Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
OMG, you mentioned Grady and Edgar in the same post. Love both of them, can't wait to start reading their newest books.

Edgar has mentioned he's working on a sequel of a sort to Meddling Kids and I'm stoked.
finished "this body's not big enough for both of us" and loved it. so ridiculous and so fun.

read the first two volumes of neil gaiman's sandman series, in one sitting each. can't wait to get volume three!

finished naomi alderman's "the power" yesterday. so intriguing, so upsetting. the last line of the book was brilliant. this excerpt from a review really gets the point across:

When a male friend found out I was reading a book in which all women simultaneously develop the power to electrocute people and subsequently seize control of society, he responded "Tch, if that were the other way around, you'd go mad"... NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Damn right, the idea of a society in which one sex is systematically oppressed through the threat (or use) of physical and sexual violence infuriates me. The concept of one sex being disproportionately raped, killed and restricted sickens me. But I don't need to go and buy a book about the situation being the other way around because THAT'S THE WORLD THAT WE LIVE IN. And yes, I am mad. Just as a stopped clock is correct twice a day, he'd managed to hit the nail on the head while also completely missing the point.