR announced that Tufts had “failed to comply” with Title IX. And according to a statement on the Department of Education’s website, “OCR may move to initiate proceedings to terminate federal funding of Tufts.”

    A release from the OCR shows that Tufts refused to investigate claims of assault unless they were put in writing, or take interim measures to ensure students’ safety after they’d reported an assault. For a couple of academic years the school didn’t even have a Title IX coordinator, which is required by law.

    Tufts said in a statement that it was “surprised and disappointed” by the OCR’s decision and that the “department’s recently announced finding has no basis in law.” The Department of Education is currently investigating dozens of schools for similar violations, which means its handling of the Tufts case will likely affect how willingly schools will work with the organization in the future, or how seriously they’ll abide by the White House’s new guidelines.

    White House's "Not Alone" web site:

    SEE ALSO THIS (pdf)
    Last edited by allegro; 10-01-2014 at 12:51 AM.

  7. #1597
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    Oh, I know WHY it is currently this way. I'm just saying it doesn't seem right. If you can pass laws that mandate how schools handle an issue, you can pass laws that improve how the legal system handles an issue.

    And there are plenty of criminal offenses that a company will be at least partially liable for if it happens on their watch. Sexual harassment was just an example.

  8. #1598
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    Michael Dunn found guilty of 1st-degree murder in loud-music trial

  9. #1599
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Oh, I know WHY it is currently this way. I'm just saying it doesn't seem right. If you can pass laws that mandate how schools handle an issue, you can pass laws that improve how the legal system handles an issue.
    California just DID.

  10. #1600
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    I know a guy named "Noe" who cannot have sex in California anymore.

  11. #1601
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It's not puritanical in intent
    Much of the focus on "rape culture" is delving into puritanical conservatism. It's not unexpected. That happens to be one of the easiest things to fall back on when trying to solve social problems. There are much better ways to solve problems though.

    I think it's hard for people to see this when they are wrapped up in current issues. So, let's look back a few decades to the era of Tipper Gore and the PMRC with this awesome segment with Jello Biafra. Tipper makes many of the same justifications we are seeing today.

  12. #1602
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    Red Bull got hit with a class action lawsuit and is settling to avoid litigation. What does this mean to you guys? If you've drank a red bull in the last 10 years you're eligible for either $10 or $15 of free red bull mailed to you at THEIR COST.
    Link to the article:

    Link to the form for your free shit:

  13. #1603
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Red Bull got hit with a class action lawsuit and is settling to avoid litigation. What does this mean to you guys? If you've drank a red bull in the last 10 years you're eligible for either $10 or $15 of free red bull mailed to you at THEIR COST.
    Link to the article:

    Link to the form for your free shit:
    I used to buy these bottles at the convenience store owned buy this Vietnamese family.
    They stopped importing them after a while. Don't know if they became illegal or something. Very concentrated compared to the Red Bull in a can.

  14. #1604
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    Safe Link to article:
    Those looking for good news on the fight against Ebola will not find much encouragement from Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly, the commander of the U.S. Southern Command. As Jim Garamone of Department of Defense News reports, Kelly told an audience at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday that, if the disease reaches Central America, "it’s literally, ‘Katie bar the door,’ and there will be mass migration into the United States." He also said with certainty that "there is no way we can keep Ebola [contained] in West Africa." “By the end of the year, there’s supposed to be 1.4 million people infected with Ebola and 62 percent of them dying, according to the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]..." “So, much like West Africa, it will rage for a period of time,” Kelly said. This is particularly possible scenario if the disease gets to Haiti or Central America, he said. If the disease gets to countries like Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador, it will cause a panic and people will flee the region, the general said.

    “If it breaks out, it’s literally, ‘Katie bar the door,’ and there will be mass migration into the United States,” Kelly said. “They will run away from Ebola, or if they suspect they are infected, they will try to get to the United States for treatment.” Kelly said that human trafficking could be an additional wrinkle in the battle to contain the disease. He related a disturbing anecdote from a recent visit to Central America where some men from Liberia were headed to the United States: Also, transnational criminal networks smuggle people and those people can be carrying Ebola, the general said. Kelly spoke of visiting the border of Costa Rica and Nicaragua with U.S. embassy personnel. At that time, a group of men “were waiting in line to pass into Nicaragua and then on their way north,” he recalled. “The embassy person walked over and asked who they were and they told him they were from Liberia and they had been on the road about a week,” Kelly continued. “They met up with the network in Trinidad and now they were on their way to the United States -- illegally, of course.”

