Checking in with cyclothymia ("mild" bi-polar disorder), C-PTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder, meaning it's PTSD with dissociation, which is A: hard as hell to describe/explain, and B: causes me all kinds of issues, because I don't have control of myself when I dissociate, it's like being outside of my own body with no control over my actions), eating disorder, and addiction issues. I have not been officially diagnosed with OCD, but when I'm in a cyclothymia episode or an ED relapse, I sure as hell have all the symptoms.

I'm on two anti depressants (to be fair, one is for migraine and insomnia control) (elavil and zoloft) and xanax for the C-PTSD. Not medicated for the cyclothymia, because episodes are few and far between (I have, like, two a year). Currently in an ED relapse, which is no fun at all.