    Those men, he said, “could have made it to New York City and still be within the incubation period for Ebola.” Earlier this year, General Kelly gave some chilling testimony about the limitations on the United States's ability to protect the southern border. In spring hearings before the Senate and House Armed Services Committees, Kelly said that budgets cuts are “severely degrading” the military’s ability to defend southern approaches to the U.S border. Last year, he said, his task force was unable to act on nearly 75 percent of illicit trafficking events. “I simply sit and watch it go by,” he said. But the potential threats are even greater. Kelly warned that neglect has created vulnerabilities that can be exploited by terrorist groups, describing a “crime-terror convergence” already seen in Lebanese Hezbollah’s involvement in the region.
    While Centers for Disease Control director Tom Frieden recently expressed some optimism in the fight against Ebola in West Africa, he acknowledged that "globally, this is going to be a long, hard fight."
    We should like totally open the borders you guys, because children duh.

  15. #1605
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  16. #1606
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    Holy shit, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. That is the school district that I went to! Happy to see Nebraska and LPS actually taking a lead on an issue like this!

  17. #1607
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    That is awesome!

  18. #1608
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    This is bizarre (I worked at a funeral home with a crematorium for about 3 months):

  19. #1609
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This is bizarre (I worked at a funeral home with a crematorium for about 3 months):
    Grease fire, really?

  20. #1610
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    Sorry, but that is fucking stupid. How about calling them children? If the lack of accuracy is causing this (as "boys and girls" doesn't accurately represent a group of individuals) how does picking an even more inaccurate label make things better? They are neither purple nor penguins.

  21. #1611
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Sorry, but that is fucking stupid. How about calling them children? If the lack of accuracy is causing this (as "boys and girls" doesn't accurately represent a group of individuals) how does picking an even more inaccurate label make things better? They are neither purple nor penguins.

    To clarify the story, NOT from a right wing site, this is what happened...

    There were a couple of teachers who knew that they would be dealing with trans students this year. Since this was new for them, they asked about getting information on how to properly deal with this, so no students would feel left out. LPS then spoke with an outreach program who got back to LPS with some suggestions. Mostly, yes, addressing the class as "Everyone" or "students". There were also suggestions to not split the class up due to gender, etc. All common sense stuff. The "purple penguin" thing that the right wing news sites latched onto was COMPLETELY taken out of context.

    Also, these are just helpful hints and suggestions so some kids don't feel left out. It isn't like there are strict rules about it or anything. It was simply some teachers wanting to get a head start on things.

    I think it's great. I'm really, really happy to see my former school district taking the lead on this.

  22. #1612
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    I find this news out of Mexico very disturbing, i cant believe its not a bigger story.

  23. #1613
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    I find this news out of Mexico very disturbing, i cant believe its not a bigger story.
    Yup. Sorta of like what the hell happened to all those Nigerian girls that Boka Haram took?

  24. #1614
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    There's a truce with BH at the moment (or at least an element of BH has agreed to a truce) and apparently the girls are to be handed over. I doubt it though, I'm sure it will go sour and there'll be elements of BH which will be incensed by any deals

    Crazy news from Canada... Gunmen have opened fire near a government building, one man down and one gunman down

  25. #1615
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    Sometimes living in Fargo I forget I'm also living in North Dakota.

  26. #1616
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    This hurts my head so bad.
    Yeah, I'mma violating someone's personhood by having a IUD inserted in me? AARGH

    Also, are you saying that Fargo is a bit more progressive than the whole of North Daktoa?

  27. #1617
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  28. #1618
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    This hurts my head so bad.
    Yeah, I'mma violating someone's personhood by having a IUD inserted in me? AARGH

    Also, are you saying that Fargo is a bit more progressive than the whole of North Daktoa?
    Egad, totally violates Roe v. Wade and whomever brings it before the SCOTUS will immediate see SCOTUS shoot it down. But this shows that 380 of the 400 people that live in ND don't know that abortions were used in the times BEFORE CHRIST.

    (somebody needs to do something about Missouri, too, it seems to be going backward in time.)

    Meanwhile, Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God isn't 'a magician with a magic wand'. Progress!!!
    Last edited by allegro; 10-29-2014 at 12:46 PM.

  29. #1619
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    I'm glad he said this out loud. Seems there are a bunch of Catholics out there that didn't know The Church has had this opinion for awhile. I pretty sure my bf's parents are creationists, among other things.

  30. #1620
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    It's not new though. The pope accepted the Big Bang in 1951, in a public speech.

    I do like that he is reminding people that the Bible is allegory.

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